What is the best normalization design for Redux store? - redux

Should I just copy the database relationships, or are there good patterns to follow? In the Redux documentation it says that the tables should not be a lust but objects mapped by it's ids, and also have a list containing all IDs. It does not provide any example of how it can be useful though. I've seen some other random designs... What design is the most accepted in the community?

For managing normalized reducer state, use normalized-reducer. It's a higher-order-reducer that takes a schema describing the relationships, and returns a reducer, actions, and selectors that write/read according to the relationships. It also integrates easily with Normalizr and Redux Toolkit.


Redux: Style Guide confusion on connecting more components to the store

According to Redux Style Guide, it is strongly recommended to connect more components to read data from the store.
For example, rather than just connecting a <UserList> component and reading the entire array of users, have <UserList> retrieve a list of all user IDs, render list items as <UserListItem userId={userId}>, and have <UserListItem> be connected and extract its own user entry from the store.
This, though, sounds a bit contradicting to what has been encouraged earlier in "Usage with React" section to separate presentational components from container components where the presentational components are to read data from props, not from the store.
Does this mean that:
It is best practice to keep the number of presentational components to minimum, hence increasing the number of stateful components?
Or the connected components can also be actually stateless components?
I'm a Redux maintainer, and I wrote the Style Guide page.
The short answer is that the Redux docs have been written over time, and thus some of the older docs page are out of date.
The Style Guide is our latest and current advice on how you should write your app.
We're in the process of rewriting the Redux core docs. That exact "Usage with React" page is something I intend to rewrite very soon, and when I do, I'll be dropping the terms "presentational" and "container" entirely.
I'd also encourage you to read my post Thoughts on React Hooks, Redux, and Separation of Concerns and watch my React Boston 2019 talk on Hooks, HOCs, and Tradeoffs to get some more thoughts on how hooks change the way we think about writing components.
Like everything in programming, there is a balance.
On the one hand, you have separation of concerns, making sure each block of code is focusing on one task. This can help reduce the complexity of a given component.
On the other hand, you have reduction of parameters, reducing the brittleness of your code by keeping track of fewer parameters at any given moment.
The first bullet is typically required when your state management is complex, or you have to manage server connections, and want to keep that work separate from the presentation to reduce confusion.
Redux takes care of that for you, by putting that code into the reducer. If you use the connect() higher-order component, that's exactly what you're doing: creating a component to translate state for your base presentation component. The useSelector() and useDispatch() hooks are another way of reducing the state management code in your component.
Redux stresses the second bullet because Redux's purpose is to reduce the clutter to the point that you don't need to separate your code into presentation and business logic components. Instead of passing several props back and forth, you can pass a single key, make a simple function inside your component to retrieve the data, and get on with the presentation directly.
The folks who wrote Redux also want to reassure folks that Redux is quite fast, and not to be afraid to use it generously.
My own experience is that Redux manages the business logic side of things well enough that I rarely need to create a separate wrapper component for business logic. The state code is a few lines calling hooks at the top, and that's it.
If I do have complex business logic, typically it involves deciding what state to display. That involves determining which key to use in my Redux state. So I might put all that logic into a wrapper, but the end result of the wrapper is a single key that my presentation component uses to pull the appropriate state from Redux.

Is it bad to commit mutations without using actions in Vuex?

I have been using Vuex for awhile now, and I have always been following the pattern: Components use Actions to commit Mutations to mutate the Store. I thought this was the proper way to do things considering this diagram from the docs:
I came across code where people were committing mutations directly in components, and not even creating simple actions which have no purpose other than to trigger mutations. I even found several examples of this in the Vuex docs.
I figured since it's used in the docs this must be an acceptable pattern, and I was wondering if skipping Actions and directly triggering Mutations was a pattern endorsed by any other state management libraries such as Redux of Flux itself.
TLDR: Is it ok to commit mutations directly in Vuex, and if so, do other state management libraries such as Redux use a pattern like this? If so why don't they?
Just keep in mind that mutations have to be synchronous. You can commit directly in components if you (and your team) are sure is there no chance of appearing of something async. In other words, use it with simple and direct operations.
Committing only in actions as a rule adds some clarity and reliability to application's code.
I didn't used Redux, but as far as I know, some state managers have middleware.
Using mutations and action (Vuex-way) may cause a difficult maintenance into large applications.
In the future version of Vuex, mutations and actions should be merged into the one entity.
Similar discussion: https://github.com/vuejs/vuex/issues/587
Good topic here!
Actions are for more complex logic functionality specially async,
but mutations on the other hand are for changing the state .
And is totally fine to commit mutations from within your component!
(best practices are outdated by time, most of the time anyway)

Redux: Actions and reducers for every resource?

