Hyperledger-INDY in enterprise blockchain? - hyperledger-indy

I was wondering, what's your opinion about using indy for enterprise blockchain. Where the members of the system are different applications, which are onboarded on the platform by a master application. These applications are then given a role of trust anchors, they can then issue credentials to their users. The users can then use the credentials to when they want to use the the rest apis exposed by these applications. Effectively removing the need for the user to login, they sort of just send the zkp in the header.
Is anybody working on a project like this? does an agent like this exist which enables an application ( Basically a webserver with certain routes to be onboarded ?

You seem to be wanting to use Indy as an authentication service for the users of the application. This is a common use case of Indy, but there are simpler approaches than the formulation you describe.
The most common approach is for an organization to run an issuing service anchored to the Sovrin Network. This service issues a credential to users for each application to which they should have access. Each application would implement credential verification. The first time a user tries to use a system, they will establish a peer connection with that system and present their credential over that connection. From that point on, they are immediately authorized by refreshing that peer connection.
This approach saves the organization maintaining their own internal Indy blockchain.
Other approaches include DID Auth, and integration with OpenID Connect.


Authorization method for REST API utilising Active Directory

What is the best method of securing a REST Web API with the following requirements. The system has an Angular JS frontend with the REST APIs implemented in ASP.net.
There are two "roles" in the system, users will have one of the
roles. One role should allows access to some APIs (call it "VIEW"),
the other role allows access to other APIs
All users are in Active Directory, so if I have a username, I can check what role they are in- Some clients are on Windows boxes, the others are on Linux
I would like to persist the session so I don't have to look up AD for every API call
I would like single sign on. On the Windows machines, I don't require them to enter user and pass as I already can retrieve their username using Windows Authentication.
I believe that Oauth would be my best option.
There are two "roles" in the system, users will have one of the roles.
One role should allows access to some APIs (call it "VIEW"), the other
role allows access to other APIs
For role based authentication, you can use [Authorize("Role" = "Manager")]. The token will be provided by the identity server and will contain the claim as Role.
All users are in Active Directory, so if I have a username, I can
check what role they are in- Some clients are on Windows boxes, the
others are on Linux
If you have ADFS then you can have an Identity server that trusts the ADFS. The ADFS will provide a token which will have the claim for role and your Identity Server will do the claims transformation and will return the same Role claim back to angular app.
I would like to persist the session so I don't have to look up AD for
every API call
For this while requesting the token, you can ask for offline scope so the Identity server will provide the Refresh Token with Access Token so you don't need to ask for AD again and again.
I would like single sign on. On the Windows machines, I don't require
them to enter user and pass as I already can retrieve their username
using Windows Authentication.
For this one, you can have your Identity sever trust the WSFederation for windows Authentication.
So basically you need to setup Identity server that will provide you with the token and the REST API will use that token to verify claims to return the correct information back to the user.
I am not sure what you expect exactly. Anyway, first I'm gonna reformulate your question with requirements:
you accounts and role are in active directory
you want to manage roles based on an active directory group
you want anybody whatever the system (windows, linux, mac, mobile...) to connect on your application using the same authentication
you want to avoid your AD to be hit constantly (not at any call for example)
if the user is connected on an application that uses the authentication system, he doesn't have to do it so again on another application that uses the same authentication system
If these requirements are yours. I believe the only standard (and clean) solution is to use OAuth. I'm not gonna go in detailed description of OAuth, but this authentication protocol is the most standard one on the net (facebook, google, twitter...). Of course as you don't want to use facebook, google or twitter accounts in your business applications but your active directory accounts you'll have to install/setup/develop your OAuth identity provider using accounts of your active active directory server. Your choice will depend on how well you know ADFS protocol and its different flows (code, implicit, assersion) You have two solutions for it:
Use ADFS: install ADFS; it provides a OAuth portal that will work out of the box with asp.net mvc. This uses the code flow of OAuth that is the only OAuth flow supported by ADFS. For roles and its related AD groups, you'll have to map role claims with AD groups. (it's in the setup of adfs, you'll find many tutos on the net). You'll find lot of tutos as well about how to use ADFS with asp.net mvc/asp.net webapi. I mention .net here, but every technology has an implementation for OAuth authentication (nodeJs/express, php, java...).
Use thinktecture identity server (.net technology). This will provide all the foundation to implement a custom identity server with the least effort: http://www.thinktecture.com/identityserver / https://github.com/IdentityServer/IdentityServer3. It contains an addin to plug its accounts to active directory. With this, you can use implicit and assertion flows.
Use oauth2orize (for nodeJs): https://www.npmjs.com/package/oauth2orize. This will permit you to make the same than thinktecture identity server but in nodeJs. Apparently you'll have to make all the wirering with ad manually. With this, you can use implicit flows (not sure about assertion flows).
At application side, most of frameworks can authenticate easily using OAuth with a lot of existing frameworks. For example, even if you make a single page application, you can use adal.js or oidc.js for angular if you use angular. As I mentioned above, all this is taken in charge by asp.net mvc/webapi out of the box but I know it's the case for other server technologies. If you have more questions, don't hesitate as I'm not sure of what you expect exactly.

Securing communication between mobile app and RESTful service WITHOUT a username and password

I've been trying to work out if it is possible to authorize communication between a mobile app and my ASP.NET web api service without the user having to authenticate with a username and password. This is important because users of my app don't login at all and never will. All traffic will of course be sent over HTTPS.
This means I can't use OAUTH or BASIC authentication to authenticate the traffic as these require credentials.
So I need some method to securely store some kind of authentication token that is packaged in the app that is only accessed when it needs to communicate to the server and can't be "discovered" by a determined hacker.
This may of course not be possible.
In general it is not possible. Your server should never trust it's clients. Hackers can examine your client app and create equivalent one.
But you can make life of hackers significantly harder, if you:
Use custom cliest sertificat for HTTPS, look here.
Use temporary access keys in http request. Application should request for new temporary access key your server. Part of the key server will send in response and another part will be sent via Cloud Messaging. Combine parts of the key in some non-trivial way.
Obfuscate your app.

How to integrate AD authentication + SSO with exsisting Forms authenticated Saas web application

We are running a Saas ASP.NET 3.5 Web application using Forms authentication on a IIS 7.5 public server with protected content for thousands of users. We also have some subapplications running ASP.NET MVC 2.
Usernames and passwords are stored in our database and every user has roles and groups attached, with privileges and access rights defined.
Now we have been asked to also facilitate for simple SSO login via Active Directory so that users do not have to enter username and passwords twice to login. These users will originate from different networks and domains.
No user "sync" should take place from our servers to LDAP serves. We are not sure that any communication with LDAP is needed since all users will be created in our system and maintained there. Forms authentication will be used for most of our users.
From here on we are unsure which is the best path to choose. For our scenario what would be the "best practice" way to proceed?
The simple answer is SAML. It is considered the "best practice" and many large SAAS providers support it.
SAML protocol defines the single sign on flow between multiple systems. It establishes trust between systems using certificates. Your application accepts an assertion containing attributes (user id, name, email address, etc.) from other systems. Your app will map the user into your user store.
In .NET world there are several options. You can find a library that implements SAML (ComponentSpace has one) and hook it into ASP.NET authentication. You can create your own using Windows Identify Framework (WIF). Here's the boatload of WIF videos http://www.cloudidentity.com/blog/2010/06/23/ALL-WILL-BE-REVEALED-7-HOURS-RECORDINGS-FROM-THE-WIF-WORKSHOPS/. You can try IdentityServer http://thinktecture.github.io/
Depending on how secure your app must be, you can opt for a simple option of passing user id from trusted networks using a simplified method. I've seen apps that allow user id to be sent via URL parameter or form field. Of course, this is horribly insecure, and you are taking on more risk, because the trust between two networks is not cryptographically enforced. You can mitigate it somewhat by checking referrer string or IP address (if you can isolate IP range of a corporate network for example). But you are still open to spoofing because any user can impersonate others by simply replacing user id within HTTP request.
It probably doesn't answer your question fully, but hopefully points you in the right direction.
I recommend looking into ADFS 2.0 it is very powerful in terms of claims mapping and works with AD: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/ee335705.aspx
What you would make is a token consuming portion of your app that would receive and parse the final claims returned to your web server after the authentication loop.

