I am looking to replicate one of those maps where you can guesstimate the state-level results of the next presidential election and have the results of your scenario shown to you by way of changing color backgrounds. An example of what I mean can be found here.
The first step is to provide a default setting as a starting point for the user's input. One way to achieve this would be:
usa <- map_data("state")
probs <- c(0.30,0.40,0.30)
results <- c("Rep", "Dem", "Toss-Up")
usa %>%
group_by(region) %>%
mutate(result = sample(results, size = n(), prob = probs, replace = T)) > electoral_map
ggplot() +
geom_map(data = electoral_map, map = usa, aes(long, lat, map_id = region,
fill = result), color = "black") +
scale_fill_manual(values=c("blue", "red", "grey"))
The next - and most crucial - step would be to make this map interactive by letting the result column change with a click of a button. For instance, a click on California would switch the fill color to blue and the resultcoding to Dem.
Obvious candidates for this for me were the plotly and leaflet packages, but neither of them seem to offer the functionality I require for this case. I got the closest using the selectFeatures function from mapedit, but this only lets me select regions, not change their associated coding.
For subsequent calculations, it is important that changes made by the user are recorded for further use. The end goal is to have shiny app akin to the link provided above, with inputs by the user changing the overall count of electoral college votes secured by each side.
Does anyone have pointers on a possible solution?
(For the record, my actual objective has nothing to do with elections, but I figured this was the most understandable way to communicate my problem)
I fabricated a simple shiny app for you as a starting point for your project.
You can test it at:
# This is a Shiny web application. You can run the application by clicking
# the 'Run App' button above.
# Find out more about building applications with Shiny here:
# http://shiny.rstudio.com/
# Define UI for application that draws a map
ui <- fluidPage(
# Application title
titlePanel("Rig the election of the USA"),
# Show a plot of the generated distribution
plotOutput("usaPlot", click = "usaPlot_click"),
usa <- map_data("state")
probs <- c(0.30,0.40,0.30)
results <- c("Rep", "Dem", "Toss-Up")
start_map <- usa
# Define server logic required to change the election results
server <- function(input, output) {
# make a variable to store the election results in
electoral_map <- reactiveValues(
regions = start_map %>% select(region) %>%
distinct() %>% mutate(result = sample(results, size = n(), prob = probs, replace = T))
# render the map
output$usaPlot <- renderPlot({
# generate bins based on input$bins from ui.R
ggplot() +
geom_map(data = start_map %>% inner_join(electoral_map$regions, by = 'region'),
map = usa,
aes(long, lat, map_id = region, fill = result), color = "black") +
scale_fill_manual(values=c("blue", "red", "grey"))
# find the region that was clicked (point.in.polygon)
# change the result of the election
x <- input$usaPlot_click$x
y <- input$usaPlot_click$y
selectedregion <- usa %>%
group_by(region) %>%
mutate(selected = point.in.polygon( x,y,long,lat)) %>%
filter(selected == 1) %>%
select(region) %>% distinct() %>% unlist()
currentresult <- electoral_map$regions[electoral_map$regions == selectedregion,'result']
nextresult <- if_else(currentresult == "Dem","Rep","Dem")
electoral_map$regions[electoral_map$regions == selectedregion,'result'] <- nextresult
# report what you have done
output$debug <- renderText(paste0("You visited at ",
round(x),", ",round(y),
" and rigged the election results of ",selectedregion, " and changed it to ",
} else {
# if no region has been selected
output$debug <- renderText("Fish don't vote!!!")
