I have a date table with a date column. I would like to have a weekly period for each month. So far, I have built a custom column such that each period starts on Monday and ends on Sunday:
startOfWeek = Date.StartOfWeek([Date]),
endOfWeek = Date.EndOfWeek([Date]),
yearOfStartOfWeek = Date.Year(startOfWeek),
yearOfEndOfWeek = Date.Year(endOfWeek),
valueToReturn = if yearOfStartOfWeek = yearOfEndOfWeek then
Text.From(Date.StartOfWeek([Date])) & " - " & Text.From(Date.EndOfWeek([Date]))
Text.From(Date.StartOfWeek([Date])) & " - " & Text.From(Date.EndOfWeek(endOfWeek))
in valueToReturn
This will give me the custom column "Weekly Period" below:
But what I need to have is this way of weekly period:
The first week for each month starts with first day of the month and that has to be a working day (not weekend). For example the first week of Sep 2019 starts with Monday 2nd . Also, the last weekly period for each month ends with the last day of month.
Do you know how to change this code or which other codes I need to use to have This weekly period like the column below? Many Thanks.
Also I want another column that gives me the week numbers of the months, as above. I would be grateful if someone can help me build this two custom columns in the date table.
I did it in the query designer (language M) with the following expressions. Go to Add Column > Custom Column (I did it in two separate columns):
'Get first day of month
FirstDayOfMonth = Date.StartOfMonth([Column1]) 'Make sure the outcome is a date format
'Get first working day of month (without Saturday and Sunday)
FirstWorkingDayOfMonth = if Date.DayOfWeek([FirstDayInMonth]) = Day.Saturday
then Date.AddDays([FirstDayInMonth], 2)
else if Date.DayOfWeek([FirstDayInMonth]) = Day.Sunday
then Date.AddDays([FirstDayInMonth], 1)
else [FirstDayInMonth]
For the week number column you can use the Date.DayOfWeek() function, like I used above.
For those that might be helpful, here I found the answer for Weekly Period:
startOfWeek = Date.StartOfWeek([Date]),
endOfWeek = Date.EndOfWeek([Date]),
weekOfStartOfWeek = Date.WeekOfYear(startOfWeek),
weekOfEndOfWeek = Date.WeekOfYear(endOfWeek),
valueToReturn = if (Date.Month(Date.StartOfWeek([Date])) = Date.Month([Date]) and Date.Month(Date.EndOfWeek([Date])) = Date.Month([Date]))
Text.From(Date.StartOfWeek([Date])) & " - " & Text.From(Date.EndOfWeek([Date]))
else if Date.Month(Date.StartOfWeek([Date])) <> Date.Month([Date]) then
Text.From([Date.StartOfMonth([Date])]) & " - " & Text.From(Date.EndOfWeek(endOfWeek))
Text.From(Date.StartOfWeek([Date])) & " - " & Text.From(Date.EndOfMonth([Date]))
Trying another attempt at this question:
With the below code, I'm trying to articulate a date range; May 10 - June 8th. I'm outputting a unique thumbnail image per date in this range (coming together as a stylized calendar of sorts); I need to also detect, within this range, today's date. As a .today style class will be appending for today's date. I achieved this previously when the date range was just within one month, 1 - 31 (and that code is under the most recent attempt / which is original code) this same code could not work because now it's not as simple as 1 - 31 and declaring the month name statically, now it's two months and 10 - 31 and then 1 - 8. Also, not my most recent attempt fails so hard the page doesn't even compile and is just white.
Dim d1 As New Date(2015, 5, 10)
Dim d2 As New Date(2015, 6, 8)
Dim DaysBetween As Long = DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, d1, d2)
Dim d3 As Date
For d As Long = 0 To DaysBetween
d3 = d1.AddDays(d)
If d3 < Today() Then
time = "past"
ElseIf d3 = Today Then
time = "today"
time = "future"
End If
Dim suffix As String = Suffixer(d3.Day)
response.write("<section id='day_"& i &"' class='calSquare " & time &"'><article class='dateImage' style='background-image: url(images/Calendar_Thumbnails/Day_"&i&".jpg)'></article></article><article class='dateTitle'> "&i&suffix&"</article></section>")
Original functional code; articulating one month.
For i = 1 to 31
dim time
If i < day_part Then
time = "past"
ElseIf i = day_part Then
time = "today"
time = "future"
End If
suffix = Suffixer(i)
response.write("<section id='day_"& i &"' class='calSquare " & time &"'><article class='dateImage' style='background-image: url(images/Calendar_Thumbnails/Day_"&i&".jpg)'></article></article><article class='dateTitle'>May "&i&suffix&"</article></section>")
Your first code sample isn't valid VBScript. The language doesn't support constructs like Dim var As type = value, so that's probably why the page isn't displayed.
As for listing the dates within a range while highlighting the current date, you could do something like this:
today = Date
firstDay = DateValue("2015-05-10")
lastDay = DateValue("2015-06-08")
d = firstDay
While d <= lastDay
If d = today Then
response.write "today"
response.write "other day in range"
End If
d = d + 1
I would like to specify a number that specifies the day of week and then have ASP get the upcoming date for that week day specified.
Dim xWeekDay
xWeekDay=1 ' <-- 1 would be a Monday...and Sunday would be 7
Dim NextDdate
NextDdate= ???? <-- I want to calculate and show the Upcoming Date here
So the above line would look like this when it's populated.
