I'm working on a dataset with several different types of proteins as columns. It kinds of looks like this This is simplified, the original dataset contains over 100 types of proteins. I wanted to see if the concentration of a protein differs by treatments when taking random effect (=id) into consideration. I managed to run multiple repeated ANOVA at once. But I would also like to do pairwise comparisons for all proteins based on the treatment. The first thing came to my mind was using emmeans package, but I had trouble coding this.
#install packages
#Create a data set
id <- rep(c("1","2","3","4","5","6"),3)
Treatment <- c(rep(c("A"), 6), rep(c("B"), 6),rep(c("C"), 6))
Protein1 <- c(rnorm(3, 1, 0.4), rnorm(3, 3, 0.5), rnorm(3, 6, 0.8), rnorm(3, 1.1, 0.4), rnorm(3, 0.8, 0.2), rnorm(3, 1, 0.6))
Protein2 <- c(rnorm(3, 1, 0.4), rnorm(3, 3, 0.5), rnorm(3, 6, 0.8), rnorm(3, 1.1, 0.4), rnorm(3, 0.8, 0.2), rnorm(3, 1, 0.6))
Protein3 <- c(rnorm(3, 1, 0.4), rnorm(3, 3, 0.5), rnorm(3, 6, 0.8), rnorm(3, 1.1, 0.4), rnorm(3, 0.8, 0.2), rnorm(3, 1, 0.6))
DF <- data.frame(id, Treatment, Protein1, Protein2, Protein3) %>%
mutate(id = factor(id),
Treatment = factor(Treatment, levels = c("A","B","C")))
#First, I tried to run multiple anova, by using lapply
responseList <- names(DF)[c(3:5)]
modelList <- lapply(responseList, function(resp) {
mF <- formula(paste(resp, " ~ Treatment + Error(id/Treatment)"))
aov(mF, data = DF)
lapply(modelList, summary)
#Pairwise comparison using emmeans. This did not work
wt_emm <- emmeans(modelList, "Treatment")
> wt_emm <- emmeans(modelList, "Treatment")
Error in ref_grid(object, ...) : Can't handle an object of class “list”
Use help("models", package = "emmeans") for information on supported models.
So I tried a different approach
anova2 <- aov(cbind(Protein1,Protein2,Protein3)~ Treatment +Error(id/Treatment), data = DF)
#Pairwise comparison using emmeans.
#I got only result for the whole dataset, instead of by different types of protein.
wt_emm2 <- emmeans(anova2, "Treatment")
> pairs(wt_emm2)
contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
A - B -1.704 1.05 10 -1.630 0.2782
A - C 0.865 1.05 10 0.827 0.6955
B - C 2.569 1.05 10 2.458 0.0793
I don't understand why even if I used "cbind(Protein1, Protein2, Protein3)" in the anova model. R still only gives me one result instead of something like the following
this is what I was hoping to get
> Protein1
A - B
A - C
B - C
> Protein2
A - B
A - C
B - C
> Protein3
A - B
A - C
B - C
How do I code this or should I try a different package/function?
I don't have trouble running one protein at a time. However, since I have over 100 proteins to run, it would be really time-consuming to code them one by one.
Any suggestion is appreciated. Thank you!
#Pairwise comparison using emmeans. This did not work
wt_emm <- emmeans(modelList, "Treatment")
you need to lapply over the list like you did with lapply(modelList, summary)
modelList <- lapply(responseList, function(resp) {
mF <- formula(paste(resp, " ~ Treatment + Error(id/Treatment)"))
aov(mF, data = DF)
But when you do this, there is an error:
lapply(modelList, function(x) pairs(emmeans(x, "Treatment")))
Note: re-fitting model with sum-to-zero contrasts
Error in terms(formula, "Error", data = data) : object 'mF' not found
attr(modelList[[1]], 'call')$formula
# mF
Note that mF was the name of the formula object, so it seems emmeans needs the original formula for some reason. You can add the formula to the call:
modelList <- lapply(responseList, function(resp) {
mF <- formula(paste(resp, " ~ Treatment + Error(id/Treatment)"))
av <- aov(mF, data = DF)
attr(av, 'call')$formula <- mF
lapply(modelList, function(x) pairs(emmeans(x, "Treatment")))
# [[1]]
# contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
# A - B -1.89 1.26 10 -1.501 0.3311
# A - C 1.08 1.26 10 0.854 0.6795
# B - C 2.97 1.26 10 2.356 0.0934
# P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
# [[2]]
# contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
# A - B -1.44 1.12 10 -1.282 0.4361
# A - C 1.29 1.12 10 1.148 0.5082
# B - C 2.73 1.12 10 2.430 0.0829
# P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
# [[3]]
# contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
# A - B -1.58 1.15 10 -1.374 0.3897
# A - C 1.27 1.15 10 1.106 0.5321
# B - C 2.85 1.15 10 2.480 0.0765
# P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
Make a loop of the function by column names.
