How do I set up a Google Analytics Custom Dimension as a dimension filter in Data Studio report? - google-analytics

I've created a Data Studio report that looks to a Google Analytics property. In this Google Analytics property I've created custom dimensions which are being populated as I need.
I want to set up a dimension filter on the report in Data Studio but CustomDimension1, etc isn't showing as a field in the list.
What I've done so far
I've looked to see if the field exists as a filter dimension. I've tried creating a new field but can't see what the formula for this would be.
I've read the docs behind the filter control here:
I've watched a number of videos to try and find the answer.
I've looked on stack overflow but all the questions relate more to setting up custom dimensions in Google Analytics rather than pulling this information through to Data Studio.
I've searched Google and can see this question being asked before on website but the links in the Google search results just take me to the Data Studio support site:
When I search using the page title of the pages as keywords on the Data Studio page it doesn't come back. It's as though this question was never asked. Neither does anything relevant to my question.
Has anyone achieved this by creating a new field or by using another mechanism I'm not aware of?

Okay, the issue I had was down to timings.
I'd created the Data Studio report first and then added the custom dimensions in Google Analytics after the report had been created.
After running through the data source area, I found the refresh fields button which then detected my GA custom dimensions and added them to the list of fields. I was then able to select the custom dimension as a field on the filter control!
Further info, the GA custom dimensions pull down by their actual GA custom dimension name rather than being Customdimension1, Customdimension2 that I was looking for.
Hope this helps someone else!


How to show list View in Google Calendar for day's events?

I'm new in google calendar integration and apologize if this is asked earlier:
I have created four resources for Google Calendar from my Gsuite account, as I want the column layout in frontend using the
<iframe src=''></iframe>
generated from integrate calendar but on frontend only the month week and agenda is showing. I have tried different solution but all of them displaying the week & month if I combined all the calendar to one, than also the view is the same
I want to integrate this only with google Iframe, although using full calendar it is also possible.
Please, kindly check the attachment: I want this backend layout, and to the frontend with an additional option of the list view.
If I did understand it correctly what you want here is to have exactly this view as an iframe embedded on your website.
I'm afraid this is not possible to get that view using the iframe you can obtain following this steps:
If you want another view you'll have to build it yourself retrieving the data using Google Calendar API and building the view yourself, or you can also use other existing libraries, like:
It may have a nicer view and the functionalities you are missing, take a look at it!

checking analytics setup for page I do not own

I'm a consumer data analyst who is not very familiar to coding other than occasional encounters with HTML and Python, and I'm just starting with the coding part of Web Analytics. In particular, I need to learn about checking websites I don't own (therefore I don't have access to their Analytics accounts) for tracking info, but it has been phenomenally hard to find information on which tracking function each component of code stand for, or to what extent it is visible from the page source.
For a project, here is a page I'm trying to check for Google Analytics/Tag Manager/alternative analytics setup, and see what is exactly being tracked on it. Other than the source code, I checked it with Ghostery, which gave me this Tag Manager code page. Is it possible to check tracking info from these two (events, pageviews, URI and how many custom dimensions there is, specifically), and which part of the code includes that info (particularly URI and dimension info - the first two, I have more idea about)?
This is a page I'm also looking into. I can see that this one has Google Analytics/Tag manager, but again, I can't make sure of what is being tracked, and whether the Analytics/Tag Manager setup is looking -potentially- problematic in any way. Here is the Tag Manager page for this one that I obtained through Ghostery.
Any help would be much appreciated...
Looks like what you are looking for is Google Tag Assistant extension for google chrome:
you can download it from here:
When you install it it will appear as icon on any page you visit and it will show you all GA implementations on a page:
You can select tracking ID you are interested in and it will tell you how many Page Views/events were fired for that particular tracking ID only:
Then you can select individual tracking event/page view and see all data that are being sent with that tracking request. Just Click on URLs and click the icon to put the data in table:
Here "cd" stands for Custom Dimension, so here you can clearly see 2 custom dimensions that are being tracked:
Hope this helps, good luck!

Google Analytics, internal link analytics?

