I want to send parameters with an http GET request in dart. The first answer here demonstrates it well: How do you add query parameters to a Dart http request?
var uri =
Uri.https('www.myurl.com', '/api/query', queryParameters);
However, a major problem is that queryParameters only accepts:
Map<String, String>
This doesn't allow me to pass in lists/arrays.
If i change my get request to a post request, I am easily able to send a
body (as a json encoded String) as outlined by the flutter docs: https://pub.dev/documentation/http/latest/http/post.html
post(url, {Map<String, String> headers, body, Encoding encoding})
However, the get request has no such equivalent argument for query parameters: https://pub.dev/documentation/http/latest/http/get.html
get(url, {Map<String, String> headers})
I have also tried adding query parameters directly to the url like so:
but the square brackets [] always get transformed into %5B%5D when I receive it in the server.
Any help is appreciated.
In fact, queryParameter takes Map<String, dynamic>. Check the source code:
factory Uri(
{String scheme,
String userInfo,
String host,
int port,
String path,
Iterable<String> pathSegments,
String query,
Map<String, dynamic /*String|Iterable<String>*/ > queryParameters,
String fragment}) = _Uri;
The dynamic can be either a String or an Iterable<String>. So,
var uri = Uri(
scheme: 'http',
host: 'www.myurl.com',
path: '/api/query/',
queryParameters: {
'array': ['value1', 'value2', 'value3'],
Trying to apply abs_path from RFC2616 (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2616#section-5.1.2) but receiving callout exception 'System.CalloutException: no protocol: /animals'.
End point url trying in following example : http://th-apex-http-callout.herokuapp.com/animals
Http http = new Http();
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
HttpResponse response = http.send(request);
// If the request is successful, parse the JSON response.
if (response.getStatusCode() == 200) {
// Deserializes the JSON string into collections of primitive data types.
Map<String, Object> results = (Map<String, Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(response.getBody());
// Cast the values in the 'animals' key as a list
List<Object> animals = (List<Object>) results.get('animals');
System.debug('Received the following animals:');
for (Object animal: animals) {
expected output :
Received the following animals:
majestic badger
fluffy bunny
I've never tried sending Host as a header but this works just fine
I am trying make an http post request with the method below. when I run the method I keep getting the message that an exeption has occured and am being pointed to this utils.dart file. From what am seeing my best guess is that there is a problem converting the map data I have provided in the url into the query string. Icant seem to find what am doing wrong tho.How may I solve this.
Request Method
print("Loading ....");
String theUrl ="https://";
var res = await http.post(Uri.encodeFull(theUrl),headers: {"Accept":"application/json"},body: {"notID":2},);
var responseBody = json.decode(res.body);
print("results ::$responseBody");
//print("the response at position something::::\nHeading\n${responseBody[0][7]['post_head']}\nBody\n${responseBody[0][7]['post_body']}");
return responseBody;
Error message in utils.dart
/// Converts a [Map] from parameter names to values to a URL query string.
/// mapToQuery({"foo": "bar", "baz": "bang"});
/// //=> "foo=bar&baz=bang"
String mapToQuery(Map<String, String> map, {Encoding encoding}) {
var pairs = <List<String>>[];
map.forEach((key, value) => pairs.add([
Uri.encodeQueryComponent(key, encoding: encoding),
Uri.encodeQueryComponent(value, encoding: encoding)
return pairs.map((pair) => "${pair[0]}=${pair[1]}").join("&");
Simple is, that I am trying to make a PUT request to my API but I get the type error of:
_CastError (type 'List<String>' is not a subtype of type 'String' in type cast)
My API accepts an Array of strings (string[]), which I know work because I am currently consuming it on the sibling web platform. So I am trying to replicate that on the Flutter app with the below code. At the moment it is just static code.
I know, that the http module is only accept string but is there a way to get around this? As it does not make sense, as what happens if we want to post an int, bool or <List<String>>. I know you can obviously convert using .toString() but my API has certain validation and is rigid on what it can accept.
Code below:
When I use this payload it works because it follows the rigid types of the Http module (<String, String>)
Map<String, String> payloadThatWorks = {"first_name": "First Name"};
Now when I want to give the payload of the type Map<String, List<String>> with the code below:
Map<String, List<String>> payload = {
"personal_settings": ["allow-notification-discussion-mentions"]
It throws the error of _CastError (type 'List<String>' is not a subtype of type 'String' in type cast)
in the http.put function below:
Main API Helper function
static Future<http.Response> queryPut(String apiPath, {dynamic body}) async {
SharedPreferences prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance();
String accessToken = prefs.getString('access_token');
var response = await http.put(
Uri.encodeFull(_urlBase + '$apiPath'),
body: body,
headers: {
HttpHeaders.authorizationHeader: "Bearer $accessToken",
'Accept': 'application/json'
return response;
However, when helper function is called in my Widget...
http.Response response =
await ApiService.queryPut('/api/users/$username', body: payload);
So i'm in a spot where the http module does not accept anything put <String> but the API does not accept anything but an Array or <List<String>>
How can I get round this or understand why the http put method is so rigid?
Thank you in advance :)
You can import dart:convert and use its jsonEncode to convert your map or array of map into a string
So basically you will have to do the following
String payloadStr = jsonEncode(payload)
and use this payloadStr to pass in the http methods. Similarly you can use JsonDecoder to convert json string to Map or Array of map.
I am trying to create a request using retrofit with a key-value (& separated) payload and simple user authentication, as it can be done in the following curl command:
curl -X POST -d "grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token=<refresh_token>" -u"<client_id>:<client_secret>" http://localhost:8000/o/token/
How can I create a request in retrofit that supplies the above data? I need both the interface method and the creation of RequestBody if it used.
I used the following code
interface method definition:
Observable<ServerToken> refreshAccessToken(#Header("Authorization") String auth, #Body RequestBody tokens);
calling the implementation:
RequestBody body = new FormEncodingBuilder()
.add("grant_type", "refresh_token")
.add("refresh_token", serverToken.refresh_token)
String auth = Credentials.basic("<client_id>", "<client_secret>");
mTokenApi.refreshAccessToken(auth, body)
But I am getting a Content-Type: application/json in the request and an empty request body.
How can I fix this?
The correct way to do it is:
interface method definition:
Observable<ServerToken> refreshAccessToken(#Header("Authorization") String auth,
#Field("grant_type") String grantType,
#Field("refresh_token") String refreshToken);
calling the implementation:
String auth = Credentials.basic(clientID, clientSecret);
mTokenApi.refreshAccessToken(auth, "refresh_token", serverToken.refresh_token)
I want to modify HTTP request URI and HTTP request method using a CXF interceptor in a HTTP client.
I have developed something like this:
public class MyInterceptor extends AbstractPhaseInterceptor<Message> {
public MyInterceptor() {
public void handleMessage(Message message) {
// this returns me correct path and method
// String path = (String) message.getExchange().getOutMessage().get(Message.REQUEST_URI);
// String method = (String) message.getExchange().getOutMessage().get(Message.HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD);
// this does not work as expected
String path = (String) message.get(Message.REQUEST_URI);
String method = (String) message.get(Message.HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD);
// do things here
Why do need I to use exchange/OutMessage to obtain data about current message and I can not use message directly?
How can I edit both values? I tried using message.put(<key>, <value>) and the same with exchange/OutMessage, but nothing is modified.
Coming to the path, you'd always get that value as null, I believe.
You can try following code, to get the actual value of your uri:
String requestURI = (String) message.get(Message.class.getName() + ".REQUEST_URI");