How would I find the maximum possible angle (a) which a rectangle of width (W) can be at within a slot of width (w) and depth (h) - see my crude drawing below
Considering w = hh + WW at the picture:
we can write equation
h * tan(a) + W / cos(a) = w
Then, using formulas for half-angles and t = tan(a/2) substitution
h * 2 * t / (1 - t^2) + W * (1 + t^2) / (1 - t^2) = w
h * 2 * t + W * (1 + t^2) = (1 - t^2) * w
t^2 * (W + w) + t * (2*h) + (W - w) = 0
We have quadratic equation, solve it for unknown t, then get critical angle as
a = 2 * atan(t)
Quick check: Python example for picture above gives correct angle value 18.3 degrees
import math
h = 2
W = 4.12
w = 5
t = (math.sqrt(h*h-W*W+w*w) - h) / (W + w)
a = math.degrees(2 * math.atan(t))
Just to elaborate on the above answer as it is not necessarly obvious, this is why why you can write equation:
h * tan(a) + W / cos(a) = w
PS: I suppose that the justification for "why a is the maximum angle" is obvious
So I have been given the following expression, but I cannot seem to solve it, can anyone do this and show the steps please?
Prove XY'Z + XYZ' + XYZ = XY + XZ
XY'Z + XYZ' + XYZ = XY + XZ
Notice X and Z are common factors between XY'Z and XYZ.
XZ(Y' + Y) + XYZ' =
Y' + Y is equal to 1 (if Y=0 then Y'=1 and so 0 + 1 = 1, that is 0 or 1 = 1. Similarly, if Y=1 then Y'=0 and so 1 + 0 = 1). Therefore, what you get is:
XZ·1 + XYZ' =
XZ·1 = XZ since A·1 = A (if A=0 then 0·1 is 0 and if A=1 then 1·1 = 1). Now the function is simplified to:
XZ + XYZ' =
Notice once again X is a common factor between XZ and XYZ'.
X(Z + YZ') =
Notice this time that Z + YZ' is a special case of the distributive law, which is A + A'B = A + B. This is because if we apply the general distributive law A + BC = (A + B)·(A + C) then we get A + A'B = (A + A')·(A + B) = 1·(A + B) = A + B. Following this reasoning we get to simplify the function even further:
X(Z + Y) =
All that's left is for us to use the distributive law and we finally arrive to the final result:
Please note that nothing is written between variables, an AND operator (or "·" symbol) is assumed. It's just a way to save space.
I want to show that the recursion of quicksort run on best time time on n log n.
i got this recursion formula
M(0) = 1
M(1) = 1
M(n) = min (0 <= k <= n-1) {M(K) + M(n - k - 1)} + n
show that M(n) >= 1/2 (n + 1) lg(n + 1)
what i have got so far:
By induction hyposes
M(n) <= min {M(k) + M(n - k - 1} + n
focusing on the inner expresison i got:
1/2(k + 1)lg(k + 1) + 1/2(n - k)lg(n - k)
1/2lg(k + 1)^(k + 1) + 1/2lg(n - k)^(n - k)
1/2(lg(k + 1)^(k + 1) + lg(n - k)^(n - k)
1/2(lg((k + 1)^(k + 1) . (n - k)^(n - k))
But i think im doing something wrong. i think the "k" should be gonne but i cant see how this equation would cancel out all the "k". So, probably, im doing something wrong
You indeed want to get rid of k. To do this, you want to find the lower bound on the minimum of M(k) + M(n - k - 1). In general it can be arbitrarily tricky, but in this case the standard approach works: take derivative by k.
((k+1) ln(k+1) + (n-k) ln(n-k))' =
ln(k+1) + (k+1)/(k+1) - ln(n-k) - (n-k)/(n-k) =
ln((k+1) / (n-k))
We want the derivative to be 0, so
ln((k+1) / (n-k)) = 0 <=>
(k+1) / (n-k) = 1 <=>
k + 1 = n - k <=>
k = (n-1) / 2
You can check that it's indeed a local minimum.
