Float can't be used with display:inline-block issue [duplicate] - css

Is there a practical difference between whether a left-floated element (say, and image) has display: inline-block; applied to it, as opposed to leaving the default display: block; rule applied?
In other words, what's the difference between:
<div style="float: left; display: inline-block;">text</div>
<div style="float: left; display: block;">text</div>

An answer by #thirtydot might help you... Question's link
I just found out that floating an
element will also make it a block,
therefore specifying a float property
and display:block is redundant.
Yes, display: block is redundant if you've specified float: left (or right).
(What would happen if you tried to
specify display:inline and float:left?
display: inline will not make any difference, because setting float: left forces display: block "no matter what":
Otherwise, if 'float' has a value
other than 'none', the box is floated
and 'display' is set according to the
table below.
To summarize said table: float = display: block.
However, your specific example of float: left; display: inline is useful in one way - it fixes an IE6 bug.
Are there any other examples of
redundant combinations to watch out
for? block & width ? etc,
Some examples:
If you set position: absolute, then float: none is forced.
The top, right, bottom, left properties will not have any effect unless position has been set to a value other than the default of static.
Is there a tool that can check for
such things?
I don't think so. It's not something that is ever needed, so I can't see why anybody would have written such a tool.

You don't have to specify a float: left and a display: inline-block for the same element, you use one or the other, not both. Float is used to float text around elements, its not the best weapon to choose when doing a layout. Go with display: block, and inline-block.
Block elements — form boxes according to the css box-model. They have width, height, padding, border, and margin and they stack vertically on top of each other.
Inline elements — don’t form boxes. They sit horizontally next to each other.
Inline-block elements — act like block elements on the inside where they form boxes. On the outside they act like inline elements sitting horizontally next to each other instead of stacking on top of each other.
A good resource: http://learnlayout.com/inline-block.html
According to SitePoint:
If you’re new to CSS layouts, you’d be forgiven for thinking that
using CSS floats in imaginative ways is the height of skill. If you
have consumed as many CSS layout tutorials as you can find, you might
suppose that mastering floats is a rite of passage. You’ll be dazzled
by the ingenuity, astounded by the complexity, and you’ll gain a sense
of achievement when you finally understand how floats work.
Don’t be fooled. You’re being brainwashed.

When you use float: left; almost any elements behave as a block element. So there is no any difference in this particular case.


Wordpress Menu CSS Issues

Hi so I am working on creating a wordpress template from an existing static website.
However I can't seem to get the CSS for the menu to work correctly.
I need a style that is applied to the menu to be applied to all of the li and not have to code each one individually.
The problem is I want to add a background-color to each item (making them look like buttons). If you look at the site again, it puts a huge box rather than putting a small background-color to each item. I hope that makes sense.
You can see the site here: http://lawrences.work/
First, remove your width:149px; on #menu-menu.
Second, on #menu-menu li, remove all margins, and try apply this code
# menu-menu li {
background-color: #FFC0CB;
display: inline;
padding: 10px 20px;
Alright, so I've checked it out and it appears to be that the div#logo is causing your menu to be vertically stretched.
I'm not entirely sure as to why since I didn't scan all the CSS or couldn't find anything related to it directly.
Either way I do have an explanation for what actually happened anyways.
So this div.menu-menu-container in your HTML is lexically positioned just below the div#logo - if you inspect element on them you should see highlighting overlap when hovering between the two.
An element that is float: left basically has no height. It is sort-of removed from the document flow unless the div below it has clear: both or the parent has overflow: hidden - both which have their own nasty side-effects.
Anyway, this div#logo caused your div.menu-menu-container to stretch vertically because the div#logo was floated and your div.menu-menu-container wasn't causing it to be quirky.
To fix this I added one property to div.menu-menu-container which should not harm your layout in any way except for keeping these floated elements out of your way.
the property clear: both allows you to clear a float so that the document flow after it turns back to normal. This shrunk your menu down to the size it's supposed to be in the position it's supposed to be in.
EDIT (18-11-2015)
I actually had a choice of using clear: both or float: left - both fix the issue since all floated elements do think about each other, just not about the non-floated elements as much.
clear: both however is the nicest solution in this case because it doesn't change the behaviour of that element specifically whereas floating it does.
Also, the snippet you're going to need for your code to work:
.menu-menu-container {
clear: both; // or float: left; for that matter
For more reading on MDN / css-tricks
css-tricks on float
Hope this helps you understand your issue, if you need more information I'll see it in the comments!
Good luck

Why does the div get misaligned if I add position:absolute (css) within a position:relative div?

