Domino layout - overlapping boxes [closed] - math

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm trying to reproduce an effect similar to the following (with a fixed spacing between each tile):
I almost have the right effect, but as you can see on the sandbox, the boxes are overlapping the further down the right they get. My maths are probably off somewhere, but I don't see where.
Here's what I thought would work:

My implementation didn't take into account that the increment by which each box had to be moved wasn't the domino width, but rather a new amount defined by the following relation:
I discovered it by completely omitting the domino width from the increment, only leaving the margins: the dominos were perfectly aligned on the left side, meaning that the alignment problem on the right side could only come from the width increment.


Making adjacent container sticky [closed]

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Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 4 days ago.
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I have a container which consits two child containers. the left one is a lengthy one and the right one is a bit lengthier than the viewport. when i scroll down the right containers end should come into viewport and stick there until i reach bottom of the left container and then both containers should scroll together.Any idea on implementing this?
I tried some solutions with calculating height,but couldn’t get what I need.

3D effects in website [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Say I want to make a website, and I want the page to have some sort of a main-area, and it's supposed to be something like an open book,
sort of something like that if I want to make my point, I want the left border to be 100% of the height of whatever the page is going to show, and the right border(the one that's intersecting with the left border of the right page) to be say 90% of the height of it... that's sort of the idea of the design.
I was sure there would be some HTML5 features that would support this since I've seen stuff like this around the internet but I realized it wouldn't be that easy.
I hoped that there would be people with proper knowledge of web design that could help me with this thing
This is very good article for page flip functionality with html5 :

What are the advantages of Bootstrap over CSS flex model? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Given that CSS components (buttons etc.) can be used apart from Bootstrap grid system, what are the actual advantages of using Bootstrap over CSS flex model?
I am asking this questions as I always have big problems with margin/padding in Bootstrap 3 as few pixels (15px or so) are added, preventing me to take advantage of the full width of a container. Also, if I try to manually sent the margin to 0 the whole layout is displaced (including outer containers)
One current disadvantage of using flex is that it doesn't work for IE9 or earlier. It's probably a bit soon to be dumping them yet.

Margin right ignored in bourbon neat? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm working on a portfolio site and would like each project box to span 4 columns on all layout sizes. Their width seems to be correct based on the column grid shown. But why do the right margins get ignored by the browser??
Because .project is indeed the last child in .project-container div.
I'm not massively familiar with Burbon - just switched those ( .project and .project-container ) classes around
so now .project:last-child properly applies to the last-child
Have a look:

Why is the first box in the second row not in the second row? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've battled with a two column layout for a WP index and got it working.
However on this one site it will not work:
You will notice that the third box containing a pic of a bed (or the first box in the second row - bottom left one) is not in its correct place (to the left of the final box with a bed pic).
I've used height auto to try fix it but it's still out of place.
All help hugely appreciated as is all the help I get from this awesome community.
the reason is that your images height is not same so give height to your post-block DIV. Like this:
I would suggest using a CSS reset if you dont already use one. Using and calling one before calling your css file can do wonders with cross-browser consistency. May be a pain to add now being that after you will also have to change your current CSS again but as a last resort, should help remedy your issues. Also by adding the above code by #sandeep as it fixed the issue I was seeing in Ffox.