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I am trying to create a dashboard using R Shiny from NYC Tree Census 2015. The dashboard should look something like in the picture here > Dashboard in Shiny Picture
My code is mentioned below:
my_data <- read.csv("/Users/abhikpaul/Documents/Documents/Github/Fiverr/2015_Street_Tree_Census_-_Tree_Data.csv")
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("The Dashboard of Tree Distribution in New York City"),
# Description ----
helpText("In this page you can get information about the tree distribution, status, health conditions, and species rank in New York City. Please choose the borough that you want to check. It may take 10 seconds for the graphics to load. Thank you for your patience!"),
#Input: Check boxes for Boroughs ----
label = "Borough",
choices = list("Bronx",
"Staten Island"),
selected = "Bronx"),
# Main panel for displaying outputs ----
# Tabs panel for displaying outputs ----
tabsetPanel(type = "tabs",
#Output: About ----
h3("About this dataset", align = "left"),
p("The dataset displays the information of trees (including health, status, species, etc.) within the five boroughs in New York City. The dataset is organized by NYC parks & Recreation and partner organizations."),
h3("How to make NYC an urban forest?", align = "left"),
p("As a group, we are concerned about planting tree and green environments. Therefore, we will focus on identifying the locations that require more taking care of trees, the top species that have the most number of trees in each borough, the health conditions of those species, and the distribution of trees in each borough."),
HTML("<p>For more information, visit: <a href='https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Environment/2015-Street-Tree-Census-Tree-Data/uvpi-gqnh'>2015 NYC Tree Census</a></p>")
#Output: Status ----
tabPanel("Status", plotOutput(outputId = "statusplot")),
server <- function(input, output) {
my_data <- as_tibble(my_data)
my_data <- my_data[my_data$borough %in% checkboxInput,]
my_data <- data.frame(table(my_data$borough,my_data$status))
my_data <- my_data[apply(my_data!=0, 1, all),]
my_data <- my_data %>%
group_by(Var1) %>%
mutate(Percent = (Freq/sum(Freq) * 100))
output$statusplot <- renderPlot({
ggplot(my_data, aes(fill = Var2, y = Percent, x = Var1)) +
geom_bar(position = "dodge", stat = "identity")
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
However, while running the app, I am getting an error as mentioned below
Warning: Error in match: 'match' requires vector arguments 50: %in% 47: server [/Users/abhikpaul/Documents/Documents/GitHub/Fiverr/my_app.R#90]Error in match(x, table, nomatch = 0L) : 'match' requires vector arguments
Can someone help me fix this issue as I am a newbie in R Shiny?
Try this
server <- function(input, output) {
output$statusplot <- renderPlot({
my_data <- as_tibble(my_data)
my_data <- my_data[my_data$borough %in% input$checkboxInput,]
my_data <- data.frame(table(my_data$borough,my_data$status))
my_data <- my_data[apply(my_data!=0, 1, all),]
my_data <- my_data %>%
group_by(Var1) %>%
mutate(Percent = (Freq/sum(Freq) * 100))
ggplot(my_data, aes(fill = Var2, y = Percent, x = Var1)) +
geom_bar(position = "dodge", stat = "identity")
I am attempting to use some public information to produce a heat-map of Canada for some labor statistics. Using the spacial files from the census, and data from Statistics Canada (these are large zip files that are not necessary to dig into). Below is a working example that illustrates both the problems I am having with little relative change between regions( though there may be a big absolute change between periods, and the slow draw time.To get this to work, you need to download the .zip file from the census link and unzip the files to a data folder.
ui <- fluidPage(
# Sidebar with a slider input for year of interest
sliderInput("year",h3("Select year or push play button"),
min = 2000, max = 2002, step = 1, value = 2000,
animate = TRUE)
# Output of the map
server <- function(input, output) {
#to get the spacial data: from file in link above
data.p<- ggplot2::fortify(provinces, region = "PRUID")
#dataframe with same structure as statscan csv after processing
unem <- runif(10,min=0,max=100)
unem1 <- unem+runif(1,-10,10)
unem2 <- unem1+runif(1,-10,10)
unemployment <- c(unem,unem1,unem2)
#dataframe with same structure as statscan csv after processing
X <- data.frame("id" = c(10,11,12,13,24,35,46,47,48,59,
"Unemployment" = unemployment,
"year" = c(rep(2000,10),rep(2001,10),rep(2002,10))
plot.data<- reactive({
a<- X[which(X$year == input$year),]
return(merge(data.p,a,by = "id"))
output$unemployment <- renderPlot({
aes(x = long, y = lat,
group = group , fill =Unemployment)) +
geom_polygon() +
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Any help with either of the issues would be greatly appreciated
For this type of animation it is much faster to use leaflet instead of ggplot as leaflet allows you to only re-render the polygons, not the entire map.
I use two other tricks to speed up the animation:
I join the data outside of the reactive. Within the reactive it is just a simple subset. Note, the join could be done outside of the app and read in as a pre-processed .rds file.
I simplify the polygons with the rmapshaper package to reduce drawing time by leaflet. Again, this could be done outside the app to reduce loading time at the start.
