Customizing DevExpress MVC Dashboard Style Sheet using ThemeBuilder - devexpress

I am trying to add a custom stylesheet built using the DevExtreme ThemeBuilder (
I have found the following code but it does not allow a custom stylesheet.
#Html.DevExpress().StyleSheets(styles => styles.AddDashboard(settings => settings.ColorScheme("dark.compact")))
How to implement this? Any support article please?
Component : DevExpress MVC Dashboard

Unfortunately, DevExtreme ThemeBuilder ( is only applicable to create a custom theme for DevExtreme components, so you can't use it in this case.


How to use react-draft-wysiwyg in css-modules?

I am using editor of react-draft-wysiwyg in my project and using css-modules for server-side rendering but unable include the styles of editor with css-modules.any help or suggestion will be appreciated

Use custom styles in sidebar

Can I use custom styles for the Google Sheets Sidebar? Or will this not pass the addon review for the marketplace publishing?
I know there is stated
Use the add-ons CSS package in your HTML service pages
But I would like to use UI5 framework that comes with its own styles. And I don't want to create completely new theme for UI5 just because of this.

Wordpress Visual Composer custom button

Is there a way to make a custom button style in Visual Composer without using extra class?
In the Button section I can choose plenty of colors, but none of them match with the theme design. How I add a new one?
You just need to use chrome developer tools to identify which class that button is using then you can write your custom css and override the button styles but it will effect all the buttons which you will be creating using visual composer and it is not the best practice to do. So i recommend to use extra class and write custom styles

Where do I find the default MVC templates for Html.EditorFor?

I want to implement my own Html.EditorFor by creating a template in Views/Shared/EditorTemplates.
I would like to start with the vanilla template and change this to my needs.
But where can I see the default editor-for templates of MVC?
What I try to do: get my own css classes (uikit instead of bootstrap) and a more simple way of adding validation with jquery.validate (using required attribute, for example).

How create a topBar with submenus in boilerplate template

I'm trying to create a topbar with submenus using boilerplate template
but i can't do it.
the structure is
I have this documentation
but does not work
It's included in startup template.
See this topic on the forum:
