Converting values and changing the unit in Stackdriver - stackdriver

My Stackdriver chart shows like this
The Y axis here is actually the number of milliseconds and I want to display it as number of days
e.g. 3G milliseconds ~ 34 days
So, basically I want to do this operation ((3 x 109) x 10-3)/86400 and change the Y axis label to days.
Can I do that in stackdriver?
I have the following settings:

As currently you can only rescale the chart's Y-values logarithmically, I advise you to open a Feature Request with the information that you've provided here, so the proper team will evaluate its implementation.
I hope this information helps you.


How to plot only within a range defined by x number of bars?

I understand that I can contingently plot on the chart using range of date and time values.
However, I would like to be able to plot using a specific number of candlesticks.
For example, I would like to be able to say something like
// Within the most recent 10 bars
// If close[0] > close[1]
// plotshape()
I have tried implementing numerous variations using barstate.isrealtime or barstate.islast but I keep running into limitations.
One major problem is that, although bar_index[#] works by indexing backwards from the most recent bar, the value of bar_index[10] is not 10 but some number in the thousands (depending on the timeframe of the chart — for me its Daily = 2,616 candles, 1hr = 6,217 candles, 15m = 5,222, etc.). In other words, it counts the number of bars from the oldest bar available.
Since referencing of the bars (starting from most recent) and the index values (starting from the oldest) are conflicting--due to counting from opposite ends--I am not sure how to specify: plotshape() for the most recent 10 bars.
I am also running into trouble due to the fact that bar_index[0] occurs every single iteration of the chart's timeframe--so I am getting caught in recursive calculations when trying to do bar_index[0]-bar_index[10].
It seems that what I need is something like bar_index.islast[10]
The reason that I would like to call a plotshape() based on the number of specified candles versus since x date/time (or within date range (x,y)), is because I want my indicator to function properly regardless of which timeframe my chart is displaying:
If I am showing a monthly chart, I want to plot across the last 10 monthly bars; If I am showing a daily chart, I want to plot across the last 10 daily bars; etc.
If I am forced to use a date range, then this functionality breaks down, since I will be shown increasingly more bars for smaller timeframes.
I am able to kinda make this work by specifying the number of bars from the oldest candlestick by stating something like:
bar_index > 2600 ? : na
However, given the fact that every single time frame displays a different number of bars, this is not a workable solution for me.
Thanks for any advice.
I have been hunting around and and found that the functionality I desire is already built into the show_last argument of the various plot()functoins.
Ill leave my question posted, in case it helps someone else.
UPDATE I have been hunting around and and found that the functionality I desire is already built into the show_last = int argument of the various plot() functions.
I'll leave my question posted, in case it helps someone else.

FullCalendar - Change x and y axis with resource groups and day

Hi there my good fellows,
What i want to achieve is, list the resources on the x axis and list the dates on the y axis. I have spent some time with Vertical Resource Demo but faild to get a look like this.
I've got involed to the creating custom view with js classes thing but couldn't even list the dates. Could anybody guide to me any resource or help me with any code sample?
Dates on y axis will long last for two months.
Thank you all

Plot actual value on y axis in kibana 4

I want to plot time on x axis and a numeric field 'f' occurring at that time on y axis in kibana 4.
I have changed the data type of 'f' to integer and I can confirm that it has changed from kibana index settings.
However, the only aggregation options available for Y axis are count/min/max/sum etc. This post has an answer for plotting sum but I'm interested in plotting actual values.
Is there a way to do this?
You probably want to check this.
The data you want to plot, are not numbers.
Update your grok filter to something like this %{NUMBER:time:float} instead of whatever you have.
Re-index/re-hash your elasticsearch (i just deleted my data and restarted the whole thing)
Goto Kibana4 -> Visualize -> New line graph
In Y axis select max and in the field, select your number field.
Kibana is plotting a bucket, e.g. every minute.
As such, aggregations are in order. I frequently plot average and max on the same chart to give me a good overview.
If you reduce the time period, the buckets get smaller, but I don't think you can ever make them "just 1 document".

