Reading the multiple .csv files with single code - r

There is a zip archive stored on the internet. I want to download it to my computer and read it into R with the single code.
unzip("", exdir = "ucpaydata")
I have downloaded the files, now i have a problem, how could I read them all into R using at most one line of code (no semi-colons allowed but nesting and piping are OK).

Here is one way to do it.
files = list.files("ucpaydata")
Df =, function(x) {read.csv(x, header = T)})))


Creating objects from all .xlsx documents in working directory

I am trying to create objects from all files in working directory with name of the original file. I tried to go the following way, but couldn't solve appearing problems.
file_objects <- list.files()
xlsx_objects <- unlist(grep(".xlsx",file_objects,value = T))
for (i in xlsx_objects) {
xlsx_objects[i] <- read_xlsx(xlsx_objects[i], header = T)
I tried to paste [i]item from "xlsx_objects" with path to WD but it only created a list of files names from docs in WD.
I also find information, that read.csv can read only one file at the time, but I guess that it should be the case with for loop, right? It is reading only one file at the time.
Using lapply (as described in this forum) I was able to get the data in the environment, but argument header didn't work, I lost names of my docs in that object which does not have desired structure. I am though looking for having these files in separated objects without calling every document exclusively.
IIUC, you could do something like:
files = list.files("PATH TO THE FILE", full.names = T, pattern = 'xlsx')
list_files = map(files, readxl::read_excel)
(You can't use read.csv to read excel files)
Also I recommend reading about R Projects so you don't have to use setwd() ever again, which makes your code harder to reproduce down the pipeline

R: "No line available in input" Error when reading multiple csv files in from a directory

I'm having trouble reading multiple .csv files in from a directory. It's odd because I read in files from two other directories using the same code with no issue immediately prior to running this code chunk.
my_dive <- list.files(pattern="*.csv")
DB =, lapply(my_dive, function(x) read.csv(x, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)))
detach("package:plyr") ### I run this after I have finished creating all the dataframes because I sometimes have issues with plyr and dplyr not playing nice
Then it throws this error:
Error in read.table(file = file, header = header, sep = sep, quote = quote, :
no lines available in input
Which doesn't make any sense because the list.files function works and when I run head(my_dive) I get this output:
[1] "2004001_R881_TV3.csv" "2004002_R 57_TV3.csv" "2004002_R57_TV3.csv" "2004003_W1095_TV3.csv"
[5] "2004004_99AB_TV3.csv" "2004005_O176_TV3.csv"
Plus the Environment clearly shows that my list is populated with all 614 files as I would expect it to be.
All of the csv file sets have identical file names but different data so they have to be read in as separate data frames from separate directories (not my decision that's just how this dataset was organized). For that reason I can't seem to figure out why this set of files is giving me grief when the other two sets read in just fine with no issues. The only difference should be the working directory and the names of the lists and dataframes. I thought it might be something within the actual directory, but I checked and there are only the .csv files in the directory and the list.files functions works fine. I saw a previous question that was similar to mine but the poster didn't initially use the (pattern = "*.csv") argument and that was the cause for the error. I always use this argument so that seems unlikely to be the cause.
I'm not sure how to go about making this reproduceable but I appreciate any help offered.

readxl::read_xls returns "libxls error: Unable to open file"

