Business Object Repository initialized on wrong domain - intershop

We are using Intershop and there is strange problem we are facing regarding initialization of PostpaidPriceBORepositoryExtensionImpl (AbstractDomainRepositoryBOExtension). There are 4 application servers, and now and then method "getDomain()" from "AbstractDomainRepositoryBOExtension" just on one application server (and that problem occurs only on that app server until it's restarted) returns different domain (from another channel).
We ere initializing that repository from custom basket PLI extension (BasketPliBOA1CustomExtensionImpl) by:
final BusinessObjectRepositoryContext context = getContext().getVariable(BusinessObjectRepositoryContext.CURRENT);
postpaidPriceBORepository = context.getRepository(PostpaidPriceBORepositoryExtensionFactory.EXTENSION_ID);
This is log message with wrong domain:
[2019-08-22 16:55:19.082 CEST+0200] DEBUG ES1 appserver0 [A1-Shop-Site] hr.a1.component.postpaid.price.capi.PostpaidPriceBORepository [] [Storefront] [U4orJF6aQTkzJQPE-Zecvq2QBdF3vzutXXB9fwIB] [3CZ1Al1erNa3mvMK-0-00] "3CZ1Al1erNa3mvMK-0-00" Calling getPostpaidPriceBO with following parameters: productID - BSsK85q6.1IAAAFpaSPwkTzN, tariffID - Ayl_AAEB068AAAFm2D5_ByXz, contractType - A, contractBinding - 24, domainID - VcwK_Slyn1kAAAFl9O1ujvEU.
And here with corect one:
[2019-08-22 16:55:19.145 CEST+0200] DEBUG ES1 appserver0 [A1-Shop-Site] hr.a1.component.postpaid.price.capi.PostpaidPriceBORepository [] [Storefront] [U4orJF6aQTkzJQPE-Zecvq2QBdF3vzutXXB9fwIB] [3CZ1Al1erNa3mvMK-0-00] "3CZ1Al1erNa3mvMK-0-00" Calling getPostpaidPriceBO with following parameters: productID - BSsK85q6.1IAAAFpaSPwkTzN, tariffID - Ayl_AAEB068AAAFm2D5_ByXz, contractType - A, contractBinding - 24, domainID - aPIK_Sly.tEAAAFlWeJujvEU.
As you can see on first log message is domain ID from A1-Tomato-Site and strange is that request and log file is for A1-Shop-Site (different channel). Also you can see in log messages that both of them are from same session, even from same request (request ID is 3CZ1Al1erNa3mvMK-0-00).
This is code snippet from PostpaidPriceBORepositoryImpl:
LOGGER.debug("Calling getPostpaidPriceBO with following parameters: productID - {}, tariffID - {}, contractType - {}, contractBinding - {}, domainID - {}.",
productID, tariffID, contractType, contractBinding, getDomain().getDomainID());
final A1PostpaidPricePO postpaidPricePO = postpaidPricePOFactory
.getObjectByAlternateKey(new A1PostpaidPricePOAlternateKey(productID, tariffID, contractType.getName(), contractBinding, getDomain().getDomainID()));
Do you know what could be reason for that? Just to repeat what is strange, this is happening on only one application server (after every restart on different one, so that isn't consistent either). There is possibility if we have luck that after restart this doesn't happen on any of app servers, but after next restart problem occurs on one app server (one time we had problem on two of them from 4).
Thank you for your help.


