Searching using Global Text Search
No Record found even though the record is there in the contacts custom table.
Found the solution. Added the custom table into the Search Groups and now it is working.
Global search is not working for contacts in ServiceNow CRM. Do we need to configure anything to workout the phone number or name search globally?. I am new to Servicenow, Please help me how to enable this to perform global search.
How can I read a people picker field and query AD to load additional fields related to the person in the field. Example: Employee Name; load information want to load email address, phone number. the InfoPath form is being used with Nintex Workflow and SharePoint 2010.
I have searched and have not been able to find answer.
Unfortunately I don't have enough reputation points yet to leave a comment, but your question really doesn't provide enough detail. So any answer provided is going to be based on assumptions. You don't even clarify what version of InfoPath you're using.
That said, a good place to start is to create a data connection to receive data. You'll need to select the web service option and will then need to enter in the web server address. The address will probably be in the following format:
Replace yourservernamehere with the address of your SharePoint server. Then, you'll need to select GetUserProfileByName as the operation you need. Just keep on clicking next and then finish to complete the connection.
You will then have to view the data source within InfoPath to see what fields are available and map the ones you want to the fields you want prepopulated on your form.
All this is based on my own assumptions, so I can't guarantee it will work in your scenario. Happy to assist if you still need help and are able to provide more details.
To autocomplete you can use your e-mail or phone number fields, with a new action rule. This is due to people picker fields not allowing any action rules applied to them.
The web service option mentioned in another answer unfortunately no longer works in SharePoint Online. Please use a data connection the hidden User Information List located on the stem of your SharePoint site instead.
Use the condition DisplayName is not blank by using "Select a field or group..." in advanced view and selecting your people pickers DisplayName field
Set a field's value
Field: User Information List data connection queryFields DisplayName of people picker
Value: your forms DisplayName of people picker
Query using a data connection: User Information List data connection
Set a field's value
Field: your forms email or phone number field
Value: data fields > Work_email / Work_phone of your data connection
I have a website (bootleg/css) I put together. I am currently implementing user registration but I am having troubles determining the best way to go about the following:
I have users that will be entering their teammates, and themselves into a tournament (via a form). That's the easy part. Once the users have input their info, I'd like the webpage to populate with the registered team in a designated area. The structure as so:
(Registration form)
Member 1
Member 2
Member 3
Member 4
I want it to take TEAM NAME and display it in a specific section of a webpage for those registered. Like so:
(Displayed as so)
I am most familiar with css and html, but I am willing to work with php as long as it can be injected into the current site. I have a MySQL server setup and can edit it further. I've done a LOT on the design side, but not too much on the scripting side until recently so go easy on me.
You can do this by simply using PHP and MySQL.As you said,you are familiar with MySQL,I would give you the outline to do this.
Make a table for the registered users,Insert data to MySQL Database using INSERT Query in MySQL.
INSERT INTO Table_name (id,member_name,member_age,...) VALUE ('','$name','$age',...)
You can select all the values using SELECT Query from Database Table,and echo it on HTML part,where you want to show the result.
SELECT * FROM Table_name
I'm building a commerce site using Drupal Commerce. I've got it going very smoothly now but I've hit a dead end when I'm trying to create a module for handling shipping information and sending it to the shipping company for label printing.
The problem is, that I have created a new tab in an Order page,
and I can access this page via a tab when I edit an order.
Now, I have no idea how I can pull the order_id number in the module. I have tried almost everything, entity_view, entity_metadata_wrapper, commerce_order.module API, but I have no idea how I can access the id and that is the key. When I get the ID, I can get the shipping information linked to it and I can send this data to the shipping company and save it.I also looked into the ways Commerce does things like combine Payment with Views but it seemed a bit too complicated for me to try so, I'm asking here. I can't get any answers on Drupal's own support forums.
Hope i got your question right.You created a custom menu admin/commerce/orders/*/printlabel where * is the order id of a particular order. You need the order id.
The simplest solution to it is getting it through the arguments or arg(). This is a function that drupal provides to get data from the arguments. For eg
if your url is & you need order id i.e 0001 you can get it using arg(3).
I have a form I have reated that I now need to have sent to multiple recipients through MS outlook. I have no problem creating a hard coded email address and submitting the information to my database through the Submit button, however I need to be able to adjust the email addresses on the fly or give the users the option to add email recipients. I have researched online and found that there is a built in function for this that links to the address book in outlook, however my systems admin has deactivated this feature. So any assistance on how to perform this type of function would be greatly appreciated.
I ended up going aroung the built in feature that was disabled by systems. In the email rules I selected my database table that housed both the office name and email address in the To: & Cc: fields through the function button. While in the function I selected my field named distro list and selected filter. There I built a logic that states
#Distro[#Office = #Office]
Where the first # Office is a reference to the field in the Disro List table, and the second # Office is from the main data connection. This filter is basically saying return the distro list that is present in the table when the displayed main connection Office field is equal to the Distro List Office field. Works like a champ.
Does anyone have some code or a link as to how to create the user login name as a parameter during a sql query in ASP.NET?
Basically I want to use the default membership structure with a new field ClubID, then I want to add a new table called aspnet_Clubs which contains things such as Club Name, stadium name, Balance etc etc... and then use a relationship between ClubID and a field in the aspnet_Clubs table to tie things together.
Then when each user logs in they should see the clubs information specific to their loginID.
I know the syntax to use for the query, its getting the loginname parameter and being able to use/assign it as part of the search that is causing me the problem.
In general it is not recommended to break the default schema of the aspnetdb where the Membership data is stored. It can bring you to unexpected consequences in the future.
I had a similar question a couple of days ago, please check it here, may be you will be able to adopt something from the discussion to your situation.