Unable to import date data into App Maker - google-app-maker

[appmaker] I'm trying to import data from related data in google sheets into an App Maker. I created the fields by importing them from sheets. The date field defaulted to a time stamp but my data only uses the date, so I changed the fields to date only but the import keeps failing because App maker is still expecting a time stamp. Any ideas?
So the images show how I have set up the data model for this data. It is set up as a 'Date' . But it keeps getting rejected.
Details from App Maker

I created a sample spreadsheet and a sample AppMaker app to try and replicate your issue. It works perfectly well for me. To have perfect sync, you might need to re-check these two points.
Are you sure you used "Date" SQL Type in the AppMaker model's field like this?
Are you sure your spreadsheet's date column has the correct date format set like this?


looker dev difference between PDT and regular DT

LookerML question:
I have got this snowflake query which joins one static table (does not refresh) and one table that refreshes every day.
I want to pop this query into Looker and create a simple Looker dashboard using it.
Two options I think are available to me to do so:
Create view file and PDT but that would mean I need to add a trigger value and the data including the static table would refresh, right? - Isn't this very inefficient?
Create regular DT with the explore being a PDT?
A derived table will be temporary and will not be written to the database. Each time the dashboard is refreshed, a query will be rerun against your data source to extract data.
A persistent derived table will store the data results in a database, whilst using a persistent strategy to refreshing the data based on time or a data driven trigger. If the persistent data already exists and is still valid, Looker will extract the results from the persisted data rather than creating a query against your source database.

Do previous intraday/s data get automatically merged to the main table?

So I am new with Firebase and also new to linking Firebase data to BigQuery (I have some BigQuery experience though).
According to the documentation:
"After you link a project to BigQuery, the first daily export of events creates a corresponding dataset in the associated BigQuery project. Then, each day, raw event data for each linked app populates a new daily table in the associated dataset, and raw event data is streamed into a separate intraday BigQuery table in real-time."
Let's say I have this dataset mydataset.myapp, the corresponding BigQuery tables containing streamed data from Firebase looks like this:
My question is:
Are the previous intradays (events_intraday_20191227) automatically merged/appended to the main table (events_) by the next day? So myapp will not be populated with intraday_<date> crumbs of data ? Just want to confirm how this works.
The table events_ contains all your data for different dates, the table events_intraday_ is a temporary table, which its data is moved into events_
In here you can find a video that explains how it works

How to add a timestamp to Firebase via console?

-amount: 125
-date: 13/11/2019
-id: "SAV-00000001"
I am trying to add some data, something similar to above. I want the date field to be stored as a date object so that when I query it I can order by date.
When I add a date it's being stored as a string. Is there a way to make sure that it's stored as a date object instead?
Note: The questions I have found talk about how to add a date programmatically, but I'm trying to find out how to add it manually via the console.
Firstly, there is no "date" type provided by Realtime Database. You'll have to choose your own format for dates, and those will usually be a string or a number.
Second, the Firebase console doesn't have a field editor for date-related strings or numbers. If you need a string or number, you're going to have to just type that yourself into the console, or create your own tool to make that easier.

Custom Metric fed with imported data against Product SKU acting weird

I've created a new custom metrics to import metrics associated with product sku. I've used the data import function to feed this custom metric. Data are successfully imported.
However, the imported data doesn't match the value I have in the csv file...
I've also built a report using Product SKU as dimension and with the new custom metrics, I don't understand why but this custom metrics is changing over time when it supposed to be fixed... or I missing something.
Here is the Data Set schema :
Key: ga:productSku
Imported Data: ga:metric13
Overwrite hit data: Yes
ga:metric13 has just been created especially for this data import.
What is wrong here?
Any ideas of what could have gone wrong...?
I assume you are using the processing-time import (different from query-time import). Processing-time import would only work for the future data, not past (unless you link to a date dimension).
Because Google Analytics aggregates the data, your metric will be attached to products interactions happened after your import was successful.
Another possible failure point is an import key. It should match values in GA exactly
ok I found the answer. My question wasn't clear. I didn't know what was my issue. I've started importing data with the assumption that Custom Dimension and Custom Metrics were somehow similar. There are not. Custom metrics are incremented for each hit where the custom metrics are collected. So basically when reporting a custom metrics against product SKU the value of the custom metric will be equal to the number of hits * value of the custom metrics imported.

Ionic - Firebase : Get Current Time and Disable Past Dates

I am working on a project where you book hotel reservations.In the add booking page, I have an input datetime-local where the user selects the date and the time of the booking.
I want to get the online time and not use the device time to disable the user from booking past datetimes.
I tried to get the server time Timestamp from Firebase but did not know how to work with it.
I want to know what is the best way to deal with this issue.
For firebase3, use firebase.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP
$scope.createdDate = firebase.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP
doc is available here
and for date time picker go for this code.