responseList <- names(DF)[c(3:5)]
for(n in responseList) {
anova2 <- aov(get(n) ~ Treatment +Error(id/Treatment), data = DF)
wt_emm2 <- emmeans(anova2, "Treatment")
This returns
Note: re-fitting model with sum-to-zero contrasts
Note: Use 'contrast(regrid(object), ...)' to obtain contrasts of back-transformed estimates
contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
A - B -1.41 1.26 10 -1.122 0.5229
A - C 1.31 1.26 10 1.039 0.5705
B - C 2.72 1.26 10 2.161 0.1269
Note: contrasts are still on the get scale
P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
Note: re-fitting model with sum-to-zero contrasts
Note: Use 'contrast(regrid(object), ...)' to obtain contrasts of back-transformed estimates
contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
A - B -2.16 1.37 10 -1.577 0.2991
A - C 1.19 1.37 10 0.867 0.6720
B - C 3.35 1.37 10 2.444 0.0810
Note: contrasts are still on the get scale
P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
Note: re-fitting model with sum-to-zero contrasts
Note: Use 'contrast(regrid(object), ...)' to obtain contrasts of back-transformed estimates
contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
A - B -1.87 1.19 10 -1.578 0.2988
A - C 1.28 1.19 10 1.077 0.5485
B - C 3.15 1.19 10 2.655 0.0575
Note: contrasts are still on the get scale
P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
If you want to have the output as a list:
responseList <- names(DF)[c(3:5)]
output <- list()
for(n in responseList) {
anova2 <- aov(get(n) ~ Treatment +Error(id/Treatment), data = DF)
wt_emm2 <- emmeans(anova2, "Treatment")
output[[n]] <- pairs(wt_emm2)
I am using the lrm function from the rms package to get:
> model_1 <- lrm(dependent_variable ~ var1+ var2 + var3, data = merged_dataset, na.action="na.delete")
> print(model_1)
Logistic Regression Model
lrm(dependent_variable ~ var1+ var2 + var3, data = merged_dataset, na.action="na.delete")
Model Likelihood Discrimination Rank Discrim.
Ratio Test Indexes Indexes
Obs 6046 LR chi2 21.97 R2 0.005 C 0.531
0 3151 d.f. 11 g 0.138 Dxy 0.062
1 2895 Pr(> chi2) 0.0246 gr 1.148 gamma 0.062
max |deriv| 1e-13 gp 0.034 tau-a 0.031
Brier 0.249
Coef S.E. Wald Z Pr(>|Z|)
Intercept -0.0752 0.0348 -2.16 0.0305
var1 10.6916 2.1476 0.32 0.7474
var2 -0.1595 0.4125 -0.39 0.6990
var3 -0.0563 0.0266 -2.12 0.0341
My question is are these coefficients odds ratios or not? If not, how can I get the odds ratios coefficients?
Hi there here is an approach. Note that it helps if you include some sample data for us to work with.
Generating some fake data...
fake_data <- matrix(rnorm(300), ncol = 3)
y_start <- 1/(1+exp(-(fake_data %*% c(1, .3, 2))))
y <- rbinom(100, size = 1, prob = y_start)
dat <- data.frame(y, fake_data)
Now we fit the model:
fit <- lrm(y ~ ., data = dat)
The model coefficients will be in the form of log-odds (still on the log scale)
# Log-odds
Intercept X1 X2 X3
0.03419513 0.92890297 0.48097414 1.86036897
If you want to move to odds then we need to use exponentiation to transfer from the log scale.