Unable to start Next 13 app directory (beta) in production mode

Step 1: Automatically create a new Next.js project using the new beta app directory:
npx create-next-app#latest --experimental-app
// Next.js API route support:
import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next'
type Data = {
name: string
export default function handler(
req: NextApiRequest,
res: NextApiResponse<Data>
) {
res.status(200).json({ name: 'John Doe' })
This file is identical to the one created automatically created by npx - there are no modifications.
I am trying to build a simple home page, which fetches data from the api which gets data from my database. Either way an await/async will be required. I am following the instructions from here.
In this example I will demonstrate that even awaiting the supplied hello api can't seem to run in production, and I can't work out why.
async function getHelloAsync() {
const res = await fetch('http://localhost:3000/api/hello', { cache: 'no-store' });
// The return value is *not* serialized
// You can return Date, Map, Set, etc.
// Recommendation: handle errors
if (!res.ok) {
// This will activate the closest `error.js` Error Boundary
throw new Error('Failed to fetch data');
return res.json();
export default async function Page() {
const hello = await getHelloAsync();
return (
<h1>Hello: {}</h1>
To test the hello api works, I confirm that running pn run dev and then curl http://localhost:3000/api/hello the following successful response is received:
{"name":"John Doe"}
Next up we exit the dev server and run:
pn run build
The first headache is that the build will completely fail to build unless one adds { cache: 'no-store' } to the fetch command:
const res = await fetch('http://localhost:3000/api/hello', { cache: 'no-store' });
or adds this to the top of app/page.tsx:
export const fetchCache = 'force-no-store';
I am actually not sure how one would even build this if you wanted to cache the response or use revalidate instead and provide an initial optimistic response, because without cache: no-store it refuses to build outright. Ideally instead it should just cache the result from /api/hello and not fail. Running the dev server at the same idea as doing the build does allow the build to work, but then as soon as you exit the dev server and run pn run start then all the api calls fail anyway. So that is not a good idea.
This leads us to the next problem - why are the api calls not working in production (i.e. when calling pn run start).
Step 2:
pn run build
pn run start
Confirm that the following still works and yes it does:
curl http://localhost:3000/api/hello
{"name":"John Doe"}
Now we visit http://localhost:3000 in a browser but, surprise! We get the following error:
> next start
ready - started server on, url: http://localhost:3000
warn - You have enabled experimental feature (appDir) in next.config.js.
warn - Experimental features are not covered by semver, and may cause unexpected or broken application behavior. Use at your own risk.
info - Thank you for testing `appDir` please leave your feedback at
(node:787) ExperimentalWarning: The Fetch API is an experimental feature. This feature could change at any time
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
TypeError: fetch failed
at Object.fetch (node:internal/deps/undici/undici:11118:11)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async getHelloAsync (/Users/username/nextjstest/.next/server/app/page.js:229:17)
at async Page (/Users/username/nextjstest/.next/server/app/page.js:242:19) {
cause: Error: connect ECONNREFUSED ::1:3000
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1300:16)
at TCPConnectWrap.callbackTrampoline (node:internal/async_hooks:130:17) {
errno: -61,
syscall: 'connect',
address: '::1',
port: 3000
[Error: An error occurred in the Server Components render. The specific message is omitted in production builds to avoid leaking sensitive details. A digest property is included on this error instance which may provide additional details about the nature of the error.] {
digest: '3567993178'
Why is it saying that the connection is refused when we know the API is available? I can't get this to run at all. I know this is beta but surely the code should actually run right? How do I make this code work?
Also if anyone knows where where the logs are that I'm supposed to be accessing to see digest '3567993178' please let me know.

exactly once delivery Is it possible through spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka or spring-kafka which one to use

