I want to find the day difference between 2 date column in azure app insight? - azure-application-insights

We have a log file where we store the searches happening on our platform. Now there is a departure date and I want to find the searches where departure date is after 330 days from today.
I am trying to run the query to find the difference between departure date column and logtime(entry time of the event into log). But getting the below error:
Query could not be parsed at 'datetime("departureDate")' on line [5,54]
Token: datetime("departureDate")
Line: 5
Position: 54
Date format of departure date is mm/dd/yyyy and logtime format is typical datetime format of app insight.
Query that I am running is below:
| where name == "SearchLog"
| extend departureDate = tostring(customDimensions.departureDate)
| extend logTime = tostring(customDimensions.logTime)
| where datetime_diff('day',datetime("departureDate"),datetime("logTime")) > 200
As suggested I ran the below query but now I am getting 0 results but there is data that satisfy the given criteria.
| where name == "SearchLog"
| extend departureDate = tostring(customDimensions.departureDate)
| extend logTime = tostring(customDimensions.logTime)
| where datetime_diff('day',todatetime(departureDate),todatetime(logTime)) > 200
8/13/2019 8:45:39 AM -04:00
I also tried the below query to check whether data format is supported or not and it gave correct response.
| project datetime_diff('day', datetime('04/30/2020'),datetime('8/13/2019 8:25:51 AM -04:00'))

Please use the below query. Use todatetime statement to convert string to datetime
| where name == "SearchLog"
| extend departureDate = tostring(customDimensions.departureDate)
| extend logTime = tostring(customDimensions.logTime)
| where datetime_diff('day',todatetime(departureDate),todatetime(logTime)) > 200

The double quotes inside datetime operator in where clause should be removed.
Your code should look like:
where datetime_diff('day',datetime(departureDate),datetime(logTime)) > 200


Auto update Kusto to pull todays date but specific time

I am very new to Kusto queries and I have one that is giving me the proper data that I export to Excel to manage. My only problem is that I only care (right now) about yesterday and today in two separate Sheets. I can manually change the datetime with the information but I would like to be able to just refresh the data and it pull the newest number.
It sounds pretty simple but I cannot figure out how to specify the exact time I want. Has to be from 2 am day 1 until 1:59 day 2
| where NexusUid == "08463c7b-fe37-43b6-a0d2-237472b9774d"
| where TelemetryLocalTimeStamp >= make_datetime(2023,2,15,2,0,0) and TelemetryLocalTimeStamp < make_datetime(2023,2,16,01,59,0)
| where NumberOfBinPresentations >0
ago(), now(), startofday() and some datetime arithmetic.
// Sample data generation. Not part of the solution.
let ['Telemetry.WorkStation'] = materialize(range i from 1 to 1000000 step 1 | extend NexusUid = "08463c7b-fe37-43b6-a0d2-237472b9774d", TelemetryLocalTimeStamp = ago(2d * rand()));
// Solution starts here.
| where NexusUid == "08463c7b-fe37-43b6-a0d2-237472b9774d"
| where TelemetryLocalTimeStamp >= startofday(ago(1d)) + 2h
and TelemetryLocalTimeStamp < startofday(now()) + 2h
| summarize count(), min(TelemetryLocalTimeStamp), max(TelemetryLocalTimeStamp)

Kusto calculate the minutes since last event

I am converting a Splunk Dasboard to a Kusto Dash board
Below is the Splubk Query that give me the minites since as 60
index=V source=c:\\files\\build\\* | head 1 | eval minutesSince=round((now() - _indextime)/60,0) | table minutesSince
I try to create the same in Kusto but the time is not matching gives me 0 minutesSince. But the Data is the same in Splunk and Kusto. Not sure what part of the Query should I correct. Thanks for the support.
| extend minutesSince = (now() - ingestion_time())/60
| project minutesSince,BuildId
| limit 1```
you could try something like the following:
for the entire table:
| summarize minutes_since_last_ingestion = (now() - max(ingestion_time())) / 1m
or, per record:
| extend minutes_since_ingestion = (now() - ingestion_time()) / 1m

KQL, time difference between separate rows in same table

I have Sessions table
|Timespan|Name |No|
|12:00:00|Start|1 |
|12:01:00|End |2 |
|12:02:00|Start|3 |
|12:04:00|Start|4 |
|12:04:30|Error|5 |
I need to extract from it duration of each session using KQL (but if you could give me suggestion how I can do it with some other query language it would be also very helpful). But if next row after start is also start, it means session was abandoned and we should ignore it.
Expected result:
|00:01:00| 1 |
|00:00:30| 4 |
You can try something like this:
| order by No asc
| extend nextName = next(Name), nextTimestamp = next(timestamp)
| where Name == "Start" and nextName != "Start"
| project Duration = nextTimestamp - timestamp, No
When using the operator order by, you are getting a Serialized row set, which then you can use operators such as next and prev. Basically you are seeking rows with No == "Start" and next(Name) == "End", so this is what I did,
You can find this query running at Kusto Samples open database.
let Sessions = datatable(Timestamp: datetime, Name: string, No: long) [
| order by No asc
| extend Duration = iff(Name != "Start" and prev(Name) == "Start", Timestamp - prev(Timestamp), timespan(null)), SessionNo = prev(No)
| where isnotnull(Duration)
| project Duration, SessionNo

In kql, how can I convert `make-series` in to table?

The following query returns the data that I need:
let timeSpn = bin(ago(60m),1m);
| where cloud_RoleName == "myApp"
| where success == "False"
| where timestamp > timeSpn
| make-series count() on timestamp from timeSpn to now() step 1m by application_Version
The problem is that the result consist of 2 lines (one for each application_Version and not 120 lines (one for each minute and for each version).
I have to use make-series and not the simple summarize because I need the "zero" values.
You can do it using the mv-expand operator
Here's an example from Back-fill Missing Dates With Zeros in a Time Chart:
let start=floor(ago(3d), 1d);
let end=floor(now(), 1d);
let interval=5m;
| where timestamp > start
| make-series counter=count() default=0
on timestamp in range(start, end, interval)
| mvexpand timestamp, counter
| project todatetime(timestamp), toint(counter)
| render timechart

Avoid running a function multiple times in a query

I have the following query in Application Insights where I run the parsejson function multiple times in the same query.
Is it possible to reuse the data from the parsejson() function after the first invocation? Right now I call it three times in the query. I am trying to see if calling it just once might be more efficient.
| where Timestamp > ago(1h)
and tostring(parsejson(tostring(Data.JsonLog)).LogId) =~ '567890'
| project Timestamp,
fileSize = toint(parsejson(tostring(Data.JsonLog)).fileSize),
pageCount = tostring(parsejson(tostring(Data.JsonLog)).pageCount)
| limit 10
You can use extend for that:
| where Timestamp > ago(1h)
| extend JsonLog = parsejson(tostring(Data.JsonLog)
| where tostring(JsonLog.LogId) =~ '567890'
| project Timestamp,
fileSize = toint(JsonLog.fileSize),
pageCount = tostring(JsonLog.pageCount)
| limit 10