Try this:
today = Weekday(Date, vbMonday)
If xWeekDay > today Then
NextDate = Date + (xWeekDay - today)
NextDate = Date + (xWeekDay + 7 - today)
End If
Weekday(Date, vbMonday) is the number of the currend day of the week (with Monday being set as the first weekday). If xWeekDay is in the future (xWeekDay > today), then the next occurrence is xWeekDay - today days away. Otherwise it's xWeekDay + 7 - today days away. Add that difference to the current date and you have the date you're looking for.
I want to get the Sunday & Saturday of the week from which a date is provided.
I have access to the following functions only:
getDate() returns a number from 0-6 (0 being sunday)
getDay() returns a number from 1-31
getMonth() returns a number from 0-11
getFullYear() returns the current year
I am doing this on titanium.
Per your description above, I came up with:
var sat = new Date(input.getFullYear(), input.getMonth(), 6 - input.getDate() + getDay());
var sun = new Date(input.getFullYear(), input.getMonth(), getDay() + (input.getDate() - 6));
If I follow the MDN doc, I come up with (works in Ti too):
var sat = new Date(input.getFullYear(), input.getMonth(), 6 - input.getDay() + input.getDate());
var sun = new Date(input.getFullYear(), input.getMonth(), input.getDate() + (input.getDay() - 6));
Where input is a javascript Date object.
The date object will take care or changing the month and/or year if necessary.
Hope this helps.
I have one variable
Dim tt="2008-10-20 10:00:00.0000000"
I want to change it into date,
Try CDATE(tt) see http://www.w3schools.com/vbscript/func_cdate.asp. I used
vbscript cdate
as keywords at Google. There were more results.
Edit: Based on the comment below (I'm sorry for mixing up), using
Format contains following constants:
0 = vbGeneralDate - Default. Returns date: mm/dd/yy and time if
specified: hh:mm:ss PM/AM.
1 = vbLongDate - Returns date: weekday, monthname, year
2 = vbShortDate - Returns date: mm/dd/yy
3 = vbLongTime - Returns time: hh:mm:ss PM/AM
4 = vbShortTime - Return time: hh:mm
(copied from http://www.w3schools.com/vbscript/func_formatdatetime.asp)
This link, (MS CDate page), explains that:
adate = CDate(astring)
converts a string into a date object. For there, you can format it with the FormatDateTime function
str = FormatDateTime(Date)
the FormatDateTime function is "smart" -- it will format as date and time if both are present, otherwise it will format with whichever of date or time is present.
I propose a safe solution which returns the result only if the conversion is successful:
s="2008-10-20 10:00:00.0000000"
On Error Resume Next
On Error Goto 0
if not IsEmpty(d) then MsgBox d
Try it for a non-valid date or non-valid format. The result will be empty.
s="2008-02-31 10:00:00"
In same contexts, it is necessary to initialize the variable collecting result of CData. I recommend to initialize it as Empty. Example below shows such case - counting valid dates in a string array:
Lines = array("2008-10-20 10:00:00.0000000", "2008-10-20 10:00:00", "", "2008-02-31", "Today", "2017-02-7")
On Error Resume Next
for each Line in Lines
if not IsEmpty(d) then Count=Count+1
On Error Goto 0
MsgBox "Number of valid dates is "&Count
The correct answer is 2. Without initialization we get 5 as the CDate does not do anything on error so variable keeps the value from a recent iteration in the loop.
If do not need your milliseconds, your could use the following:
<script type="text/vbscript">
s="2008-10-20 10:00:00.0000000"
arr= Split(s, ".")
I believe cdate is dependent on local settings to parse the string. This is no good in many situations.
To avoid this you need to use
and if needed add any time components to the result separately.
The date literal in classic asp is unreliable. If the first or second part is greater than 12, it takes that value for day, the other as month. If both parts are less than 12, the interpretation is unpredictable: sometimes american and sometimes british.
A work-around is to force the entry of dates into separate fields or use a date entry module which can set the date into british or american style.
A date literal should be treated as american and use a function to convert that into a date variable using Dateserial().
function amerdate(str)
'str 3/5/2023 form: in american format: use for calculations including date
Dim d
d = Split(str, "/")
amerdate = Dateserial(d(2), d(0), d(1))
end function
Use only american date in calculations like Dateadd() etc.
someday = "3/5/2023" '5th march, american date literal
nextday = Dateadd("d", 1, amerdate(someday))
Whenever a date display is required, convert to british date and show it.
function britdate(str)
'str: 3/5/2023 form: display in british form. not for calculations
Dim d
d= Split(str, "/")
britdate = d(1) & "/" & d(0) & "/" & d(2)
end function
A column in an excel worksheet holds the month in this format:
What I want to do is, get the last date of that month. What I figured I would do is, read the month in the cell, get the first day of the next month and then subtract one day, so I get the last date of the previous month.
But, how can I get Excel (VBA code) to read Oct_2010 as Oct 2010?
Function LastDayFromString(sDate As String) As Date
Dim dtTemp As Date
If Not sDate Like "???[_]####" Then Err.Raise 9999, , "Invalid date string format"
dtTemp = DateValue(Replace(sDate, "_", "/"))
LastDayFromString = DateSerial(Year(dtTemp), Month(dtTemp) + 1, 0)
End Function
Used like
How about:
Where A1=Oct_2010