How to delete outliers from a QQ-plot graph made with ggplot()? - r

I have a two dimensional dataset (say columns x and y). I use the following function to plot a QQ-plot of this data.
# Creating a toy data for presentation
df = cbind(x = c(1,5,8,2,9,6,1,7,12), y = c(1,4,10,1,6,5,2,1,32))
# Plotting the QQ-plot
df_qq =[,1], df[,2],
ggplot(df_qq) +
geom_point(aes(x=x, y=y), size = 2) +
geom_abline(intercept = c(0,0), slope = 1)
That is the resulting graph:
My question is, how to avoid plotting the last point (i.e. (12,32))? I would rather not delete it manually because i have several of these data pairs and there are similar outliers in each of them. What I would like to do is to write a code that somehow identifies the points that are too far from the 45 degree line and eliminate them from df_qq (for instance if it is 5 times further than the average distance to the 45 line it can be eliminated). My main objective is to make the graph easier to read. When outliers are not eliminated the more regular part of the QQ-plot occupies a too small part of the graph and it prevents me from visually evaluating the similarity of two vectors apart from the outliers.
I would appreciate any help.

There is a CRAN package, referenceIntervals that uses Cook's distance to detect outliers. By applying it to the values of df_qq$y it can then give an index into df_qq to be removed.
out <- cook.outliers(df_qq$y)$outliers
i <- which(df_qq$y %in% out)
ggplot(df_qq[-i, ]) +
geom_point(aes(x=x, y=y), size = 2) +
geom_abline(intercept = c(0,0), slope = 1)
Following the OP's comment,
But as far as I understand this function does not look at
the relation between x & y,
maybe the following function is what is needed to remove outliers only if they are outliers in one of the vectors but not in both.
cookOut <- function(X){
out1 <- cook.outliers(X[[1]])$outliers
out2 <- cook.outliers(X[[2]])$outliers
i <- X[[1]] %in% out1
j <- X[[2]] %in% out2
w <- which((!i & j) | (i & !j))
if(length(w)) X[-w, ] else X
Test with the second data set, the one in the comment.
The extra vector, id is just to make faceting easier.
df1 <- data.frame(x = c(1,5,8,2,9,6,1,7,12), y = c(1,4,10,1,6,5,2,1,32))
df2 <- data.frame(x = c(1,5,8,2,9,6,1,7,32), y = c(1,4,10,1,6,5,2,1,32))
df_qq1 =[,1], df1[,2],
df_qq2 =[,1], df2[,2],
df_qq_out1 <- cookOut(df_qq1)
df_qq_out2 <- cookOut(df_qq2)
df_qq_out1$id <- "A"
df_qq_out2$id <- "B"
df_qq_out <- rbind(df_qq_out1, df_qq_out2)
ggplot(df_qq_out) +
geom_point(aes(x=x, y=y), size = 2) +
geom_abline(intercept = c(0,0), slope = 1) +
facet_wrap(~ id)


