I have the following data
dat <- list(data.table(id=1:10, group=rep(1:2, each=5), x=rnorm(10)),
data.table(id=1:10, group=rep(1:2, each=5), x=rnorm(10)))
to which I would like to apply this function element by element and group by group.
subs = function(x, ..., verbose=FALSE){
L = substitute(list(...))[-1]
mon = data.table(cond = as.character(L))[, skip := FALSE]
for (i in seq_along(L)){
d = eval( substitute(x[cond, verbose=v], list(cond = L[[i]], v = verbose)) )
if (nrow(d)){
x = d
} else {
mon[i, skip := TRUE]
However, when I run this code
# works
out <- lapply(1:2, function(h){
res <- list()
d <- dat[[h]]
for(k in 1:2){
g <- d[group==k]
cutoff <- 1
res[[k]] <- subs(g, x>cutoff)
I receive the error that object cutoff cannot be found, although it is printed correctly. However, when I apply the same for-loop outside of the lapply(), it appears to work.
d1 <- dat[[1]]
s <- list()
for(k in 1:2){
g <- d1[group==k]
cutoff <- 1
s[[k]] <- subs(g, x>cutoff)
> s
id group x
1: 1 1 1.370958
id group x
1: 7 2 1.511522
2: 9 2 2.018424
This leads me to suspect that it's the inclusion in the lapply() that causes the error but I find it hard to see what the error is, let along how to fix it.
Data with two variables:
dat <- list(data.table(id=1:10, group=rep(1:2, each=5), x=rnorm(10), y=11:20),
data.table(id=1:10, group=rep(1:2, each=5), x=rnorm(10), y=11:20))
with expected result
id group x y
1: 9 2 2.0184237 19
2: 1 1 1.3709584 11
3: 2 1 -0.5646982 12
4: 3 1 0.3631284 13
5: 4 1 0.6328626 14
6: 5 1 0.4042683 15
id group x y
1: 2 1 2.2866454 12
2: 10 2 1.3201133 20
If you use non-standard evaluation you always pay a price. Here it is a scoping issue.
It works like this:
subs = function(x, ..., verbose=FALSE){
L = substitute(list(...))[-1]
mon = data.table(cond = as.character(L))[, skip := FALSE]
for (i in seq_along(L)){
d = eval( substitute(x[cond,, #needed to add this comma, don't know why
verbose=v], list(cond = L[[i]], v = verbose)))
if (nrow(d)){
x = d
} else {
mon[i, skip := TRUE]
out <- lapply(1:2, function(h){
res <- list()
d <- dat[[h]]
for(k in 1:2){
g <- d[group==k]
cutoff <- 1
res[[k]] <- eval(substitute(subs(g, x>cutoff), list(cutoff = cutoff)))
Is there a particular reason for not using data.table's by parameter?
Background: The point of subs() is to apply multiple conditions (if
multiple are passed to it) unless one would result in an empty subset.
I would use a different approach then:
subs = function(x, ..., verbose=FALSE){
L = substitute(list(...))[-1]
for (i in seq_along(L)){
d = eval( substitute(x[cond, , verbose=v], list(cond = L[[i]], v = verbose)))
x <- rbind(d, x[!d, on = "group"])
out <- lapply(dat, function(d){
cutoff <- 2 #to get empty groups
eval(substitute(subs(d, x>cutoff), list(cutoff = cutoff)))
# id group x
#1: 9 2 2.0184237
#2: 1 1 1.3709584
#3: 2 1 -0.5646982
#4: 3 1 0.3631284
#5: 4 1 0.6328626
#6: 5 1 0.4042683
# id group x
#1: 2 1 2.2866454
#2: 6 2 0.6359504
#3: 7 2 -0.2842529
#4: 8 2 -2.6564554
#5: 9 2 -2.4404669
#6: 10 2 1.3201133
Beware that this does not retain the ordering.