# Odds
Intercept X1 X2 X3
1.034787 2.531730 1.617649 6.426107
So in this example you odds of achieving Y increases by 2.5 with an increase in X1.
I am replicating a negative binomial regression model in R. When calculating robust standard errors, the output does not match Stata output of standard errors.
The original Stata code is
nbreg displaced eei lcostofwar cfughh roadskm lpopdensity ltkilled, robust nolog
I have attempted both manual calculation and vcovHC from sandwich. However, neither produces the same results.
My regression model is as follows:
mod1 <- glm.nb(displaced ~ eei + costofwar_log + cfughh + roadskm + popdensity_log + tkilled_log, data = mod1_df)
With vcovHC I have tried every option from HC0 to HC5.
Attempt 1:
cov_m1 <- vcovHC(mod1, type = "HC0", sandwich = T)
se <- sqrt(diag(cov_m1))
Attempt 2:
mod1_rob <- coeftest(mod1, vcovHC = vcov(mod1, type = "HC0"))
The most successful has been HC0 and vcov = sandwich but no SEs are correct.
Any suggestions?
My output is as follows (using HC0):
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 1.3281183 1.5441312 0.8601 0.389730
eei -0.0435529 0.0183359 -2.3753 0.017536 *
costofwar_log 0.2984376 0.1350518 2.2098 0.027119 *
cfughh -0.0380690 0.0130254 -2.9227 0.003470 **
roadskm 0.0020812 0.0010864 1.9156 0.055421 .
popdensity_log -0.4661079 0.1748682 -2.6655 0.007688 **
tkilled_log 1.0949084 0.2159161 5.0710 3.958e-07 ***
The Stata output I am attempting to replicate is:
Estimate Std. Error
(Intercept) 1.328 1.272
eei -0.044 0.015
costofwar_log 0.298 0.123
cfughh -0.038 0.018
roadskm 0.002 0.0001
popdensity_log -0.466 0.208
tkilled_log 1.095 0.209
The dataset is found here and the recoded variables are:
mod1_df <- table %>%
select(displaced, eei_01, costofwar, cfughh, roadskm, popdensity,
mod1_df$popdensity_log <- log(mod1_df$popdensity + 1)
mod1_df$tkilled_log <- log(mod1_df$tkilled + 1)
mod1_df$costofwar_log <- log(mod1_df$costofwar + 1)
mod1_df$eei <- mod1_df$eei_01*100
Stata uses the observed Hessian for its computations, glm.nb() uses the expected Hessian. Therefore, the default bread() employed by the sandwich() function is different, leading to different results. There are other R packages that employ the observed hessian for its variance-covariance estimate (e.g., gamlss) but these do not supply an estfun() method for the sandwich package.
Hence, below I simply set up a dedicated bread_obs() function that extracts the ML estimates from a negbin object, sets up the negative log-likelihood, computes the observed Hessian numerically via numDeriv::hessian() and computes the "bread" from it (omitting the estimate for log(theta)):
bread_obs <- function(object, method = "BFGS", maxit = 5000, reltol = 1e-12, ...) {
## data and estimated parameters
Y <- model.response(model.frame(object))
X <- model.matrix(object)
par <- c(coef(object), "log(theta)" = log(object$theta))
## dimensions
n <- NROW(X)
k <- length(par)
## nb log-likelihood
nll <- function(par) suppressWarnings(-sum(dnbinom(Y,
mu = as.vector(exp(X %*% head(par, -1))),
size = exp(tail(par, 1)), log = TRUE)))
## covariance based on observed Hessian
rval <- numDeriv::hessian(nll, par)
rval <- solve(rval) * n
rval[-k, -k]
With that function I can compare the sandwich() output (based on the expected Hessian) with the output using the bread_obs() (based on the observed Hessian).
s_exp <- sandwich(mod1)
s_obs <- sandwich(mod1, vcov = bread_obs)
cbind("Coef" = coef(mod1), "SE (Exp)" = sqrt(diag(s_exp)), "SE (Obs)" = sqrt(diag(s_obs)))
## Coef SE (Exp) SE (Obs)
## (Intercept) 1.328 1.259 1.259
## eei -0.044 0.017 0.015
## costofwar_log 0.298 0.160 0.121
## cfughh -0.038 0.015 0.018
## roadskm 0.002 0.001 0.001
## popdensity_log -0.466 0.135 0.207
## tkilled_log 1.095 0.179 0.208
This still has slight differences compared to Stata but these are likely numerical differences from the optimization etc.