I am trying to achieve exactly once delivery using spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka in a spring boot application.
The versions I am using are:
spring-cloud-stream-codec-1.2.2.RELEASE spring-kafka-1.1.6.RELEASE
Kafka version :
This is my configuration (cloud-config):
enable-auto-commit: false
brokers: "${BROKER_HOST:xyz-aws.local:9092}"
- X-B3-TraceId
- X-B3-SpanId
- X-B3-Sampled
- X-B3-ParentSpanId
- X-Span-Name
- X-Process-Id
zkNodes: "${ZOOKEEPER_HOST:120.211.316.261:2181,120.211.317.252:2181}"
autoCommitOffset: false
type: kafka
binder: xyzkafka
destination: platform-events
group: br-platform-events
I have two main classes:
FeedSink Interface:
import org.springframework.messaging.MessageChannel;
public interface FeedSink {
String FEED_PLATFORM_EVENTS_INPUT = "feed_platform_events_input";
MessageChannel feedlatformEventsInput();
public class EventConsumer {
public static final String SUCCESS_MESSAGE =
"SEND-SUCCESS : Successfully sent message to platform.";
public static final String FAULT_MESSAGE = "SOAP-FAULT Code: {}, Description: {}";
public static final String CONNECT_ERROR_MESSAGE = "CONNECT-ERROR Error Details: {}";
public static final String EMPTY_NOTIFICATION_ERROR_MESSAGE =
"EMPTY-NOTIFICATION-ERROR Empty Event Received from platform";
private CapPointService service;
* method associated with stream to process message.
public void message(final #Payload EventNotification eventNotification,
final #Header(KafkaHeaders.ACKNOWLEDGMENT) Acknowledgment acknowledgment) {
String caseMilestone = "UNKNOWN";
if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(eventNotification)) {
SysMessage sysMessage = processPayload(eventNotification);
caseMilestone = sysMessage.getCaseMilestone();
try {
ClientResponse response = service.sendPayload(sysMessage);
if (response.hasFault()) {
Fault faultDetails = response.getFaultDetails();
log.error(FAULT_MESSAGE, faultDetails.getCode(), faultDetails.getDescription());
} else {;
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error(CONNECT_ERROR_MESSAGE, e.getMessage());
} else {
private SysMessage processPayload(final EventNotification eventNotification) {
Gson gson = new Gson();
String jsonString = gson.toJson(eventNotification.getData());"Consumed message for platform events with payload : {} ", jsonString);
SysMessage sysMessage = gson.fromJson(jsonString, SysMessage.class);
return sysMessage;
I have set the autocommit property for Kafka and spring container as false.
if you see in the EventConsumer class I have used Acknowledge in cases where I service.sendPayload is successful and there are no Exceptions. And I want container to move the offset and poll for next records.
What I have observed is:
Scenario 1 - In case where the Exception is thrown and there are no new messages published on kafka. There is no retry to process the message and it seems there is no activity. Even if the underlying issue is resolved. The issue I am referring to is down stream server unavailability. Is there a way to retry the processing n times and then give up. Note this is retry of processing or repoll from the last committed offset. This is not about Kafka instance not available.
If I restart the service (EC2 instance) then the processing happens from the offset where the last successful Acknowledge was done.
Scenario 2 - In case where Exception happened and then a subsequent message is pushed to kafka. I see the new message is processed and the offset moved. It means I lost the message which was not acknowledged. So the question is if I have handled the Acknowledge. How do I control to read from last commit not just the latest message and process it. I am assuming there is internally a poll happening and it did not take into account or did not know about the last message not being acknowledged. I don't think there are multiple threads reading from kafka. I dont know how the #Input and #StreamListener annotations are controlled. I assume the thread is controlled by property consumer.concurrency which controls the thread and by default it is set to 1.
So I have done research and found a lot of links but unfortunately none of them answers my specific questions.
I looked at (
which has a comment from Marius (
Do note that Kafka does not provide individual message acking, which
means that acknowledgment translates into updating the latest consumed
offset to the offset of the acked message (per topic/partition). That
means that if you're acking messages from the same topic partition out
of order, a message can 'ack' all the messages before it.
not sure if it is the issue with order when there is one thread.
Apologies for long post, but I wanted to provide enough information. The main thing is I am trying to avoid losing messages when consuming from kafka and I am trying to see if spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka can do the job or I have to look at alternatives.
Update 6th July 2018
I saw this post
Is this a better approach to my problem? I can try latest version of spring-kafka
#KafkaListener(id = "qux", topics = "annotated4", containerFactory = "kafkaManualAckListenerContainerFactory",
containerGroup = "quxGroup")
public void listen4(#Payload String foo, Acknowledgment ack, Consumer<?, ?> consumer) {
Will this help in controlling the offset to be set to where the last
successfully processed record? How can I do that from the listen
method. consumer.seekToEnd(); and then how will listen method reset to get the that record?
Does putting the Consumer in the signature provide support to get
handle to consumer? Or I need to do anything more?
Should I use Acknowledge or consumer.commitSyncy()
What is the significance of containerFactory. do I have to define it
as a bean.
Do I need #EnableKafka and #Configuration for above approach to work?
Bearing in mind the application is a Spring Boot application.
By Adding Consumer to listen method I don't need to implement
ConsumerAware Interface?
Last but not least, Is it possible to provide some example of above approach if it is feasible.
Update 12 July 2018
Thanks Gary ( for providing the tip of using maxAttempts. I have used that approach. And I am able to achieve exactly once delivery and preserve the order of the message.
My updated cloud-config:
enable-auto-commit: false
brokers: "${BROKER_HOST:xyz-aws.local:9092}"
- X-B3-TraceId
- X-B3-SpanId
- X-B3-Sampled
- X-B3-ParentSpanId
- X-Span-Name
- X-Process-Id
zkNodes: "${ZOOKEEPER_HOST:120.211.316.261:2181,120.211.317.252:2181}"
autoCommitOffset: false
type: kafka
binder: xyzkafka
destination: platform-events
group: br-platform-events
maxAttempts: 2147483647
backOffInitialInterval: 1000
backOffMaxInterval: 300000
backOffMultiplier: 2.0
Event Consumer remains the same as my initial implementation. Except for rethrowing the error for the container to know the processing has failed. If you just catch it then there is no way container knows the message processing has failures. By doing acknoweldgement.acknowledge you are just controlling the offset commit. In order for retry to happen you must throw the exception. Don't forget to set the kafka client autocommit property and spring (container level) autocommitOffset property to false. Thats it.
As explained by Marius, Kafka only maintains an offset in the log. If you process the next message, and update the offset; the failed message is lost.
You can send the failed message to a dead-letter topic (set enableDlq to true).
Recent versions of Spring Kafka (2.1.x) have special error handlers ContainerStoppingErrorHandler which stops the container when an exception occurs and SeekToCurrentErrorHandler which will cause the failed message to be redelivered.

