Web Scraping - Using Functions on a Secure Site (rvest) - css

I'm attempting to scrape a site that requires a form to be submitted before getting results. I'm struggling to understand how it works, let alone syntax and other things.
I have been looking at code posted by other people, and many people use rvest or RSelenium. I can't seem to get my form to submit properly, and not sure how to go about extracting the results into R once it does submit.
Now, I can't share the specific site that I'm working from, but I've found an analog:
For example, I might need to select "Books" under "Item Type," and "Braille" under "Item Form." Once the form is submitted, I would need to capture that results page.
Copying from other peoples' code, I have the following:
url <- "https://gapines.org/eg/opac/advanced"
my_session <- html_session(url) #Create a persistant session
unfilled_forms <- html_form(my_session)
login_form <- unfilled_forms[[2]] # select the form you need to fill
filled_form <- set_values(login_form,'fi:item_type'="Books",'fi:item_form'="Braille")
login_session <- submit_form(my_session,filled_form)
When I run the submit_form(), it says "Submitting with 'NULL'."
Once it is submitted, I also want to extract the results, but not sure how to even begin.
Thanks in advance.


Salesforce: Download Reports via URL in R

I try to download the reports available in Salesforce via the URL, e.g.
in R.
I already did some investigation to access the report via HTTR-GET, however, up until today without any meaningful outcomes. Unfortunately, R is downloading HTML-code instead of the desired csv file. I also tried to realize the approach suggested here:
The package "RForcecom" allows the interaction via an API, but I was not able to figure out how to realize above solution in R.
General GET-Request:
I expect the output to be in csv format, but I receive the report data as html source code.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3...
Did anyone of you guys encounter same issues and can provide guidance? Any kind of help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance!
UPDATED and not-working R-Snippet:
instanceURL <- "https://login.salesforce.com/"
session <- rforcecom.login(username, password, instanceURL)
getData=GET(url,add_headers('Content-Type'='application/json','Authorization'=paste0("Bearer ",sid),'X-PrettyPrint'='1'),set_cookies('sid'=sid))
Are you sure you have a valid report id? It doesn't look right (did you just obfuscate it for purposes of this post?). What is in that HTML you're getting, an error message? SF login screen?
What you're doing is effectively "screen scraping". This is not a real API, it can break at any time, you should find/build something that properly uses Salesforce Analytics API. You've been warned.
But if you're after a quick and dirty solution...
You need to pretend you're an authenticated user, that you have a valid session id. Add a cookie to your GET request.
How to get a valid session id?
You'd have to log in to SF first (for example use SOAP API's login call or I listed some REST api ideas here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/56034159/313628 )
or display some user's session ID in a SF formula, visualforce page and user would copy-paste it to your app.
Once you have it - add a Cookie header to your GET with value sid=<session id goes here>
Here's a raw request & response in SoapUI.
I recently struggled with the same issue, there's a magic parameter you need to add to the query : isdtp=p1
so if you try:
it should return you the file directly.
In your example, I don't think that you can use the rforcecom session with httr functions as you are trying.
Here is a slightly different way to solve the problem.
Rather than trying to retrieve a report that you already created in Salesforce, why not specify the report in SOQL and use rforcecom.query function to execute the SOQL from r. That would return the data in a data frame and would require no further data wrangling in r to make it useable.
I use this technique often and once you get used to the Salesforce API I think that its probably faster and more powerful for most use cases.
Here is a simple function that I use to return select opportunity data for all opportunities in Salesforce.
getSFOpps <- function(session) {
#Construct SOQL Query
soql <- "SELECT Id,
convertCurrency(Amount) usd_amount,
FROM Opportunity"
#Retrieve Opp information
as_tibble(RForcecom::rforcecom.query(session, soql))
It requires that you pass in a valid session from Rforcecom.login but you seem to have that part working from your code above.
I hope this helps ...
As of v0.2.0, the {salesforcer} R package implements the Salesforce Reports and Dashboards REST API. You can execute and manage reports without needing to write functions from scratch to pull down report data. Below is an example of how to find a report in your Org and then retrieve its data. You can also just use the report Id which appears in the URL bar when viewing the report in Salesforce (highlighted in red in the screenshot below).
# install.packages('salesforcer')
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
# Authenticate using username, password, and security token ...
sf_auth(username = "test#gmail.com",
password = "{PASSWORD_HERE}",
security_token = "{SECURITY_TOKEN_HERE}")
# ... or using OAuth 2.0 authentication
# find a report in your org and run it
all_reports <- sf_query("SELECT Id, Name FROM Report")
this_report_id <- all_reports$Id[1]
results <- sf_run_report(this_report_id)