Tweaking ggpairs() or a better solution to a correlation matrix

I am trying to create a correlation matrix between my X and Y variables and display this information in a nice figure. I am currently using ggpairs() from the GGally package, but if there's a better way to do this then I am happy to try something new. The figure should:
-Fit linear regression models (using lm) between X and Y variables
-Display scatterplots with a regression line
-Display the Coefficient of the determination (R2)
-Map the colour of points/lines/R2 values by group
I have been able to do most of this, but ggpairs only displays the correlation coefficient (r) and not the coefficient of determination (R2). I was able to use the suggestion from this post, but unfortunately the solution does not display R2 values by group.
So far:
cars <- mtcars
cars$group <- factor(c(rep("A", 16), rep("B", 16))) #adding grouping variable
#function to return R2 (coefficient of determination) and not just r (Coefficient of correlation) in the top portion of the figure
upper_fn <- function(data, mapping, ndp=2, ...){
# Extract the relevant columns as data
x <- eval_data_col(data, mapping$x)
y <- eval_data_col(data, mapping$y)
# Calculate the r^2 & format output
m <- summary(lm(y ~ x))
lbl <- paste("r^2: ", formatC(m$r.squared, digits=ndp, format="f"))
# Write out label which is centered at x&y position
ggplot(data=data, mapping=mapping) +
annotate("text", x=mean(x, na.rm=TRUE), y=mean(y, na.rm=TRUE), label=lbl, parse=TRUE, ...)+
theme(panel.grid = element_blank())
#lower function basically fits a linear model and displays points
lower_fn <- function(data, mapping, ...){
p <- ggplot(data = data, mapping = mapping) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.7) +
geom_smooth(method=lm, fill="blue", se = F, ...)
#The actual figure
columns = c(1:11),
mapping = ggplot2::aes(color = group),
upper = list(continuous = "cor", size = 15),
diag = list(continuous = "densityDiag", alpha=0.5),
lower = list(continuous = lower_fn))
Based on Is it possible to split correlation box to show correlation values for two different treatments in pairplot?, below is a little code to get you started.
The idea is that you need to 1. split the data over the aesthetic variable (which is assumed to be colour), 2. run a regression over each data subset and extract the r^2, 3. quick calculation of where to place the r^2 labels, 4. plot. Some features are left to do.
upper_fn <- function(data, mapping, ndp=2, ...){
# Extract the relevant columns as data
x <- eval_data_col(data, mapping$x)
y <- eval_data_col(data, mapping$y)
col <- eval_data_col(data, mapping$colour)
# if no colour mapping run over full data
if(is.null(col)) {
## add something here
# if colour aesthetic, split data and run `lm` over each group
if(!is.null(col)) {
idx <- split(seq_len(nrow(data)), col)
r2 <- unlist(lapply(idx, function(i) summary(lm(y[i] ~ x[i]))$r.squared))
lvs <- if(is.character(col)) sort(unique(col)) else levels(col)
cuts <- seq(min(y, na.rm=TRUE), max(y, na.rm=TRUE), length=length(idx)+1L)
pos <- (head(cuts, -1) + tail(cuts, -1))/2
p <- ggplot(data=data, mapping=mapping, ...) +
geom_blank() +
theme_void() +
# you could map colours to each level
annotate("text", x=mean(x), y=pos, label=paste(lvs, ": ", formatC(r2, digits=ndp, format="f")))

How to get ggplot2 to draw multiple simulated trajectories in same plot?

I want to draw multiple simulated paths from any distribution (lognormal in the present case) on the same plot using ggplot2?
Using print(ggplot()) inside a for- loop does not show the paths all together.
t <- 1000 # length of a simulation
time <- seq(0,t-1,by = 1) # make vector of time points
s <- cumsum(rlnorm(t, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1)) # simulate trajectory of lognormal variable
df <- data.frame(cbind(time,s)) # make dataframe
colnames(df) <- c("t","s") # colnames
ggplot(df, aes(t,s )) + geom_line() # Get one trajectory
Now i want (say) 100 such paths in the same plot;
nsim <- 100 # number of paths
for (i in seq(1,nsim, by =1)) {
s <- cumsum(rlnorm(t, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1))
df <- data.frame(cbind(time,s))
colnames(df) <- c("t","s")
print(ggplot(df, aes(t,s, color = i)) + geom_line())
The above loop obviously cannot do the job.
Any way to visualize such simulations using simple R with ggplot?
Instead of adding each line iteratively, you could iteratively simulate in a loop, collect all results in a data.frame, and plot all lines at once.
nsim <- 100
npoints <- 1000
sims <- lapply(seq_len(nsim), function(i) {
data.frame(x = seq_len(npoints),
y = cumsum(rlnorm(npoints, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1)),
iteration = i)
sims <-, sims)
ggplot(sims, aes(x, y, colour = iteration, group = iteration)) +
Created on 2019-08-13 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
In ggplot one method to achieve such methods is to add extra layers to the plot at each iteration. Doing so, a simple change of the latter code should be sufficient.
nsim <- 100 # number of paths
dat <- vector("list", nsim)
p <- ggplot()
t <- 1000 # length of a simulation
time <- seq(0, t-1, by = 1)
for (i in seq(nsim)) {
s <- cumsum(rlnorm(t, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1))
dat[[i]] <- data.frame(t = time, s = s)
p <- p + geom_line(data = dat[[i]], mapping = aes(x = t, y = s), col = i)
p #or print(p)
Note how I initiate the plot, similarly to how I initiate a list to contain the data frames prior to the loop. The loop then builds the plot step by step, but it is not visualized before i print the plot after the for loop. At which point every layer is evaluated (thus it can take a bit longer than standard R plots.)
Additionally as I want to specify the colour for each specific line, the col argument has to be moved outside the aes.