I'm learning HTML/CSS and I encountered a problem. I'm currently working on goodwill.heyscout.com as a side project.
From learnlayout.org, I learned that the best way to structure a layout with a div is to give the inner a position:absolute, and the outer a position:relative. This works.
However, this throws the alignment off as soon as I add the position:absolute (I want the profile cards side-by-side). Without the position absolute, everything gets shifted if I want to alter the layout of the profile card. As you can see on the bottom two profile cards, they align as those aren't altered.
Can anybody point me in the right direction?
I also know that my code is pretty messy and that's what I really need to get better at... any other suggestions on how I can improve my code would also be useful.
You can throw a float: left onto your outer class and that should get them sitting side by side again. You may want to read up on using floats at some point as they can be very powerful (if a little hard to get your head around at first)
.outer {
width: 49%;
display: inline-block;
float: left;
BTW, I notice you using id="outer" multiple times. You should change this to class="outer" as an ID should be unique, whereas a class can be used multiple times. You'll see in the above CSS that I've used .outer as I'm targeting by a class name (rather than #outer which targets by ID)
Interesting problem you have found. I can't tell you exactly why it is behaving this way but it appears to be related to having text directly in the #box div or not. If you remove the "test" from the second one it aligns as you would expect. Likewise, if you put the exact same content in the second div as the first, they align.
For improvements I would start by never re-using an id (like you are doing with #outer and #box for example, these should be classes). The id attribute needs to be unique, no two DOM-elements should have the same id.
I would also suggest using a ul for #businesscards sice it represents a list of cards. This would make #outer an li. You did this in #navlist so you know what I mean.
Give just vertical-align: top; to your #outer div. The problem will be solved.
As this happens only to child elements, give something like this to solve the issue:
div > * { /* or just '*' */
vertical-align: top; /* or middle */

CSS margins add up or are combined?

Let's assume that we have the following code:
<div style="margin-bottom:100px;">test</div>
<div style="margin-top:100px;">test</div>
I noticed that sometimes it creates 100px of margin between elements and sometimes it's 200px (when we use certain settings that I'm not familiar with). I can't find any information about that in the specification. What does this depend on?
If we have h1 and p in a blank document then the margin of h1 will be combined with the margin of p. They will not add up. Whichever is larger will be used.
This is happening because your margins are allowed to collapse. Certain margins may overlap (mostly block elements) and form a combined margin defined by the larger of the two values defined in the computed element style rules - that's what is happening here. This section from the CSS Box Model document explains it in detail.
Edit: As a point of interest, you can get around this (ie. break the collapsible margins) without breaking things (much?)in a couple of ways
Making the elements width: 100%; display: inline-block
Putting a height: 0; width: 0; overflow: hidden block in between the elements and putting a dot or something in it.
I forked ashley's fiddle to demonstrate. There are probably other methods but these are a quick a dirty way to get around collapsible margins if you need to.