I have multiple .xls (~100MB) files from which I would like to load multiple sheets (from each) into R as a dataframe. I have tried various functions, such as xlsx::xlsx2 and XLConnect::readWorksheetFromFile, both of which always run for a very long time (>15 mins) and never finish and I have to force-quit RStudio to keep working.
I also tried gdata::read.xls, which does finish, but it takes more than 3 minutes per one sheet and it cannot extract multiple sheets at once (which would be very helpful to speed up my pipeline) like XLConnect::loadWorkbook can.
The time it takes these functions to execute (and I am not even sure the first two would ever finish if I let them go longer) is way too long for my pipeline, where I need to work with many files at once. Is there a way to get these to go/finish faster?
In several places, I have seen a recommendation to use the function readxl::read_xls, which seems to be widely recommended for this task and should be faster per sheet. This one, however, gives me an error:
> # Minimal reproducible example:
> setwd("/Users/USER/Desktop")
> library(readxl)
> data <- read_xls(path="test_file.xls")
filepath: /Users/USER/Desktop/test_file.xls
libxls error: Unable to open file
I also did some elementary testing to make sure the file exists and is in the correct format:
> # Testing existence & format of the file
> file.exists("test_file.xls")
[1] TRUE
> format_from_ext("test_file.xls")
[1] "xls"
> format_from_signature("test_file.xls")
[1] "xls"
The test_file.xls used above is available here.
Any advice would be appreciated in terms of making the first functions run faster or the read_xls run at all - thank you!
It seems that some users are able to open the file above using the readxl::read_xls function, while others are not, both on Mac and Windows, using the most up to date versions of R, Rstudio, and readxl. The issue has been posted on the readxl GitHub and has not been resolved yet.
I downloaded your dataset and read each excel sheet in this way (for example, for sheets "Overall" and "Area"):
dt_overall <-"test_file.xls", sheet = "Overall"))
area_sheet <-"test_file.xls", sheet = "Area"))
Finally, I get dt like this (for example, only part of the dataset for the "Area" sheet):
Just as well, you can use the read_xls function instead read_excel.
I checked, it also works correctly and even a little faster, since read_excel is a wrapper over read_xls and read_xlsx functions from readxl package.
Also, you can use excel_sheets function from readxl package to read all sheets of your Excel file.
Benchmarking is done with microbenchmark package for the following packages/functions: gdata::read.xls, XLConnect::readWorksheetFromFile and readxl::read_excel.
But XLConnect it's a Java-based solution, so it requires a lot of RAM.
I found that I was unable to open the file with read_xl immediately after downloading it, but if I opened the file in Excel, saved it, and closed it again, then read_xl was able to open it without issue.
My suggested workaround for handling hundreds of files is to build a little C# command line utility that opens, saves, and closes an Excel file. Source code is below, the utility can be compiled with visual studio community edition.
using System.IO;
using Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel;
namespace resaver
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string srcFile = Path.GetFullPath(args[0]);
Excel.Application excelApplication = new Excel.Application();
excelApplication.Application.DisplayAlerts = false;
Excel.Workbook srcworkBook = excelApplication.Workbooks.Open(srcFile);
Once compiled, the utility can be called from R using e.g. system2().
I will propose a different workflow. If you happen to have LibreOffice installed, then you can convert your excel files to csv programatically. I have Linux, so I do it in bash, but I'm sure it can be possible in macOS.
So open a terminal and navigate to the folder with your excel files and run in terminal:
for i in *.xls
do soffice --headless --convert-to csv "$i"
Now in R you can use data.table::fread to read your files with a loop:
Scenario 1: the structure of files is different
If the structure of files is different, then you wouldn't want to rbind them together. You could run in R:
files <- dir("path/to/files", pattern = ".csv")
all_files <- list()
for (i in 1:length(files)){
fileName <- gsub("(^.*/)(.*)(.csv$)", "\\2", files[i])
all_files[[fileName]] <- fread(files[i])
If you want to extract your named elements within the list into the global environment, so that they can be converted into objects, you can use list2env:
list2env(all_files, envir = .GlobalEnv)
Please be aware of two things: First, in the gsub call, the direction of the slash. And second, list2env may overwrite objects in your Global Environment if they have the same name as the named elements within the list.
Scenario 2: the structure of files is the same
In that case it's likely you want to rbind them all together. You could run in R:
files <- dir("path/to/files", pattern = ".csv")
joined <- list()
for (i in 1:length(files)){
joined <- rbindlist(joined, fread(files[i]), fill = TRUE)
On my system, i had to use path.expand.
R> file = "~/blah.xls"
R> read_xls(file)
filepath: ~/Dropbox/signal/aud/rba/balsheet/data/a03.xls
libxls error: Unable to open file
R> read_xls(path.expand(file)) # fixed
Resaving your file and you can solve your problem easily.
I also find this problem before but I get the answer from your discussion.
I used the read_excel() to open those files.
I was seeing a similar error and wanted to share a short-term solution.
download.file("", "MLBPayrolls.xls")
MLBpayrolls <- read_excel("MLBpayrolls.xls", sheet = "MLB Payrolls", na = "n/a")
Yields (on some systems in my classroom but not others):
Error: filepath: MLBPayrolls.xls libxls error: Unable to open file
The temporary solution was to paste the URL of the xls file into Firefox and download it via the browser. Once this was done we could run the read_excel line without error.
This was happening today on Windows 10, with R 3.6.2 and R Studio 1.2.5033.
If you have downloaded the .xls data from the internet, even if you are opening it in Ms.Excel, it will open a prompt first asking to confirm if you trust the source, see below screenshot, I am guessing this is the reason R (read_xls) also can't open it, as it's considered unsafe. Save it as .xlsx file and then use read_xlsx() or read_excel().
Even thought this is not a code-based solution, I just changed the type file. For instance, instead of xls I saved as csv or xlsx. Then I opened it as regular one.
I worked it for me, because when I opened my xlsfile, I popped up the message: "The file format and extension of 'file.xls'' don't match. The file could be corrupted or unsafe..."