Therefore, the best lower bound on M(k) + M(n - k - 1) (which we can get from the inductive hypothesis) is reached for k=(n-1)/2. Now you can just substitute this value instead of k, and n will be your only remaining variable.
Is there in sage, any instruction to solve a linear system equations
module p(x) (polynomial over finite field), where the system coefficients are polynomials over finite field in any indeterminate?. I know that for integers exists something like, example
sage: I6 = IntegerModRing(6)
sage: M = random_matrix(I6, 4, 4)
sage: v = random_vector(I6, 4)
sage: M \ v
(4, 0, 2, 1)
Here my code
F.<a> = GF(2^4)
PR = PolynomialRing(F,'X')
X = PR.gen()
a11 = (a^2)*(X^3)+(a^11)*(X^2)+1
a12 = (a)*(X^4)+(a^13)*(X^3)+X+1
a13 = X^2+(a^13)*(X^3)+a*(X^2)+1
a21 = X^3
a22 = X+a
a23 = X^2+X^3+a*X
a31 = (a^12)*X+a*(X^2)
a32 = (a^8)*(X^2)+X^2+X^3
a33 = a*X + (a^2)*(X^3)
M = matrix([[a11,a12,a13],[a21,a22,a23],[a31,a32,a33]])
v = vector([(a^6)*(X^14)+X^13+X,a*(X^2)+(X^3)*(a^11)+X^2+X+a^12,(a^8)*(X^7)+a*(X^2)+(a^12)* (X^13)+X^3+X^2+X+1])
p = (a^2 + a)*X^3 + (a + 1)*X^2 + (a^2 + 1)*X + 1 # is than 6 in the firs code
I'm trying
but PolynomialModRing not exist ...
another person talk me that I will make
R.<Xbar> = PR.quotient(PR.ideal(p))
# change your formulas to Xbar instead of X
A \ b
# ==> (a^3 + a, a^2, (a^3 + a^2)*Xbar^2 + (a + 1)*Xbar + a^3 + a)
this work fine but Now I'm trying to apply the Chinese Theorem Remainder after the code, then .... I defined
q = X^18 + a*X^15 + a*X^12 + X^11 + (a + 1)*X^2 + a
r = a^3*X^3 + (a^3 + a^2 + a)*X^2 + (a^2 + 1)*X + a^3 + a^2 + a
#p,q and r are relatively prime
and I'm trying ...
but I get
File "element.pyx", line 344, in sage.structure.element.Element.getattr (sage/structure/element.c:3871)
File "misc.pyx", line 251, in sage.structure.misc.getattr_from_other_class (sage/structure/misc.c:1606)
AttributeError: 'PolynomialQuotientRing_field_with_category.element_class' object has no attribute 'quo_rem'
I'm thinking that problem is the change Xbar to X
Here my complete example to integers
from numpy import arange, eye, linalg
A = matrix([[2,-3,2],[1,4,-1],[-1,2,1]])
ylist=matrix(IntegerModRing(p[i]),[[2,-3,2],[1,4,-1], [-1,2,1]])\vector(IntegerModRing(p[i]),[21,1,17])
Maybe... this is what you want? Continuing your example:
G = F.extension(p) # This is what you want for "PolynomialModRing(p)
which outputs
(a^3 + a, a^2, (a^3 + a^2)*X^2 + (a + 1)*X + a^3 + a)
In your question you ask "where the system coefficients are polynomials over finite field in any indeterminate" so what I'm doing above is NOT what you have actually asked, which would be a weird question to ask given your example. So, I'm going to just try to read your mind... :-)
I'm in need of help solving an issue, the problem came up doing one of my small robot experiments, the basic idea, is that each little robot has the ability to approximate the distance, from themselves to an object, however the approximate I'm getting is way too rough, and I'm hoping to calculate something more accurate.