The animation could likely be even more seamless if you use circles (i.e. centroid of each province) instead of polygons. Circle size could vary with Unemployment value.
Note, you need the leaflet, sf, dplyr and rmapshaper packages for this approach.
ui <- fluidPage(
# Sidebar with a slider input for year of interest
sliderInput("year",h3("Select year or push play button"),
min = 2000, max = 2002, step = 1, value = 2000,
animate = TRUE)
# Output of the map
server <- function(input, output) {
#to get the spacial data: from file in link above
data.p <- sf::st_read("input/gpr_000a11a_e.shp") %>%
st_transform(4326) %>%
data.p$PRUID <- as.character(data.p$PRUID) %>% as.numeric
data.p <- data.p[which(data.p$PRUID < 60),]
lng.center <- -99
lat.center <- 60
zoom.def <- 3
#dataframe with same structure as statscan csv after processing
unem <- runif(10,min=0,max=100)
unem1 <- unem+runif(1,-10,10)
unem2 <- unem1+runif(1,-10,10)
unemployment <- c(unem,unem1,unem2)
#dataframe with same structure as statscan csv after processing
X <- data.frame("id" = c(10,11,12,13,24,35,46,47,48,59,
"Unemployment" = unemployment,
"year" = c(rep(2000,10),rep(2001,10),rep(2002,10))
data <- left_join(data.p, X, by = c("PRUID"= "id"))
output$unemployment <- renderLeaflet({
leaflet(data = data.p) %>%
addProviderTiles("OpenStreetMap.Mapnik", options = providerTileOptions(opacity = 1), group = "Open Street Map") %>%
setView(lng = lng.center, lat = lat.center, zoom = zoom.def) %>%
addPolygons(group = 'base',
fillColor = 'transparent',
color = 'black',
weight = 1.5) %>%
addLegend(pal = pal(), values = X$Unemployment, opacity = 0.7, title = NULL,
position = "topright")
get_data <- reactive({
data[which(data$year == input$year),]
pal <- reactive({
colorNumeric("viridis", domain = X$Unemployment)
data <- get_data()
leafletProxy('unemployment', data = data) %>%
clearGroup('polygons') %>%
addPolygons(group = 'polygons',
fillColor = ~pal()(Unemployment),
fillOpacity = 0.9,
color = 'black',
weight = 1.5)
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I didn't find the drawing time to be unreasonably long at ~2-3 seconds, which for a 2.4mb shapefile seems about right. It takes just as long outside shiny as it does in the app on my machine, anyway.
To hold a constant colour gradient you can specify limits in scale_fill_gradient which will hold the same gradient despite changes to your maps:
output$unemployment <- renderPlot({
aes(x = long, y = lat,
group = group , fill =Unemployment)) +
geom_polygon() +
scale_fill_gradient(limits=c(0,100)) +
I'm in the process of creating my first Shiny app that returns a data table when a user interacts with a ggplot object (plot) with a mouse event. Using this example from RStudio, I've been able to produce something which filters and returns a data table (diamonds) based upon the position on the x-axis (cut). Its almost there... However, I have two outstanding issues that I have been unable to solve:
Is it possible to return a data table based upon a mouse event that is filtered by the y-axis (color) as well as the x-axis (cut)?
Following from (1), can the data table then be further filtered so that it returns only information from that facet (type)?
This is where I've got up to using reproducible code:
ui <- fluidPage(
plotOutput("plot1", click = "plot1_click")),
fluidRow(column(width = 10, dataTableOutput("selected_rows"))))
server <- function(input, output) {
is.even <- function(x) x %% 2 == 0
plot <- diamonds %>%
mutate(cut = as.factor(cut)) %>%
mutate(colour = as.factor(color)) %>%
mutate(type = is.even(price)) %>%
group_by(type, color, cut) %>%
output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
ggplot(plot, aes(x = cut, y = color, colour = type)) +
geom_point(aes(size = n)) +
facet_grid(~type) +
theme(legend.position = "none")
output$selected_rows <- renderDataTable({
if (is.null(input$plot1_click$x)) return()
keeprows <- round(input$plot1_click$x) == as.numeric(diamonds$cut)
diamonds[keeprows, ]
shinyApp(ui, server)
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I believe this is possible if you do a bit more logic within output$selected_rows. To filter by the y variable, simply add a reference to input$plot1_click$y. For the facet (or panels), you'll want to use input$plot1_click$panelvar1:
keeprows_x <- round(input$plot1_click$x) == as.numeric(diamonds$cut)
keeprows_y <- round(input$plot1_click$y) == as.numeric(diamonds$color)
keeprows_panel <- input$plot1_click$panelvar1 == is.even(diamonds$price)
diamonds[keeprows_x & keeprows_y & keeprows_panel, ]
Note: I'm mimicing the logic for type with is.even(diamonds$price). You may want to see this github issue for further discussion and solutions.
