Flutter: List of files in a folder in Firebase Cloud Storage - firebase

I need to load some image files from Cloud Storage. For a given folder I need to check what images (if at all) are available in it. It seems like the firebase client library (https://pub.dev/packages/firebase_storage) doesn't have a simple way of doing that. I am sure ios/android clients have ref().list() command. Is there any way to do that easily in Flutter or I have to write a bridge to native methods?

The methods to list files in Cloud Storage were only recently added to the Firebase SDKs, so it seems likely that they haven't been ported to the FlutterFire library yet.
You'll indeed either have to implement the interop yourself (in which case a PR back to the repo is highly appreciated), or wait for someone else to implement this feature request.
A final alternative is to not depend on this (relatively new) API, and store the list of file paths/download URLs in another data store, such as the Firebase Realtime Database, or Cloud Firestore.


Firebase Storage clone uploaded file and create new file without downloading/uploading possible?

let's say I have an image /path/image1.png in the firebase storage. I want to copy this image and create a new image with a different name but the same content as /path/image2.png. I'm using AngularFire. How will I achieve this? Please help
Firebase Storage (nowadays called Cloud Storage for Firebase) is a set of client-side SDKs that allow you to access Cloud Storage from within your application.
There is no Firebase API to create a copy of a file in Cloud Storage. It's a valid use-case though, so I'd recommend you file a feature request for it.
In the meantime, the two options I can think of are:
Read the data to the client, and write it to the new location. This is definitely wasting bandwidth for the client, so I'd only consider it if your files are quite small, and your clients have a decent connection.
Use one of the (non-Firebase) server-side SDKs for Cloud Storage to create a copy of the file. For example, you could wrap this Node.js code in a callable Cloud Function and then call that from your application code.
await storage

Need python files stored in Google Database to compile in Google Cloud Engine and return data to an IOS App

My Current Plan:
I'm currently creating an IOS App that will access/change java/python files that are stored in the Google Cloud Storage. Once confirmed the App will talk with App Engine that will have a Compute Engine VM receive files and compile them. Once compiled have the result returned back to the IOS App
Is there any better or easier method to achieve this task? Should I use firebase or Google Cloud Functions? Would it be any help
Currently, I'm lost how to design and have requests sent between many platforms.
It would also depend on what type of data processing you are doing to the files in Cloud Storage. Ideally you would want to avoid as many "hops" between services as possible. You could do everything via Cloud Functions and listen on GCS Triggers. You can think of Cloud Functions as a sudo App Engine Backend to use for quick request handling.
Use Cloud Functions to respond to events from Cloud Storage or Firebase Storage to process files immediately after upload
If you are already using Firebase, it would be better to stay within their ecosystem as much as possible. If you are doing bigger or more intensive data processing you might want to look at different options.
With more information and current pain points, we may be able to offer more insight.

AngularFIre Firebase saving data locally?

I have an app that displays a list of items. Here is what I am doing.
When the app first loads I am making an HTTP request to get the list from the firebase database.
once the list is received the list is stored locally on localStorage for future use.
On future app loads, the list is loaded from localStorage to prevent unnecessary http calls
I am doing the above programmatically, i.e, saving data to localStorage and check for new data and getting it etc.
Does firebase provide any other way to the same?
There is no built-in support for cross page-reload persistence in the JavaScript SDK for the Firebase Realtime Database. Somebody is working on such functionality in the open-source repository, but no release was made with it yet.
If you need this functionality, I highly recommend looking into using Cloud Firestore. In addition to many other benefits, it supports cross page-reload persistence.

maintain connection status of user with firestore. using firebase db and cloud function

I am trying to maintain connection status of user with firestore . but i don't understand some points.
Link : https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/solutions/presence
i refer the above link description but i don't understand how to write code.
see the below given topics:
Using presence in Realtime Database
where to write this given code in application or Cloud functions?
2.Connecting to Cloud Firestore
Updating Cloud Firestore's local cache
where to write local cache update code?
I use this in my android application.
Each section of the code in the Build Presence in Cloud Firestore is marked.
If it is marked with WEB, you'll need to run this code in your web application. If your clients are native Android or iOS, you'll need to write and run similar code for those platforms.
If the code is marked with NODE.JS, you will need to run this code in a Node.js environment. It should be possible to accomplish the same in Cloud Functions, but no sample is provided for that.

Does Firebase has direct cloud function trigger?

In times when Parse.com was on they had a function that called a cloud function directly and returned whatever I wanted. So I could have all the server logic on the server, not in client code. Doe's Firebase has it as well? I can't find it - all I found are HTTP triggers, but it implies that it's not available through Javascript SDK. Am I missing something or do I have to use REST interface for that?
To run server-side code that is triggered by events in Firebase, you'd use Cloud Functions for Firebase. Currently these can trigger code through the Firebase Database updates, Authentication, Analytics, Cloud Storage and HTTP. The documentation I linked has all the details.
As Frank van Puffelen has explained you could use Functions, I'll like to add a couple of things.
You could also use the Firebase Database Admin SDK for the Database, this requires you have a server
Firebase Functions is a sort of big brother, constantly listening for whatever you want. Currently starting and deploying functions is fairly easy and fast, I love this how to video. Basically, you have to install the CLI and then using commands, create a project, write your js for Functions and for deploying those changes to Firebase Functions use the CLI again
Functions can listen more than what the Admin SDK can, the Admin SDK is for the Database while Functions is for, authentification, database, and cloud messaging. This means any user registration or deletion or any change in a node, can trigger further logic. This logic could include sending push notifications. There is a github repo where you can see a lot of examples, I made myself a small repo for the same purpose