Clean CSS fix of IE7's 'float: right' drop bug

I continuously find myself having problems with elements floated right in IE7.
I have read many Stack Overflow questions which are similar to this one but there doesn't seem to be any consistently clean CSS answers.
What I mean by this is is I want to see answers which DO NOT change the HTML. E.g:
Put the floated element first
Add a 'clear: both' div after the floated element.
I understand that sometimes the floated element doesn't account for its parents height and therefore sometimes fails to contain it properly. Occasionally I find myself 'adding layout' to an element with zoom: 1 which sometimes fixes it. Other times I find myself messing about in a conditional IE7 style-sheet which isn't the best fix in my opinion.
Note: What I mean by 'having layout' - http://www.satzansatz.de/cssd/onhavinglayout.html
I have also read other answers to do with using relative and absolute positioning (parent div and child div respectively). This pulls it up but often affects surrounding divs.
I would be happy to add a bounty to this question if someone can give an in depth explain as to the reasons this happens and a detailed discussion of the various fixes, IDEALLY CSS ONLY!
Many thanks!
The most common problem I encounter is when I have something like this:
Left Sidebar - Main - Right Sidebar
Right will often drop when floated. Ideally this should be in the format Left - Right - Main, but I continuously find myself styling developers work (Drupal mainly) where this is the case and it is too much hassle to get them to change their work. Make sense? Because I'm styling developers work they never put the clear block in too (which personally I think is horrible and dirty anyways!)
Your title indicates a desire to see a fix for the float: right drop bug, but your text implies some broader scope desire to see solutions to “problems with elements floated right in IE7.” There are many general problems with floated elements (right or left) in that browser. Even though one may question whether support of the IE7 browser is worthy of much attention any more, it undoubtedly will remain so for some people for some time. Therefore, I’m going to take the opportunity here to address numerous issues at once regarding floats in that browser. Note that many experiments and references below come from an excellent resource: http://www.brunildo.org/test/index.html.
CSS for the Containing Element
For a containing parent to the floated element the following css should be set:
.container {
overflow: auto; /* forces clearing of the child float */
zoom: 1; /* give it layout (this can be some other css that does likewise) */
Making sure it hasLayout is important to prevent types of margin and padding errors, a type of peek-a-boo bug, and allowing the overflow to clear. For a sequence of floats, some html may need changing if padding on the container is desired to work properly.
With regards to one “drop” issue with a float: right, you may want to avoid setting an explicit height or max-height on the container. A min-height is okay. Setting a height and then having the float be taller than the container makes IE7 not behave with following elements. There is no pure css solution that I have found noted.
If the container is itself position: absolute there can be issues with positioning a float that may require that float itself to be set to position: absolute instead of being floated.
For overflow to clear -- http://www.quirksmode.org/css/clearing.html
Margins -- http://www.brunildo.org/test/IEFloatAndMargins.html
Peek-a-boo -- http://www.brunildo.org/test/iew_boo.html and http://www.brunildo.org/test/iew_boo3.html
Float sequence padding -- http://www.brunildo.org/test/IEmfloa.html
Avoiding height -- http://austinmatzko.com/2007/07/25/internet-explorer-7-float-bug/, http://www.brunildo.org/test/fenc7.html (and his similar problem link on that page).
Container is absolute -- Floating Too Far Right!
CSS for the Floated Child
For a the floated child element, the css (besides float: right) to set depends on two things:
Absolute Container
Again, as noted above, a containing parent that is absolute may require a change in how the child is handled.
Float is Also a Clearing Element
If the float is also going to have a clear set on it, then there are numerous issues that can arise depending totally upon the html and css of the elements around it. There is no single canonical fix, so look at the references below.
Container is absolute -- Floating Too Far Right!
Also having clear -- http://www.brunildo.org/test/IEWfc.html, http://www.brunildo.org/test/IEWfc2.html, http://www.brunildo.org/test/IEWfc3.html
CSS for Child Elements of Container Before the Float
If the float: right follows an element in the html structure that should be to its left (and not above it), then that preceding element(s) must be float: left.
CSS for Child Elements of Container After the Float
A Clear Element
For an element after the float that has clear set, then if it has padding and background-color, make sure it also hasLayout to avoid a doubling of the padding; also this prevents extra space above the clear due to container padding, and avoids other margin issues.
For padding -- http://www.brunildo.org/test/IEClearPadding.html and http://www.brunildo.org/test/IEFloatClearPadding.html
For margins -- http://www.brunildo.org/test/Op7_margins_float.html (look down the page for IE7)
A Paragraph Before a Clear Element
Having a paragraph with a margin-bottom and shorter in height than the float, located between the floated element and a clearing element, can create an extra gap between the clear and the float equal to that margin. There is no known pure css fix other than giving the paragraph a zero bottom margin (which may not be acceptable if the paragraph may go taller than the float).
Paragraph following -- http://www.brunildo.org/test/IEFloatClearMargin.html
I cannot guarantee I have addressed every issue that may occur with a right floated object, but certainly many major ones are covered. As to “why” these things happen, it is all “bugginess` in IE7.
Have you tried to use the clearfix solution to collapsing divs? There are variations on this and there is a newer version but I don't have the url to hand, but this is standard clearfix css which you add to the parent element that is collapsing and causing issues with floated elements http://www.webtoolkit.info/css-clearfix.html. Chris Coyer has a better version here http://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/clear-fix/.
You say "I understand that sometimes the floated element doesn't account for its parents height and therefore sometimes fails to contain it properly" this is kind of true, the parent will collapse if all child elements are floated. This is due to the elements being removed from the normal flow, when this occurs the parent div is unable to calculate its height and collapses as if there isn't anything inside of the div.
But without seeing the page and the issue you are having I can only estimate that the issue is due to IE6-IE7's haslayout property which is really annoying, they sorted it out from version 8 upwards but it does add extra development time to your build.
But in most situations the clearfix solution is best as it doesn't add extra markup to the page such as
<div style="clear: both"></div>
this is old and out of date and should be avoided.
I hope this helps you, if you need any more information or I have not answered the question just ask.
We have been using the clearfix solution for years now.
.cf:after { content: "."; display: block; clear: both; visibility: hidden; line-height: 0; height: 0; }
.cf { display: inline-block; }
html[xmlns] .cf { display: block; }
* html .cf { height: 1%; }
This is a simple CSS class which, ideally, has to be applied to a container that has any child float elements. Since you're restrictive about not changing the HTML at all, you can either:
replace all occurrences of .cf with your own div's selector [or]
use JS to apply the class (which is bad because users will see a broken layout a few seconds until the page loads completely) [or]
use PHP ob_start() + regex to apply the class [or]
just go vintage and rewrite everything using tables (as we used to do in the `90s)
It's simple:
Where you have float:right, add *clear:left.
Or where you have float:left, add *clear:right.
* for IE7-
Or for validation
*+html .class{clear:left/right}
I know it's been a year since this was posted, but I found a solution that I like for this. The gist is using 'expression' tag in your CSS for IE7 only to move the floated element to be the first element of the parent in the DOM. It will be semantically correct for all other browsers, but for IE7 we modify the DOM to move the floated element.
In my case, I have:
<h1></h1>...<p>any other content...</p>
<small class="pull-right"></small>
In my CSS for pull-right, I use:
.pull-right {
*zoom: ~"expression( this.runtimeStyle.zoom='1',parentNode.insertBefore( this,parentNode.firstChild ))";
The result is that IE7 moves my <small> to be the first element of <div> but all other browsers leave the markup alone.
This might not work for everyone. Technically, it is modifying the markup but only in the DOM for IE7 and it's also a javascript solution.
Also, I understand there may be some performance issues with expression (it's slow), so perhaps it's not ideal there are a lot of floats like this. In my case, it worked well and allowed me to keep semantically correct HTML.

