The Crashlytics dashboard is showing Crash-free statistics but there is no crash in the ISSUES table - firebase

The Crashlytics dashboard is showing Crash-free statistics but there is no crash in the ISSUES table.
Latest Fabric and Crashlytics following the Firebase tutorial
Forced a crash using Crashlytics.sharedInstance().crash()
In appdelegate I set FirebaseApp.configure()
App is not on Appstore, but I uploaded the dsyms from the xarchive package

That can happen from time and here's why - when a session ends in a crash, the small amount of data that needs to be sent to know that the crash occurred can safely be sent. However, the crash report is larger, so it can't be sent safely until your users relaunch the app. Once your users do that, the crash report will be sent and you'll be able to dive into the details. Let me know if that clears it up or if you have any other questions!


Firebase Crashlytics Webhook for Slack won't report recurring crashes

I have successfully set up the Webhook for Slack so that it will report crashes on Firebase Crashlytics. This is working completely fine!
However, when it detects the same crash multiple times,
it will report the first crash to the slack channel just fine, but the second time and after the same crash is detected, it does not report to the slack channel.
Is this how it's supposed to be?
I want to notify Slack of all crashes.
I can see in the slack integration settings section that the following settings that can be/is turned on.
Please check my image. ↓
enter image description here
Thank you for watching. :D
This is working as expected. As you can see in the screenshot Triggered when your app experiences a crash Crashlytics hasn't seen before, the notifications will be triggered when a new issue is detected.
After that, crashes that fall in the same issue won't trigger a notification as Crashlytics has already seen them before.
Check this blog post that explains this in detail for the different types of alerts.

Firebase cloud messaging shows There was an error loading targeting options

I used Firebase cloud messaging to send the notification to the users but from last one week i am getting this error while targetting the App
There was an error loading targeting options.
I have same problem. Interesting thing, that message was shown when I switch to topic, play with it and when I returned back got that message.
So, I save as draft my notification, because I don't want to lose my filled data. Reload page or open again and now it is work as expected.

Not able to read as well as write data in firebase database

I am using firebase cloud server to save the data of the user when using a mobile device via expo. The information is not getting saved(or read) in the firebase database. But on using firebase functions like
firebase.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email, password);
the data gets stored in the Authentication tab of firebase console.
createNewUser: (userData) => {
return firebase
But on the running this(the code above) the information of the user is not getting saved in the firebase database.
I tried the same running on the web browser and it works just fine(storing data on database as well as on the authentication tab) but not on mobile devices. My friend has the same code and it works fine for him.
After many attempts i came to a realization that on using mobile devices, my server is not able to send information to the firebase cloud service. this is the snapshot of the no of request firebase cloud service got. The snapshot shows that it has not received an requests which is not true I have sent it many requests.
I get an error saying
Setting a timer for a long period of time, i.e. multiple minutes, is a performance and correctness issue on Android as it keeps the timer module awake, and timers can only be called when the app is in the foreground. See for more info.
(Saw setTimeout with duration 3299524ms)
But the same error is being shown on my friends device so i don't think that the possible reason for the issue is this.
Can anyone tell what could be the possible issue here, please. THANK YOU

How do you access OneSignal's database on Android & iOS in Flutter?

I am using OneSignal in my Flutter application to receive notifications. I have created my own table within Flutter to save notifications but I cannot save messages that have been sent whilst the app has been terminated. However, I have found that the OneSignal package has it's own database installed on the device which captures everything no matter what state the application is in! So, to avoid duplicating data I want to use this database instead. It is located outside of the flutter app folder which is my issue (see image below).
How do I access this database? Does anybody know if it is the same on iOS (I haven't been able to check at this time).
Many thanks.
It's important to understand that if an app has been terminated, any onReceived handler will not be fired. We don't recommend using the local db at all. Your best bet is to use the respective notification extender services for each platform. Though you will have to write native code for this! Cheers
ANDROID - NotificationExtenderService - This can be setup to receive silent notifications when your app is not running or to override how notifications are shown in the notification shade. See the Background Data and Notification Overriding section to set this up.

Crash Firebase vs Crashlytics vs HockyApp

I've been using Crashlytics in application, our client using HockeyApp, and I came to know by the recent updates to Google Firebase.
Has anyone had a chance to use above tools, what are your overview and suggestion? Did you like one over the other... and why?
Have a great day.
I'm afraid I can't speak for HockeyApp at all, but I have some experience in using Firebase and Crashlytics using iOS and Android clients. The below paragraphs don't factor in HockeyApp, and only compare Firebase Crash Reporting to Crashlytics.
Of the two, I would depend on Crashlytics for crash reporting until Firebase can further revise features. I've implemented both in some apps, and there are some advantages to Crashlytics. They send email notifications when crashes occur, including for priority changes, and crashes appear very quickly in the interface, within 5 minutes typically.
As it currently stands, Firebase doesn't have crash notifications, and it can take 20-40 minutes for a crash report to appear in the dashboard. A benefit of using Firebase's reporting is that their analytics will create an audience group of crash experiencing users, allowing you to identify and provide a different experience for those users (push notification, welcome screen, coupon code, etc)
Ability to report logs for crashes to investigate interaction and
~5 minute reporting time
Email notifications
20-40 minute reporting time
Richer user data
Can redact some logged info: "Logged in Chris" could become "Logged in [REDACTED_US_MALE_NAME]"