I'll use StackOverflow as an example.
A user can reach a question/answer page from
outside of stackoverflow
from another page of stackoverflow
from a search result
from a link in other posts (link in another question or answer)
from Similar Questions section
from a user profile page
I'd like to know how those internal links are used.
Main question is What are the percentages of each type of links which led users to the Q/A page in stackoverflow
I want to know the answer for the Q/A pages as a whole not for each individual Q/A page.
Is this implementable using GA and if so, I'd like to hear a general guide so I can dig in.
Is there a term for this kind of analysis? (internal link analysis? Knowning a term helps me to google further..)
I found one way to do this using sitesearch.
It's from 2010, and not sure its still the best way to do it.
To be able to tell different links from the same page e.g. you will need to setup enhanced link attribution by requiring the plugin via this command
ga('require', 'linkid', 'linkid.js');
the plugin also requires decorating each link that reffers to the same destination (the question) a unique id. you can also chose to decorate a container element such as a div which holds link or its parent (up to 5 levels)
there are a number of ways to get at this data.
One way is a under reporting look at Behavior>Behavior Flow. The view crates a sunkey diagram. which you can narrow down using a custom segment + creating a content grouping. The advantage of the Behavior flow is that it is visual - but it is difficult to customize.
Another approach you could take is to locate the question in the Behavior > Site Content>All pages and the set the secondary dimension to "Previous Page Path". You can use the advanced filter to select a specific question, and to limit the previous pages to page paths matching the pattern for each type of page you discussed.
To view the attribution for different links you need to select the In-Page Analytics tab.
FYI, I've implemented it using Google tag manager.
I defined event navigateToQnA.
And fired the event with different event action for different type of clicks I care about.
Maybe bit laborious than the sitesearch method I linked in the question.
But cleaner in a sense that you don't pollute url parameters to collect the data.

How do I view Custom Dimension reports in GA?

I have several Custom Dimensions setup in both admin and in the code on my site.
I have verified that the data is being sent correctly to Google Analytics (I used the Chrome GA debugger), but can't seem to find any reports that show these new dimensions.
Since their changing things all the time, it's probably hidden somewhere, but I've gone through every standard report and haven't seen anything.
So, where do you go to view this information?
Found it! Well sort of. Right now, Google doesn't have a standard report that includes Custom Dimenstions. You have to go in Customization to build a custom report and include any of the custom metrics or dimensions you've created.
If you're new to GA, custom reports can probably be a little confusing so wrote up a quick blog post that walks through setting up, implementing and building reports with custom dimensions:

Google Analytics with a b2b site - tracking sub sections

I've implemented GA on our b2b site. It's strictly internal but we'd like to track behaviors of users to see if some of the sections on the site are relevant. So, it's working, but say you have and you want to also track
Do you set up a filter for this? I did try it and not sure if it's working quite yet. Any info/advice would be greatly appreciated. I am brand new to GA.
Not quite sure what you are asking.
If you want to know about metrics for the individual pages you'd go to to the Aquisition->Page Content reports. Overview will give you, well, an overview (you can use the filter box to look at the metrics for any specific Url), Content Drilldown will display a view structured by url hierarchy.
If you're after user behaviour you can create segments. If you want to know if somebody vistited the homepage and, after that, the /edit page you'd got to advanced segments (the arrow above the "Explorer" Tab in most views, click "create new segment", choose "sequence" from the advanced tab, choose page as dimension and "/" to filter for as step one, "/edit" as filter value for page two, enter a name for the segment and click save. Now you'll get all reports only for visitors who have visited those two pages, starting with the homepage.
There are a number of predefined segments, you should try them to see what they can do. You need a pretty good understanding of metrics and dimensions in GA to get the full value from segments, but the simple stuff (e.g. analyze differences between marketing channels) is already pretty useful.
So, for page performance seek out reports with page metrics and use filters. To analyze user behavior use segments which apply to most of the GA reports.
Hope that helps, if not you might to explain more specifically what you want to see in your reports.
You can create separate custom report for individual sections and drilldown by almost all the GA provided dimensions. please reffer the sampel provided.
Please access this URL in your browser as this is a predefined custom report which does the same thing you want. This will get saved under custom reports. You need to edit the custom report and give your own path/section insted of "/services/" under filters section