Downloading data table from a website requires login in R

I am trying to automate downloading data from a website which requires login first. After login, I need to select the particular table that I want to download from a dropdown and then select the dates for which I want the data and then download it into text format. Can this be done in R? The page I m trying to scrape is a jsp page and when I run the following command it gives me an error like "JSP processing error". Can anybody help me with the solution? ALso, I need to select the dates, so need to get those forms also.
Any help would be really appreciated.
handle <- handle("http://xyzwebsite.jsp")
# fields found in the login form.
login <- list(
ussername = "username"
,password = "password"
response <- POST(handle = handle, body = login)

Setting cookies/submitting forms with rvest/httr in R: problems setting local store for web scraping homedepot.com

I am setting up an R script to scrape data from homedepot.com. It is going fine, except that I would like to scrape the stock levels for products, which requires setting the local store. I have tried a few ways to do this using rvest without success. How can I set the local store on homedepot.com?
I have found these related questions that have not led me to a solution:
(R language ) How to make a click on webpage using rvest or rcurl
Submit form with no submit button in rvest
How to properly set cookies to get URL content using httr
More info:
- the store location code seems to be stored in a cookie called THD-LOC-STORE, with a 4-digit store ID. I have been unsuccessful in setting this cookie:
# try to set cookie in site with store ID:
session <- html_session("http://www.homedepot.com", set_cookies('THD-LOC-STORE'='2679'))
# if this worked, it would show the store name instead of "Select a Store":
storefinder <- session %>% read_html() %>% html_nodes(".headerStoreFinder") %>% html_text() %>% gsub("\\t","",.)
I also thought about using submit_form() in rvest, but the buttons to select a store are run by javascript and there are no SUBMIT buttons to choose.
Concerning your possible option "I also thought about using submit_form() in rvest, but the buttons to select a store are run by javascript and there are no SUBMIT buttons to choose", I posted an answer to the question "Submit form with no submit button in rvest" which might provide this solution for your.
In brief, you can inject a submit button into your version of the code and then submit that. Details of how to do that are in the linked post.

Rfacebook Packages getpage() command only retrieving a few posts from Facebook Pages

I recently tried Rfacebook package by pablobarbera, which works quite well. I am having this slight issue, for which I am sharing the code.
install.packages("Rfacebook") # from CRAN
install_github("Rfacebook", "pablobarbera", subdir = "Rfacebook")
# token generated here: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer
token <- "**********"
page <- getPage("DarazOnlineShopping", token, n = 1000)
getPage command works, but it only retrieves 14 records from the Facebook page I used in the command. In the example used by pablobarbera in the original post he retreived all the posts from "Humans of New York", but when I tried the same command, facebook asked me to reduce the number of posts, and I hardly managed to get 20 posts. This is the command used by Pablo bera:
page <- getPage("humansofnewyork", token, n = 5000)
I thought I was using temporary token access that why Facebook is not giving me the required data, but I completed the wholo Facebook Oauth Process, and the same result.
Can somebody look into this, and tell why this is happening.
The getPage() command looks fine to me, I manually counted 14 posts (including photos) on the main page. It could be that Daraz Online Shopping has multiple pages and that the page name you are using only returns results from the main page, when (I assume) you want results from all of them.
getPage() also accepts page IDs. You might want to collect a list of IDs associated with Daraz Online Shopping, loop through and call each of them and combine the outputs to get the results you need.
To find this out these IDs you could write a scraper (or manually search for them all) that views the page source and searches for the unique page ID. Searching for content="fb://page/?id= will highlight the location of the page ID in the source code.

Cran R 'httr'/'Rcurl' packages - use cookies to load a page

I am a begginer in R coding (or in coding in general) and I am trying to load a bunch of prices from a website in Brazil.
When I open the page I am prompted with a form to choose a city, in which I want "CURITIBA".
Opening the Cookies in Chrome I get this:
Name: CidadeSelecionada
Content: CidadeId=55298&NomeCidade=CURITIBA&FilialId=53
My code is to get the prices from this link:
a1 <- "http://www.muffatosupermercados.com.br/CategoriaProduto.aspx?Page=1&c=2"
b2 <- GET(a1,set_cookies(.CidadeSelecionada = c(CidadeId=55298,NomeCidade="CURITIBA",FilialId=53)))
From this the only response I get is the session Id cookie:
[1] "o5wlycpnjbfraislczix1dj4"
and when I try to load the page I only get the page behind the form, which is empty:
html <- content(b2,"text")
writeBin(html, "myfile.txt")
Does anyone have an idea on how to solve this? I also tried using RCurl and posting the form data with no luck...
There is a link to another thread of mine trying to do this in a different way:
RCurl - submit a form and load a page
