How to properly subtract a shape from a Path in JavaFX - javafx

My JavaFX application draws up to 10 different types of shapes. Some of them are complex and must be drawn with Path as a series of lines and arcs. Some of the shapes are negative areas where they are to be subtracted from any shapes they overlap.
I've found that subtracting from basic Javafx shapes such as Circle and Rectangle work as expected but shapes made from Path do not.
The overlapped shape shown:
The result of subtracting:
As you can see the shape is subtracted from the circle correctly but attempting to subtract the ellipse from the "fillet" shape only leaves a gap and the lines are darker/thicker because it is trying to close that gap by retracing back around to the other end of the gap instead of drawing the overlapped area.
Here's the code for drawing the complex shape shown in the image
//Here the v shape is drawn from right to left
Path path = new Path();
path.getElements().add(new MoveTo(firstLineXposition, firstLineYposition));
path.getElements().add(new LineTo(originX, originY));
path.getElements().add(new LineTo(secondLineXPos, secondLineYPos));
//here the arc is drawn from top left point to the top right point
ArcTo arc = new ArcTo();
path.getElements().add(new ClosePath());
I'm guessing that there is a missed step in drawing these shapes with Path, it should be treated as one whole shape and appears to be treated as a series of lines instead.

I assume your Path is not filled (has no fill color set). So I guess you are just intersecting with the area that is defined by the outline stroke.


Create Plane on line with same angle it was making on another line?

I have one plane mesh which will be rotated by user for his desire orientation then I have line which I create so it will pass through that plane. Now user can rotate plane mesh using transform controls as he want. After rotation we have final orientation of plane now that plane normal and line which passed through center of plane have some angle.
Another line I have is in a completely different position than the first line. I want to create plane on this line which will have same orientation as previous plane and make same angle as previous plane normal is making with its center line.
I don't want to change the position of the lines as both lines position are important.
How Do I proceed I tried Cloning old plane and placed that plane on new line but it is not making the same angle as previous one.
Here is the Link to Live code sandbox I created.
Press A to create plane on second line.

Calculate nearest point on circle

I'm trying to calculate the point marked in red (to create a line between the circle and the corner of the box)
It's a similar problem to this A JavaScript function that returns the x,y points of intersection between two circles?
However this is for 2 circles.
I know the position of both, circle radius etc, how do I calculate the nearest point to that corner on the circle?
const shapeTop = this.shape.getAttribute('position').clone()
//I want to apply the position here
const geo = this.button.children[0].getAttribute('geometry')
const halfWidth = geo.width * 0.5
const halfHeight = geo.height * 0.5
const buttonEdge = {
x: buttonPos.x + (buttonPos.x > 0 ? - halfWidth : halfWidth),
y: buttonPos.y + (buttonPos.y > 0 ? - halfHeight : halfHeight),
z: buttonPos.z,
In three.js, you can calculate the desired point like so:
var vector = new THREE.Vector3(); // or Vector2
vector.copy( corner ).sub( center ).setLength( radius ).add( center );
three.js r.93
The core question is, how to find a point on the circle which has the shortest distance to a given rectangle.
After my thought, we can split the whole 2D-plane into two areas, one is where the rectangle can be moved to by translating with the direction of its' borders, the other is where the rectangle can't be moved in that way. The first area paints like a crossing road (the colored area), and the second area is the rest of the 2D-plane (the white area).
If the center of this circle is inside the first area, then the requested point is the intersecting point of ((the circle) and (the perpendicular line from (the center of circle) to (the nearest border of the rectangle))). Else if the center is inside the second area, then the requested point is the nearest corner of the rectangle.
Update: Another thought is to consider just these 6 points: 4 is the intersection of ((the circle) and (the line between circle center and the 4 corner of rectangle)), another 2 is the intersection of ((the circle) and (the perpendicular line from (the center of circle) to (the borders of rectangle))).
As #WestLangley's answer correctly points out, it is easy to find the nearest point of the circle, once the nearest point on the rectangle is known.
However, there are two different types of "nearest point" possibile on the rectangle: a corner or a side. The figure below illustrates both possibilities:
To determine which case you have, project the center of the circle onto each of the four lines (for example, as in this Q&A). If you do a normalized projection, a value <0 or >1 indicates that your nearest point for that segment is a corner. You are then left with the four corners and any projections that resulted in a value between 0 and 1 as candidates.
Once you have found which candidate is nearest the center of the circle, apply the accepted answer.