How to get a scatter plot of mixture data with different shape and colour for each distribution?

I am running a simulation of mixture data. My function is harder than Gaussian distribution. Hence, here, I simplified my question to be in Gaussian form. That is, if I simulated a mixture data like this:
U=runif(N, min=0,max=1)
X = matrix(NA, nrow=N, ncol=2)
for (i in 1:N){
if(U[i] < 0.7){
X[i,] <- rnorm(1,0.5,1)
} else {
X[i,] <- rnorm(1,3,5)
How can I have a scatter plot with different colour and shape (type of the plot point) for each cluster or distribution? I would like to have this manually since my function is hard and complex. I tried plot(X[,1],X[,2],col=c("red","blue")) but it does not work.
I think this is what you want. Note that I had to do a bit of guesswork here to figure out what was going on, because your example code seems to have an error in it, you weren't generating different x1 and x2 values in each row:
U=runif(N, min=0,max=1)
X = matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol=2)
for (i in 1:N){
if(U[i] < 0.7){
# You had rnorm(n=1, ...) which gives 2 identical values in each row
# Change that to 2 and you get different X1 and X2 values
X[i,] <- rnorm(2, 0.5, 1)
} else {
X[i,] <- rnorm(2, 3, 5)
df = data.frame(
source = ifelse(U < 0.7, "dist1", "dist2"),
x = X[, 1],
y = X[, 2]
ggplot(df, aes(x = x, y = y, colour = source, shape = source)) +
Here's what I got, but I'm not sure if this what you are looking for - the location of the observations for both clusters are exactly the same.
df <- data.frame(X = X, U = U)
df <- gather(df, key = cluster, value = X, -U)
ggplot(df, aes(x = X, y = U, colour = cluster)) + geom_point() + facet_wrap(~cluster)
EDIT: I don't seem to be understanding what you are looking to map onto a scatter plot, so I'll indicate how you need to shape your data in order to create a chart like the above with the proper X and Y coordinates:
U cluster X
1 0.98345408 X.1 2.3296047
2 0.33939935 X.1 -0.6042917
3 0.66715421 X.1 -2.2673422
4 0.06093674 X.1 2.4007376
5 0.48162959 X.1 -2.3118850
6 0.50780007 X.1 -0.7307929
So you want one variable for the Y coordinate (I'm using variable U here), one variable for the X coordinate (using X here), and a 3rd variable that indicates whether the observation belongs to cluster 1 or cluster 2 (variable cluster here).