Another option that retains the ordering:
subs = function(x, ..., verbose=FALSE){
L = substitute(list(...))[-1]
for (i in seq_along(L)){
x = eval( substitute(x[, {
res <- .SD[cond];
if (nrow(res) > 0) res else .SD
}, by = "group", verbose=v], list(cond = L[[i]], v = verbose)))
The by variable could be passed as a function parameter and then substituted in together with the condition.
I haven't done benchmarks comparing the efficiency of these two.
I have 3 data.frames (A, B1 and B2). I split each by variable study.name and get my desired output shown as out1, out2, out3:
J <- split(A, A$study.name); out1 <- do.call(rbind, c(J, make.row.names = F))
M <- split(B1, B1$study.name); out2 <- do.call(rbind, c(M, make.row.names = F))
N <- split(B2, B2$study.name); out3 <- do.call(rbind, c(N, make.row.names = F))
But I'm wondering why I can't achieve the same output from my function foo? (see below)
A <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/izeh/m/master/irr.csv", h = T) ## data A
B1 <- read.csv('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/izeh/m/master/irr2.csv', h = T) ## data B1
B2 <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/izeh/m/master/irr4.csv", h = T) ## data B2
foo <- function(...){ ## The unsuccessful function `foo`
r <- list(...)
## r <- Can we HERE delete rows and columns that are ALL `NA` or EMPTY in `r`?
J <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(r), function(i) split(r[[i]], r[[i]]$study.name)), recursive = FALSE)
lapply(seq_along(J), function(i)do.call(rbind, c(J[[i]], make.row.names = FALSE)) )
foo(B1, B2) # Example without success
We can do the cleaning of rows/columns before doing the split
foo <- function(...){
r <- list(...)
lapply(r, function(dat) {
m1 <- is.na(dat)|dat == ""
i1 <- rowSums(m1) < ncol(m1)
j1 <- colSums(m1) < nrow(m1)
dat1 <- dat[i1, j1]
facColumns <- sapply(dat1, is.factor)
dat1[facColumns] <- lapply(dat1[facColumns], as.character)
dat1$study.name <- factor(dat1$study.name, levels = unique(dat1$study.name))
l1 <- split(dat1, dat1$study.name)
do.call(rbind, c(l1, make.row.names = FALSE))
lapply(foo(B1, B2), head, 2)
# study.name group.name outcome ESL prof scope type
#1 Shin.Ellis ME.short 1 1 2 1 1
#2 Shin.Ellis ME.long 1 1 2 1 1
# study.name group.name outcome ESL prof scope type
#1 Shin.Ellis ME.short 1 1 2 1 1
#2 Shin.Ellis ME.long 1 1 2 1 1
or using a single object as argument
lapply(foo(A), head, 2)
# study.name group.name outcome ESL prof scope type ESL.1 prof.1 scope.1 type.1
#1 Shin.Ellis ME.short 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1
#2 Shin.Ellis ME.long 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1
I have a function runBootstrap whose output result is a vector of variable length (depending on # of values for cat, which itself is a product of test). Apologies that this isn't "minimal".
test <- function(combo) {
if(combo[1] == 4) {
cat <- 4
} else if((combo[1] == 3 & combo[2] == 2) | (combo[1] == 2 & combo[2] == 2)) {
cat <- 3
} else if((combo[1] == 2 & combo[2] == 1) | (combo[1] == 1 & combo[2] == 2)) {
cat <- 2
} else {
cat <- 1
arg1.freqs <- c(0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1)
arg2.freqs <- c(0.8, 0.2)
runBootstrap <- function(arg1.freqs, arg2.freqs) {
sim.df <- data.frame(x1 = 1:10000, y1 = NA)
sim.df$x1 <- sample(1:4, 10000, replace = TRUE,
prob = arg1.freqs)
sim.df$y1 <- sample(1:2, 10000, replace = TRUE,
prob = arg2.freqs)
sim.df$cat <- NA
for(i in 1:nrow(sim.df)) {
combo <- c(sim.df[i, 1], sim.df[i, 2])
sim.df$cat[i] <- test(combo)
sim.df <- sim.df %>%
select(cat) %>%
group_by(cat) %>%
summarise(n = n()) %>%
mutate(freq = n / sum(n))
sim.df <- as.data.frame(sim.df)
result <- c(sim.df[1, 3], sim.df[2, 3])
In this current version there are only two values for cat so result is a vector of length 2; in a future version I will adjust code so that length(result) will equal # values of cat.