Quick question all.
I have some data in sql server which i have loaded into RStudio. I have made a barchart for the data and now i am using leaflet library with the use of latitude and longitude to plot a point on the map. I want to be able to use popup to show a barchart in it when the user clicks on the point.
BarChart code (maybe this is a problem because i am using googleVis library so not sure if i can use this in the popup. but again this is the most appropriate bar graph i can make and need- other suggestions could be helpful as i am not a professional in R libraries yet)
Switzerland <- sqlQuery(con, "sql query")
SwitzerlandChart <- gvisBarChart(Switzerland, options = list(height=200))
For the graph plot the code is:
m <- leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>% # Add default OpenStreetMap map tiles
addCircles(lng=8.498868, lat=46.9221, popup=paste(plot(SwitzerlandChart)))
When i run this code it opens a webpage to view my barplot.
Then i run the following:
m #Prints the graph
This prints the graph with the point in the desired location but the popup shows me a webpage instead which also only i can open.
I want to be able to plot the bargraph inside the popup please.
Hope someone can help
Maybe a little late but here's a solution. The addPopups() function in library(leaflet) seems to be able to handle .svg files. Therefore, you could simply save your plot using svg() and then read it again using readLines(). Here's a reproducible example using library(mapview):
coordinates(meuse) <- ~x+y
proj4string(meuse) <- CRS("+init=epsg:28992")
clr <- rep("grey", length(meuse))
fldr <- tempfile()
pop <- lapply(seq(length(meuse)), function(i) {
clr[i] <- "red"
p <- xyplot(meuse$cadmium ~ meuse$copper,
col = clr, pch = 20, alpha = 0.7)
svg(filename = paste(fldr, "test.svg", sep = "/"),
width = 250 * 0.01334, height = 250 * 0.01334)
tst <- paste(readLines(paste(fldr, "test.svg", sep = "/")), collapse = "")
mapview(meuse, popup = pop, cex = "cadmium")
You will see that each popup is a scatterplot. As for a leaflet example, consider this:
content <- pop[[1]]
leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>%
addPopups(-122.327298, 47.597131, content,
options = popupOptions(closeButton = FALSE)
In case you need the plot to be interactive, you could have a look at library(gridSVG) which is able to produce interactive svg plots from e.g. lattice or ggplot2 plots.
library(mapview) now has designated functionality for this:
popupGraph: to embed lattice, ggplot2 or interactive hatmlwidgets based plots.
popupImage: to embed local or remote (web) images
This is currently only available in the development version of mapview which can be installed with:
devtools::install_github("environmentalinformatics-marburg/mapview", ref = "develop"
This may be a little late too, but here is a full leaflet implementation. I first create the plot and then use the popupGraph function to add it in.
# make a plot of the two columns in the dataset
p <- xyplot(Home ~ Auto, data = Jun, col = "orange", pch = 20, cex = 2)
# make one for each data point
p <- mget(rep("p", length(Jun)))
# color code it so that the corresponding points are dark green
clr <- rep("orange", length(Jun))
p <- lapply(1:length(p), function(i) {
clr[i] <- "dark green"
update(p[[i]], col = clr)
# now make the leaflet map
m1 <- leaflet() %>%
addTiles() %>%
setView(lng = -72, lat = 41, zoom = 8) %>%
# add the markers for the Jun dataset
# use the popupGraph function
addCircleMarkers(data = Jun, lat = ~Lat, lng = ~Lon,
color = ~beatCol(BeatHomeLvl), popup = popupGraph(p),
radius = ~sqrt(BeatHome*50), group = 'Home - Jun') %>%
# layer control
overlayGroups = c('Home - Jun'
options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = F)
) %>%
# legend for compare to average
addLegend('bottomright', pal = beatCol, values = last$BeatTotalLvl,
title = 'Compare<br>Quote Count to<br>3Mos State Avg',
opacity = 1)
Here is the output.
