how convert string without format to dateTime in xquery - datetime

I have a transformation in OSB. In the response I receive a string large 40, that represents a date time, but with no specific format. I need to cast this value to dateTime.
For example:
fn-bea:dateTime-from-string-with-format('dd/MM/yyyy', $row/ns1:fechor)
Actually I receive for example 01/12/2019, but in the future I will receive other formats, for example: 2019/12/01 or 12/01/2019, and others..
How can I format such a variety of string values and turn them into dataTime?


ZonedDateTime is returning same String for two different Timezone

I am trying to format current timestamp into two different time zone, But ZonedDateTime format is returning same output.
DateTimeFormatter outputFormat = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder().appendPattern("ddMMMyyyy HH:mm:ss").toFormatter();
System.out.println(ZonedDateTime.of(, ZoneId.of("America/Phoenix")).format(outputFormat));
System.out.println(ZonedDateTime.of(, ZoneId.of("Asia/Calcutta")).format(outputFormat));
above code snipped is returning same time stamp as
16Apr2022 13:28:19
16Apr2022 13:28:19
Can some one help me understand but its returning same String. What is correct way to format time in different time zone, using Java 8 Date Time APIs.

Convert date to other format other than YYYY-MM-DD

I need to convert input date coming in format YYYY-MM-DD. First I convert it into char by following:
then try to convert it into date for this format:
As to_date always converts to default date type of YYYY-MM-DD. What other way can I use to convert this into other format. I am using Informatica Powercenter, so I can not find other function other than TO_DATE.
I think we are ignoring basics - to_date() converts to a date format. Now it can be displayed in dd/mm/yyyy depending on setup in your DB client or if you are dumping in a file probably YYYY-MM-DD. And on a date filed you cfan use TO_CHAR o convert it to any format.
So, if your input is a string and is in 'YY/MM/DD' then use TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(imp_yymmdd,'YY/MM/DD'),'DD/MM/YYYY') - output will be a string of your desired format i.e. DD/MM/YYYY.
If your input is a date then use TO_CHAR(imp_date,'DD/MM/YYYY') - output will be a string of your desired format.
Date datatype has no format. You can format a string representing a date.
Assuming your input is date, just use TO_CHAR(yourdate, 'desiredformat').
If your input is a string, you first need to convert it to date then back to string again, with the desired format applied. So:
TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(yourstring, "format-it-comes-in"), "desired-format")
Which in your case would be:
TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(yourstring, "YYYY-MM-DD"), "YY/MM/DD")

ASP.Net VB string to date based on format used in string

I'm using a JavaScript datepicker that gives me the selected date based on the language. So when the language is Dutch I get an output like 21-09-2017 (dd-mm-yyyy) And for English 21/09/2017.
When I want to cast these Strings to Dates (CDate) I get a problem with the format. Day = Month or Month = Day. What is the best way to make a Date from a string based on the format used in the string?
A solution would be to write a function for each specific culture to handle the dates but i'm guessing there is a default function in .Net??
You can use DateTime.ParseExact to get what you want as shown here.
You can provide the format like so:
dateString = "15/06/2008 08:30" //Your Date time
format = "g" //General Fromat
provider = New CultureInfo("fr-FR") //French
result = Date.ParseExact(dateString, format, provider) //Parsed Result
this will result in: 6/15/2008 8:30:00 AM
This or course only works if you know the culture. Also you may want to check out the Date Time Format Strings found here.
DateTime.ParseExact(String, "dd/MM/yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)

How to convert the format of inserted datetime in Informix?

I insert my date/time data into a CHAR column in the format: '6/4/2015 2:08:00 PM'.
I want that this should get automatically converted to format:
'2015-06-04 14:08:00' so that it can be used in a query because the format of DATETIME is YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.fffff.
How to convert it?
Given that you've stored the data in a string format (CHAR or VARCHAR), you have to decide how to make it work as a DATETIME YEAR TO SECOND value. For computational efficiency, and for storage efficiency, it would be better to store the value as a DATETIME YEAR TO SECOND value, converting it on input and (if necessary) reconverting on output. However, if you will frequently display the value without doing computations (including comparisons or sorting) it, then maybe a rococo locale-dependent string notation is OK.
The key function for converting the string to a DATETIME value is TO_DATE. You also need to look at the TO_CHAR function because that documents the format codes that you need to use, and because you'll use that to convert a DATETIME value to your original format.
Assuming the column name is time_string, then you need to use:
TO_DATE(time_string, '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %x') -- What goes in place of x?
to convert to a DATETIME YEAR TO SECOND — or maybe DATETIME YEAR TO MINUTE — value (which will be further manipulated as if by EXTEND as necessary).
I would personally almost certainly convert the database column to DATETIME YEAR TO SECOND and, when necessary, convert to the string format on output with TO_CHAR. The column name would now be time_value (for sake of concreteness):
TO_CHAR(time_value, '%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %x') -- What goes in place of x?
The manual pages referenced do not immediately lead to a complete specification of the format strings. I think a relevant reference is GL_DATETIME environment variable, but finding that requires more knowledge of the arcana of the Informix product set than is desirable (it is not the first thing that should spring to anyone's mind — not even mine!). If that's correct (it probably is), then one of %p and %r should be used in place of %x in my examples. I have to get Informix (re)configured on my machine to be able to test it.

How to convert date to mm/dd/yyyy format

I want to convert dateformat to mm/dd/yyyy. Whatever dateformat is coming in textbox, I want to convert it into mm/dd/yyyy.
First you need to get it into a datetime object. The most common standards work via:
DateTime x = DateTime.Parse(txtDate.Text);
If you expect a freaky format, you still have to know what format it is:
DateTime x;
DateTime.TryParseExact(txtDate.Text, "YYddd", out x);
Then simply output the data:
string date = x.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
But you really need to enforce your formatting using regex, validators, scout's honor - something.
see MSDN for full details.
You will need to parse the input to a DateTime object and then convert it to any text format you want.
If you are unsure what format you may be getting, maybe it is a good idea to restrict the user to a single format (using validation or better yet a date picker).
