How to retrieve N levels of many-to-many relations? - google-app-maker

I have this Data structure as this (with o/m = one to many relation):
Sites-o/m-Areas-o/m-Chapters-o/m-Sections-o/m-Topics and 5 other Data models Actions, Tools, Contacts... with a m/m relation to each 5 first models.
1 Site can have many Actions so as Areas...
Not sure if doable by Data binding, client or server script!
I wrote this server script solution but not sure if it's optimal as it's already slow with 2 levels!
function calculActions(kt) {
var kn = app.models.Sites.getRecord(kt.toString());
var knac = kn.Actions;
var knarac = item.Actions;
if (knarac.length>0){
var knarch = item.Chapters;
var knarchac = item.Actions;
if (knarchac.length>0){
return knac;
The goal is to displayed a tab for each asset (Actions, Tools, Notes...) associated to a same Site.
I'm sure there's a clean and efficient version of my draft!
Thx in advance for any help, I need to sleep :-)


How to export a table as google sheet in Google app maker using a button

I've looked extensively and tried to modify multiple sample sets of codes found on different posts in Stack Overflow as well as template documents in Google App Maker, but cannot for the life of me get an export and en email function to work.
UserRecords table:
This is the area where the data is collected and reviewed, the populated table:
These are the data fields I am working with:
This is what the exported Sheet looks like when I go through the motions and do an export through the Deployment tab:
Lastly, this is the email page that I've built based on tutorials and examples I've seen:
What I've learned so far (based on the circles I'm going round in):
Emails seem mostly straight forward, but I don't need to send a message, just an attachment with a subject, similar to using the code:
function sendEmail_(to, subject, body) {
var emailObj = {
to: to,
subject: subject,
htmlBody: body,
noReply: true
Not sure how to change the "body" to the exported document
To straight up export and view the Sheet from a button click, the closest I've found to a solution is in Document Sample but the references in the code speak to components on the page only. I'm not sure how to modify this to use the table, and also what to change to get it as a sheet instead of a doc.
This may seem trivial to some but I'm a beginner and am struggling to wrap my head around what I'm doing wrong. I've been looking at this for nearly a week. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
In it's simplest form you can do a Google sheet export with the following server script (this is based on a model called employees):
function exportEmployeeTable() {
//if only certain roles or individuals can perform this action include proper validation here
var query = app.models.Employees.newQuery();
var results =;
var fields = app.metadata.models.Employees.fields;
var data = [];
var header = [];
for (var i in fields) {
for (var j in results) {
var rows = [];
for (var k in fields) {
if (data.length > 1) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.create('Employee Export');
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
//here you could return the URL for your spreadsheet back to your client by setting up a successhandler and failure handler
return ss.getUrl();
} else {
throw new app.ManagedError('No Data to export!');

Meteor Dashboard and publication/subscription

EDIT: as the original question was too vague I have updated it to make it more concrete
I'd like to create a dashboard in Meteor that shows some statistics about my collections (e.g. how many docs, how many users...). I have been trying the past days but can't seem to find a good/intelligent way.
I initially just did the following:
getProductsCount: function() {
return Products.find().count();
This did not work. I think because it counts the number of products from minimongo, but not sure.
Then I did the following:
In the template helper, call a method and get the value to show on the dashboard page (does not work)
Was told not to use pub/sub mechanism for this type of metric
Worked via Session variables (did work, but feels a bit strange to store this kind of metric data in Session variables
So then I read in another SO response about Reactive Variables and tried the following:
getProductsCount: function() {
return Template.instance().myAsyncValue.get();
Template.dashboard.created = function() {
var self = this;
self.myAsyncValue = new ReactiveVar("Waiting for response from server");'getProductsCount', function(error, asyncValue){
if (error)
This works, but I find this extremely difficult for something as simple as showing a product count (or any other metric). Not sure I understand the reason why I should use sth as reactive variables?
Then -out of curiosity- I tried the following (using meteor add simple:reactive-method) and it works:
getProductsCount: function () {
So the question really is why having to use Reactive variables and methods for sth as simple as this. Can someone explain?
If you want to show the count only in the view, the best way is to return the count number only. you do not need publish/subscribe at all. you can use server methods. and if you want to show data also, you can go for pub-sub. and your approach is correct.