Input: A list of vertex (v_1, v_2, ... v_n), a vertex v_* (robots)
Output: The coordinates for the unknown vertex v_* (object)
Each vertex v_1 to v_n's coordinates are well known (supplied by calling getX() and getY() on the vertex), and its possible to get the approximate range to v_* by calling; getApproximateDistance(v_*), function getApproximateDistance() returns two variables variables, that is; minDistance and maxDistance. - The actual distance lies in between these.
So what I've been trying to do to obtain the coordinates for v_*, is to use trilateration, however I can't seem to find a formula for doing trilateration with limits (lower and upperbound), so that's really what I'm looking for (not really good enough at math, to figure it out myself).
Note: is triangulation the way to go instead?
Note: I would possibly love to know a way to do, performance/accuracy trade-offs.
An example of data:
[Vertex . `getX()` . `getY()` . `minDistance` . `maxDistance`]
[`v_1` . 2 . 2 . 0.5 . 1 ]
[`v_2` . 1 . 2 . 0.3 . 1 ]
[`v_3` . 1.5 . 1 . 0.3 . 0.5]
Picture to show data:
It's obvious that the approximate for v_1 can be better, than [0.5; 1], as the figure that the above data creates is small cut of a annulus (limited by v_3), however how would I calculate that, and possibly find the approximate within that figure (this figure is possibly concave)?
Would this be better suited for MathOverflow?
I would go for a simple discrete approach. The implicit formula for an annulus is trivial and the intersection of multiple annulus if the number of them is high can be computed somewhat efficently with a scanline based approach.
For getting high accuracy with a fast computation an option could be using a multiresolution approach (i.e. first starting in low-res and then recomputing in high-res only samples that are close to a valid point.
A small python toy I wrote can generate a 400x400 pixel image of the intersection area in about 0.5 secs (this is the kind of computation that would get a 100x speedup if done with C).
# x, y, r0, r1
data = [(2.0, 2.0, 0.5, 1.0),
(1.0, 2.0, 0.3, 1.0),
(1.5, 1.0, 0.3, 0.5)]
x0 = max(x - r1 for x, y, r0, r1 in data)
y0 = max(y - r1 for x, y, r0, r1 in data)
x1 = min(x + r1 for x, y, r0, r1 in data)
y1 = min(y + r1 for x, y, r0, r1 in data)
def hit(x, y):
for cx, cy, r0, r1 in data:
if not (r0**2 <= ((x - cx)**2 + (y - cy)**2) <= r1**2):
return False
return True
res = 400
step = 16
white = chr(255)
grey = chr(192)
black = chr(0)
img = [black] * (res * res)
# Low-res pass
cells = {}
for i in xrange(0, res, step):
y = y0 + i * (y1 - y0) / res
for j in xrange(0, res, step):
x = x0 + j * (x1 - x0) / res
if hit(x, y):
for h in xrange(-step*2, step*3, step):
for v in xrange(-step*2, step*3, step):
cells[(i+v, j+h)] = True
# High-res pass
for i in xrange(0, res, step):
for j in xrange(0, res, step):
if cells.get((i, j), False):
img[i * res + j] = grey
img[(i + step - 1) * res + j] = grey
img[(i + step - 1) * res + (j + step - 1)] = grey
img[i * res + (j + step - 1)] = grey
for v in xrange(step):
y = y0 + (i + v) * (y1 - y0) / res
for h in xrange(step):
x = x0 + (j + h) * (x1 - x0) / res
if hit(x, y):
img[(i + v)*res + (j + h)] = white
open("result.pgm", "wb").write(("P5\n%i %i 255\n" % (res, res)) +
Another interesting option could be using a GPU if available. Starting from a white picture and drawing in black the exterior of each annulus will leave at the end the intersection area in white.
