SetPadding of one single elemet in a layout whith many childrens - javafx

There is a way to set a Padding of one single element in a VBox having other childrens?
this.layout_p = new VBox();
this.txta_p = new TextArea();
this.m_p = new Button("m");
this.o_p = new Button("o");
this.c_p = new Button("c");
this.oa_p = new Button("oa");
this.np_p = new Button("np'");
layout_p.getChildren().addAll(txta_p, m_p,
o_p, c_p, oa_p, np_p);
I would like to have the button: np_p with a top padding of 50 from others buttons.
So having a separation between oa_p and np_p.
(Without using another VBox for that button and so, setPadding(...))

Setting a padding for a single node does not make sense. Padding is the room between the bounds of a node and it's content, see also the CSS Box Model.
You're actually trying to add a margin here, i.e. some space around the node. This can be done using VBox.setMargin.
VBox.setMargin(np_p, new Insets(50, 0, 0, 0));


Placing buttons on opposite sides of an adjustable window in JavaFX

I have two buttons that I'd like to use in my display screen: a reset button, and a settings button.
The problem is, I want them on opposite sides of the window (reset in the top right corner and settings in the top left) while being the same height. When I expand the window, however, the buttons stay in the same place, but I want them to move with the window walls.
I first tried using setAlignment of my reset button to Pos.*TOP_RIGHT* and the settings button to top left, but it comes out with the settings button being on top of the reset button.
resetButton = new Button("Reset Gameboard");this.setTop(resetButton);
resetBox = new HBox(resetButton);
backButton = new Button("Back to Settings");
backBox = new HBox(backButton);
resetbackBox = new HBox(backButton, resetButton);
I currently am using (below) which during the initial window appears to be working and correctly spaced, but as soon as you expand the window the reset button doesn't follow it, although the settings button does.
`resetButton = new Button("Reset Gameboard");
resetBox = new HBox(resetButton);
backButton = new Button("Back to Settings");
backBox = new HBox(backButton);
resetbackBox = new HBox(backButton, resetButton);
The problem start from this line:
You have setted a fixed spacing value. To fix that you can easily add a component to HBox called Region, this component allow to set a grow area between two buttons:
Button resetButton = new Button("Reset Gameboard");
Button backButton = new Button("Back to Settings");
Region region = new Region();
HBox.setHgrow(region, Priority.ALWAYS);
HBox topHBox = new HBox(backButton, region, resetButton);

.setLayoutX() not affecting position in FlowPane

For some reason or another textExampleTwo.setLayoutX(40) does not actually result in the Text moving at all to the right. Is this a bug or have I missed something important here?
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
FlowPane flowPane = new FlowPane();
Text textExampleOne = new Text("An example - 1");
Text textExampleTwo = new Text("An example - 2");
flowPane.getChildren().addAll(textExampleOne, textExampleTwo);
Scene applicationScene = new Scene(flowPane);
You've missed something important here:
Many Panes including FlowPane determine the position of their children on their own. For positioning the layoutX and layoutY properties are used. If you assign a new value to one of them and the Node is a child of a layout that positions it's children itself, this just leads to the position to be changed back during the next layout pass.
The exception to this are Nodes with the managed property set to false. This leads to neither layoutX nor layoutY being assigned however.
In your case you seem to want a combination of the two.
In this case the desired effect can be achieved by setting a margin.
// set all insets except the left one to 0
FlowPane.setMargin(textExampleOne, new Insets(0, 0, 0, 40));
Note however that this does not set the x position to 40, but it keeps a space of size 40 at the left of the Node. If you add enough children before this node to move it to the second column, this spacing would be used to calculate the distance to the beginning of the column.

Resizeable Gridpane or other container

Hi I'm trying to create a simple layout that looks like this using JavaFX.
I would like the user to be able to drag/resize the middle bar. I've tried to make this using a GridPane. But I can't figure out how to get the middle resized. Perhaps GridPane is not the way to go. Both panes will contain a lot of other program code later on. Thanks!
Rectangle2D primaryScreenBounds = Screen.getPrimary().getVisualBounds();
GridPane gridPane = new GridPane();
gridPane.setPadding(new Insets(10));
Scene scene = new Scene(gridPane);
VBox vBoxMain = new VBox();
TextArea textArea = new TextArea();
VBox vBoxSide = new VBox();
gridPane.add(vBoxSide, 1,1,1,1);
gridPane.add(vBoxMain, 2,1,4,1);
You could use a SplitPane:
A control that has two or more sides, each separated by a divider,
which can be dragged by the user to give more space to one of the
sides, resulting in the other side shrinking by an equal amount.
Then you add two others containers to this pane allowing the user to change the position of the divider. You can also set minimum widths for each component within the pane or set the position of each divider within your code.

set spacing among elements within button javafx

I want to specify spacing between two elements within JavaFX Buttons, Here is the Code :
ImageView fiv = new ImageView(new Image("/modified/map.png"));
Button cr = new Button( "Crop", fiv);
Here I want to Specify Spacing Between "Crop" and fiv, How can i do this ?
Use graphicTextGap property of the button.

viewStack.addChild adding multiple child and only the last child is visible!

var viewStack:ViewStack = new ViewStack();
viewStack.percentWidth = 100;
viewStack.percentHeight = 100;
lb = new LinkBar();
Its only displaying canVas3 contents not canVas1 and canVas2
I think that's what it's supposed to do. It just puts components one on top of the other like a deck of cards, with the topmost (last added) being visible. Check this out.
