How to use doParallel for calculating distance between zipcodes in R? - r

I have a large dataset (2.6M rows) with two zip codes and the corresponding latitudes and longitudes, and I am trying to compute the distance between them. I am primarily using the package geosphere to calculate Vincenty Ellipsoid distance between the zip codes but it is taking a massive amount of time for my dataset. What can be a fast way to implement this?
What I tried
zipdata <- select(fulldata,originlat,originlong,destlat,destlong)
## Very basic approach
for(i in seq_len(nrow(zipdata))){
zipdata$dist1[i] <- distm(c(zipdata$originlat[i],zipdata$originlong[i]),
## Tidyverse approach
zipdata <- zipdata%>%
mutate(dist2 = distm(cbind(originlat,originlong), cbind(destlat,destlong),
fun = distHaversine))
Both of these methods are extremely slow. I understand that 2.1M rows will never be a "fast" calculation, but I think it can be made faster. I have tried the following approach on a smaller test data without any luck,
cores <- 15
cl <- makeCluster(cores)
test <- select(head(fulldata,n=1000),originlat,originlong,destlat,destlong)
foreach(i = seq_len(nrow(test))) %dopar% {
zipdata$dist1[i] <- distm(c(zipdata$originlat[i],zipdata$originlong[i]),
Can anyone help me out with either the correct way to use doParallel with geosphere or a better way to handle this?
Edit: Benchmarks from (some) replies
## benchmark
zipsamp <- sample_n(zip,size=1000000)
dave = {
# Dave2e
zipsamp$dist1 <- distHaversine(cbind(zipsamp$patlong,zipsamp$patlat),
geohav = {
zipsamp$dist2 <- geodist(cbind(long=zipsamp$patlong,lat=zipsamp$patlat),
paired = T,measure = "haversine")
geovin = {
zipsamp$dist3 <- geodist(cbind(long=zipsamp$patlong,lat=zipsamp$patlat),
paired = T,measure = "vincenty")
geocheap = {
zipsamp$dist4 <- geodist(cbind(long=zipsamp$patlong,lat=zipsamp$patlat),
paired = T,measure = "cheap")
,unit = "s",times = 100)
# Unit: seconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
# dave 0.28289613 0.32010753 0.36724810 0.32407858 0.32991396 2.52930556 100 d
# geohav 0.15820531 0.17053853 0.18271300 0.17307864 0.17531687 1.14478521 100 b
# geovin 0.23401878 0.24261274 0.26612401 0.24572869 0.24800670 1.26936889 100 c
# geocheap 0.01910599 0.03094614 0.03142404 0.03126502 0.03203542 0.03607961 100 a
A simple all.equal test showed that for my dataset the haversine method is equal to the vincenty method, but has a "Mean relative difference: 0.01002573" with the "cheap" method from the geodist package.

R is a vectorized language, thus the function will operate over all of the elements in the vectors. Since you are calculating the distance between the original and destination for each row, the loop is unnecessary. The vectorized approach is approximately 1000x the performance of the loop.
Also using the distVincentyEllipsoid (or distHaveersine, etc. )directly and bypassing the distm function should also improve the performance.
Without any sample data this snippet is untested.
zipdata <- select(fulldata,originlat,originlong,destlat,destlong)
## Very basic approach
zipdata$dist1 <- distVincentyEllipsoid(c(zipdata$originlong, zipdata$originlat),
c(zipdata$destlong, zipdata$destlat))
Note: For most of the geosphere functions to work correctly, the proper order is: longitude first then latitude.
The reason the tidyverse approach listed above is slow is the distm function is calculating the distance between every origin and destination which would result in a 2 million by 2 million element matrix.

I used #SymbolixAU's suggestion to use the geodist package to perform the 2.1M distance calculations on my datasets. I found it to be significantly faster than the geosphere package for every test (I have added one of them in my main question). The measure=cheap option in the geodist uses the cheap ruler method which has low error rates below distances of 100kms. See the geodist vignette for more information. Given some of my distances were higher than 100km, I settled on using the Vincenty Ellipsoid measure.