If you create a new dedicated bread() method for negbin objects
bread.negbin <- bread_obs
then the method dispatch will use this if you do sandwich(mod1).
In R you need to manually provide a degree of freedom correction, so try this which I borrowed from this source:
dfa <- (G/(G - 1)) * (N - 1)/pm1$df.residual
# display with cluster VCE and df-adjustment
firm_c_vcov <- dfa * vcovHC(pm1, type = "HC0", cluster = "group", adjust = T)
coeftest(pm1, vcov = firm_c_vcov)
Here G is the number of Panels in your data set, N is the number of observations and pm1 is your model estimated. Obviously, you could drop the clustering.
The following code works out quite well (based on my previous question). But I have to change the variance estimator (ols, hc0, hc1, hc2, hc3) every time before I run the code. I would like to solve this problem with a loop.
Hereafter, I briefly describe the code. Within the code, 1000 regression models for each sample size (n = 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000) are created. Then, each regression model out of the 1000 is estimated by OLS. After that, I calculate t-statistics based on the different beta values of x3 out of the 1000 samples. The null hypothesis reads: H0: beta03 = beta3, that is the calculated beta value of x3 equals the 'real' value which I defined as 1. In the last step, I check how often the null hypothesis is rejected (significance level = 0.05). My final goal is to create a code which spits out the procentual rejection rate of the null hypothesis for each sample size and variance estimator. Thus, the result should be a matrix whereas right now I get a vector as a result. I would be pleased if anyone of you could help me with that. Here you can see my code:
sample_size = c("n=25"=25, "n=50"=50, "n=100"=100, "n=250"=250, "n=500"=500, "n=1000"=1000)
B <- 1000
beta0 <- 1
beta1 <- 1
beta2 <- 1
beta3 <- 1
alpha <- 0.05
simulation <- function(n, beta3h0){
t.test.values <- rep(NA, B)
#simulation of size
for(rep in 1:B){
#data generation
d1 <- runif(n, 0, 1)
d2 <- rnorm(n, 0, 1)
d3 <- rchisq(n, 1, ncp=0)
x1 <- (1 + d1)
x2 <- (3*d1 + 0.6*d2)
x3 <- (2*d1 + 0.6*d3)
# homoskedastic error term: exi <- rchisq(n, 4, ncp = 0)
exi <- sqrt(x3 + 1.6)*rchisq(n, 4, ncp = 0)
y <- beta0 + beta1*x1 + beta2*x2 + beta3*x3 + exi
mydata <- data.frame(y, x1, x2, x3)
#ols estimation
lmobj <- lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, mydata)
betaestim <- coef(lmobj)[4]
betavar <- vcov(lmobj)[4,4]
#robust variance estimators: hc0, hc1, hc2, hc3
betavar0 <- hccm(lmobj, type="hc0")[4,4]
betavar1 <- hccm(lmobj, type="hc1")[4,4]
betavar2 <- hccm(lmobj, type="hc2")[4,4]
betavar3 <- hccm(lmobj, type="hc3")[4,4]
#t statistic
t.test.values[rep] <- (betaestim - beta3h0)/sqrt(betavar)
mean(abs(t.test.values) > qt(p=c(1-alpha/2), df=n-4))
sapply(sample_size, simulation, beta3h0 = 1)
You don't need a double nested loop. Just make sure you get a matrix inside your loop. Update your current simulation with the following:
## set up a matrix
## replacing `t.test.values <- rep(NA, B)`
t.test.values <- matrix(nrow = 5, ncol = B) ## 5 estimators
## update / fill a column
## replacing `t.test.values[rep] <- (betaestim - beta3h0)/sqrt(betavar)`
t.test.values[, rep] <- abs(betaestim - beta3h0) / sqrt(c(betavar, betavar0, betavar1, betavar2, betavar3))
## row means
## replacing `mean(abs(t.test.values) > qt(p=c(1-alpha/2), df=n-4))`
rowMeans(t.test.values > qt(1-alpha/2, n-4))
Now, simulation would return a vector of length 5. For each sample size, the monte carlo estimate of t-statistic p-value is returned for all 5 variance estimators. Then, when you call sapply, you get a matrix result:
sapply(sample_size, simulation, beta3h0 = 1)
# n=25 n=50 n=100 n=250 n=500 n=1000
#[1,] 0.132 0.237 0.382 0.696 0.917 0.996
#[2,] 0.198 0.241 0.315 0.574 0.873 0.994
#[3,] 0.157 0.220 0.299 0.569 0.871 0.994
#[4,] 0.119 0.173 0.248 0.545 0.859 0.994
#[5,] 0.065 0.122 0.197 0.510 0.848 0.993
I have a list for formulas I want to fit to data, rather than running a loop I'd like to do this at once, for performance's sake. The estimations should still be separate, I'm not trying to estimate a SUR or anything.
