application deployment failure. How to debug ambiguous error log? - r

I'm trying to deploy a shiny app that works locally to my account. When I try to deploy the app, I get the following error message. I can confirm that I have no references to local working directories. I'm not really sure what this error log is telling me though. How should I interpret it? I have a hunch the problem results from the app's use of the RCurl library (I fixed a previous error resulting from this library), but I can't be sure.


Error when hosting shiny app on DigitalOcean ubuntu server

I have built a shiny app that I have successfully deployed to in the past. However, since I need better hosting resources and a custom domain, and the only option allowing for the latter is out of my price range, I am trying to host the app on a digital ocean ubuntu droplet.
I have been able to set up shiny server on my droplet using this tutorial. The sample apps work just fine. However, when I try to access my own app (having uploaded it into a directory within my shiny server) I get the following error:
An error has occurred! An error has occurred. Check your logs or
contact the app author for clarification.
I've googled for a solution and have tried moving the data cleaning steps from outside the server/ui function into the functions. I have also checked that RStudio on the droplet has all the required packages installed and that seems to be the case. I have checked the logs but there is nothing about this app or the error in the shiny server log. My app works fine both on my local computer and on I'd really appreciate any pointers (and apologies if I am duplicating but I haven't found anything that seems directly applicable).
Okay - it turns out one of the packages was indeed missing. I had installed them all using my non-root user with admin privileges, and was under the impression they were available globally. One of the packages was not available to root and installing it there resolved the problem.

Error when trying to deploy shiny app to (exited with code 137)

I have been trying to deploy my shiny app to but I just can't seem to figure it out. Everything works fine locally but not when I try to deploy. I keep getting the following error: The application failed to start (exited with code 137). I checked my logs and it says that I am out of memory.
See below:
All my packages get loaded and then once it comes to my data it stops and says that.. When I look at the metrics and go to the memory usage section it says I'm using less then 25 MB. My instance size is set to large (1GB). I don't understand why it's saying I'm running out of memory. I would appreciate if anybody can give me guidance or tell me something that I may be missing.
Shiny application needs resident memory. I guess because of connecting cloud service. I can't tell you one thing, but there are some things that are typically consume. R interpreter can feel heavy and Shiny throws in another 10 MB just loading the library. I think it's helpful to you. shiny homepage about performance

Where to place my R scripts in serv/shiny-server

I have uploaded my app scripts into srv/shiny-server as dashboard_test. But i am not able to run it. While looking into the error log I am receiving this.
Error getting worker: Error: The application exited during initialization.
Also One thing I noticed, the scripts for sample app is placed on opt/shiny-server/samples/sample-apps/hello. I tried putting there but i don't have the permission for that.Do i need to put them there as well? while,
I am following this article where it says "Any Shiny app directory that you place under /srv/shiny-server/ will be served as a Shiny app " it should work.
I am trying to understand what is going wrong.
Please find the image here

Fatal error when deploying a shiny app with Rstudio

I have a shiny app (divided into ui.R, server.R and helpers.R) which works on my local machine. The app does not load any libraries besides library(shiny). I am unable to deploy it to That is what I do
I log myself into (via the website
I run library(rsconnect) on the R console.
I copy the Tokens code (rsconnect::setAccountInfo...) from the page into the R console and run it.
I run the app in Rstudio (1 warning: Warning in body(fun) : argument is not a function). The app runs as expected.
I use the "publish" button in the app window and get a new window saying: "R session aborted. R encountered a fatal error. The session was terminated"
Sorry, I have no idea about where to look for the error. Can you give me a hint what causes the problem? Which additional information would you need to help me?
Thanks a lot!
update: I just saw that there is a second "publish"-button in Rstudio if you have one of the app-files in the editor (without running it). When I use this one, I get the same crash, but with some more information: unexpected exception: boost::filesystem::unique_path: key is not valid in specified status (sorry, that is my own translation from German).
One way of deploying an app to the server is not to use the button in RStudio, but to do it via the console. Here the steps that are working for me now (RStudio 1.0.143):
Log in on (via the website
Run library(rsconnect) on the R console.
Copy the Tokens code (rsconnect::setAccountInfo...) from the page into the R console and run it.
Run rsconnect::deployApp('path to your app') on the R console.
Pushing the publish button in RStudio still results in a crash of R.

Angular-Fullstack Deployment to Openshift Error

I have deployed an angular-fullstack (Yeoman generator) app to Openshift successfully, however, when I make changes and try to push the changes to Openshift via the command "grunt buildcontrol:openshift" I get the following error...
Unable to process task.
Warning: Required config property "buildcontrol.openshift" missing. Use --force to continue.
Has anyone come across this error and found a solution? If I try and force the task it does not do anything additional. I'm not quite sure what I need to be looking for, or adding.