Weird css width issue?

Or i have been building web pages for too long without a break or something really weird happened.
<div style="background-color:#0F0; margin:5px; height:5px;"></div>
Will result in a long bar of 5 height across the width of the parent div. This should normally not be visible since i gave the div no width.
I tried everything, messed up my whole CSS layout and nothing seemed to get rid of it. I even check some divs of me in that same project that still work like this.
So i opened a new project and just filled in that line above to make sure there wasn't some style setting messing things up. But still there is a green bar showing.
I just want my div to be the size of the text in it.
Again, i could be seeing things but this happened all of a sudden and i'm really clueless...
use display:inline because a div element automatic get the display:block
Your div must have display:block either in your code or inherited from your browser.
change it to display:inline for your desired outcome.
Example here.
Break the document flow
By default, div element has it's style display property set to block, what makes it's width to fill the dimensions of parent.
You have two options to make it clip to text, position: absolute or float: left (right works also, depends), as in:
<div style="background-color:#0F0; margin:5px; height:5px; position: absolute;"></div>
<div style="background-color:#0F0; margin:5px; height:5px; float: left;"></div>
For more information, see CSS Floats and/or CSS Positions.
P.S. Bear in mind, that absolute position and/or floated element will remove it from document flow.
span instead of div (display: inline)
If you want to keep the document flow, use span instead of div - it's display property is inline by default, as Blowsie suggested.
<span style="background-color:#0F0; margin:5px; height:5px;"></span>
display: inline-block
There is also an option with display property set to inline-block, but it's compatibility is limited. See CSS Display property information for more details.
<div style="background-color:#0F0; margin:5px; height:5px; display: inline-block;"></div>
Usually a padding issue. Difficult to diagnose without seeing code or example of site error.
div {padding: 0px;}
in your css
By default, the width of a div is auto, meaning that it will fill the entire available content. To have "no width" as you seem to want, set the width to zero explicitly. Or, use one of the other answers...