The following code does what I want
x <- matrix(rnorm(300),ncol=3)
y <- x %*% c(1,2,3)+rnorm(100)
formulae <-list(y~x[,1],
y~x[,1] + x[,2])
Unfortunately this gets somewhat slow as the length of formulae increases is there a way to truly vectorize this?
If it is any help, the only results of lm I care about are coefficients, and some standard errors.
As I said in my comment, what you really need is a more efficient yet stable fitting routine other than lm(). Here I would provide you a well tested one written myself, called lm.chol(). It takes a formula and data, and returns:
a coefficient summary table, as you normally see in summary(lm(...))$coef;
Pearson estimate of residual standard error, as you get from summary(lm(...))$sigma;
adjusted-R.squared, as you get from summary(lm(...))$adj.r.squared.
## linear model estimation based on pivoted Cholesky factorization with Jacobi preconditioner
lm.chol <- function(formula, data) {
## stage0: get response vector and model matrix
## we did not follow the normal route:, model.frame, model.response, model matrix, etc
y <- data[[as.character(formula[[2]])]]
X <- model.matrix(formula, data)
n <- nrow(X); p <- ncol(X)
## stage 1: XtX and Jacobi diagonal preconditioner
XtX <- crossprod(X)
D <- 1 / sqrt(diag(XtX))
## stage 2: pivoted Cholesky factorization
R <- suppressWarnings(chol(t(D * t(D * XtX)), pivot = TRUE))
piv <- attr(R, "pivot")
r <- attr(R, "rank")
if (r < p) {
warning("Model is rank-deficient!")
piv <- piv[1:r]
R <- R[1:r, 1:r]
## stage 3: solve linear system for coefficients
D <- D[piv]
b <- D * crossprod(X, y)[piv]
z <- forwardsolve(t(R), b)
RSS <- sum(y * y) - sum(z * z)
sigma <- sqrt(RSS / (n - r))
para <- D * backsolve(R, z)
beta.hat <- rep(NA, p)
beta.hat[piv] <- para
## stage 4: get standard error
Rinv <- backsolve(R, diag(r))
se <- rep(NA, p)
se[piv] <- D * sqrt(rowSums(Rinv * Rinv)) * sigma
## stage 5: t-statistic and p-value
t.statistic <- beta.hat / se
p.value <- 2 * pt(-abs(t.statistic), df = n - r)
## stage 6: construct coefficient summary matrix
coefficients <- matrix(c(beta.hat, se, t.statistic, p.value), ncol = 4L)
colnames(coefficients) <- c("Estimate", "Std. Error", "t value", "Pr(>|t|)")
rownames(coefficients) <- colnames(X)
## stage 7: compute adjusted R.squared
adj.R2 <- 1 - sigma * sigma / var(y)
## return model fitting results
attr(coefficients, "sigma") <- sigma
attr(coefficients, "adj.R2") <- adj.R2
Here I would offer three examples.
Example 1: full rank linear model
We take R's built-in dataset trees as an example.