Set y axis limits R

I am trying to plot a histogram and I tried the following. First I tried this
but that did not set proper limits for the y axis i.e in spite of having a count more than 5000 the axis limit was displayed as 4000. This works
> histr<-hist(t$Sum_of_OHR.s,breaks=c(0,0.05,0.10,0.15,0.20,0.25,0.30,0.35,0.40,0.45,0.50,0.55,0.60,0.65,0.70,0.75,0.80,0.85,0.90,0.95,1.00),ylim=c(0,6000))
The problem however is that the count may change drastically depending on the data. So, I need something that would set the y limits based on the data. Could someone please tell me how I should go about it?
You can add a variable in place of the 6000 so you could sum or count your y variable and then add 10% or an amount you feel comfortable with as a means of padding it.

How would I visualize the amount of time that's passed between dates?

If I had a product and wanted to visualize the amount of time that has passed between releases of that product, what type of graph would I use? What I'm trying to show is the average amount of time that has passed between release cycles, as well as (approximately) how far through the current release cycle we currently are.
The best I could come up with is a horizontal bar graph. Each bar would have a date associated with it that marked a particular release, and the length of the bar could indicate how much time has passed, maybe even list the exact number of days, but I could imagine that being slightly confusing, e.g. is that the amount of time that's passed before that release or after that release?
I imagine there must be a better way to visualize this.
UPDATE: I think I may have explained it poorly; let me try another approach. This buying guide does almost exactly what I want. It's compact, it lists when the releases happened, you can see roughly how long one release took compared to another (relatively), and the unfinished release is shown so you can get an idea of about how far through the average cycle you are. But one of the problems it has is that it is difficult to tell whether a particular stretch of time in between releases came before a particular date or afterwards. I was thinking about making the bars bigger and putting in the number of days too, which would only make the before/after ambiguity worse. So my question is, how can this chart be improved to be more visually intuitive? Thanks!
From your Question and your comments to the two answers prior to mine, your dataviz technique will have to
show the amount of time that has
passed between release cycles;
show both absolute and relative (i.e., time elapsed within a
release cycle as well as between them) which
is practically awkward because, as
you said, either you're forced to use
a tiny font to fit your plot on an
8.5 x 11 page, or the plot is so wide that it doesn't conveniently print
and it's too difficult for a readerto
capture in a single glance; and
show progress w/r/t the next target release
For the first item, i just used an axis scaled to time (x-axis). For the second, i used the y axis to represent intra-project time--where as, time between projects is on the x-axis. Doing this, keeps the plot size manageable. For the third item, i prefer to represent duration differently for cases like this--i.e., where there's a definite start and a definite finish. In other words, when my boss asks me how a certain project is going, i think i naturally say "50% complete" or something like that, rather than "we are four weeks into it". I think thermometer symbols can be visually intuitive here--i.e., you show progress by filling a container.
So in the plot below, i show five separate projects (versions 1 through 5); the x-axis is in weeks and shows how far apart in time are the project start dates for each. The y-axis (which i didn't show, instead relying on the color fill in the thermometer symbol to show "degree of completion of each project.
I created this plot in R (using only libraries in the base install).
Here's the code:
# synthetic data:
x = c(1, 10, 22, 40, 58) # x-axis
y = c(2, 5.5, 9, 12.4, 15.0) # y-axis
z = c(1, 0.9, 0.80, 0.67, 0.25) # % fill for thermometer symbols
# create the plot:
plot(x, y, ann=F, axes=F, type="n")
symbols(x, y, thermometers=cbind(0.5, 4, z), inches=1.2, fg=rep(3, 5),
ann=F, axes=F)
axis(side=1, at=xt, lwd.ticks=1.3, col="steelblue4", col.ticks="red")
A few comments in case you're not familiar with R. First, the plot, and axis function calls could have been omitted. The other three are purely for aesthetics:
plot was called to create a plot with no data, no labels, and no visible axis, so that i could draw my custom axis later and leave the y-axis out entirely;
axis is just for drawing a custom x-axis, with the tick marks where i wanted them.
symbols is the only call required.
The 'thermometer' argument is a matrix in which the first two columns are the symbol width and height, respectively, and the third column is the % filled ('z'); 'inches' is the actual symbol size, and 'fg' is the fill color for each symbol, i.e., 'rep(3,5) just means '3' repeated 5 times, where '3' is just a convenience symbol for the lovely green color you see below.
Maybe a Gantt Chart? For each release, you could use a row to the duration that the release was active. Also, you could include rows for development time. You would be able to visualize pretty easily a number of metrics...
Time between releases
Duration of each release
% completion of current dev cycle
Development periods compared release to release
I think I'd probably use some sort of Timeline, good examples
