Need help to run BIMSurfer without running BIMServer - ifc

I need to run BIMSurfer over nginx without running BIMServer. As I noticed, BIMSurfer needs some js files that takes them from BIMServer. I don't need BIMServer to handle ifc files which I convert them beforehand. I looked into this link and thinking of something akin.

What is your exact question? If you are looking for the way to convert I suggest IfcOpenShell to generate dae, obj or gltf files. To render the converted ifc file, you can implement your own viewer, or use the BIMSurfer directly. If I remember correctly, gltf format works fine with that.


Standardized filenames when passing folders between steps in pipeline architecture?

I am using AzureML pipelines, where the interface between pipeline steps is through a folder or file.
When I am passing data into the pipeline, I point directly to a single file. No problem at all. Very useful when passing in configuration files which all live in the same folder on my local computer.
However, when passing data between different steps of the pipeline, I can't provide the next step with a file path. All the steps get is a path to some folder that they can write to. Then that same path is passed to the next step.
The problem comes when the following step is then supposed to load something from the folder.
Which filename is it supposed to try to load?
Approaches I've considered:
Use a standardized filename for everything. Problem is that I want to be able to run the steps locally too, independant of any pipeline. This makes very for a very poor UX for that use case.
Check if the path is to a file, if it isn't, check all the files in the folder. If there is only one file, then use it. Otherwise throw an exception. This is maybe the most elegant solution from a UX perspective, but it sounds overengineered to me. We also don't structurally share any code between the steps at the moment, so either we will have repetition or we will need to find some way to share code, which is non-trivial.
Allow custom filenames to be passed in optionally, otherwise use a standard filename. This helpes with the UX, but often the filenames are supposed to be defined by the configuration files being passed in, so while we could do some bash scripting to get the filename into the command, it feels like a sub-par solution.
Ultimately it feels like none of the solutions I have come up with are any good.
It feels like we are making things more difficult for ourselves in the future if we assume some default filename. F.x. we work with multiple file types, so it would need to omit an extension.
But any way to do it without default filenames would also cause maintainence headache down the line, or incurr substantial upfront cost.
The question is am I missing something? Any potential traps, better solutions, etc. would be appreciated. It definately feels like I am somewhat under- and/or overthinking this.

How run a script refering to an externaly stored script in R?

I am looking for a way to run a script with one part of the script stored in a separate file. Like a "normal" script but with one part of the script referring to an external script.
The script stored in a separate file will be generic to several scripts and will be regularly updated, and that is the reason for keeping this part of the script separate.
I have not found anything about how to solve this. Maybe someone else has a solution to this?
It seems you're looking for
source("[file location]")
Be aware that this will automatically run the entire script in that file location, so be aware of that with regards to which names you give objects in that script and the other script you're working with (e.g. if you open a dataframe in your current script and not in the external script, but you're working with that dataframe in the external script too, the name needs to be the same).
Alternatively, you could write the external script in a way that it is loaded into your workspace as a formula, so that you can refer to that formula in the 'current'script.

Python: File pointers

I am developing some tool by make use of python 3.4.2 shell. But i stopped while dealing with file pointers in python. Basically what i am doing is merging the file with another file. I came across scenario, wherein i will search for a string in the file, the other file content i need to merge should start from that string. So please could anyone suggest me on this??
How to move reversely in a file using python file commands?
i tried using seek() and tell() but didn't workout.
can i use seek(-5,1) to go back 5 bytes back and write from that position?All answers are appreciated. Thanks

lupdate - common single words in the ts file?

Im learning how to use QT's translate stuff for the first time for work.
They already have things working to some degree and its my job to clean
things up and get it working properly as well as using lupdate to keep
things in sync when they change etc. We are also using QML in which we
wrote a wrapper function for all our strings, so lupdate does not find
our function to add to the .ts XML file. The reason we use a wrapper is
for centralizing other functions at once place for all strings. We also
dont always use a string literal in our 'source' argument but a defined
property, such as:
property string buttonTxt: "ButtonText"
then: commonTRFunction(context, buttonTxt)
which of course lupdate does not find for both reasons.
Ive looked into updating the lupdate source very briefly
and Im not sure if its worth trying to hack it to find our function or
write our own parser to find the standard QT tags AND also our new ones?
Secondly, and related to the first part, Id like a way to make one
context section that contains all the common words we use in our app
such as 'Back', 'Save', 'Ok' etc etc without repeating it over and over
throughout the .ts file. lupdate seems to repeat things over and over
in multiple contexts which seems both inefficient and a waste of lines
in the ts file.
I haven't found any QT docs that really explain the differences between tr(), qsTr(), qsTranslate(), QT_TR_NOOP() and QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP(). I know you sometimes need a context and the source,
and other times just use the source without a context. We dont use
the disambigous arg. Most of our code is in QML and not C++.
Also we are running lupdate from the command line.
Does anyone have thoughts, suggestions or even a tool someone wrote
that can be used for what we have? I appreciate your help.

Maintaining same piece of code in multiple files

I have an unusual environment in a project where I have many files that are each independent standalone scripts. All of the code required by the script must be in the one file and I can't reference outside files with includes etc.
There is a common function in all of these files that does authorization that is the last function in each file. If this function changes at all (as it does now and then) it has to changed in all the files and there are plenty of them.
Initially I was thinking of keeping the authorization function in a separate file and running a batch process that produced the final files by combining the auth file with each of the others. However, this is extremely cumbersome when debugging because the auth function needs to be in the main file for this purpose. So I'd always be testing and debugging in the folder with the combined file and then have to copy changes back to the uncombined files.
Can anyone think of a way to solve this problem? i.e. maintain an identical fragment of code in multiple files.
I'm not sure what you mean by "the auth function needs to be in the main file for this purpose", but a typical Unix solution might be to use make(1) and cpp(1) here.
Not sure what environment/editor your using but one thing you can do is to use prebuild events. create a start-tag/end-tag which defines the import region, and then in the prebuild event copy the common code between the tags and then compile...
..... code here .....
In your prebuild event just find those tags, and replace them with the import code and then finish compiling.
VS supports pre-post build events which can call external processes, but do not directly interact with the environment (like batch files or scripts).
Instead of keeping the authentication code in a separate file, designate one of your existing scripts as the primary or master script. Use this one to edit/debug/work on the authentication code. Then add a build/batch process like you are talking about that copies the authentication code from the master script into all of the other scripts.
That way you can still debug and work with the master script at any time, you don't have to worry about one more file, and your build/deploy process keeps everything in sync.
You can use a technique like #Priyank Bolia suggested to make it easy to find/replace the required bit of code.
I ugly way I can think of:
have the original code in all the files, and surround it with markers like:
///To be replaced automatically by the build process to the latest code
String str = "my code copy that can be old";
///Marker end.
This code block can be replaced automatically by the build process, from one common code file.
