Is there any Possible way to send friend request to facebook user using Facebook Api in react native 2019 - firebase

i need to implement a functionality that user1 send a friend request to user 2 within my app. both users are loggedin(facebook auth) to my app.
I am using react-native-fbsdk and firebase for login and other stuff.
How do I send friend request to other user within my app.
I tried some methods but failed
1, I can redirect the User1 to User2 profile but it needs (id) like ,this numeric Id is no
more provided by facebook sdk. (see field third_party_id)
2,There are some Dialogs available in Facebook SDK
Like Share Or Send but they useful when user1 and user2 already are friends, which is not the required condition
3,The other way is to send Request Dialog , I applied it
requestDialog (){
var tmp = this;
function(canShow) {
if (canShow) {
function(result) {
if (result.isCancelled) {
alert('Request cancelled');
} else {
alert('Request success with postId: ' + result.postId);
function(error) {
alert('Request fail with error: ' + error);
but this is only for games not apps
So please tell me how to send friend request from my app to other user.
if this is officially not included in facebook sdk , there should a possible side way or hack to this?


ionic firebase phoneAuth without recaptcha on ios

I have an ionic app where i use firebase phone authentication which uses recaptcha. It works fine on android but throws error on ios saying recaptcha can only be run in an http environment. I would like to know if there's a way to perform firebase phone auth without using recaptcha.
this.recaptchaVerifier = new firebase.auth.RecaptchaVerifier('recaptcha-container',{
'size': 'invisible'
let appVerifier = this.recaptchaVerifier;
.then(confirmationResult => {
//do something
Ios throws error 'RECAPTCHA can only be run in HTTP/HTTPS environment'
Well this is how I solved my issue "'RECAPTCHA can only be run in HTTP/HTTPS environment'".
Install the Firebase Plugin :plugin link
Add the it to your app.module.ts.
Make a platform check: to check if its iOS.
if ('ios')) {
//ios code here
} else {
//android here
Now add the following code (iOS platform) to send a verification code sms to the user to verify the phone number. Inject the plugin into the constructor. Create a variable to assign the data from the promise. Phone number should be country code + number. example '+19999999999'
public signInUser(phoneNum) {
this.firebase.verifyPhoneNumber(phoneNum).then((vdata) => {
this.refConfirm = vdata;
//you can redirect the person to a verification page or show an alert to
input verification code.
Now create a token to verify and sign in user with credentials using firebase.
public verifyPhoneNumber(phoneNumber) {
let tokenPhone = firebase.auth.PhoneAuthProvider.credential(this.refConfirm,
firebase.auth().signInWithCredential(tokenPhone).then((verifiedData) => {
//whatever you want to do here or redirect the user to home page.
Generate your GoogleService.plist on Firebase & add to your project root directory
You have to add reversed client id instead of normal one.
This is how I solved it.

Firebase Web Admin

First of all, I am using nodejs for the backend. I use firebase hosting and firebase functions to deploy an express() app.
What I am trying to achieve is to make an admin website, which is connected to Firebase. so I have a route /admin/ like this:
adminApp.get("/", (request, response) => {
return response.redirect("/admin/login");
Here I basically want to check if a current user is logged in - or not.
I know firebase supports client side authentication using:
firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged(user => {
if (user) {
} else {
And using
function login() {
var userEmail = document.getElementById("email").value;
var userPass = document.getElementById("password").value;
firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword(userEmail, userPass).catch(function(error) {
var errorCode = error.code;
var errorMessage = error.message;
if (error) {
document.getElementById('loginError').innerHTML = `Error signing in to firebase`;
However image this case:
Someone (not an admin) is visiting /admin/some_secret_website/ which he obviously does not have access to.
If I rely on client side authentication, it first loads the entire website and the scripts and then notices - hey I am not authenticated, let me redirect to /login. By then however anyone knows the source code of an admin page.
I'd rather have something like:
adminApp.get("/admin/some_secret_website", (request, response) => {
if (request.user) {
// user is authenticated we can check if the user is an admin and give access to the admin page
I know that you can get the user's token and validate that token using the AdminSDK, but the token must be send by the client code, meaning the website was already loaded.
I came across Authorized HTTPS Endpoint by firebase, but it only allows a middleware when using a bearer token.
Does anybody know how I can maintain a server side user object to not even return admin html to the browser but only allow access to admins?
Like Doug indicated, the way your admin website/webapp would function with Firebase Cloud Functions (which is effectively a Nodejs server) is that you get the request, then use the headers token to authenticate them against Firebase Auth. See this answer for a code snippet on this.
In your case, I'm thinking you would create a custom claim for an "administrator" group and use that to determine whether to send a pug templated page as a response upon authentication. As far as Authorization, your db rules will determine what said user can CRUD.