When using the function in a for loop, I would like to use the vector values to create new columns in an already existing data.frame df1. The code I've tried thus far is as follows:
df1$result <- NA
for (i in 1:nrow(df1)) {
df1$result[i] <- runBootstrap(arg1.freqs, arg2.freqs)
This clearly doesn't work unless the result vector is length = 1. But I don't know the length of the vector until the function runs (although once it runs it will be same length each iteration).
What I would like to achieve is the following:
Example 1: if length(result) == 2
df1.col x1 x2
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6
Example 2: if length(result) == 3
df1.col x1 x2 x3
1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6
Thanks for any advice or direction.
edited for clarification
UPDATE - edited with solution
I got it to work as I wanted by creating a blank list, populating, then using rbind as follows:
appendResults <- function(df1, arg1, arg2) {
my.list <- vector("list", nrow(df1))
for (i in 1:nrow(df1)) {
arg1.freqs <- as.numeric(arg1[i, 3:6])
arg2.freqs <- as.numeric(arg2[i, 3:4])
my.list[[i]] <- runBootstrap(arg1.freqs, arg2.freqs)
result.df <- do.call(rbind, my.list)
df2 <- do.call(cbind, list(df1, result.df))
Check this one, not sure what the result looks like, but this creates empty columns, equal to the length of results, with NAs:
# fake data frame
df1 <- data.frame(x = c(1,2,3), y = c("a", "b", "c"))
# say result has length 3
res <- c(5,6,7)
# make columns with names x1, ..., x + length of res
# and assign NA values to those column
df1[ , paste("x", 1:length(res), sep = "")] <- NA
I have a list with same structure for every member as the following
config <- NULL
config[["secA"]] <- NULL
config[["secA"]]$VAL <- 0
config[["secA"]]$ARR <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
config[["secA"]]$DF <- data.frame(matrix(c(1,5,3,8),2,2))
config[["secB"]] <- NULL
config[["secB"]]$VAL <- 1
config[["secB"]]$ARR <- c(1,3,2,4,9)
config[["secB"]]$DF <- data.frame(matrix(c(2,6,1,9),2,2))
config[["secC"]] <- NULL
config[["secC"]]$VAL <- 5
config[["secC"]]$ARR <- c(4,2,1,5,8)
config[["secC"]]$DF <- data.frame(matrix(c(4,2,1,7),2,2))
and I need to obtain 3 vectors VAL, ARR and DF, each with the concatenated elements of the corresponding member. such as
# VAL: 0,1,5
# ARR: 1,2,3,4,5,1,3,2,4,9,4,2,1,5,8
# DF: 1,5,3,8,2,6,1,9,4,2,1,7
Looking at similar situations, I have the feeling I need to use a combination of do.call and cbind or lapply but I have no clue. any suggestions?
config <- NULL
config[["secA"]] <- NULL
config[["secA"]]$VAL <- 0
config[["secA"]]$ARR <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
config[["secA"]]$DF <- data.frame(matrix(c(1,5,3,8),2,2))
config[["secB"]] <- NULL
config[["secB"]]$VAL <- 1
config[["secB"]]$ARR <- c(1,3,2,4,9)
config[["secB"]]$DF <- data.frame(matrix(c(2,6,1,9),2,2))
config[["secC"]] <- NULL
config[["secC"]]$VAL <- 5
config[["secC"]]$ARR <- c(4,2,1,5,8)
config[["secC"]]$DF <- data.frame(matrix(c(4,2,1,7),2,2))
sapply(names(config[[1]]), function(x)
unname(unlist(sapply(config, `[`, x))), USE.NAMES = TRUE)
# $VAL
# [1] 0 1 5
# $ARR
# [1] 1 2 3 4 5 1 3 2 4 9 4 2 1 5 8
# $DF
# [1] 1 5 3 8 2 6 1 9 4 2 1 7
Or you can use this clist function
Unfortunately there were no other answers.