How to authenticate a Windows Mobile client calling web services in a Web App

I have a fairly complex business application written in ASP.NET that is deployed on a hosted server. The site uses Forms Authentication, and there are about a dozen different roles defined. Employees and customers are both users of the application.
Now I have the requirement to develop a Windows Mobile client for the application that allows a very specialized set of tasks to be performed from a device, as opposed to a browser on a laptop. The client wants to increase productivity with this measure. Only employees will use this application.
I feel that it would make sense to re-use the security infrastructure that is already in place. The client does not need offline capability.
My thought is to deploy a set of web services to a folder of the existing site that only the new role "web service" has access to, and to use Forms Authentication (from a Windows Mobile 5/.Net 3.5 client).
I did see this question and I am aware of the limitations that Forms Authentication poses. Since security is not my primary motivator (I use SSL and can restrict access by IP address), but rather using existing user accounts and roles, my decision tree is somewhat different as well.
Can I do this, is it a good idea, and are there any code examples/references that you can point me to?
I ended up with a combination of things. First, forms authentication does not really work in this scenario, because of the redirects that you get when a users is not logged in or the credentials are incorrect.
Because I want to use the user accounts from the web app, I worked around this by just calling Membership.ValidateUser prior to processing each service call on the server.
A user is prompted for an id and password when logging on to the client. I store both values encrypted in the proxy class and pass them transparently with each call using a host header, so that the application does not have to bother with this once the user is logged in, i.e. the credentials were validated once by calling the Login() service method (which only calls Membership.ValidateUser).
I use the CryptoApi on both the server and the client side.
I understand that host headers are somewhat outdated for security applications, but since I use strong encryption AND SSL, it is perfectly adequate.

How do I tighten security of my hybrid ASP.NET 1.1 / Ajax solution?

I have an HTML/javascript website that uses javascriptSOAPClient communicate with an ASP.NET 1.1 web service in order to read/write to a SQL database. (http://www.codeproject.com/KB/ajax/JavaScriptSOAPClient.aspx). The database contains anonymous demographic information--no names, no credit cards, no addresses. Essentially the data collected is for data mining purposes.
The site is live, but we want to introduce a more secure communication between the javascript/ajax client and the wbe service for both this and future projects. Working as contractors in the financial industry, at some point we're going to get nailed with the question: is this website hackable? If we don't have a solution we could be out on our ears.
I am already following best practices such as communicating with the database via command parameters and stored procedures). However, currently anyone could browse to our web service description and figure out how to consume our exposed services.
With my hybrid solution (i.e. not end-to-end Microsoft) how should I go about authenticating client requests on the web service?
If I start passing a username/password or some other identifiable element into the web service as authentication, should I be concerned about how that key is generated/stored on the client side?
A few suggestions to consider:
List the threats, and compare each to your current setup.
Use SSL / HTTPS. This alleviates a whole class of vulnerabilities.
Use username/password, generated on the server side and sent out of band (in the post or by phone) to the user. (Hope this answers question 2).
Use 2-factor authentication. To do this, you can look at security tokens such as RSA's keyfob-type gizmos or look at Steve Gibson's Perfect Paper Passwords
The easiest solution from a programming standpoint is to use two way HTTPS. That is, the server presents a certificate to the client, and the client presents a certificate to the server. Then only clients with proper certs (issued by you) can connect.
That helps reassure clients that your site is not generally accessible, yet the security is transparent to the application and, once they've signed up and received a cert, to them. The downside is that you have admin overhead in issuing and tracking the user certs -- but that's probably less than you'd have dealing with username/password combos.
There are a few simple options:
SSL + Cookie
If the web app is also ASP.NET and hosted along with your web service, then you should have access to the User/Membership/Session of the web app inside your web service (essentially #1, but you get it without doing any work).
If the web app and web service are not on the same domain, then cookies are out due to cross-domain issues - so you can have the web app embed a GUID into a hidden form field, and use that GUID as a sort of cookie (and it will need to be passed as a parameter on all web service requests).
Can you incorporate a certificate authentication mechanism? So that only clients that have keys you can verify can communicate? That's how the product I work with has its managed devices communicate back to the core.