SkypeSDK Video and audio issue - mediaRelayAccessToken not found

I'm having problems with adding an audio or a video service to a coversation.
The chat service works fine for me.
When I add a video or an audio service I get following error:
Error: GET /ucwa/oauth/v1/applications/113925534802/communication/mediaRelayAccessToken failed: 404
[functions]: ,
__proto__: { },
code: "RequestFailed",
description: "GET /ucwa/oauth/v1/applications/113925534802/communication/mediaRelayAccessToken failed: 404",
message: "GET /ucwa/oauth/v1/applications/113925534802/communication/mediaRelayAccessToken failed: 404",
name: "Error",
req: { },
rsp: { },
stack: "Error: GET /ucwa/oauth/v1/applications/113925534802/communication/mediaRelayAccessToken failed: 404
at process (
at Anonymous function (
at Anonymous function (
at map (
at decompose (
at Anonymous function (
at handle (
at Anonymous function ("
The Skype For Business Plugin is installed and works fine.
A Skype Edge server is currently not installed.
I'm using Internet Explorer 11.
The error occurs with the Skype Web SDK On Prem Sample from Microsoft as well as on my own website.
When I try to add video or audio for the second time to the same conversation i dont get any error message at all, but it still doesn't work. The request doesnt show up in the dev tools nor in fiddler. I'm using the latest version of the Skype SDk bootstrapper.
Both clients and server are in the same subnet.
Thanks in advance.
I encountered the same problem. Not sure how it happens, but the sdk has troubles to fetch or apply the media config.
You can use the this workaround:
Following line 18,892 in the debug version of the sdk, comment out both calls:
throw error;
in the function init() of the section MediaConfig. Resulting in:
function init() {
pcMediaConfig = mediaPlugin.createComponent({
type: 'MediaPlatformConfig',
hide: true,
inproc: false
pcMediaConfig.state.changed(function (state) {
log('pcMediaConfig.state = ' + state);
var p = pcMediaConfig.load().then(getMediaConfig).then(setMediaConfig).then(null, function (error) {
log('MediaConfig::init rejected');
//throw error;
return p;
Therefore you have to download the bootstrapper and the sdk to permanently apply the patch. To do this just fetch both in the debug version (bootstrapper version 1.2.5) and replace in function onConfig(config) line 48
}, config.corsScript && (scriptAttributes.crossOrigin = ""), loader.loadScript(getPackageUrl(config), null, handleError, scriptAttributes);
}, config.corsScript && (scriptAttributes.crossOrigin = ""), loader.loadScript("./scripts/SkypeSDK.js", null, handleError, scriptAttributes);
or your equivalent path
This is currently a limitation of the Skype Web SDK: it has a dependency on the mediaRelayAccessToken to proceed with audio/video calls. The dev team is aware of this issue and it may be fixed in a future release of Skype Web SDK.
The hacky way recommended above is basically to allow the SDK to continue the call upon missing mediaRelayAccessToken, so it may let you bypass the issue.
The media relay access token is returned by an edge server, so you may also try to deploy an edge server to work around this issue.

Cross Domain AJAX Post using easyXdm

I am trying to get a cross domain AJAX post to work using the easyXdm library.
In my local development environment I have two sites:
1. http://localhost/MySite/ws/easyXDM/cors/index.html (EasyXdm file)
2. http://localhost/MyClientSite/TestPage.html (AJAX post from here)
TestPage.html (AJAX Post)
var rpc = new easyXDM.Rpc({
remote: "http://localhost/MySite/ws/easyXDM/cors/index.html"
remote: {
request: {}
url: "http://localhost/MySite/ws/MyService.asmx/DoSomething",
method: "POST",
data: jsonData
}, function(response) {
$('#thanksDiv').fadeIn(2000, function () {
When I do the AJAX post I get the following in my browser's console:
easyXDM present on 'http://localhost/MySite/ws/easyXDM/cors/index.html?xdm_e=http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2FMyClientSite%2FTestPage.html&xdm_c=default884&xdm_p=4
native JSON found
easyXDM.Rpc: constructor
{Private}: preparing transport stack
{Private}: using parameters from query
easyXDM.stack.SameOriginTransport: constructor
easyXDM.stack.QueueBehavior: constructor
easyXDM.stack.RpcBehavior: init
{Private}: firing dom_onReady
... deferred messages ...
easyXDM.Rpc: constructor
{Private}: preparing transport stack
{Private}: using parameters from query
easyXDM.stack.SameOriginTransport: constructor
easyXDM.stack.QueueBehavior: constructor
easyXDM.stack.RpcBehavior: init
... end of deferred messages ...
easyXDM.stack.SameOriginTransport: init
easyXDM.stack.RpcBehavior: received request to execute method request using callback id 1
easyXDM.stack.RpcBehavior: requested to execute procedure request
easyXDM.stack.QueueBehavior: removing myself from the stack
Problem: The web service never actually receives the data. This is obvious as my AJAX post success function should show a thanksDiv and also a record should be created in the *database.
Note: I am replacing my existing AJAX post code as I need to use easyXdm to overcome an issue with Internet Explorer 6 and 7 on a client's site.
Additional Information:
The file-structure where my easyXdm files are located is as follows:
My web service was throwing a HTTP 500 server error as jsonData was not being sent correctly via easyXdm.
The json data looks like this before it was posted:
{ "param1": "value1", "param2": "value2"...... }
However, the web service was receiving the data one character per line e.g.
I was not serialising the json data prior to my post. So, based on the original code I posted in the original question:
To get it working I changed the line
data: jsonData
data: JSON.parse(jsonData)