(l <- Reduce(clist, config))
# $VAL
# [1] 0 1 5
# $ARR
# [1] 1 2 3 4 5 1 3 2 4 9 4 2 1 5 8
# $DF
# X1 X2 X1 X2 X1 X2
# 1 1 3 2 1 4 1
# 2 5 8 6 9 2 7
It merges data frames and matrices, so you need to unlist to get the vector you want
l$DF <- unname(unlist(l$DF))
# $VAL
# [1] 0 1 5
# $ARR
# [1] 1 2 3 4 5 1 3 2 4 9 4 2 1 5 8
# $DF
# [1] 1 5 3 8 2 6 1 9 4 2 1 7
clist <- function (x, y) {
islist <- function(x) inherits(x, 'list')
'%||%' <- function(a, b) if (!is.null(a)) a else b
get_fun <- function(x, y)
switch(class(x %||% y),
matrix = cbind,
data.frame = function(x, y)
do.call('cbind.data.frame', Filter(Negate(is.null), list(x, y))),
factor = function(...) unlist(list(...)), c)
stopifnot(islist(x), islist(y))
nn <- names(rapply(c(x, y), names, how = 'list'))
if (is.null(nn) || any(!nzchar(nn)))
stop('All non-NULL list elements should have unique names', domain = NA)
nn <- unique(c(names(x), names(y)))
z <- setNames(vector('list', length(nn)), nn)
for (ii in nn)
z[[ii]] <- if (islist(x[[ii]]) && islist(y[[ii]]))
Recall(x[[ii]], y[[ii]]) else
(get_fun(x[[ii]], y[[ii]]))(x[[ii]], y[[ii]])
Another approach, with slightly less code.
un_config <- unlist(config)
un_configNAM <- names(un_config)
vecNAM <- c("VAL", "ARR", "DF")
for(n in vecNAM){
assign(n, un_config[grepl(n, un_configNAM)])
This will return 3 vectors as the OP requested. However, generally it is more advantageous to store results in a list as rawr suggests. You of course can adopt the above code so that results are stored within a list.
l <- rep(list(NA), length(vecNAM))
i = 1
for(n in vecNAM){
l[[i]] <- un_config[grepl(n, un_configNAM)]
i = i +1
I would like to be able to apply a function to all combinations of a set of input arguments. I have a working solution (below) but would be surprised if there's not a better / more generic way to do this using, e.g. plyr, but so far have not found anything. Is there a better solution?
# Apply function FUN to all combinations of arguments and append results to
# data frame of arguments
cmapply <- function(FUN, ..., MoreArgs = NULL, SIMPLIFY = TRUE,
l <- expand.grid(..., stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
r <- do.call(mapply, c(
if (is.matrix(r)) r <- t(r)
cbind(l, r)
# calculate sum of combinations of 1:3, 1:3 and 1:2
cmapply(arg1=1:3, arg2=1:3, 1:2, FUN=sum)
# paste input arguments
cmapply(arg1=1:3, arg2=c("a", "b"), c("x", "y", "z"), FUN=paste)
# function returns a vector
cmapply(a=1:3, b=2, FUN=function(a, b) c("x"=b-a, "y"=a+b))
This function isn't necessarily any better, just slightly different:
rcapply <- function(FUN, ...) {
## Cross-join all vectors
DT <- CJ(...)
## Get the original names
nl <- names(list(...))
## Make names, if all are missing
if(length(nl)==0L) nl <- make.names(1:length(list(...)))
