how to resize just one side of polygon tool? - adobe

How can I select walls of room(room image is in jpg format) with polygon tool? I am trying to resize just one side of polygon .
I have tried resizing one side with ctrl + mouse but its not working
I want to select wall of room image with polygon tool
<head> </head>
<h1> There is no code to add here for adobe illustrator
Can I select the walls from jpg room image with ploygon tool?

ctrl + mouse only works on Adobe Photoshop, this is the tool that you need

you can do that with Direct selection tool
choose point in a side of polygon and change that.
good luck


Transparent-Background-Png in Foreground does not retain background Transparency in Angular Component

So basically I'm creating a landing page and I want to use this nice picture of clouds with transparent background overlayed on top of a nice landscape so they can scroll up.
The issue is that the image(which indeed has a transparent background) does not have a transparent background when I put it in the application.
here's an image of what it comes out looking like:
<img src="assets/img/tryClouds.png" alt="Clouds" class="clouds">
any help that works would make me your biggest fan for all of life!! :D <333333333
I will owe you a life debt, Zaalbar KOTOR style.
Answer: Found.
Tools: Adobe Illustrator with .ebs files.
Actual problem: nothing to do with css, js, or angular
some files claiming "transparent" backgrounds, actually had a checkerboard background imitating a transparent background. These files were downloaded from a stock image supplier I pay a monthly subscription fee to use. I figured out how to make use of these excellent images that baffled me and tricked me!
Use adobe illustrator(I know, costs money, but great tool for this sort of thing and possibly the only option from what I've read)
Open the .ebs (vector) photo in illustrator.
Now here's where I was mistaken. I would "export as", choose png, then select "transparent" for background.
The issue is that the image itself was actually permeated with this imposter checkerboard. D:<
Now, it's basically impossible to select and delete each piece of this imposter ( |:< )"transparent" background with something as whispy as clouds!
Thankfully, if it's a good quality vector, the background will be contained in a layer.
Click the layer for the background then click the upper right button circled in the screenshot and select "delete".
Now you're goooooooood 2 go *puts sunglasses on* ;)

How to create scrolling text in A-frame

I am working in A-frame and I need scrolling text to display on top of a 3d object. From preliminary research, html css does not work in a-frame. Can scrolling text still be accomplished? How can i use css in a-frame?
Html can be embedded in Aframe (but it is not built in).
Use this component by superEggbert
Scrolling text is a bit more involved (don't think you get it automatically with aframe-htmlembed-component, but I haven't used it yet, so not sure).
Here is a tutorial that walks through making a VR blog in Aframe.
Towards the bottom it gets into how to make a giant slab of scrolling text.
Also worth noting that you can have screen space html that sits on top of your aframe scene. It's not very attractive, but that is one way to add scrolling text on top of your 3D scene.

Google App Maker - Clickable Image Map

I am attempting to create an apartment complex app for my company.
I want to add an image of the overall floorplan for the apartment complex (I added the image to my app).
Now I'd like to add one of the following:
• custom shaped buttons that line up with each Unit in the complex
• Setup a clickable image map on the layout image
I humbly thank you in advance for helping me figure this out!
You can try to split your big image into several small images and made different images clickable.
Or you can put big image on fixed layout, and put buttons on fixed positions something like this
blue circles with icons are buttons.

Oval shaped images in ASP.Net 3.5

I need to generate oval shaped images on ASP.Net pages. Either I need to resize it to oval shape when it's being uploaded or show it as oval shape on the fly.
Have a look at to get an overview of what I am trying to achieve. I am talking about the 3 oval shaped image on the right hand side.
Thanks in advance for your kind help.
You can crop images with oval clip regions using WIC.
You can use WIC in ASP.Net.
However, it is not supported by MS.
Neither using System.Drawing, I should add.

rounded corner control

I'm looking for a .net imaging control to use in a generic handler to process images. Right now I'm using OnlineImageOptimizer, which is a great component for resizing on the fly.
What I would love to do is take a photo, resize to the right dims, round off the corners, throw in a drop shadow and optimize into a small, high quality jpg.
Anybody have any experince with a control to do that?
I like ImageGlue:
Follow the docs and you'll find a way for using an alpha channel -- you would create a mask for the rounded corners and apply it to your image.
Drop shadows can be achieved with CSS: or with a control:
