When will NG-Zorro supports Resizable column - ng-zorro-antd

We develop the webpage using antd-nozzo with Angular,but find not supporting resizable columns.
I found Antd Design of react has supported it. so when will ng-zorro supports this feature?

Checkout with our recent experimental component Resizable.


Angular Material with other CSS Framework

I'm about to start my first Angular project, and I'm thinking about using Angular Material.
It has a lot of components which is what i'm looking for but it seems to me that it does not have a grid system nor any utility classes.
Should I use for example Bootstrap or any other css framework along with Angular Material or simply add my own css? What's the common practice?
Having to add classes for padding, margin and so on is a waste of time so I'd be inclined to also use Bootstrap which already has all these kind of classes.
My only fear is that having both Angular Material and Bootstrap would increase the bundle significantly.
I am using the following for my project
For grid, checkout this https://www.ag-grid.com/angular-grid/.
angular wrapper of bootstrap you can check
You may also want to check
https://primefaces.org/primeng/showcase/#/setup this has UI
components as well as their own spacing and grid setup

Out of the box responsive images with Google Polymer?

I just started working with Polymer and their starter kit. I want to have a standard hero image with a text overlay - naturally, I want the image to be responsive. I've gone through all the Iron and Paper elements and can't seem to find anything that works.
I've tried using the Iron image, Flex layout, and Media queries in various compbinations to get what I need, but to no avail. I've found several 3rd party components like x-imager that will do the trick, but I would've thought such basic functionality would be available right out of the box like it is with pretty much every "responsive" framework - and yes, while I know Polymer isn't supposed to be a framework, I guess I expected it to be part of their component library. And yes, I also know I can create a simple CSS class that does that like Bootstrap does too, but I'm looking for native functionality, out of the box here.
Is there something I'm missing here or should I just create a custom component and move on?

Grid builder HTML/JS

I'm looking for live grid builder.
E.g.: I need 9 boxes
And with options to possible combine some blocks.
There's dare I say, hundreds of CSS grid libraries/frameworks. Bootstrap, Foundation, 960 Grid, Pure.. Bootstrap and Foundation are probably the most widely used with tons of documentation. There's also Gridstack and Gridster that are Javascript plugins that are more for widget building.
I'm don't want create for me. Just maybe exist any library or something other.

Is it possible to use bootstrap for adobe flex?

I am trying to get my application looking somewhat decent and flex uses CSS so does that mean I can use bootstrap? I just don't know how I would implement it in the code once I have the CSS as mxml is different to html. If not, are there any other frameworks I can use to get my application looking better?
No; Bootstrap requires javascript (not available inside the Flex app). Also, Flex uses its own customized subset of CSS with some important differences from the spec.

Create a custom layout with KendoUI

I'm getting started on a Kendo UI Mobile project and have absolutely no idea how to create the layout I'm looking for. Heck, I have basically no idea how to do anything in Kendo UI.
I'd like to have 3 images in a view. An example of the layout is below.
I'm quite confused as to how to create this layout and have the images adapt to whatever mobile device or orientation is being used. A series of nested splitviews seems to be the way to accomplish this layout, but the kendo-ui site seems to indicate that the splitview is for tablets only.
Should I just grab a responsive grid framework and use that in conjunction with kendo-ui? I'd prefer to stick within the kendo-ui framework if this layout is possible.
You need to recognize that KendoUI isn't the solution for everything. For this problem/requirement, you should be looking for a simple HTML/CSS solution and not a widget such as the splitter.
You can use the bootstrap responsive (integrated in kendo ui) for html 5 mobile app.
I remember, you can use the grid system (css classes) and the img-responsive class
see the grid here : http://getbootstrap.com/css/#grid
see the responsive image here : http://getbootstrap.com/css/#images-responsive
in kendo it overrided but that's the same logic
