Running grunt sub task inside a custom module - gruntjs

I'm building a grunt module to help me to initialize, create default folder/files and build some WebProjects. I create a custom Grunt module including some custom tasks.
So My module is oshell.grunt and inside this module I've a task InitializeLibrary. This InitializeLibrary is a custom task that request some input from the user before creating the files/folder structure. I use grunt-prompt for this.
My problem is when I run the custom module inside my main project, the task prompt is not found. Can you please share your experience regarding this because I suppose some developers were faced to the same problem
Custom module structure
After installing the custom module inside the Main projects
Main projects
It seems to be ok.
module.exports = function(
"use strict";
"prompt": {
"libraryInfo": {
options: {
questions: [
config: "InitializeOpenShellLibrary.version",
type: "input",
message: "Initial version of the library",
default: "0.1.0"
Main web project grunt file
module.exports = function(
"use strict";
grunt.registerTask("default", ["InitializeLibrary"]);
When I run this grunt in my main project I get this result.
Warning: Task "prompt:libraryInfo" not found. Use --force to continue.
I expected the task prompt to run inside the custom module for having a prompt for the library information.
Thanks a lot for your answers guys.

please install and add this code in grunt config file:


npm run build gives an Error : Image Optimization

I am new to Next.js, I built a simple landing page and wanted to generate a static page using npm run build which I set in package.json to "build": "next build && next export".
But I get this Error:
Error: Image Optimization using Next.js' default loader is not compatible with `next export`.
Possible solutions:
- Use `next start` to run a server, which includes the Image Optimization API.
- Use any provider which supports Image Optimization (like Vercel).
- Configure a third-party loader in `next.config.js`.
- Use the `loader` prop for `next/image`.
Can someone help me, I read the documentation and I created next.config.js in the root and pasted this:
module.exports = {
images: {
loader: 'imgix',
path: '/images/',
I think that I need a path, but the thing is I am not using hosted images, I have an images folder in the the public folder.
I know this is probably a stupid question, but I'm stuck.
I hosted them on and wrote this in next.config.js
module.exports = {
images: {
domains: [''],
and it worked.
<Image src=""

Unable to build project that includes a custom worker file

I'm facing a very strange issue with next-pwa. Whenever I try to build a next-pwa project that includes a custom worker js file, the build fails with the following error:
info - Creating an optimized production build ..buffer.js:333
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The first argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, ArrayBuffer, or Array or an Array-like Object. Received undefined
at Function.from (buffer.js:333:9)
at writeOut (C:\Users\sdqui\Desktop\next-pwa\examples\custom-worker\node_modules\next\dist\compiled\webpack\bundle4.js:56716:26)
at C:\Users\sdqui\Desktop\next-pwa\examples\custom-worker\node_modules\next\dist\compiled\webpack\bundle4.js:56735:7
at arrayIterator (C:\Users\sdqui\Desktop\next-pwa\examples\custom-worker\node_modules\next\dist\compiled\neo-async\async.js:1:14270)
at timesSync (C:\Users\sdqui\Desktop\next-pwa\examples\custom-worker\node_modules\next\dist\compiled\neo-async\async.js:1:5037)
at Object.eachLimit (C:\Users\sdqui\Desktop\next-pwa\examples\custom-worker\node_modules\next\dist\compiled\neo-async\async.js:1:14216)
at emitFiles (C:\Users\sdqui\Desktop\next-pwa\examples\custom-worker\node_modules\next\dist\compiled\webpack\bundle4.js:56617:13)
at C:\Users\sdqui\Desktop\next-pwa\examples\custom-worker\node_modules\next\dist\compiled\webpack\bundle4.js:36508:26
at FSReqCallback.oncomplete (fs.js:184:5) {
I have tried several things so far to fix this issue:
Clone the repo and updated all dependencies (i thought the issue might be webpack related)
Building the project without a custom worker file (works fine)
Downgrade to Node 10, 12, 14, 15, and re-install dependencies.
I've also tried the to use the code provided in the /example folder of the repo, but the same issue occurs there as well.
I'm not the only one facing this issue so i would appreciate help.
You can test it yourself using Gitpod, just open this link and navigate to the example, install dependencies and try yarn build.
Are you using webpack 5 or 4.x? I faced the same issue with webpack > 5 and fixed the same by passing the future object to withPWA " future: { webpack5: true }".
module.exports = withPWA({ future: { webpack5: true },
pwa: {
disable: false,
dest: "public",
//register: false,
skipWaiting: false,

Firebase Hosting: Function not working with ServerMiddleware (Vue/ Nuxt)