For example with Python/Qt the code for doing this computation is simply:
img = QImage(res, res, QImage.Format_RGB32)
dc = QPainter(img)
dc.fillRect(0, 0, res, res, QBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255)))
dc.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0)))
for x, y, r0, r1 in data:
xa1 = (x - r1 - x0) * res / (x1 - x0)
xb1 = (x + r1 - x0) * res / (x1 - x0)
ya1 = (y - r1 - y0) * res / (y1 - y0)
yb1 = (y + r1 - y0) * res / (y1 - y0)
xa0 = (x - r0 - x0) * res / (x1 - x0)
xb0 = (x + r0 - x0) * res / (x1 - x0)
ya0 = (y - r0 - y0) * res / (y1 - y0)
yb0 = (y + r0 - y0) * res / (y1 - y0)
p = QPainterPath()
p.addEllipse(QRectF(xa0, ya0, xb0-xa0, yb0-ya0))
p.addEllipse(QRectF(xa1, ya1, xb1-xa1, yb1-ya1))
p.addRect(QRectF(0, 0, res, res))
and the computation part for an 800x800 resolution image takes about 8ms (and I'm not sure it's hardware accelerated).
If only the barycenter of the intersection is to be computed then there is no memory allocation at all. For example a "brute-force" approach is just a few lines of C
typedef struct TReading {
double x, y, r0, r1;
} Reading;
int hit(double xx, double yy,
Reading *readings, int num_readings)
while (num_readings--)
double dx = xx - readings->x;
double dy = yy - readings->y;
double d2 = dx*dx + dy*dy;
if (d2 < readings->r0 * readings->r0) return 0;
if (d2 > readings->r1 * readings->r1) return 0;
return 1;
int computeLocation(Reading *readings, int num_readings,
int resolution,
double *result_x, double *result_y)
// Compute bounding box of interesting zone
double x0 = -1E20, y0 = -1E20, x1 = 1E20, y1 = 1E20;
for (int i=0; i<num_readings; i++)
if (readings[i].x - readings[i].r1 > x0)
x0 = readings[i].x - readings[i].r1;
if (readings[i].y - readings[i].r1 > y0)
y0 = readings[i].y - readings[i].r1;
if (readings[i].x + readings[i].r1 < x1)
x1 = readings[i].x + readings[i].r1;
if (readings[i].y + readings[i].r1 < y1)
y1 = readings[i].y + readings[i].r1;
// Scan processing
double ax = 0, ay = 0;
int total = 0;
for (int i=0; i<=resolution; i++)
double yy = y0 + i * (y1 - y0) / resolution;
for (int j=0; j<=resolution; j++)
double xx = x0 + j * (x1 - x0) / resolution;
if (hit(xx, yy, readings, num_readings))
ax += xx; ay += yy; total += 1;
if (total)
*result_x = ax / total;
*result_y = ay / total;
return total;
And on my PC can compute the barycenter with resolution = 100 in 0.08 ms (x=1.50000, y=1.383250) or with resolution = 400 in 1.3ms (x=1.500000, y=1.383308). Of course a double-step speedup could be implemented even for the barycenter-only version.
I would switch from "max/min" to trying to minimize an error function. That gets you to the problem discussed at Finding a point that best fits the intersection of n spheres which is more tractable than intersecting a series of complicated shapes. (And what if one robot's sensor is messed up and it gives an impossible value? That variation will still usually give a reasonable answer.)
Not sure about your case, but in a typical robotics application you're going to be reading sensors periodically and crunching the data. If that's the case, you're trying to estimate the location based on noisy data and that's a common problem. As a simple (less rigorous) method, you could take the existing position and adjust it toward or away from each known point. Take the measured distance to target minus the present distance to target, multiply that delta (error) by some value between 0 and 1, and move your estimated position that much toward the target. Repeat for each target. Then repeat each time you get a new set of measurements. The multiplier will have an effect like a low-pass filter, smaller values will give you a more stable position estimate with slower response to movement. For the distance, use the average of the min and max. If you can put tighter bounds on the range to one target, you can increase the multiplier closer to 1 for just that target.
This is of course a crude position estimator. The math guys can probably be more rigorous, but also more complicated. The solution is definitely not anything to do with intersecting areas and working with geometric shapes.