# using `lm()`
summary(lm(Height ~ Girth + Volume, trees))
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#(Intercept) 83.2958 9.0866 9.167 6.33e-10 ***
#Girth -1.8615 1.1567 -1.609 0.1188
#Volume 0.5756 0.2208 2.607 0.0145 *
#Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#Residual standard error: 5.056 on 28 degrees of freedom
#Multiple R-squared: 0.4123, Adjusted R-squared: 0.3703
#F-statistic: 9.82 on 2 and 28 DF, p-value: 0.0005868
## using `lm.chol()`
lm.chol(Height ~ Girth + Volume, trees)
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#(Intercept) 83.2957705 9.0865753 9.166905 6.333488e-10
#Girth -1.8615109 1.1566879 -1.609346 1.187591e-01
#Volume 0.5755946 0.2208225 2.606594 1.449097e-02
#[1] 5.056318
#[1] 0.3702869
The results are exactly the same!
Example 2: rank-deficient linear model
## toy data
dat <- data.frame(y = rnorm(100), x1 = runif(100), x2 = rbeta(100,3,5))
dat$x3 <- with(dat, (x1 + x2) / 2)
## using `lm()`
summary(lm(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, dat))
#Coefficients: (1 not defined because of singularities)
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#(Intercept) 0.2164 0.2530 0.856 0.394
#x1 -0.1526 0.3252 -0.469 0.640
#x2 -0.3534 0.5707 -0.619 0.537
#Residual standard error: 0.8886 on 97 degrees of freedom
#Multiple R-squared: 0.0069, Adjusted R-squared: -0.01358
#F-statistic: 0.337 on 2 and 97 DF, p-value: 0.7147
## using `lm.chol()`
lm.chol(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, dat)
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#(Intercept) 0.2164455 0.2529576 0.8556595 0.3942949
#x2 -0.2007894 0.6866871 -0.2924030 0.7706030
#x3 -0.3051760 0.6504256 -0.4691944 0.6399836
#[1] 0.8886214
#[1] -0.01357594
#Warning message:
#In lm.chol(y ~ x1 + x2 + x3, dat) : Model is rank-deficient!
Here, lm.chol() based on Cholesky factorization with complete pivoting and lm() based on QR factorization with partial pivoting have shrunk different coefficients to NA. But two estimation are equivalent, with the same fitted values and residuals.
Example 3: performance for large linear models
n <- 10000; p <- 300
dat <-, rnorm(n), simplify = FALSE), paste0("x",1:p)))
dat$y <- rnorm(n)
## using `lm()`
system.time(lm(y ~ ., dat))
# user system elapsed
# 3.212 0.096 3.315
## using `lm.chol()`
system.time(lm.chol(y ~ ., dat))
# user system elapsed
# 1.024 0.028 1.056
lm.chol() is 3 ~ 4 times faster than lm(). If you want to know the reason, read my this answer.
I have focused on improving performance on computational kernel. You can take one step further, by using Ben Bolker's parallelism suggestion. If my approach gives 3 times boost, and parallel computing gives 3 times boost on 4 cores, you end up with 9 times boost!
There's not really an easy way to vectorize this, but the pdredge function from the MuMIn package gives you a pretty easy way to parallelize it (this assumes you have multiple cores on your machine or that you can set up a local cluster in one of the ways supported by the parallel package ...
clust <- makeCluster(2,"PSOCK")
Construct data:
x <- matrix(rnorm(300),ncol=3)
y <- x %*% c(1,2,3)+rnorm(100)
It will be easier to do this with a named data frame rather than an anonymous matrix:
df <- setNames(data.frame(y,x),c("y",paste0("x",1:3)))
The cluster nodes all need access to the data set:
Fit the full model (you could use y~. to fit all variables)
full <- lm(y~x1+x2,data=df,
Now fit all submodels (see ?MuMIn::dredge for many more options to control which submodels are fitted)
p <- pdredge(full,cluster=clust)
## (Intercept) x1 x2
## 3 -0.003805107 0.7488708 2.590204
## 2 -0.028502039 NA 2.665305
## 1 -0.101434662 1.0490816 NA
## 0 -0.140451160 NA NA