SDL Tridion 2009: Creating components through TOM API (via Interop) fails

Am facing a problem, while creating components through TOM API using .NET/COM Interop.
Actual Issue:
I have 550 components to be created through custom page. I am able to create between 400 - 470 components but after that it is getting failed and through an error message saying that
Error: Thread was being aborted.
Any idea / suggestion, why it is getting failed?
Is there any restriction on Tridion 2009?
As per #user978511 request, below is error on Application event log:-
Event code: 3001
Event message: The request has been aborted.
Process information:
Process ID: 1016
Process name: w3wp.exe
Exception information:
Exception type: HttpException
Exception message: Request timed out.
#Chris: This is my common function, which is called in a loop by passing list of params. Here am using Interop dll's.
public static bool CreateFareComponent(.... list of params ...)
TDSE mTDSE = null;
Folder mFolder = null;
Component mComponent = null;
bool flag = false;
mTDSE = TDSEInitialize();
mComponent = (Component)mTDSE.GetNewObject(ItemType.ItemTypeComponent, folderID, null);
mComponent.Schema = (Schema)mTDSE.GetObject(constants.SCHEMA_ID, EnumOpenMode.OpenModeView, null, XMLReadFilter.XMLReadAll);
mComponent.Title = compTitle;
flag = true;
catch (Exception ex)
CustomLogger.Error(String.Format("Logged User: {0} \r\n Error: {1}", GetRemoteUser(), ex.Message));
return flag;
Thanks in advance.
Sounds like a timeout, most likely in IIS which is hosting your custom page.
Are you creating them all in one synchronous request? Because that is indeed likely to time out.
You could instead create them in batches - or make sure your operations are done asynchronously and then polling the status regularly.
The easiest would just be to only create say 10 Components in one request, wait for it to finish, and then create another 10 (perhaps with a nice progress bar? :))
How you call TDSE object. I would like to mention here "Marshal.ReleaseComObject" procedure. Without releasing COMs objects can lead to enormous memory leaks.
Here is code for component creating:
private Component NewComponent(string componentName, string publicationID, string parentID, string schemaID)
Publication publication = (Publication)mTdse.GetObject(publicationID, EnumOpenMode.OpenModeView, null, XMLReadFilter.XMLReadContext);
Folder folder = (Folder)mTdse.GetObject(parentID, EnumOpenMode.OpenModeView, null, XMLReadFilter.XMLReadContext);
Schema schema = (Schema)mTdse.GetObject(schemaID, EnumOpenMode.OpenModeView, publicationID, XMLReadFilter.XMLReadContext);
Component component = (Component)mTdse.GetNewObject(ItemType.ItemTypeComponent, folder, publication);
component.Title = componentName;
component.Schema = schema;
return component;
After that please not forget to release mTdse ( in my case it is previously created TDSE object). Disposing "Components" object can be useful also after finish working with them.
For large Tridion batch operations I always use a Console Application and run it directly on the server.
Use Console.WriteLine to write to the output window and Console.ReadLine as the last line of code in the app (so the window stays open). I also use Log4Net as the logger.
This is by far the best approach if you have access to a remote session on the server - or can ask an admin to run it for you and give you access to the log folder via a network share.
As per #chris suggestions and part of immediate fix I have changed my web.config execution time out to 8000 seconds.
<httpRuntime executionTimeout="8000"/>
With this change, custom page is able to handle as of now.
Any more best suggestion, please post it.