read an Excel file embedded in a website

I would like to read automatically in R the file which is located at
This link generates the automatic download of a zipfile. This zipfile contains the Excel file I want to read in R.
Does any of you have any suggestions on this? Thanks.
Panagiotis' comment to use download.file() is generally good advice, but I couldn't make it work here (and would be curious to know why). Instead I used httr.
(Edit: got it, I reversed args of download.file()... Repeat after me: always use named args...)
Another problem with this data: it appears not to be a regular xls file, I couldn't open it with the yet excellent readxl package.
Looks like a tab separated flat file, but no success with read.table() either. readr::read_delim() made it.
r <- GET("")
# Write the archive on disk
writeBin(r$content, "./data/rte_data")
rte_data <-
unzip("./data/rte_data", exdir = "./data/"),
delim = "\t",
locale = locale(encoding = "ISO-8859-1"),
col_names = TRUE
There still are parsing problems, but not sure they should be dealt with in this SO question.

How to read a csv file or load an excel workbook by ignoring some characters in the file path?

I'm writing a loop script which involves reading a file from a workbook (using the package XLConnect). The challenge is that the file names contain characters (representing time) that I want to ignore.
For example, here are 3 paths to those files:
I need to import hundreds of those files. I can easily account for the character string representing the date (e.g. 20160522), but not the time.
Is there a way to tell R to ignore some characters located in the file path? Here is how I was thinking of writing my script (the "???" is where i need help). I know a loop is probably not the most efficient way, but i'm open to suggestions, should you have any:
path= "G://User//Documents//daily_data//Op_Schedule_"
wd.seq = format(seq(as.Date("2014-01-01"),as.Date("2016-12-31"),"days"),format="%Y%m%d")
scheduleList = rep(list(matrix(1,1,1)),length(wd.seq))
for(i in 1:length(wd.seq)) {
wb = loadWorkbook(file= paste0(path,wd.seq[i],"???",".xlxs"))
scheduleList[[i]] = readWorksheet(wb,sheet='=SCHEDULE', header = TRUE)
Thanks for reading and suggestions, if any.
I don't know if this is helpful, but if you want to read all the files in a certain directory (which it seems to me is what you're after), you can read all the filenames into a list using the list.files() function, for example
fileList <- list.files(""G://User//Documents//daily_data//")
And then load the xlsx files looping through the list with a for loop
for(i in fileList) {
loadWorkbook(file = i)
I haven't used the XLConnect function before so that exact code probably doesn't work, but the loop will iterate through all the files in that directory and so you can construct your loading call using the i variable for the filename (it won't be an absolute path though, so you might need to use paste to add the first part of the filepath)
I realize there might be other files in the directory that are not excel files, you could use grepl to select only files containg "OP_Schedule_"
fileListClean <- fileList[grepl("Op_Schedule_",fileList)]
or perhaps only selecting .xlsx files in the directory:
fileListClean <- fileList[grepl(".xlsx",fileList)]
Edit to fit your reply:
Since you need to fit it to a sequence, you can do it as you did earlier:
wd.seq = format(seq(as.Date("2014-01-01"),as.Date("2016-12-31"),"days"),format="%Y%m%d")
wd.seq2 <- paste("Op_Schedule_", wd.seq, sep = "")
And then use grepl to only pick files starting with that extensions:
fileListClean <- fileList[grepl(paste(wd.seq2, collapse = "|"), fileList)]
Full disclosure: The last part i got from this SO answer: grep using a character vector with multiple patterns
