Why exactly is dlopen not usable from a statically linked library? - unix

This this Python Enhancement Proposal states that:
While it is possible, statically linking glibc is usually a bad idea
because certain important C functions like dlopen() cannot be called
from code that statically links glibc.
I don't have experience about how dynamically/statically linked library work internally, so I don't understand why you can't refer to a symbol dynamically from a static library?


Making use of Qt dependencies to avoid duplicaton of binaries

Qt makes use of a lot of 3rd party libraries for image encoding, compression, encryption, audio and video codec support and whatnot.
Historically, I've always had to include those as additional dependencies when I want to utilize them. And I've always wondered if there is a way to simply reuse the binaries Qt already incorporates?
It really depends on the libraries, but generally speaking, it sadly is not possible.
Qt builds and links most 3rd party libraries statically and without exporting any symbols (See libpng as an example). Some are even only linked into the plugins and not the Qt libraries (like sqlite, which is only a pri-file that is imported by the plugin). The only way to find out for the concrete case is to check the src/3rdparty subfolders in the different Qt repositories.
There is also one other point to consider: Qt often tries to fulfill dependencies by using what the operating system provides. I.e. if Qt finds libpng on the host system, it typlically links against that library, so the code isn't even part of the Qt binaries anymore, making compiletime linking dependend on the Qt configuration, even if symbols are exported for a concrete library.
The only real exception to all this is if you link Qt statically. In that case, the linker will only pull in all those 3rdparty dependencies once you link the final application, making it possible for you to link against the libraries Qt uses.

Mixing Shared and Static Libraries

I'm using premake5 to build a complex application on multiple platforms. My application links against both static and shared/dynamic external libraries.
There seems to be significant build chain dependencies that break premake generated 'gmake' make files in this case.
Case in Point:
If you mix shared and static libraries in premake 'link' statements, GCC seems to get confused and expect your shared library references to actually be static libraries. When it can't find them the link stage fails. This is normally handled by prefixing your shared libs with '-Bdynamic'. Unfortunately there is no way to tell premake5 that an external link lib is static or dynamic, so you have to manually fixup the make files, which defeats the purpose of a build utility.
This is kind of a showstopper. I don't think you can just feed "-Bdynamic" into the linkoptions because it must be followed by the list of shared libraries.
Seems like a bug in gmake action (or at least a missing functionality)
For those, the best approach is to go to the Premake page on Github (https://github.com/premake/premake-core) and create a new issue.
And if you have the time to provide a small reproductible project (a static lib project, a dynamic one, and an application using both, each with only 1 cpp or some simple stuff + the premake script) and attach it to the issue, it would also be really appreciated (and much easier to treat this issue ^^)

Documentation for writing GNOME Shell extensions

I've been asked to customise the layout of the GNOME 3 desktop. Apparently the way to do that is by writing an "extension".
I've managed to do some of the things I wanted to do, but I feel utterly starved of information. I cannot find any useful documentation anywhere. I've wasted entire days of my life frantically googling every imaginable search term in a desperate attempt to find useful information.
The GNOME website has hundreds of extensions for download. These are not trivial 3-liners; they're sophisticated pieces of code. It defies belief that anybody could write these without documentation explaining how to do it.
Please, can somebody tell me where the actual documentation is? So far, the best I've managed to do is take apart existing extensions trying to track down the magic command that does the specific bit I'm interested in. (Not an easy task!)
Command names, object paths, example programs, anything would be helpful!
I have recently dug into it myself. The documentation is usually sparse or outdated. Here are some sources which helped me to get started (and through development):
Basic Stuff
Step-by-step tutorial (Gnome 3.4)
Unofficial documentation for the JavaScript bindings of many libraries
The sources of the gnome-shell's JavaScript bindings
Explanation of the St (Shell Toolkit) Ui-Toolkit components.
Some unofficial guidelines to get your extension on extensions.gnome.org
Since the documentation is nearly unavailable (or up to date), you'll need to do a lot of source-reading. I linked the gnome-shell sources above (the JavaScript part) which is a good start when diving into parts that are not covered by the In-official documentation (which is the most complete thing you'll find).
What's also particular helpful is checking extensions.gnome.org for extensions which do similar things to what you want to create, and look at their sources (most of them are open-source on GitHub or Bitbucket. You can also install them and find the sources under ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/).
When searching for something to use or more documentation on a particular function, you can also consult manuals for bindings in different languages (thought the parameters and return-values might not match).
Last but not least, here is some debugging advice:
LookingGlass is not particularly helpful. It only shows one line of an exception (the description) and only if they occur at startup time (when your extension is first started).
For full StackTraces and runtime-exceptions, consult the ~/.xsession-errors-file. It might be very long and bloated. I use this handy script to read it:
# Grabs the last session-errors from the current X11 session.
# This includes full Stack-Trace of gnome-shell-extension errors.
# See https://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/Extensions/StepByStepTutorial#lookingGlass
tail -n100 ~/.cache/gdm/session.log | less
Note that since Gnome 3.6, if you are using gdm as display manager, the current session log is the file ~/.cache/gdm/session.log.
On some newer distros using systemd, you can get the error logs with:
journalctl -f /usr/bin/gnome-session
For debugging the prefs-part of your extension, you can launch the preferences by using the gnome-shell-extension-prefs-tool from a terminal, to see any exception-output on the console (you can also call the tool like gnome-shell-extension-prefs [uuid], to directly show your extensions preferences).
Since there is currently no real way of debugging with breakpoints (there is, but it's tricky), you can log on the console for quick checking, use the print()-function. You will see the output as mentioned above (either in the sessions-error file or on the terminal when starting gnome-shell-extension-prefs-tool).
Although it might be a little hard to get into it, the extension framework is quite powerful. Have fun!
I wrote a Blog-Post with somewhat greater detail, which can be found here: Making Gnome-Shell Extensions
An extensive list of references can be found on the Gnome Developer - API Reference page.
I used the following for my extension, but your use may vary:
GTK+ 3
GTK+ is the primary library used to construct user interfaces in GNOME applications. It provides user interface controls and signal callbacks to control user interfaces.
GDK is an intermediate layer which isolates GTK+ from the details of the windowing system.
Clutter is a GObject based library for creating fast, visually rich, graphical user interfaces.
GObject Introspection
GObject Introspection is striving to provide a middleware layer between (GObject based) C libraries and language bindings.
Shell Reference Manual
St - Shell Toolkit - is the GNOME Shell's custom Clutter-based toolkit that defines useful actors. Some of these actors, such as StBoxLayout and StBin implement various layout options.
Icon Theme Specification
This freedesktop.org specification describes a common way to store icon themes.
NOTE: These last two are very helpful in finding visual element parameters!
PyGTK is GTK+ for Python. This reference contains a chapter for each Python PyGTK module (that corresponds to the underlying GTK+ library) containing the class descriptions.
PyGObject is a Python extension module that gives clean and consistent access to the entire GNOME software platform through the use of GObject Introspection. Specifically speaking, it is Python Bindings for GLib, GObject, GIO and GTK+.
This reference contains a chapter for each PyGObject module containing the class descriptions.
The documentation is on:
For the documentation of libraries:
More details on https://gjs.guide/extensions/overview/architecture.html
The other stuff you might want to check are
You can browse under js/ for more code to be reused.
You might also want to check https://gi.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
I could not find anything under https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/ except some CSS and Javascript documentation ?!?!
You have to first enable the docs to use them. Here, you will be mainly looking for:
Create a file like:
echo '{"docs":"clutter9~9_api/clutterx118~8_api/gobject20~2.66p/meta9~9_api/shell01~0.1_api/st10~1.0_api","hideIntro":"1"}' > devdocs.json
Import this file to https://gjs-docs.gnome.org/settings
Now you will be able to visit:
Warning: The version on the devdocs.json file is hardcoded. It will be outdated in no time, so you might want to check the version. The point is - you can not access docs until you enable them.
P.S. I know, this is a mess. This is how they did it.

Static Library Loading

I have created a program using a number of statically linked libraries. My question is, are these libraries required to be present when running the executable? It seems that the libraries are accessed as the program will not run if the libraries are not present and their path not included in the LIBPATH environment variable. I had the impression that since they were statically linked they would not be required at runtime.
No, static linking means they are included in the binary you build (and so they are "loaded" when you compile and link, if you will).

Using dlopen() on an executable

I need to call a function from another program. If the other program were a library, I could simply use dlopen and dlsym to get a handle to the function. Unfortunately, the other program is a Unix Executable, and building it as a library is not an option. Trying dlopen() on the executable gives this error message:
dlopen([...]/testprogram, 1): no suitable image found. Did find:
[...]/testprogram: can't map
This isn't surprising, as dlopen is meant for use with libraries, not executables. Is there any way to get dlopen and dlsym to work with executables? If not, is there an alternative way of achieving the same thing?
You can't open executables as libraries. The entry point of an executable will attempt to re-initialize the C library, and take over the brk pointer. This will corrupt your malloc heap. Additionally, the executable is likely to be mapped at a fixed address with no relocations, and if this address overlaps with anything already loaded, it's not possible to map it for that reason as well.
You need to refactor the other program into a library, or add a RPC interface to the other program.
Note that this does not necessarily apply for PIE executables. However, unless the executable is specifically designed for being dlopen()ed, this is unsafe, as main() will not be run, and any initialization done in main() therefore will not occur.
On some ELF systems (notably Linux), you can dlopen() PIE executables. When using GCC, just compile the executable with -fpie or -fPIE, and link it with -pie, and export the appropriate symbols using --dynamic-list or -rdynamic (explained in more detail in this other SO answer.
Tool here to do precisely that, handles ASLR/PIE and non-ASLR/PIE. Compiles on x86, ARM and MIPS (32 bit only). Edit the Makefile to set ARCH param.
It's my tool but it seems to do what you want. Let me know if it doesn't work for you.
I appreciate how late I am to this party, but hey.
To add the ability to load executables via dlopen is registered as refused glibc RFE (Request For Enhancement). A detailed look at the RFE and a possible approach for some special cases may be found at
Excluding PIEs there would be to many problems behind the scenes to implement such a functionality.
