QML module not found when using KDE Kirigami - qt

So I decided to use KDE Kirigami UI framework in my app so I followed the instructions here. I cloned the repo in my app directory and then added it with a simple include(kirigami/kirigami.pri) in my project file.
Now this works, however the problem I encountered is that in QML there is always the error: QML module not found when I import the plugin (import org.kde.kirigami 2.9). The project still compiles and runs just fine and I am able to use the UI components I need, however the major issue is that code completion and syntax highlighting for the Kirigami plugin do not work.
A similar question has been asked before here, I have tried all the suggestions in the answers of that thread but none of them worked:
I imported QQmlEngine::addImportPath the kirigami/src/controls folders using absolute and relative paths. I also tried with qrc:/.
I added a QML_IMPORT_PATH += $$PWD/kirigami/src/controls $$PWD/kirigami line to my project file.

When you mouse over the "module org.kde.kirigami not found" error marker in a QML file, the popup tells you that Qt Creator is looking in QML_IMPORT_PATH for these files. It also tells you how to set this.
By adding QML_IMPORT_PATH += … to your project file, you have set it for a qmake based build process. However, Kirigami projects usually use CMake, and that might be the reason why your previous attempts did not work out.
To set QML_IMPORT_PATH for a CMake based build system, you would open the CMakeLists.txt file from the root of your project tree and add the following section on top:
# ------------------------- BEGIN: lists to maintain manually -------------------------
# Directories where Qt Creator can find QML files of Kirigami etc. on your system.
# (This setting is cached in variable QML_IMPORT_DIR, see below. Delete
# ${BUIL_DIR}/CMakeCache.txt to make make changes here effective.)
list(APPEND QML_DIRS "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml")
# ------------------------- END: lists to maintain manually -------------------------
# Tell Qt Creator where to find QML files.
# (The build process will work without this, but no code completion etc..)
CACHE STRING "Qt Creator 4.1 extra qml import paths"
Of course, adapt it to the correct directory for your system. On a Debian / Ubuntu based system, the following will determine the directory containing Kirigami QML files installed from the repositories:
dpkg -L qml-module-org-kde-kirigami2 | grep "\.qml"
Source: another answer on StackOverflow


Add QML files to Qt Creator project tree with CMake

I have a library called qml_components containing basic QML graphical elements. I'd like to add these files to the project tree, without building them. I've been able to regroup them in a variable, by doing the following:
I then tried to add them to my library target:
# Add QML files to project tree without building/compiling them
While researching I read that ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET could add the files to the sources without building them:
The SOURCES option specifies additional source files to be included in the custom target. Specified source files will be added to IDE project files for convenience in editing even if they have not build rules.
It doesn't seem to work. I think the probable cause is that I do not generate any binaries from this library, hence the failure when trying to link the sources to the TARGET.
I had forgotten to add the SOURCES keyword in the command...
I'm leaving this thread open as it could be of useful information to others.

Qt/CMake difficulty with new source files

I am using Qt in a way that the Qt-related files are in a separate subdirectory GUI, and I am using CMake file, the relevant part of it shown below. Basically this setup works, but when I add a new file (something like an own widget), the new file compiles OK, but in the linking phase the new object is not found. I used to delete the build subdirectory, and after that everything works fine. So, my question: do I wrong something with CMake? (I quess the symptoms are caused by some caching problem)
include_directories(${Qt5Widgets_INCLUDES} GUI/include main/include)
add_executable(simGUI main/sim_GUI.cpp ${QOBJECT_SOURCES}
# Use the Widgets module from Qt 5.
target_link_libraries(simGUI Qt5::Widgets)
From CMake doc:
We do not recommend using GLOB to collect a list of source files from your source tree. If no CMakeLists.txt file changes when a source is added or removed then the generated build system cannot know when to ask CMake to regenerate.
The typical approach is to list all files manually.

How to add library paths in Qt Creator like LIBPATH in Visual Studio?

a) How do we add library paths where the project should look for depended libraries in Qt Creator?
b) How are the settings in project >> Run >> Build Environment related to similar in .pro file? Does the environment variable listed there applies to .pro file as well (well they don't) so what are they exactly?
Visual Studio has a various environment variables for folders where a project looks for include files, library files or executable files etc. This is rather confusing in Qt Creator and I havne't seen good documentation on it.
The only thing which is obvious is INCLUDEPATHvariable which points to the directories where to look for the include files (.h)
However how do I set the library paths, the path where it should look for dependent libraries/dlls etc? I can specify the exact library with LIBS variable in .pro file, there don't seem to equivalent of LIBPATH variable where it should look for other libraries if not found in current folder.
I have worked around this be adding library path the following way basically using LIBS variable but dropping the library file name and that seems to work and add the path but I don't see this documented anywhere.
LIBS += -L"$$_PRO_FILE_PWD_/Xerces/bin/"
But what makes things more interesting is the settings in Projects >> select 'Run' from current configuration and expand the Run Environment settings.
Here there is LIB variable and LIBPATH variable but there are clearly not .pro environment available. It also says here that these settings are local to user and saved in .pro.user file which perhaps suggest it's a different way to set but it doesn't say how to set them in .pro file but it does suggest to set them there if want to apply for all users!
Likewise there are DEPENDPATH AND VPATH and it is not really clearly what they are used for.
I don't have enough Rep to add comments to your question, So am adding my comment in form of answer. I am pretty new to Qt and have been developing Qt GUI application on Linux.
I set this LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable with the path to my Qt libraries. Am not sure how much it will be helpful to you since you are using visual studio on windows.
in Projects property go to Build Environment and add a variable with the libs path, example NAME_LIBPATH. So in the .pro file add the following:
# your lib configuration