If you are going to use geosphere, I would either use a fast approximate method like distHaversine, or the still fast and very precise distGeo method. (The distVincenty* these are mainly implemented for curiosity).


Optimizing lm() function in a loop

I'm using the R built-in lm() function in a loop for estimating a custom statistic:
for(i in 1:10000)
This is really slow when increasing both the loop counter (typically we want to test over 10^6 or 10^9 iterations values for precision issues) and the size of Y.
Having read the following Stack topic, a very first attemp was to try optimizing the whole using parallel regression (with calm()):
cls = makeCluster(4)
distribsplit(cls, "test")
distribsplit(cls, "x")
for(i in 1:10000)
reg2 <- calm(cls, "x ~ test$Y, data = test")
Max[i]<-max(abs(reg2$residuals / sd(reg2$residuals)))
This ended with a much slower version (by a factor 6) when comparing with the original, unparalleled loop. My assumption is that we ask for creating /destroying the threads in each loop iteration and that slow down the process a lot in R.
A second attemp was to use according to this Stack topic:
for(i in 1:10000)
x<- rnorm(n)
reg2<-, data$Y)
Max[i]<-max(abs(reg2$residuals / sd(reg2$residuals)))
It resulted in a much faster processing compared to the initial and orgininal version. Such that we now have: < lm() < calm(), speaking of overall processing time.
However, we are still looking for options to improve the efficiency (in term of processing time) of this code. What are the possible options? I assume that making the loop parallel would save some processing time?
Edit: Minimal Example
Here is a minimal example:
#Import data
sample <- read.csv("sample.txt")
Max <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = 100)
n <- length(sample$AGE)
x <- matrix(rnorm(100 * n), 100)
for(i in 1 : 100)
reg <- lm(x ~ data$AGE)
Max[i] <- max(abs(rstudent(reg)))
with the following dataset 'sample.txt':
From here, we made several tests and noted the following:
Following #Karo contribution, we generate the matrix of normal samples outside the loop to spare some execution time. We expected a noticeable impact, but run tests indicate that doing so produce the unexpected inverse results (i.e. a longer execution time). Maybe the effect reverse when increasing the number of simulations.
Following #BenBolker uggestion, we also tested fastlm() and it reduces the execution time but the results seem to differ (from a factor 0.05) compared to the typical lm()
We are still struggling we effectively reducing the execution time. Following #Karo suggestions, we will try to directly pass a vector to lm() and investigate parallelization (but failed with calm() for an unknown reason).
Wide-ranging comments above, but I'll try to answer a few narrower points.
I seem to get the same (i.e., all.equal() is TRUE) results with and fitLmPure, if I'm careful about random-number seeds:
nsim <- 1e3
n <- 1e5
dd <- data.frame(Y=rnorm(n))
testfun <- function(, seed=NULL) {
if (!is.null(seed)) set.seed(seed)
x <- rnorm(n)
reg2 <- fitFn(as.matrix(x), dd$Y)$residuals
return(max(abs(reg2) / sd(reg2)))
## make sure NOT to use seed=101 - also used to pick y -
## if we have y==x then results are unstable (resids approx. 0)
all.equal(testfun(seed=102), testfun(fastLmPure,seed=102)) ## TRUE
fastLmPure is fastest (but not by very much):
(bm1 <- microbenchmark(testfun(),
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max
testfun() 6.603822 8.234967 8.782436 8.332270 8.745622 82.54284
testfun( 7.666047 9.334848 10.201158 9.503538 10.742987 99.15058
testfun(fastLmPure) 5.964700 7.358141 7.818624 7.471030 7.782182 86.47498
If you wanted to fit many independent responses, rather than many independent predictors (i.e. if you were varying Y rather than X in the regression), you could provide a matrix for Y in, rather than looping over lots of regressions, which might be a big win. If all you care about are "residuals of random regressions" that might be worth a try. (Unfortunately, providing a matrix that combines may separate X vectors runs a multiple regression, not many univariate regressions ...)
Parallelizing is worthwhile, but will only scale (at best) according to the number of cores you have available. Doing a single run rather than a set of benchmarks because I'm lazy ...
Running 5000 replicates sequentially takes about 40 seconds for me (modern Linux laptop).
system.time(replicate(5000,testfun(fastLmPure), simplify=FALSE))
## user system elapsed
## 38.953 0.072 39.028
Running in parallel on 5 cores takes about 13 seconds, so a 3-fold speedup for 5 cores. This will probably be a bit better if the individual jobs are larger, but obviously will never scale better than the number of cores ... (8 cores didn't do much better).
system.time(mclapply(1:5000, function(x) testfun(fastLmPure),
## user system elapsed
## 43.225 0.627 12.970
It makes sense to me that parallelizing at a higher/coarser level (across runs rather than within lm fits) will perform better.
I wonder if there are analytical results you could use in terms of the order statistics of a t distribution ... ?
Since I still can't comment:
Try to avoid loops in R. For some reason you are recalculating those random numbers every iteration. You can do that without a loop:
duration_loop <- system.time({
for(i in 1:10000000)
x <- rnorm(10)
duration <- system.time({
m <- matrix(rnorm(10000000*10), 10000000)
Both ways should create 10 random values per iteration/matrix row with the same amount of iterations/rows. Though both ways seem to scale linearly, you should see a difference in execution time, the loop will probably be CPU-bound and the "vectorized" way probably memory-bound.
With that in mind you probably should and most likely can avoid the loop altogether, you can for instance pass a vector into the lm-function. If you still need to be faster after that you can definitely parallelise a number of ways, it would be easier to suggest how with a working example of data.

