Is there a way to display dynamic columns in Oracle apex - plsql

Long story short, I can't use pivot for this task due to the long elements that I need to include in the columns. Although I tried to create a Classic Report based on function in Oracle Apex. The query it's generated correctly but it's not working in the Classic Report.

A general hint first: Output your variable l_sql to your console using dbms_output.put_line or use some kind of debugging table where you can insert it into. Also be careful about the data type of that variable. If you need to expand the SQL you can reach a point where you need to use a CLOB variable instead of varchar2.
You will need to supply table structures and test data if you like to have your problem analyzed completely, therefore I will at first give you some general explanations:
Use Generic Column Names is ok if you have a permanent, unchangable amount of columns. But if the order of your columns or even the amount can change, then this is a bad idea, as your page will show an error if your query results in more columns than Generic Column Count
Option 1: Use column aliases in your query
Enhance your PL/SQL Function Body returning SQL Query in a way that it outputs verbose display names, like this:
return 'select 1 as "Your verbose column name", 2 as "Column #2", 3 as "Column #3" from dual';
That looks like this:
It has the disadvantage that the column names also appear in this way in the designer and APEX will only update these column names if you re-validate the function. You will have a hard time to reference a column with the internal name of Your verbose column name in a process code or dynamic action.
However it still works, even if you change the column names without telling APEX, for example by externalizing the PL/SQL Function Body into a real function.
Option 2: Use custom column headings
A little bit hidden, but there is also the option of completely custom column headings. It is almost at the end of the attributes page of your report region.
Here you can also supply a function that returns your column names. Be careful that this function is not supposed to return an SQL query that itself returns column names, but instead return column names seperated by a colon.
With this method, it is easier to identify and reference your columns in the designer:
Option 3: Both of it
Turn off Generic Column Names, let your query return column names that can be easily identified and referenced, and use the custom column headings function return verbose names for your users.
My personal opinion
Im using the 3rd option in a production application where people can change the amount and order of columns using shuttle items on the report page themselves. It took some time, but now it works like a charm, like some dynamic PIVOT without PIVOT.


Multiple inserts using 'User Defined Table Type' ( sql-server)

In my ASP.NET web app I have a DataTable filled with data to insert into tblChildren.
The DataTable is passed to a stored procedure.
In the SP I need to read each row (e.i Loop through the DataTable), change a couple of columns in it (with accordance to the relevant data in tblParents) and only then insert the row into tblChildren.
SqlBulkCopy wouldn't do and I don't think TVP will do either (not sure... not too familiar with it yet).
Of course I can iterate through the DataTable rows in the app and send each one separately to the SP, but that would mean hundreds of round trips to the SqlServer.
I came across two possibilities that might achieve that : (1) Temp table
(2) Cursor.
The first is quite messy and the second, as I understand it, is NOT recommended)
Any guidance would be much appreciated.
I tried the approach of user-defined Table Type.
That works because I populate the Table Type (TT_Children) with values in the TT_Child_Family_Id column.
In real life, though, I will not know these values and I would need to loop thru #my_TT_Children and for each row get the value from tblFamilies, something like this :
SELECT Family_Id FROM tblFamilies WHERE Family_Name = TT_Child_Last_Name
(assuming there is always an equivalent for TT_Child_Last_Name in tblFamilies.Family_Name)
So my question is - how to loop through the table-type and for each row look up a value in a different table?
EDIT 2 (the solution) :
As in Amir's perfect answer, the stored procedure should look like this :
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_Z_Insert_Children]
#my_TT_Children TT_Children READONLY
INSERT INTO tblChildren(Child_FirstName,
SELECT Cld.tt_child_FirstName,
Fml.Family_Id FROM #my_TT_Children Cld
INNER JOIN tblFamilies fml
ON Cld.TT_Child_LastName = Fml.Family_Name
Notes by Amir : column Family_Name in tblFamily must be unique and preferably indexed.
(Also I noticed that in case TT_Child_LastName does not have a match in tblFamilies, the row will not be inserted and I'll never know about it. That means that I have to check somehow if all rows were successfully processed).
You can join tblFamilies into the insert in the procedure and take the value from there. Much more efficient than looping through.
Or create a cursor and do one child at a time.
1) Make sure there is only one occurance of FamilyName in tblFamilies.
2) Make sure that if tblFamilies is a large table, then the FamilyName column is indexed.
INSERT INTO tblChildren(Child_FirstName, Child_LastName, Child_Family_ID)
SELECT Cld.tt_child_FirstName,
FROM #my_TT_Children Cld
INNER JOIN tblFamilies fml on Cld.TT_Child_LastName = Fml.FamilyName
But be aware that if tblFamilies has more than one entry per Family_Name, then this will duplicate the data. In this case you will need to add more restrictions in the where.

