Peoplesoft - terminate appengine with custom cancel button - peoplesoft

I have created a custom cancel button which would terminate/kill an epic engine through peoplecode upon click.
In code I am updating tables PSPRCSRQST and PSPRCSQUE.
The code working fine for app engines in processing status, but if a process was in 'blocked status', then on clicking the button changes its status to 'cancel', but then it starts processing after sometime.
Can you pls suggest why it is behaving this way for 'blocked' processes?


Send HTTP request when a computer is added to Active Directory

I'm going to start working with Active Directory (first time in my life) with python ldap3 library. I've searched the internet for a while but couldn't find any solution for my question. I want to send a request when a computer is added to AD. I've found this event that might solve my problem but I've no idea what is this or how can I use this for my problem.
Thanks for answers.
That is an event in the Windows Security Event Log on the domain controller.
Windows does allow you to trigger a scheduled task on an event. To do what you want to do, you could set up a scheduled task on each domain controller.
In Task Scheduler:
Click "Create Task"
Click the "Triggers" tab, then "New..."
For "Begin the task", select "On an event"
In "Log", select "Security, and for "Event ID" put "4741"
Click "OK"
Then on the "Actions" tab is where you tell it what you want it to do when that event happens. You can run anything you want. You can write a PowerShell script if you want. Just search Google for "run PowerShell script from scheduled task" if that's the way you want to go.

How to clear Tasks of Google Earth Earth Engine?

Need help to clear Tasks of GEE(Google Earth Engine), but due to hit and trial many new tasks file has been created. Even I tried to browse any existing code but unable to find that, so please help me and sorry for the inconvenience!
You can stop all tasks at once by:
earthengine task cancel all
You can cancel tasks by navigating to the Tasks tab, opening the little dropdown menu of the task (the V symbol), and click Cancel.
Alternatively, if you have the python API installed, you can list your current task list using (in a terminal):
earthengine task list
Next, copy the task IDs of the task(s) you want to cancel (one per command):
earthengine task cancel TASK_ID
Edit 20-12-2021: the GEE task manager has since been updated and now has a bulk cancel mode:

ProgressNotification callback not triggered without an initial download in Realm 10

We are using MongoDB Realm in our app.
The first time the user is connected to the app, the ProgressNotifcation callback is triggered correctly, and it will work and trigger whenever a new download is coming.
Even if no download is pending, the ProgressNotification callback will be triggered (the Progress object pass in the callback will contain values from the last download) at least once(when creating it). I supposed this is due to the fact that we are downloading the first data set of the user.
But after killing the app and launching it again, the ProgressNotification callback is not triggered anymore until new data are received by the app. And from this point, the callback will be called every time we need it.
It seems that now, the framework needs a first download since the app is launch to make ProgressNotification callback to be triggered every time we need it.
This was working in the previous version of Realm (5.X.X). We just finished the migration to Realm 10 and discover this issue.
I am a bit stuck here, do not know if this is an intended change or a bug on my part. But I am pretty sure this was working in the previous version of the SDK.
Can anyone help me with this? Thanks
Note: this is no more working in both mode : .forCurrentlyOutstandingWork and .reportIndefinitely
self.token = syncSession.addProgressNotification(for: .download, mode: .forCurrentlyOutstandingWork) { progress in
.......Some code........ <- this part of the code is not triggered anymore
EDIT - 21/12/2020
For clarification, the token returned contains a value and the .invalidate is not being called.
There is no error in the session and any new download is triggering the callback. After an initial download, everything works as expected. This means that when I add a progressNotifcation later on, the callback is triggered immediately with the progress of the previous download. But if there is not an initial download, the callback is never called.
For the scope, this method is actually in the custom publisher that I created and it is not deallocated.
Realm 10.5.0
iOS 14.3

Detect if .on() is updating or fetching initial data

When my app boots up it fetches a bunch of jobs using
ref.on('value', snapshot => {
// DO STUFF WITH snapshot.val()
I know the .on()listener will fire every time the node changes.
For my app I manage the app state differently depending if the app is booting up OR if it already booted up and the .on() listener is firing because the node UPDATED.
As per the docs:
The listener is triggered once for the initial state of the data and again anytime the data changes.
Is there any way to know, if the .on() is firing because a change to the node has been made or it is the first load?

Sending alert to pages in

I am working on web application , in my project there is some type of testing and task assignment to employees.
Now when an employee complete a task and assigned to a user the user automatically get the message on his page ( there is 3 user accessing application , one is admin , second is tester and third is verifier ...both of them works on different pages , now when admin assign a task the tester automatically get a notification " new message " ( for this i am using master page)..on whatever page the tester is on working... now if the tester is completes it 's task and assign to verifier , verifier must get notification "new message" ... and so on..)
for this a have put a button on master page ..and also i have make a windows service that runs on every minute , now my problem is how i sent the message from windows service to my master page button ( that i change text of button).
Is this idea working ?
Why do you need to window service to run in background? Is there any specific reason to have the windows service for these requirements?
As per your detailed description what I understood is that when the employee completes a task and assigned to a user the user automatically get the message on his page. So when the employee is working and completed means they will click on some button that their work is completed. Then while clicking on the button, you just write the code for sending the mail to the tester. like the same way, when the tester is completed their work and click on the testing completes, send a mail to the reviewer and so on..Then where is the need to have a window service for this to send the mails?
All the requirements can be achieved through the simple send mail code.
Let us know if you need any more help or if you don't understand the exact scenario or if anything is missing in the requirements.
Hope it will be helpful to you.
I don't think it is possible to send from a windows service informations to You can create a button that can query a webservice about new tasks (but you are counting on the user to press it).
Another more "friendly" way is to have a timer in javascript that uses ajax requests to get new tasks.