plot/ggplot2 - Fill area with too many points

Final implementation - not finished but heading the right way
Idea/Problem: You have a plot with many overlapping points and want to replace them by a plain area, therefore increasing performance viewing the plot.
Possible implementation: Calculate a distance matrix between all points and connect all points below a specified distance.
Todo/Not finished: This currently works for manually set distances depending on size of the printed plot. I stopped here because the outcome didnt meet my aesthetic sense.
Minimal example with intermediate plots
n.points <- 3000
mat <- matrix(rnorm(n.points*2, 0,0.2), nrow=n.points, ncol=2)
colnames(mat) <- c("x", "y")
d.mat <- dist(mat)
fit.mat <-hclust(d.mat, method = "single")
lims <- c(-1,1)
real.lims <- lims*1.1 ## ggplot invokes them approximately
# An attempt to estimate the point-sizes, works for default pdfs pdf("test.pdf")
cutsize <- sum(abs(real.lims))/100
groups <- cutree(fit.mat, h=cutsize) # cut tree at height cutsize
# plot(fit.mat) # display dendogram
# draw dendogram with red borders around the 5 clusters
# rect.hclust(fit.mat, h=cutsize, border="red")
df <- data.frame(mat)
df$groups <- groups
plot00 <- ggplot(data=df, aes(x,y, col=factor(groups))) +
geom_point() + guides(col=FALSE) + xlim(lims) + ylim(lims)+
ggtitle("Each color is a group")
# If less than 4 points are connected, show them seperately
t.groups <- table(groups) # how often which group <- as.numeric(names(t.groups[t.groups<4])) # groups with less than 4 points are taken together
groups[groups %in%] <- 0 # in group 0
df$groups <- groups
plot01 <- ggplot(data=df, aes(x,y, col=factor(groups))) +
geom_point() + xlim(lims)+ ylim(lims) +
find_hull <- function(df_0)
return(df_0[chull(df_0$x, df_0$y), ])
single.points.df <- df[df$groups == 0 , ]
connected.points.df <- df[df$groups != 0 , ]
hulls <- ddply(connected.points.df, "groups", find_hull) # for all groups find a hull
plot02 <- ggplot() +
geom_point(data=single.points.df, aes(x,y, col=factor(groups))) +
xlim(lims)+ ylim(lims) +
plot03 <- plot02
for(grp in names(table(hulls$groups)))
plot03 <- plot03 + geom_polygon(data=hulls[hulls$groups==grp, ],
aes(x,y), alpha=0.4)
# print(plot03)
plot01 <- plot01 + theme(legend.position="none")
plot03 <- plot03 + theme(legend.position="none")
# multiplot(plot01, plot03, cols=2)
Initial Question
I have a (maybe odd) question.
In some plots, I have thousands of points in my analysis. To display them, the pc takes quite a bit of time because there are so many points.
After now, many of these points can overlap, I have a filled area (which is fine!).
To save time/effort displaying, it would be usefull to just fill this area but plotting each point on its own.
I know there are possibilities in heatmaps and so on, but this is not the idea I have in mind. My idea is something like:
#plot00: ggplot with many many points and a filled area of points
plot00 <- plot00 + fill.crowded.areas()
# with plot(), I sadly have an idea how to manage it
Any ideas? Or is this nothing anyone would do anytime?
# Example code
# install.packages("ggplot2")
n.points <- 10000
mat <- matrix(rexp(n.points*2), nrow=n.points, ncol=2)
colnames(mat) <- c("x", "y")
df <- data.frame(mat)
plot00 <- ggplot(df, aes(x=x, y=y)) +
theme_bw() + # white background, grey strips
geom_point(shape=19)# Aussehen der Punkte
# NO ggplot2
plot(df, pch=19)
To have density-plots like mentioned by fdetsch (how can I mark the name?) there are some questions concerning this topic. But this is not the thing I want exactly. I know my concern is a bit strange, but the densities make a plot more busy sometimes as necessary.
Links to topics with densities:
Scatterplot with too many points
High Density Scatter Plots
How about using panel.smoothScatter from lattice? It displays a certain number of points in low-density regions (see argument 'nrpoints') and everywhere else, point densities are displayed rather than single (and possibly overlapping) points, thus providing more meaningful insights into your data. See also ?panel.smoothScatter for further information.
## load 'lattice'
## display point densities
xyplot(y ~ x, data = df, panel = function(x, y, ...) {
panel.smoothScatter(x, y, nbin = 250, ...)
You could use a robust estimator to estimate the location of the majority of your points and plot the convex hull of the points as follows:
n.points <- 500
mat <- matrix(rexp(n.points*2), nrow=n.points, ncol=2)
colnames(mat) <- c("x", "y")
df <- data.frame(mat)
my_poly <- function(data, a, ...){
cov_rob = covMcd(data, alpha = a)
df_rob = data[cov_rob$best,]
ch = chull(df_rob$x, df_rob$y)
geom_polygon(data = df_rob[ch,], aes(x,y), ...)
ggplot() +
geom_point(data=df, aes(x,y)) +
my_poly(df, a = 0.5, fill=2, alpha=0.5) +
my_poly(df, a = 0.7, fill=3, alpha=0.5)
This leads to:
by controlling the alpha-value of covMcd you can increase/decrease the size of the area. See ?robustbase::covMcd for details.
Btw.: Mcd stands for Minimum Covariance Determinant. Instead of it you can also use MASS::cov.mve to calculate the minimum valume ellipsoid with MASS::cov.mve(..., quantile.used=-percent of points within the ellipsoid.
For 2+ classes:
my_poly2 <- function(data, a){
cov_rob = covMcd(data, alpha = a)
df_rob = data[cov_rob$best,]
ch = chull(df_rob[,1], df_rob[,2])
ggplot(faithful, aes(waiting, eruptions, color = eruptions > 3)) +
geom_point() +
geom_polygon(data = my_poly2(faithful[faithful$eruptions > 3,], a=0.5), aes(waiting, eruptions), fill = 2, alpha = 0.5) +
geom_polygon(data = my_poly2(faithful[faithful$eruptions < 3,], a=0.5), aes(waiting, eruptions), fill = 3, alpha = 0.5)
Or if you are ok with un-robust ellipsoids have a look at stat_ellipse
Do you mean something like the convex hull of your points:
n.points <- 100
mat <- matrix(rexp(n.points*2), nrow=n.points, ncol=2)
colnames(mat) <- c("x", "y")
df <- data.frame(mat)
ch <- chull(df$x, df$y) # This computes the convex hull
ggplot() +
geom_point(data=df, aes(x,y)) +
geom_polygon(data = df[ch,], aes(x,y), alpha=0.5)