I am building a project that utilises ServerMiddleware to render some pages client side only (I can't find another way of getting this working well without ServerMiddleware. Problems on refreshing pages and so on...)
The problem: Unfortunately every time I try and deploy to my Firebase Function through 'firebase deploy' I get an error:
Error: Cannot find module '~/serverMiddleware/selectiveSSR.js'
The function builds OK if I exclude the following line. Nuxt/ Vue is not including ~/serverMiddleware/ as part of its build as far as I can see.
Here is the code in nuxt.config.js to reference my serverMiddleware:
serverMiddleware: ['~/serverMiddleware/selectiveSSR.js']
Adding either the directory or path (as above) to the file itself within Build in nuxt.config.js does not help either. Maybe I am doing it wrong?
Everything works perfectly when testing (Not building) locally.
Any ideas on how I can resolve this please?
Ok so for anyone else who hits this, here is how I got around it.
Firstly, I don't know if this is the fault of Firebase Hosting or Nuxt (I would guess Nuxt but I stand to be corrected), but here is what to do....
1) Remove any reference to ServerMiddleware from nuxt.config.js
2) Add the following to nuxt.config.js
modules: [
3) Create directory ~/local-modules/your-module-name in your project root
4) In the new directory, create a package.json:
"name": "your-module-name",
"version": "1.0.0"
and index.js - key thing, this.addServerMiddleware allows you to call middleware server-side
module.exports = function(moduleOptions) {
5) Create directory ~/serverMiddleware
6) Add your middleware function to index.js in the new directory:
export default function(req, res, next) {
next() // Always end with next()!
7) Update package.json with your new local module under "dependencies":
"your-module-name": "file:./local-modules/your-module-name"
Don't forget you need to do this within the functions directory too or Firebase will complain it can't find your new module

Grunt error task "default" not found

When trying to run grunt, I get an error message:
Warning: Task "default" not found. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
I have already found several posts on this topic, and in each of them the problem was a missing comma. But in my case I have no idea what's wrong, I think I didn't miss any comma (btw, this content was copy/pasted from the internet).
module.exports = (grunt) => {
execute: {
target: {
src: ['server.js']
watch: {
scripts: {
files: ['server.js'],
tasks: ['execute'],
What could be the problem?
You didn't registered the default task. Add this after the last loadNpmTask
grunt.registerTask('default', ['execute']);
The second parameter is what you want to be executed from the config, you can put there more tasks.
Or you can run run existing task by providing the name as parameter in cli.
grunt execute
With you config you can use execute and watch. See for more information.
If you run grunt in your terminal it is going to search for a "default" task, so you have to register a task to be executed with Grunt defining it with the grunt.registerTask method, with a first parameter which is the name of your task, and a second parameter which is an array of subtasks that it will run.
In your case, the code could be something like that:
grunt.registerTask("default", ["execute", "watch"]);
In this way the "default" task will run rispectively the "execute" and the "watch" commands.
However here you can find the documentation to create tasks with Grunt.
Hope it was helpful.

Grunt uglifym - call stack size exceeded

I am trying to use uglify with grunt to concat and minify some files. I have already used the npm to install grunt-contrib-uglify.
I have the following in my grunt.js file: (I have removed some other tasks for anonymity)
module.exports = function(grunt) {
'use strict';
uglify: {
options: {
sourceMap: 'app/map/source-map.js'
files: {
'app/dist/sourcefiles.min.js': [
I then run:
grunt uglify
but I keep getting the following error:
Warning: Maximum call stack size exceeded Use --force to continue.
If I use force, the grunt task never stops running.
Can someone tell me where I am going wrong? I am tearing my hair out on this one.
I had the same problem, using an other Grunt plugin called recess.
The error message was not explicit.
Warning: Cannot read property 'message' of undefined Use --force to continue.
But the verbose mode showed that my task was called hundred of times.
The problem was that I created a "cyclic dependency" (causing an infinite loop) when I registered my task.
grunt.registerTask('recess', ['recess']); //does not work => cyclic dependency!
The first parameter of registerTask method is an "alias task" and has to be different from the task names defined in the second parameter.
I corrected like this:
grunt.registerTask('my-recess-task', ['recess']);
And I runned the task calling this (in the Command prompt window)
grunt my-recess-task
And then it was OK!
More about registerTask() method, from grunt API:
I also met this problem, i solved this by removing
grunt.registerTask('uglify', ['uglify']);
before i solved this, i ran grunt uglify -v to check what happend.
I found it because that where you using this grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-uglify'); ,it implicitly executes the grunt.registerTask('uglify', ['uglify']); ^_^
