How to create a Firebase Audience to ask for an App Store Review/Rating - firebase

I want to create a Firebase Audience to ask to rate/review my app.
The condition I would like to have for a user to fit into the above audience is: a user who has opened the app at least 10 times, over the course of 3 distinct days.
Is it possible to create an audience with this condition?
I am open to suggestions to change/improve the condition. Or even a completely different condition that will achieve the same goal.

You can create a custom audience, choose events as condition and pick session_start.
Than you can choose additional options like the number of session and period.
This does not guarantee you 3 distinct days though. But by default Firebase will only count a new session every 30min. So most of those users have had their session over 3 days anyways. Firebase also gives you a preview of the audience size. So you can easily check how many users would be in that audience with a period of e.g. one day.
In general i would recommend asking users for rating who had a positive experience within your app. Completing certain action etc. and use that event for the audience.


auto-renew package for subcriptions of app on App Store

"We noticed that the different durations of your auto-renewable subscriptions were created as separate in-app purchase products, rather than as different durations within the same subscription group."
I got this notice when submit app on App Store. I dont really understand "separate" mean.
Can I devide the packages into many duaration, and each duration has different content?
Or the content must be similar between duration?
Thank you for your help
It sounds like they want you to group all subscriptions, granting users access to the same content but with different durations, into the same subscription group.

How to differentiate active users from non active ones

I built an app and I would like to differentiate the behaviours of my users regarding their activity levels.
Objectives : make monthly users become daily users by understanding how daily users use the app vs monthly users and trying to narrow the gap between them.
I am well aware of the Daily / Weekly / Monthly active users Firebase offer but it is still a snapshot at a specific time.
Basically, if someone open a session at least one time during 20 days / month => highly active users, if someone opens it at between 7-20 times a month => medium active user, if someone opens it less than 7 times => low active users.
Do you have any clue on how to split these to then understand their behaviour?
because you are tagging your question firebase database that means you want to do it programmatically.
you can make a field in user node name it counter and every time the user login to the app you just increment the counter and make a query to bring the count that's it.

Creating "negative" events for Firebase Audiences

Example: I have a mobile app. Suppose I want to create an Audience in Firebase that represents "all app users who started but did not finish registration".
How can I achieve this? I can define a registration event, but that would create an audience of "all people who started registration [and possibly finished]".
You can't define an audience of people who have not generate some event. Membership in an audience can only be defined by the presence of events. An audience will collect users from the moment it's created with those users who meet the given criteria.
In firebase, you can create multiple events for your registration process.
For example, if there are 3 screens you can create 3 events for each screen.
Now with the help of these events, you can analyze your data and even create a funnel to check where your users dropped while registering.
Check this for a more broader view.
Firebase Events
Funnel in Firebase
Audience in Firebse
The 3rd link clearly states that you need Events for generating funnel and getting data where your users dropped.
Unless you can send an event "did not finish registration" you can't really define an even based audience for that. And even if you could, the devices would remain in the audience also after they register. However, there are few ways to tackle your problem. I assume having an audience is not your ultimate goal, but sending an event to those people that have not yet registered (or remotely changing something in their config). The options are:
1) Create an audience "Registered" with "Registered" event that is send immediately after registration occurs. Then send a notification with a rule "Audience" "does not include all of" "Registered". All but the ones in your audience receive the notification.
2) create a user property named "Registered" which is initially false. Make the app change it to true when registration happens. Then send a notification with rule "User property" "Registered" "contains" "false" (or = 0, depending on the type of your property). All that have not yet set the property to true will receive the notification.

User appearing in two mutually exclusive experiments in firebase a/b testing

In Firebase for iOS I’m running two tests (#2 and #3) with the same target action, 'do N'.
I have created an Audience "Fans" to use as a condition.
Fans = users who have done N at least once in the previous app version.
Test#2 targets 100% users in the audience "Fans".
Test#3 targets 100% users NOT in the audience "Fans".
From the docs we know that users are attached to audiences permanently
Specifically, users become permanent members of an audience after they are assigned to it.
So I would expect that users in the test#2 and test#3 do not intersect. However, bigquery shows that sometimes an event "do N" has corresponding user property as "firebase_exp_2" and "firebase_exp_3" at the same time –
How can this be possible?
Moreover, the remote config options are not the same for these experiments. How do I know, which variant a user actually has?
Thanks in advance
As far as I know, you should now use user audiences in a/b test as it takes a lot of time for a user to become a part of audience. Also in your case, a user can be in no audience (and be part of test2) and then become a member of your fans (and so be part of test1). You should use user properties for a/b tests, they work faster and also you can configure a property like "times_user_have_done_N" and target users who have done it > or < than x

Firebase audience event count

Firebase Audience is defined as follows:
Once created, an audience accumulates users who meet the specified criteria from that point onward by virtue of the events that their devices log.
But I'm not sure about one fact.
Let's say I have user, who already did eventA 2 times.
Then I create Audience, which is defined that user needs to do eventA 3 times.
The user does event one more time (so for the 3rd in his/her lifetime but only once since the Audience creation).
Now the question is simple:
Will be the user part of audience or not?
Once an app has been integrated with Firebase Analytics, it will keep a running total of the number of times each event has been logged on that device by that app. That's the count that's used to test event count filters. So after (3) in the original question, the user will be part of the audience.
Note: event filters are only evaluated when the event they measure is logged, so if the user had already logged your event three times before you created the audience they wouldn't be counted as part of the audience until the next time they logged the event.