ggplot loess line from one dataset over scatterplot of another

The function below calculates binned averages, sizes the bin points on the graph relative to the number of observations in each bin, and plots a lowess line through the bin means. Instead of plotting the lowess line through the bin means, however, I would like to plot the line through the original dataset so that the error bands on the lowess line represent the uncertainty in the actual dataset, not the uncertainty in the binned averages. How do I modify geom_smooth() so that it will plot the line using df instead of dfplot?
binplot <- function(df, yvar, xvar, sub = FALSE, N = 50, size = 40, xlabel = "X", ylabel = "Y"){
if(sub != FALSE){
df <- subset(df, eval(parse(text = sub)))
out <- stats.bin(df[,xvar], df[,yvar], N= N)
x <- out$centers
y <- out$stats[ c("mean"),]
n <- out$stats[ c("N"),]
dfplot <-,y,n))
if(size != FALSE){
sizes <- n * (size/max(n))
sizes = 3
ggplot(dfplot, aes(x,y)) +
xlab(xlabel) +
ylab(ylabel) +
geom_point(shape=1, size = sizes) +
Here is a reproducible example that demonstrates how the function currently works:
sampleSize <- 10000
x1 <- rnorm(n=sampleSize, mean = 0, sd = 4)
y1 <- x1 * 2 + x1^2 * .3 + rnorm(n=sampleSize, mean = 5, sd = 10)
binplot(data.frame(x1,y1), "y1", "x1", N = 25)
As you can see, the error band on the lowess line reflects the uncertainty if each bin had an equal number of observations, but they do not. The bins at the extremes have far fewer obseverations (as illustrated by the size of the points) and the lowess line's error band should reflect that.
You can explicitly set the data= parameter for each layer. You will also need to change the aesthetic mapping since the original data.frame had different column names. Just change your geom_smooth call to
geom_smooth(data=df, aes_string(xvar, yvar))
with the sample data, this returned