Extract pixel coordinates in scilab

I have extracted edge using image processing then I selected pixel coordinate using xclick of extracted edge.Is this correct or there is need of reverse y axis coordinate?(Extracted edge is white on black background)
I want to automatically extracted pixel coordinates of extracted edge not by mouse selection.Is there is any command available in scilab?(I use canny edge detector and morphological filter to extract edge)
Please give me some suggestions
1.) Whether to reverse the y coordinte or not, depends on the further processing. Any coordinate system can be used if you need only relative measurements and the true orientation of your features is not important (e.g. reversing top and bottom makes no difference if you simply want to count objects or droplets). Hovewer if you want to indicate your found features by plotting a dot, or a line, or a rectangle (e.g. with plot2d or xrect) or a number (e.g. with xnumb) over the image, then it's necessary to match the two coordinate sytems. I recommend this second option and to plot your result over the original image, since this is the easiest way to check your results.
2.) Automatic coordinate extraction can be made by the find function: it returns those indices of the matrix, where the expression is true.
IM=[0,0,0,1;0,0,0,1;0,1,1,1;1,1,0,0]; //edge image, edge = 1, background = 0
disp(IM,"Edge image");
[row,col]=find(IM==1); //row & column indices where IM = 1 (= edge)
disp([row',col'],"Egde coordinates (row, col)");
If your "Egde image" marks the edges not with 1 (or 255, pure white pixel) but with a relatively high number (bright pixel), then you can modify the logical expression of the find function to detect pixels with a value above a certain threshold:
[row,col]=find(IM>0.8); //if edges > a certain threshold, e.g. 0.8
EDIT: For your specific image:
Try the following code:
//you have to modify this path!
IM=imcrop(I,[170,100,950,370]); //discard the thick white border of the image
scf(0); clf(0);
ShowImage(IM,'cropped image');
threshold=100; //try different values between 0-255 (black - white)
imheight=size(IM,"r"); //image height
row=imheight-row+1; //reverse y axes coordinates (0 is at top)
plot2d(col,row,style=0); //plot over the image (zoom to see the dots)
scf(1); clf(1); //plot separate graph
If you play with the threshold parameter, you will see how the darker or whiter pixels are found.

determine rectangle rotation point

I would like to know how to compute rotation components of a rectangle in space according to four given points in a projection plane.
Hard to depict in a single sentence, thus I explain my needs.
I have a 3D world viewed from a static camera (located in <0,0,0>).
I have a known rectangular shape (an picture, actually) That I want to place in that space.
I only can define points (up to four) in a spherical/rectangular referencial (camera looking at <0°,0°> (sph) or <0,0,1000> (rect)).
I considere the given polygon to be my rectangle shape rotated (rX,rY,rZ). 3 points are supposed to be enough, 4 points should be too constraintfull. I'm not sure for now.
I want to determine rX, rY and rZ, the rectangle rotation about its center.
--- My first attempt at solving this constrint problem was to fix the first point: given spherical coordinates, I "project" this point onto a camera-facing plane at z=1000. Quite easy, this give me a point.
Then, the second point is considered to be on the <0,0,0>- segment, which is about an infinity of solution ; but I fix this by knowing the width(w) and height(h) of my rectangle: I then get two solutions for my second point ; one is "in front" of the first point, and the other is "far away"... I now have a edge of my rectangle. Two, in fact.
And from there, I don't know what to do. If in the end I have my four points, I don't have a clue about how to calculate the rotation equivalency...
It's hard to be lost in Mathematics...
To get an idea of the goal of all this: I make photospheres and I want to "insert" in them images. For instance, I got on my photo a TV screen, and I want to place a picture in the screen. I know my screen size (or I can guess it), I know the size of the image I want to place in (actually, it has the same aspect ratio), and I know the four screen corner positions in my space (spherical or euclidian). My software allow my to place an image in the scene and to rotate it as I want. I can zoom it (to give the feeling of depth)... I then can do all this manually, but it is a long try-fail process and never exact. I would like then to be able to type in the screen corner positions, and get the final image place and rotation attributes in a click...
The question in pictures:
Images presenting steps of the problem
Note that on the page, I present actual images of my app. I mean I had to manually rotate and scale the picture to get it fits the screen but it is not a photoshop. The parameters found are:
Scale: 0.86362
rX = 18.9375
rY = -12.5875
rZ = -0.105881
center position: <-9.55, 18.76, 1000>
Note: Rotation is not enought to set the picture up: we need scale and translation. I assume the scale can be found once a first edge is fixed (first two points help determining two solutions as initial constraints, and because I then know edge length and picture width and height, I can deduce scale. But the software is kind and allow me to modify picture width and height: thus the constraint is just to be sure the four points are descripbing a rectangle in space, with is simple to check with vectors. Here, the problem seems to place the fourth point as a valid rectangle corner, and then deduce rotation from that rectangle. About translation, it is the center (diagonal cross) of the points once fixed.

How can I check collision between a triangle - circle and triangle rectangle? (including rotation)

I need to check if some shapes are colliding in a 2D world.
To check collision between circle and rectangle I found this:
Collision Detection with Rotated Rectangles
But now I need to add another shape to this code (triangle), and the triangle can rotate too.
How can I do that?
This JSTS example (in javascript) shows how to intersect two polygons.
In order to modify the example to make one of them into a circle, use this snippet:
// this returns a JSTS polygon circle approximation with provided center and radius
function pointJSTS(center,radius){
var point = new jsts.geom.Point(center);
return point.buffer(radius);
// ....
// insert this into the example above at line 17
b = pointJSTS({x:10,y:20}, 40);
Further modification to the example to make the first polygon into a triangle is trivial.
