Convert to image file - css

I am creating a conditional formatting table in Python using pandas and seaborn which gives me a object. I need to export this as an image file .
I cannot use imgkit, unable to install wkhtmltopdf.
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
iris = pd.read_excel('iris.xlsx')
cm = sns.diverging_palette(240, 10, sep=20, as_cmap=True)
sample =


Seaborn code Anscombe’s quartet does not work

The Seaborn code does not work.
I use jupyterlite to execute seaborn python code. first, i import seaborn in the following way --
import piplite
await piplite.install('seaborn')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sn
%matplotlib inline
But when I insert seaborn code like the following one then it shows many errors that i do not understand yet --
link of the code
the problem that I face
But I insert this code in the google colab it works nicely
google colab
The issue is getting the example dataset as I point out in my comments.
The problem step is associated with:
# Load the example dataset for Anscombe's quartet
df = sns.load_dataset("anscombe")
You need to replace the line df = sns.load_dataset("anscombe") with the following:
url = '' # based on [Data repository for seaborn examples](
from pyodide.http import open_url
import pandas
df = pandas.read_csv(open_url(url))
That's based on use of open_url() from pyodide.http, see here for more examples.
Alternative with pyfetch and assigning the string obtained
If you've seen pyfetch around, this also works as a replacement of the sns.load_dataset() line based on John Hanley's post, that uses pyfetch to get the CSV data. The code is commented further:
# GET text at URL via pyfetch based on John Hanley's
url = '' # based on [Data repository for seaborn examples](
from pyodide.http import pyfetch
response = await pyfetch(url)
content = (await response.bytes()).decode('utf-8')
# READ in string to dataframe based on [farmOS + JupyterLite: Import a CSV of Animals](
import io
import pandas
df = pandas.read_csv(io.StringIO(content))

How to import large csv file(400mb approx) in jupyter notebook using python?

Already tried this code:
import pandas as pd
df=pd.read_csv(a, header=None, sep='\t', iterator=True, chunksize=2000000)
print (df)
but I get the following error: object at 0x07CF1310

update chart with ipywidgets:

I'm using seaborn on jupyter notebook and would like a slider to update a chart. My code is as follows:
from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manual
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
from IPython.display import clear_output
def f(var):
interact(f, var=10);
Problem: every time I move the slider, the graph is duplicated. How do I update the chart instead?
Seaborn plots should be handled as regular matplotlib plot. So you need to use to display it as explained in this answer for example.
Combined with %matplotlib inline magic command, this works fine for me:
%matplotlib inline
from ipywidgets import interact
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def f(var):
sns.distplot(np.random.normal(1, var, 1000))
interact(f, var = (1,10))
Another solution would be to update the data of the plot instead of redrawing a new one, as explained here:

Expected BOF record for XLRD when first line is redundant

I came across the problem when I tried to use xlrd to import an .xls file and create dataframe using python.
Here is my file format:
xls file format
When I run:
import os
import pandas as pd
import xlrd
for filename in os.listdir("."):
if filename.startswith("report_1"):
df = pd.read_excel(filename)
It's showing "XLRDError: Unsupported format, or corrupt file: Expected BOF record; found b'Report g'"
I am pretty sure nothing wrong with xlrd (version 1.0.0) because when I remove the first row, dataframe can be created.
Wonder if there is any way that i can load the original file format?
Try following that accounts for a header line:
df = pd.read_excel(filename, header=0)

jupyter-notebook output for loop not showing

When i run my Jupyter-notebook with python2.7 and try to print items (of a list) using a for-loop it just won't output the print statement after importing the following packages:
import sys
import os
from hachoir_core.cmd_line import unicodeFilename
from hachoir_metadata import extractMetadata
from hachoir_parser import createParser
from hachoir_core.i18n import getTerminalCharset
from import makePrintable
import pandas as pd
example code:
items = [1, 3, 0, 4, 1]
for item in items:
print (item)
output is blank.
When I use the exact same code before importing, it does show.
Looks like hachoir imports are the problem, whenever I import anything containing it, the output stops showing.
Reposting as an answer: The hachoir_metadata module appears to do something odd with stdout which breaks IPython: Bug report.
As described in that link, you need to add the following code before importing hachoir_metadata:
from hachoir_core import config
config.unicode_stdout = False