## Fill in any missing names
nl[!nzchar(nl)] <- paste0("arg", 1:length(nl))[!nzchar(nl)]
setnames(DT, nl)
## Call the function using all columns of every row
DT2 <- DT[,
as.data.table(as.list(do.call(FUN, .SD))), ## Use all columns...
by=.(rn=1:nrow(DT))][ ## ...by every row
, rn:=NULL] ## Remove the temp row number
## Add res to names of unnamed result columns
setnames(DT2, gsub("(V)([0-9]+)", "res\\2", names(DT2)))
return(data.table(DT, DT2))
head(rcapply(arg1=1:3, arg2=1:3, 1:2, FUN=sum))
## arg1 arg2 arg3 res1
## 1: 1 1 1 3
## 2: 1 1 2 4
## 3: 1 2 1 4
## 4: 1 2 2 5
## 5: 1 3 1 5
## 6: 1 3 2 6
head(rcapply(arg1=1:3, arg2=c("a", "b"), c("x", "y", "z"), FUN=paste))
## arg1 arg2 arg3 res1
## 1: 1 a x 1 a x
## 2: 1 a y 1 a y
## 3: 1 a z 1 a z
## 4: 1 b x 1 b x
## 5: 1 b y 1 b y
## 6: 1 b z 1 b z
head(rcapply(a=1:3, b=2, FUN=function(a, b) c("x"=b-a, "y"=a+b)))
## a b x y
## 1: 1 2 1 3
## 2: 2 2 0 4
## 3: 3 2 -1 5
A slight simplification of your original code:
cmapply <- function(FUN, ..., MoreArgs = NULL)
l <- expand.grid(..., stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
r <- .mapply(FUN=FUN, dots=l, MoreArgs = MoreArgs)
r <- simplify2array(r, higher = FALSE)
if (is.matrix(r)) r <- t(r)
return(cbind(l, r))
This does not require a do.call.
It does miss the SIMPLIFY and USE.NAMES arguments, but the way you are using it seems to make the arguments not usable anyway: if SIMPLIFY = FALSE, the rbind() will fail, and USE.NAMES = TRUE does not do anything because the names get lost after the rbind() anyway.
Please forgive me if I missed an answer to such a simple question.
I want to use cbind() to bind two columns. One of them is a single entry shorter in length.
Can I have R supply an NA for the missing value?
The documentation discusses a deparse.level argument but this doesn't seem to be my solution.
Further, if I may be so bold, would there also be a quick way to prepend the shorter column with NA's?
Try this:
x <- c(1:5)
y <- c(4:1)
length(y) = length(x)
x y
[1,] 1 4
[2,] 2 3
[3,] 3 2
[4,] 4 1
[5,] 5 NA
or this:
x <- c(4:1)
y <- c(1:5)
length(x) = length(y)
x y
[1,] 4 1
[2,] 3 2
[3,] 2 3
[4,] 1 4
[5,] NA 5
I think this will do something similar to what DWin suggested and work regardless of which vector is shorter:
x <- c(4:1)
y <- c(1:5)
lengths <- max(c(length(x), length(y)))
length(x) <- lengths
length(y) <- lengths
The code above can also be condensed to:
x <- c(4:1)
y <- c(1:5)
length(x) <- length(y) <- max(c(length(x), length(y)))
Here is what I came up with to address the question:
"Further, if I may be so bold, would there also be a quick way to prepend the shorter column with NA's?"
inserted into the original post by Matt O'Brien.
x <- c(4:1)
y <- c(1:5)
first <- 1 # 1 means add NA to top of shorter vector
# 0 means add NA to bottom of shorter vector
if(length(x)<length(y)) {
if(first==1) x = c(rep(NA, length(y)-length(x)),x);y=y
if(first==0) x = c(x,rep(NA, length(y)-length(x)));y=y
if(length(y)<length(x)) {
if(first==1) y = c(rep(NA, length(x)-length(y)),y);x=x
if(first==0) y = c(y,rep(NA, length(x)-length(y)));x=x
# x y
# [1,] NA 1
# [2,] 4 2
# [3,] 3 3
# [4,] 2 4
# [5,] 1 5
Here is a function:
x <- c(4:1)
y <- c(1:5)
first <- 1 # 1 means add NA to top of shorter vector
# 0 means add NA to bottom of shorter vector
my.cbind <- function(x,y,first) {
if(length(x)<length(y)) {
if(first==1) x = c(rep(NA, length(y)-length(x)),x);y=y
if(first==0) x = c(x,rep(NA, length(y)-length(x)));y=y
if(length(y)<length(x)) {
if(first==1) y = c(rep(NA, length(x)-length(y)),y);x=x
if(first==0) y = c(y,rep(NA, length(x)-length(y)));x=x
This version allows you to cbind two vectors of different mode:
x <- c(4:1)
y <- letters[1:5]
first <- 1 # 1 means add NA to top of shorter vector
# 0 means add NA to bottom of shorter vector
my.cbind <- function(x,y,first) {
if(length(x)<length(y)) {
if(first==1) x = c(rep(NA, length(y)-length(x)),x);y=y
if(first==0) x = c(x,rep(NA, length(y)-length(x)));y=y
if(length(y)<length(x)) {
if(first==1) y = c(rep(NA, length(x)-length(y)),y);x=x
if(first==0) y = c(y,rep(NA, length(x)-length(y)));x=x
x <- as.data.frame(x)
y <- as.data.frame(y)
# x y
# 1 NA a
# 2 4 b
# 3 3 c
# 4 2 d
# 5 1 e
A while back I had put together a function called Cbind that was meant to do this sort of thing. In its current form, it should be able to handle vectors, data.frames, and matrices as the input.
For now, the function is here: https://gist.github.com/mrdwab/6789277
Here is how one would use the function:
x <- 1:5
y <- letters[1:4]
z <- matrix(1:4, ncol = 2, dimnames = list(NULL, c("a", "b")))
Cbind(x, y, z)
# x y z_a z_b
# 1 1 a 1 3
# 2 2 b 2 4
# 3 3 c NA NA
# 4 4 d NA NA
# 5 5 <NA> NA NA
Cbind(x, y, z, first = FALSE)
# x y z_a z_b
# 1 1 <NA> NA NA
# 2 2 a NA NA
# 3 3 b NA NA
# 4 4 c 1 3
# 5 5 d 2 4
The two three functions required are padNA, dotnames, and Cbind, which are defined as follows:
padNA <- function (mydata, rowsneeded, first = TRUE) {
## Pads vectors, data.frames, or matrices with NA
temp1 = colnames(mydata)
rowsneeded = rowsneeded - nrow(mydata)
temp2 = setNames(
data.frame(matrix(rep(NA, length(temp1) * rowsneeded),
ncol = length(temp1))), temp1)
if (isTRUE(first)) rbind(mydata, temp2)
else rbind(temp2, mydata)
dotnames <- function(...) {
## Gets the names of the objects passed through ...
vnames <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1L]
vnames <- unlist(lapply(vnames,deparse), FALSE, FALSE)
Cbind <- function(..., first = TRUE) {
## cbinds vectors, data.frames, and matrices together
Names <- dotnames(...)
datalist <- setNames(list(...), Names)
nrows <- max(sapply(datalist, function(x)
ifelse(is.null(dim(x)), length(x), nrow(x))))
datalist <- lapply(seq_along(datalist), function(x) {
z <- datalist[[x]]
if (is.null(dim(z))) {
z <- setNames(data.frame(z), Names[x])
} else {
if (is.null(colnames(z))) {
colnames(z) <- paste(Names[x], sequence(ncol(z)), sep = "_")
} else {
colnames(z) <- paste(Names[x], colnames(z), sep = "_")
padNA(z, rowsneeded = nrows, first = first)
do.call(cbind, datalist)
Part of the reason I stopped working on the function was that the gdata package already has a function called cbindX that handles cbinding data.frames and matrices with different numbers of rows. It will not work directly on vectors, so you need to convert them to data.frames first.
cbindX(data.frame(x), data.frame(y), z)
# x y a b
# 1 1 a 1 3
# 2 2 b 2 4
# 3 3 c NA NA
# 4 4 d NA NA
# 5 5 <NA> NA NA