Meteor: Publish a subset of another publication

I have a custom publication on my server (which in some way join 2 collections).
This resulting set of this publication is exactly what I need but for performances issues I would like to avoid sending it entirely to the client.
If I did not care about performances, I would only subscribe to the
publication and do something like
I am therefore trying to find a way to publish a subset of the custom publication so that the filter would be applied on the custom publication on the server side.
Is there a way to chain or filter publications (server side) ?
For the question we can assume the custom publication to look like this and cannot be modified:
Meteor.publish('customPublication', function() {
var sub = this;
var aCursor = Resources.find({type: 'someFilter'});
Mongo.Collection._publishCursor(aCursor, sub, 'customPublication');
if i understand the question right, you are looking for
It let's you "publish a set of related documents from various collections using a reactive join. This makes it easy to publish a whole tree of documents at once. The published collections are reactive and will update when additions/changes/deletions are made."
Ok I came to the following workaround. Instead of working on the publication, I simply added a new collection I update according to the other collections. In order to do so I am using the meteor hooks package
function transformDocument(doc)
doc.aField = "aValue"; // do what you want here
return doc;
ACollection.after.insert(function(userId, doc)
var transformedDocument = transformDocument(doc);
ACollection.after.update(function(userId, doc, fieldNames, modifier, options)
var transformedDocument = transformDocument(doc);
delete transformedDocument._id;
ACollection.after.remove(function(userId, doc)
Then I have the new collection I can publish subsets the regular way
You can filter whatever you want into this db, no need to worry if the field is virtual or real
Only one operation every time a db changes. This avoid having several publication merging the same data
Cave eats:
This requires one more Collection = more space
The 2 db might not be always synchronised, there is few reasons for this:
The client manually changed the data of "AnotherCollection"
You had documents in "ACollection" before you added "AnotherCollection".
The transform function or source collection schema changed at some point
To fix this:
insert: function () {
return Meteor.isServer;
update: function () {
return Meteor.isServer;
remove: function () {
return Meteor.isServer;
And to synchronise at meteor startup (i.e. build the collection from scratch). Do this only once for maintenance or after adding this new collection.
var documents = ACollection.find({}).fetch();
_.each(documents, function(doc)
var transformedDocument = transformDocument(doc);

Meteor duplicate insert conflict resolution

Is there a design pattern in meteor application to handle multiple clients inserting the same logical record 'simultaneously'?
Specifically I have a scoring type application, and multiple clients could create the initial, basically blank, Score record for an Entrant when the entrant is ready to start. The appearance of the record is then used to make it available on the page for editing by the officials, incrementing penalty counts and such.
Stages = new Meteor.Collection("contests");
Entrants = new Meteor.Collection("entrants");
Scores = new Meteor.Collection("scores");
// official picks the next entrant
Scores.insert( stage_id:xxxx, entrant_id:yyyy)
I am happy with the implications of the conflict resolutions of edits to the Score record once it is in the Collection. I am not sure how to deal with multiple clients trying to insert the Score for the stage_id/entrant_id pair.
In a synchronous app I would tend to use some form of interlocking, or a relational DB key constraint.
Well, according to this answer Meteor $upsert flag is still in enhancement list and seems to be added in stable branch after 1.0 release.
So the first way is how it was said to add an unique index:
All the implementation ways are listed here. I would recommend you to use native mongo indexes, not a code implementation.
The optimistic concurrency way is much more complicated according to no transactions in MongoDB.
Here comes my implementation of it(be careful, might be buggy))):
var result_callback = function(_id) {
// callback to call on successfull insert made
var $set = {stage_id: xxxx, entrant_id: xxxx};
var created_at =;
var $insert = _.extend({}, $set, {created_at: created_at});
Scores.insert($insert, function(error, _id) {
if (error) {
//handle it
var entries = Scores.find($set, {sort: {created_at: -1}}).fetch()
if (entries.length > 1) {
var duplicates = entries.splice(0, entries.length - 1);
var duplicate_ids =, function(entry) {
return entry._id;
Scores.remove({_id: {$in: duplicate_ids}})
Scores.update(entries[0]._id, $set, function(error) {
if (error) {
// handle it
} else {
} else {
Hope this will give you some good ideas)
Sorry, previous version of my answer was completely incorrect.

Meteor ad hoc record sets

I am writing an app that involves creating multiple subsets of the same collection, and publishing them under different record sets following this example.
Using this principle, I am creating ad hoc record sets. The publish code is in a method that gets called per template:
Template.item._item = function() {'publishMethod', foo);
return someFunction(foo);
'publishMethod' = function(foo) {
Meteor.publish('name-'+foo, function() { someFunction(foo); });
//Common area
someFunction = function(foo) {
return Collection.find({'foobar' : foo});
In this example, someFunction() sits in common area between client and server. someFunction() returns a subset of a collection based on foo.
I have some questions regarding the above approach:
When a method is called with the same foo value, Meteor prints "Ignoring duplicate publish named 'name-foo'". Is there any way to check if a record set exists?
There is concern that these record sets will continue to be published and not release memory. Are these record sets client side only? Or will they accumulate on the server?
This is the best approach I have found for dealing with multiple, complex queries on the same large dataset, and allows for specific fields to be sent per request and page. I am however open to suggestions.
Thanks in advance.