Issue with simple sorting. Should I fix at database or in code?

I am working on a sort function for a table column that holds desk numbers and names.
This is a legacy program and was designed so that this column is nvarchar.
Because of this, the sort function cannot sort numerically as shown below:
Should I go into the database and alter this column to add leading zeros to number-only entries? Is this even do-able since the column is nvarchar?
Or should I add code at the object-level to add leading zeros just before the data is presented?
I would add one getter property in my class so it look like
public int Ordering
return int.Parse(CharColumn);
and when getting list of those objects simply order by that new property.
SQL Server is built upon SET Theory which states that, if you order your result set, you get non-relational data.
I would create another database column with the numeric value (there may be some columns that don't convert well, make sure you identify these and work to convert them). Then I would work to convert your application to use the new values. If the conversion is too great you could make sure all new development uses the new column and old code is migrated the next time someone touches it.
The risk to your approach is too fold, storing them in varchar is inefficient with both memory and processing power. Adding zeroes will help with the sorting but not fix the root issue.
Here is another question that I think will help you: SQL Server : error converting data type varchar to numeric


I have multiple data sets that drive the Pentaho report. The data is derived from a handful of stored procedures. I need to access multiple data sources within the report without using sub reports and I believe the best solution is to create open formulas. The SINGLEVALUEQUERY I believe will only return the first column or row. I need to return multiple columns.
As an example here my stored procedure which is named HEADER in Pentaho (CALL Stored_procedure_test (2014, HEADER)), returns 3 values - HEADER_1, HEADER_2, HEADER_3. I'm uncertain of the correct syntax to return all three values for the open formula. Below is what I tried but was unsuccessful.
The second parameter denotes the column that contains the result.
If you dont give a column name here, the reporting engine will simply take the first column of the result. In the case of the MULTIVALUEQUERY function, the various values of the result set are then aggregated into a array of values that is suitable to be passed into a multi-select parameter or to be used in a IN clause in a SQL data-factory.
For more details see

Determine flyway variables from earlier SQL step

I'd like to use flyway for a DB update with the situation that an DB already exists with productive data in it. The problem I'm looking at now (and I did not find a nice solution yet), is the following:
There is an existing DB table with numeric IDs, e.g.
create table objects ( obj_id number, ...)
There is a sequence "obj_seq" to allocate new obj_ids
During my DB migration I need to introduce a few new objects, hence I need new
object IDs. However I do not know at development time, what ID
numbers these will be
There is a DB trigger which later references these IDs. To improve performance I'd like to avoid determine the actual IDs every time the trigger runs but rather put the IDs directly into the trigger
Example (very simplified) of what I have in mind:
insert into objects (obj_id, ...) values (obj_seq.nextval, ...)
select obj_seq.currval from dual
-> store this in variable "newID"
create trigger on some_other_table
when = newID
Now, is it possible to dynamically determine/use such variables? I have seen the flyway placeholders but my understanding is that I cannot set them dynamically as in the example above.
I could use a Java-based migration script and do whatever string magic I like - so, that would be a way of doing it, but maybe there is a more elegant way using SQL?
Many thx!!
If the table you are updating contains only reference data, get rid of the sequence and assign the IDs manually.
If it contains a mix of reference and user data, you need to select the id based on values in other columns.

oracle sql developer table column without quotations

I'm using SQL Developer to create oracle tables. I'm trying to create the columns without quotes, but after creating the table, when I see the DDL, all columns and table names are in quotations. I want all the columns to be case-insensitive.
How do I do that? Please advise.
The context here is, I have my code in PHP. I'm migrating my backend from MySQL to Oracle. While using MySQL, I referenced all my table columns in lower case. But it looks like OCI_FETCH_ARRAY returns the data in Uppercase columns.
So do I have to change my PHP code to use Uppercase or is there any other alternative? I have hell lot of code to change!!
Ahh, finally figured this out. Yes I agree, quotations dont always make an object case-sensitive, but my problem was OCI_FETCH_ALL, OCI_FETCH_ARRAY etc retrieved the table columns in Upper case, whereas I wanted them in lower case. The following statement is a workaround for the issue. it converts the columns into lower case.
$data_upper = oci_fetch_assoc($data_res);
$data = array_change_key_case($data_upper, CASE_LOWER);
Quotation marks don't always make an object case-sensitive. Objects in all upper-case are always case-insensitive, even if they are surrounded by quotation marks.
SQL> create table test1("QUOTES_DONT_DO_ANYTHING_HERE" number);
Table created.
SQL> select quotes_DONT_do_ANYTHING_here from test1;
no rows selected
You normally only see quotation marks because some tools automatically add them to everything.