I have data/results that contain both a geocode location (latitude/longitude) and a date/time stamp that I would like to interact with using R shiny. I have created R shiny apps that contain several leaflet maps (leaflet R package) and also contain time series graphs (dygraphs R package). I know how to synchronize different dygraphs (https://rstudio.github.io/dygraphs/gallery-synchronization.html), but not sure how to synchronize it to a leaflet map too. My question is how best to link all the graphs together, so when I select a region on a leaflet map or period of time on a dygraph time series graph the other graphs are all updated to show only that filtered data?
One thought I had was to use a leaflet plugin, but not sure how to do this with R/shiny? For example, I see some leaflet plugins offer the capability to animate a map that contains date/time information (http://apps.socib.es/Leaflet.TimeDimension/examples/). Another question is there any documentation/examples showing how to work with leaflet plugins using R shiny?
I think it is possible to extract the time/date that is selected from a time series graph (dygraph), but not sure if/how to extract the region that is displayed on the leaflet map in R shiny. My last question is whether if it is possible how I could extract the region over which the leaflet map is displayed, so I can update the time series graph.
Thanks in advance for any suggestions on how to couple leaflet maps with a time series graphs (i.e., dygraph) using R shiny!
This will probably be more of a continuous discussion than a single answer.
Fortunately, your question involves htmlwidgets created by RStudio who also made Shiny. They have taken extra effort to integrate Shiny communication into both dygraphs and leaflet. This is not the case for many other htmlwidgets. For a broader discussion of intra-htmlwidget communication outside of Shiny, I would recommend following this Github issue.
part 1 - leaflet control dygraph
As my first example, we'll let leaflet control dygraphs, so clicking on a state in Mexico will limit the dygraph plot to just that state. I should give credit to these three examples.
Kyle Walker's Rpub Mexico Choropleth Leaflet
Shiny example included in leaflet
Diego Valle Crime in Mexico project
R Code
# one piece of an answer to this StackOverflow question
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31814037/integrating-time-series-graphs-and-leaflet-maps-using-r-shiny
# for this we'll use Kyle Walker's rpubs example
# http://rpubs.com/walkerke/leaflet_choropleth
# combined with data from Diego Valle's crime in Mexico project
# https://github.com/diegovalle/mxmortalitydb
# we'll also build on the shiny example included in leaflet
# https://github.com/rstudio/leaflet/blob/master/inst/examples/shiny.R
# let's build this in advance so we don't download the
# data every time
tmp <- tempdir()
url <- "http://personal.tcu.edu/kylewalker/data/mexico.zip"
file <- basename(url)
download.file(url, file)
unzip(file, exdir = tmp)
mexico <- {
readOGR(dsn = tmp, layer = "mexico", encoding = "UTF-8")
#delete our files since no longer need
pal <- colorQuantile("YlGn", NULL, n = 5)
leaf_mexico <- leaflet(data = mexico) %>%
addTiles() %>%
addPolygons(fillColor = ~pal(gdp08),
fillOpacity = 0.8,
color = "#BDBDC3",
weight = 1,
layerId = ~id)
# now let's get our time series data from Diego Valle
crime_mexico <- jsonlite::fromJSON(
ui <- fluidPage(
dygraphOutput("dygraph1",height = 200),
textOutput("message", container = h3)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
v <- reactiveValues(msg = "")
output$map1 <- renderLeaflet({
output$dygraph1 <- renderDygraph({
# start dygraph with all the states
crime_wide <- reshape(
idvar = "date",
colnames(crime_wide) <- c("date",as.character(mexico$state))
rownames(crime_wide) <- as.Date(crime_wide$date)
observeEvent(input$map1_shape_mouseover, {
v$msg <- paste("Mouse is over shape", input$map1_shape_mouseover$id)
observeEvent(input$map1_shape_mouseout, {
v$msg <- ""
observeEvent(input$map1_shape_click, {
v$msg <- paste("Clicked shape", input$map1_shape_click$id)
# on our click let's update the dygraph to only show
# the time series for the clicked
state_crime_data <- subset(crime_mexico$hd,state_code == input$map1_shape_click$id)
rownames(state_crime_data) <- as.Date(state_crime_data$date)
output$dygraph1 <- renderDygraph({
ylab = paste0(
"homicide rate ",
observeEvent(input$map1_zoom, {
v$msg <- paste("Zoom changed to", input$map1_zoom)
observeEvent(input$map1_bounds, {
v$msg <- paste("Bounds changed to", paste(input$map1_bounds, collapse = ", "))
output$message <- renderText(v$msg)
shinyApp(ui, server)
part 2 dygraph control leaflet + part 1 leaflet control dygraph
# one piece of an answer to this StackOverflow question
# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31814037/integrating-time-series-graphs-and-leaflet-maps-using-r-shiny
# for this we'll use Kyle Walker's rpubs example
# http://rpubs.com/walkerke/leaflet_choropleth
# combined with data from Diego Valle's crime in Mexico project
# https://github.com/diegovalle/mxmortalitydb
# we'll also build on the shiny example included in dygraphs
# https://github.com/rstudio/leaflet/blob/master/inst/examples/shiny.R
# let's build this in advance so we don't download the
# data every time
tmp <- tempdir()
url <- "http://personal.tcu.edu/kylewalker/data/mexico.zip"
file <- basename(url)
download.file(url, file)
unzip(file, exdir = tmp)
mexico <- {
#delete our files since no longer need
readOGR(dsn = tmp, layer = "mexico", encoding = "UTF-8")
# now let's get our time series data from Diego Valle
crime_mexico <- jsonlite::fromJSON(
# instead of the gdp data, let's use mean homicide_rate
# for our choropleth
mexico$homicide <- crime_mexico$hd %>%
group_by( state_code ) %>%
summarise( homicide = mean(rate) ) %>%
ungroup() %>%
select( homicide ) %>%
pal <- colorBin(
palette = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n=9,"YlGn")[-(1:2)]
, domain = c(0,50)
, bins =7
popup <- paste0("<strong>Estado: </strong>",
"<br><strong>Homicide Rate: </strong>",
leaf_mexico <- leaflet(data = mexico) %>%
addTiles() %>%
addPolygons(fillColor = ~pal(homicide),
fillOpacity = 0.8,
color = "#BDBDC3",
weight = 1,
layerId = ~id,
popup = popup
ui <- fluidPage(
dygraphOutput("dygraph1",height = 200),
textOutput("message", container = h3)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
v <- reactiveValues(msg = "")
output$map1 <- renderLeaflet({
output$dygraph1 <- renderDygraph({
# start dygraph with all the states
crime_wide <- reshape(
idvar = "date",
colnames(crime_wide) <- c("date",as.character(mexico$state))
rownames(crime_wide) <- as.Date(crime_wide$date)
dygraph( crime_wide[,-1]) %>%
dyLegend( show = "never" )
observeEvent(input$dygraph1_date_window, {
# get the new mean based on the range selected by dygraph
mexico$filtered_rate <- crime_mexico$hd %>%
as.Date(date) >= as.Date(input$dygraph1_date_window[[1]]),
as.Date(date) <= as.Date(input$dygraph1_date_window[[2]])
) %>%
group_by( state_code ) %>%
summarise( homicide = mean(rate) ) %>%
ungroup() %>%
select( homicide ) %>%
# leaflet comes with this nice feature leafletProxy
# to avoid rebuilding the whole map
# let's use it
leafletProxy( "map1", data = mexico ) %>%
removeShape( layerId = ~id ) %>%
addPolygons( fillColor = ~pal( filtered_rate ),
fillOpacity = 0.8,
color = "#BDBDC3",
weight = 1,
layerId = ~id,
popup = paste0("<strong>Estado: </strong>",
"<br><strong>Homicide Rate: </strong>",
observeEvent(input$map1_shape_click, {
v$msg <- paste("Clicked shape", input$map1_shape_click$id)
# on our click let's update the dygraph to only show
# the time series for the clicked
state_crime_data <- subset(crime_mexico$hd,state_code == input$map1_shape_click$id)
rownames(state_crime_data) <- as.Date(state_crime_data$date)
output$dygraph1 <- renderDygraph({
ylab = paste0(
"homicide rate ",
shinyApp(ui, server)