silhouette calculation in R for a large data

I want to calculate silhouette for cluster evaluation. There are some packages in R, for example cluster and clValid. Here is my code using cluster package:
# load the data
# a data from the UCI website with 434874 obs. and 3 variables
data <- read.csv("./data/spatial_network.txt",sep="\t",header = F)
# apply kmeans
km_res <- kmeans(data,20,iter.max = 1000,
# calculate silhouette
sil <- silhouette(km_res$cluster, dist(data))
# plot silhouette
The code works well for smaller data, say data with 50,000 obs, however I get an error like "Error: cannot allocate vector of size 704.5 Gb" when the data size is a bit large. This might be problem for Dunn index and other internal indices for large datasets.
I have 32GB RAM in my computer. The problem comes from calculating dist(data). I am wondering if it is possible to not calculating dist(data) in advance, and calculate corresponding distances when it is required in the silhouette formula.
I appreciate your help regarding this problem and how I can calculate silhouette for large and very large datasets.
You can implement Silhouette yourself.
It only needs every distance twice, so storing an entire distance matrix is not necessary. It may run a bit slower because it computes distances twice, but at the same time the better memory efficiency may well make up for that.
It will still take a LONG time though.
You should consider to only use a subsample (do you really need to consider all points?) as well as alternatives such as Simplified Silhouette, in particular with KMeans... You only gain very little with extra data on such methods. So you may just use a subsample.
Anony-Mousse answer is perfect, particularly subsampling. This is very important for very large datasets due to the increase in computational cost.
Here is another solution for calculating internal measures such as silhouette and Dunn index, using an R package of clusterCrit. clusterCrit is for calculating clustering validation indices, which does not require entire distance matrix in advance. However, it might be slow as Anony-Mousse discussed. Please see the below link for documentation for clusterCrit:
clusterCrit also calculates most of Internal measures for cluster validation.
If it is possible to calculate the Silhouette index, without using the distance matrix, alternatively you can use the clues package, optimizing both the time and the memory used by the cluster package. Here is an example:
x = c(rnorm(1000,0,0.9), rnorm(1000,4,1), rnorm(1000,-5,1))
y = c(rnorm(1000,0,0.9), rnorm(1000,6,1), rnorm(1000, 5,1))
cluster = rep(as.factor(1:3),each = 1000)
df <- cbind(x,y)
x y
[1,] -0.50442808 -0.13527673
[2,] -0.20715974 -0.29498142
[3,] 1.40283748 -1.30334876
[4,] 0.06345755 -0.62755613
[5,] 0.11635896 2.33864121
[6,] 1.54355849 -0.03367351
Runtime comparison between the two functions
benchmark(f1 = silhouette(as.integer(cluster), dist = dist(df)),
f2 = get_Silhouette(y = df, mem = cluster))
test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child
1 f1 100 15.16 1.902 13.00 1.64 NA NA
2 f2 100 7.97 1.000 7.76 0.00 NA NA
Comparison in memory usage between the two functions
object_size(silhouette(as.integer(cluster), dist = dist(df)))
73.9 kB
object_size(get_Silhouette(y = df, mem = cluster))
36.6 kB
As a conclusion clues::get_Silhouette, it reduces the time and memory used to the same.