I'm currently building an application that uses a lot of 'resources' and performs the same operations on them. Every resource (customers, projects, products, invoices) has a list, edit-form, CRUD operations and more.
You can imagine a lot of code repetition. I'm thinking of generalizing into a single 'Resource' with actions like FETCH_RESOURCE, RECEIVE_RESOURCES, etc. where the resource type is a parameter. The same can be done for components.
As I am new to Redux, I'm trying to find out if this is a good or a bad idea, and if it fits with the Redux philosophy. I've looked at Redux-CRUD, but it is still generating actions and reducers for every resource.
Yes, it's very common to generalize repetitive/reusable CRUD logic like that. However, the "copies" of the logic do need some way to distinguish between dispatched actions to know which "copy" is supposed to respond.
There's examples of this kind of pattern in the Structuring Reducers - Reusing Reducer Logic section of the Redux docs, and my Redux addons catalog has large sections for existing libraries covering entity management and action/reducer generation.

NoSQL: new kind of relationships using Arrays?

I had to manage relationships between documents over a NoSQL engine (Couchbase), and I figured out this way to solve my problem. Here is my solution and the steps that let me realize it:
My questions are:
What do you think about this solution?
Have you ever used something like this? How is it working?
Are there any better ideas? Critical points of this solution should be helpful
Thank you.
Interesting post Matteo. After reading it I realized that you can possibly improve on few aspects:
Consider 1-1 node relationships. In your post you focus on N-N node
relationships (sure one can argue that 1-1 is a subset of
N-N)...however I think there is a potential of having a different (optimized) implememgtaion for 1-1 relationships. for 1-1 I use node key
value as a field in my json doc (e.g. user: {name:string, dob:date,
Node key design to address relationships: You can encode in the key
value relationship information, e.g. key: "user#11", "user#11#address#123", "address#123#user#11", etc.
Data integrity aspects: Take into consideration missing complex
transactions. i.e. you can't mutate several documents in one
transaction. The design should compensate for that.
I have used similar solution in my model design for Couchbase in the past. Its now in production for several years already and its performing just fine (load is about 250 tps)...I was trying to avoid as much as possible creating complex node relations and ended up having very few 1-1 and 1-N types.
I tested out this solutions and works well. I like the flexibility of the 'always possible' N-N relationships, because you can simply add the relationship document when you need it without changing the application logic. There is a drawback: you need to implement your own application logic constraints to avoid relationships abuse.
I noticed that using arrays there isn't a great advantage compared to JSON objects and sometimes it may be useful to have other relationships data, for example the weight (or cost) of the relationship. So I suggest you to use a relationship document that as it's own type:
"type": "relationship",
"documents": ["key1", "key2"],
"all-the-data-you-need": { ... }
Looking at the performance there isn't so much difference using objects over arrays.
Hope this helps someone! ;)

Meteor : Buisness Object

I started Meteor a few months ago.
I would like to know if using cursor.observeChanges for buisness objects is a good idea
I want to separate operations and views so I can uses the same operations in many views/events, and I want to know if it is a good idea.
Someone told me, we should not separate operations on mongo from view.
So my question is : Is it a good idea to to Buisness Objects with Meteor ?
Tanks for reading me.
cursor.observeChanges is essentially what you get behind the scenes when you do normal find() queries and bind to template helpers due to its context being reactive.
In the meteor world, the traditional model/view/controller paradigm is shifted towards a reactive data-on-the-wire concept including features like latency compensation.
What you refer to as a business object is basically a representation of your business data which is strongly typed, has a type of its own, atomic, and has only one task of representing.
You can achieve that kind of separation of concerns in any language/framework, including meteor. That only depends on how you lay out, structure and abstract your code.
What Meteor brings into the equation is the toolset to build up an interface to your data with modern ux features that are otherwise very hard/expensive to get.
The only concern over business-class applications could be the fact that Meteor currently employs MongoDB by default. MongoDB has its own discussions around business applications whether they need transaction support, ad-hoc aggregation, foreign key relationships etc. But that is another topic.