Undefined references - I'm including correct header

I'm trying to subclass from ProjectExplorer::ProjectExplorerPlugin but I'm getting error telling me about undefined references. Any ideas how to fix it?
class MyPluginPlugin : public ProjectExplorer::ProjectExplorerPlugin
error: undefined reference to `imp__ZN15ProjectExplorer21ProjectExplorerPluginC2Ev'
The fact that you don't get a compilation error, but an undefined reference usually means that your project knows where the header files are, but it doesn't know where the library is which contains the already compiled source code.
I've never written a plugin for Qt Creator but I've taken a quick look at its source code structure and I see the following options:
Option A)
There is a projectexplorer.pro file in Qt Creator's source under src/plugins/projectexplorer. You could manually build that project in order to get a ProjectExplorer.lib (plus a .dll or a .a) and then reference this library.Example: Assuming the library would be created in the same directory as its .pro file (I have no idea if it is like that) and you created your plugin withing Qt Creator's source under src/plugins/myplugin, you would define your LIBS variable like this:
LIBS += -L../projectexplorer \
The first line adds "../projectexplorer" as an additional library directory and the second line adds "ProjectExplorer" as a library to search in any of the defined directories (it automatically adds the OS-specific file extensions like .lib on windows etc).
Obviously if your project or the library is located somewhere else, you need to change the first line accordingly.
Option B)
You could include the source and header files of the projectexplorer directory to your own .pro file using the HEADERS and SOURCES variables. I'm not sure if this wouldn't interfere with any other plugins (including projectexplorer itself) though.
Option C)
There probably is a way to include the projectexplorer.pro file so that you have a master project which first builds the project explorer library and then your own plugin. This would be the safest way to go as it ensures the Project Explorer library is built and up-to-date before your own project is linked against it.
However I have limited experience on this.
If anyone reading this can give a detailed explanation on this option, feel free to edit or provide your own answer.
If you are using Qt Creator built from source coded after April 2013 which includes Commit: #66a3553 - make library and plugin dependencies declarative, then you can simply specify dependencies for your plugin in its .pro file:
# myplugin.pro
coreplugin \

Qt How to make and install plugins?

I would like to use the Qt Quick Components for Desktop mentioned here: http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/03/10/qml-components-for-desktop/
The author gives the following installation-instructions:
Since all of this is developed as a plugin to Qt itself, all you need to get started is the Qt 4.7.2 SDK. Just check out the http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-components/desktop and do the equivalent of a qmake && make install on your system.
I cloned the repository, executed qmake, mingw32-make and mingw32-make install on it in the command-line.
A new folder was created which includes the files libstyleplugin.a and styleplugin.dll.
I just don't know what to do with them. The sample-qml-files (using the components I try to install here) show nothing in the QML-Viewer, which means they aren't isntalled correctly.
So what am I supposed to do? (btw. I'm on Windows).
Hedge, I've done that on Linux but I believe you will be able to do the same on Windows. You already built the plugin which is good. Cause it seems "make install" doesn't really work (lets not blame the trolls - its just an experimental project), you need to do that manually. Now you need to do the following:
Create "imports" directory inside the directory whether you installed Qt.
Create "Qt/labs" directory inside that "imports" directory so overall it looks like this: YOUR_QT_DIR/imports/Qt/labs.
Copy "components" directory from the director where you built the components to "YOUR_QT_DIR/imports/Qt/labs" so it looks like this: YOUR_QT_DIR/imports/Qt/labs/components.
Go to "examples" directory in the directory where you built the components. You will find Browser.qml, Gallery.qml and Panel.qml files there. Open say Gallery.qml in a text editor and replace the following two lines on the top:
import "../components"
import "../components/plugin"
import Qt.labs.components 1.0
save changes and run Gallery.qml in qmlviewer. You should be able to run it.
Also you could leave the import statements from Gallery.qml as they were but that would rely on the relative directory where you built the components and won't work anywhere else.
Hope that helps
On Windows my directory ended up being C:\QtSDK\Desktop\Qt\4.7.3\mingw.
Hope this helps!