Simulate over an xts object in R

I am looking for a function, or package, that will help me with this goal. I've looked through several packages but can't find what I am looking for:
Lets say I have an xts object with 10 columns and 250 rows.
What I want to do is run a simulation, such that I get a robust calculation of my performance metric over the period.
So, lets say that I have 250 data points, I want to run x number of simulations over random samples of the data computing the Sharpe Ratio using the function (PerformanceAnalytics::SharpeRatio) varying the random samples to be lengths 30-240, and then find the average. Keep in mind I want to do this for every column and I'd rather not have to use apply if possible. I'd also like to find something that processes the information rather quickly.
What package or functions would best serve this purpose?
Thank you!
Subsetting xts objects for the rows you want to randomly sample should be good enough, performance wise, if that is your main concern. If you want some other concrete examples, you may find it useful to look at the monte carlo simulation functions recently added to the R blotter package:
Your requirements are quite detailed and a little tricky to follow, but I think this example may be what you're after?
This solution does use apply functions though! Because it just makes life easier. If you don't use lapply, the code will expand quickly and distract from achieving the goal quickly (and you risk introducing bugs with longer, messier code; one reason to use apply family functions where you can).
# Set up the data:
syms <- c("GOOG", "FB", "TSLA", "SNAP", "MU")
z <-, lapply(syms, function(s) {
x <- get(s)
# Here we have 250 rows, 5 columns:
z <- tail(z, 250)
colnames(z) <- paste0(syms, ".rets")
subSample <- function(x, n.sub = 40) {
# Assuming subsampling by row, preserving all returns and cross symbol dependence structure at a given timestamp
ii <- sample(1:NROW(x), size = n.sub, replace = FALSE)
# sort in order to preserve time ordering?
ii <- sort(ii)
xs <- x[ii, ]
# test:
z2 <- subSample(z, n.sub = 40)
zShrp <- SharpeRatio(z2)[1, ]
# now run simulation:
nSteps <- seq(30, 240, by = 30)
sharpeSimulation <- function(x, n.sub) {
x <- subSample(x, n.sub)
SharpeRatio(x)[1, ]
res <- lapply(nSteps, FUN = sharpeSimulation, x = z)
res <-, res)
resMean <- colMeans(res)
# GOOG.rets FB.rets TSLA.rets SNAP.rets MU.rets
# 0.085353854 0.059577882 0.009783841 0.026328660 0.080846592
Do you realise that SharpeRatio uses sapply? And it's likely other performance metrics you want to use will as well. Since you seem to have something against apply (possibly all apply functions in R), this might be worth noting.