Meteor.js google account : filter email and force account choser

In my Meteor.js application, I'm using the accounts-google package in order to be connected with a google account. I have two questions about it.
First, is there a simple way to filter the account used? I would like that the users can connect only with google accounts belonging to my company. Our google account mails end with So it would be a simple mail filtering.
I already done that with some post log in hooks but I was wondering if there was a simpler way for doing it.
My second question is how to force the opening of the google account choser. For now, if I try to connect with a wrong google account, and if I only added this account (like in gmail, drive, etc), the google choser doesn't pop and automatically connect with this wrong account. So, in this case, the user is totally blocked (my application disconnect him if he tries to log in with a wrong account but the google account module doesn't propose him to connect with another account).
Thank you for your help.
In order to restrict signup/login to your domain, simply do on the server:
var checkEmailAgainstAllowed = function(email) {
var allowedDomains = [''];
var allowedEmails = ['',''];
var domain = email.replace(/.*#/,'').toLowerCase();
email = email.toLowerCase();
return _.contains(allowedEmails, email) || _.contains(allowedDomains, domain);
restrictCreationByEmailDomain: function(email) {
if (!email) {
throw new Meteor.Error(403,'This email address is not allowed');
if (!checkEmailAgainstAllowed(email)) {
throw new Meteor.Error(403,'This email domain is not allowed');
return true;
And to login, you'll need on the client:
forceApprovalPrompt: true, //this is what you want, to rerequest approval each time that prompts the google login prompt
loginStyle : "redirect", //or not, depending on your need
requestPermissions : ['profile', 'email'],
requestOfflineToken: true
}, function (err) {
if (err)
// set a session variable to display later if there is a login error
Session.set('loginError', 'reason: ' + err.reason + ' message: ' + err.message || 'Unknown error');
Side note:
Alternatively, you can set up your routes so that every time a new route is called, you login, and every time a route is destroyed or on windows's unload, you call logout. This causes login/logout roundtrip everytime the route changes, but you'll make sure that the new user always has a fresh session
When you log out of your meteor app, you don't log out of google. That's how oauth works. So, basically, if you want a meteor log out to also log the user out of their google account, so that the next time they come back, they need to provide credentials again, you should do:
Meteor.logout(function(e) {
if (e) {
console.log("Could not log the user out")
} else {
This uses the callback of Meteor.logout() so that when the logout is successfull, the user is redirected to google's central account logout url where the user is also logged out of all google services.

How to get user access token using LinkedIn Javascript API like in Facebook?

I am developing a native Mobile App and what i need is to pass a users's access token and get user details for doing mobile based operations. I was able to achieve the same in Facebook. But how can i get the access token of user via LinkedIn JavaScript API.
Facebook API way:
function statusChangeCallback(response) {
// The response object is returned with a status field that lets the
// app know the current login status of the person.
// Full docs on the response object can be found in the documentation
// for FB.getLoginStatus().
if (response.status === 'connected') {
// Logged into your app and Facebook.
console.log(response); ===> GOT USER ACCESS TOKEN FROM THIS RESPONSE
} else if (response.status === 'not_authorized') {
// The person is logged into Facebook, but not your app.
document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = 'Please log ' +
'into this app.';
} else {
// The person is not logged into Facebook, so we're not sure if
// they are logged into this app or not.
document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = 'Please log ' +
'into Facebook.';
Any help to get the same in LinkedIn will be very much appreciated.
Check out the LinkedIn's Documentation on Exchanging JSAPI tokens for OAuth tokens.

Can I integrate with firebase in a secure way without having user authentication without having server side code?

My site is just one page with a form. I don't have any user auth functionality . Can I still use client side firebase integration without passing through a server side code in a secure way? If yes how can I secure the details for my firebase connection ?
You can use the new anonymous auth functionality provided by Firebase Simple Login:
With this mechanism, you can have users of your website authenticate to Firebase anonymously (they don't need to enter any login credentials), but you can still protect reads and writes to your Firebase using regular security rules.
Just add these tags to you page:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Then write this code:
var chatRef = new Firebase('');
var auth = new FirebaseSimpleLogin(chatRef, function(error, user) {
if (error) {
// an error occurred while attempting login
} else if (user) {
// user authenticated with Firebase
console.log('User ID: ' + + ', Provider: ' + user.provider);
} else {
// user is logged out
And when your user clicks the login button, call
// attempt to log the user in with your preferred authentication provider
auth.login('github (or twitter, or what you want)');
As explained here and demonstrated here.