Condensing a for-loop in R

I have the following code in R
m = matrix(rnorm(2000000),nrow=200)
A = matrix(rnorm(40000),ncol=200)
A = A%*%t(A)
C = array(A,c(200,200,10000))
B = 10000
S = 100
postpred = array(NA,c(200,S,B))
for(i in 1:B){
postpred[,,i] = t(rmvnorm(S,m[,i],C[,,i],method="svd"))
but this code is extremely slow because I have to loop 10,000 times while also simulating from the multivariate normal 100 times and m and C can be very large as well. So what I would like to do is be able to calculate postpred outside of a loop. I have tried using the apply function but to no avail. Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated.
Others have pointed out that apply (and similar functions) won't help you much in your case, and they are right.
For what it is worth, I checked whether your would have a gain of performance by compiling your code. Here is a little benchmark that I made with your problem (I reduced the size of the matrices, because otherwise I cannot run them):
func = function()
m = matrix(rnorm(200000),nrow=100)
A = matrix(rnorm(10000),ncol=100)
A = A%*%t(A)
C = array(A,c(100,100,1000))
B = 1000
S = 10
postpred = array(NA,c(1000,S,B))
for(i in 1:B){
postpred[,,i] = t(rmvnorm(S,m[,i],C[,,i],method="svd"))
func_compiled <- cmpfun(func)
microbenchmark(func_compiled(), func(), times=10) # grab a coffee, this takes some time
The results show that compiling won't give you any advantage:
Unit: seconds
expr min lq median uq max neval
slow_func_compiled() 9.938632 10.12269 10.18237 10.48215 15.43299 10
slow_func() 9.969320 10.07676 10.21916 15.44664 15.66109 10
(this could have been expected, as the library mvtnorm should be already compiled)
Overall, you have only two ways left to optimize your code in R:
use smaller numbers (if acceptable)
parallelize your code
As Josillber says, vectorisation (apply family of functions) ain't going to do much for you, it really is a bit of an R myth that it gives significant speed improvements.
Suggest you look at parallel options, there are parallel mcapply and snow packages. Read more here

Replacing a loop in R: multivariate k-nearest neighbor regression example

I'm new to R and am trying to replace the loop in the appended block of code with something more efficient. For context, this is a simple, synthetic example of a k-nearest neighbor regression with a multivariate (3-dimensional) target.
# Fast nearest neighbor package
k <- 3
# Synthetic 5d predictor and noisy 3d target data
x <- matrix(rnorm(50), ncol=5)
y <- 5*x[,1:3] + matrix(rnorm(30), ncol=3)
# New synthetic 5d predictor data (4 cases) <- matrix(rnorm(20), ncol=5)
# Identify k-nearest neighbors
nn <- knnx.index(data=x,, k=k)
At present, I am taking the unweighted average of the k-nearest neighbours (nn) by the following loop:
# Unweighted k-nearest neighbor regression predictions based on y and nn <- matrix(0, ncol=ncol(y), nrow=nrow(
for(i in 1:nrow(nn))[i,] <- colMeans(y[nn[i,],,drop=FALSE])
but there must be a simple way to avoid looping here. Thanks.
One option in these situations is to build a big matrix and manipulate the indices:
## [1] TRUE
In this case, my code runs about twice as fast as yours:
loop = for(i in 1:nrow(nn))[i,] <- colMeans(y[nn[i,],,drop=FALSE]),
## Unit: microseconds
## expr min lq median uq max neval
## loop 43.680 47.8805 49.1675 49.975 128.698 100
## matrix 23.807 25.4330 25.9985 26.761 80.491 100
The loop in this case isn't really that bad. In general, as long as you're doing a lot of work in a loop (in this case subsetting a matrix and calling colMeans), then the amount of overhead per iteration will be small compared to the actual meat of the loop. The times you really need to avoid loops in R are where each iteration is only doing a small amount of work, in which case the overhead of iterating in R will truly be the bottleneck, and avoiding the loop can give a dramatic performance improvement.
The advantage of the loop is that it is very clear what you are doing, whereas my code is pretty incomprehensible. However, doing matrix index manipulation like this will usually be faster, sometimes by a lot, because you're only subsetting the y matrix once, as opposed to once each time through the loop.
