What is the difference between Rotation and getComponentRotation? - math

In the UE4 game engine
What is the difference between Rotation and GetComponentRotation?
Try to understand this by documentation on at
But I could not?
I need some details and explanation about this ..

These two methods are from different objects:
Both return a rotation object (FRotator) that encodes the rotation in the Yaw/Pitch/Roll representation.
The difference is that the Rotation returns an FRotator object that, if applied to a component, will make the component "look" in the direction of the vector. For example, if you take the difference between the position of a sphere and the position of a player, use Rotation, and then apply the rotation to the player, the player will face the sphere.
GetComponentRotation returns the current orientation of the component in global space.


Adjust the orthographic camera to fit a 3D object (Three.js)

I'm building a scene, which I want to view through the orthographic camera, from an angle. I do the following:
Build the scene.
Move the OrbitControl's (camera's) target to the center of the scene.
Move the camera by a certain (unit) vector using spherical coordinates.
Try to adjust the camera's left/right/top/bottom params to keep the object in the view, centered. Also considered adjusting the zoom.
My simplified, ideally positioned scene looks like that:
So I guess it is a problem of a calculation of positions of object extremities after (spherical) transformation and projecting them back into cartesian coordinates. I tried to use Euler transform helper, but it depends on the order of transformation for each of the axis. Quaternions are also non-commutive, and I'm lost. Perhaps I need to calculate how would the widths/heights of the diagonals change after transformation and use these?

Getting yaw angle between two actors - Unreal Blueprints

I'm working on a VR game in Unreal Engine 4 using Blueprints.
I want to calculate the (yaw) angle the user needs to turn his/her gun (whose direction is determined via the position of the motion controllers) in order to be pointing towards the target.
I figure this might be the way to do it:
Subtract the location of the target from the location of the gun
Get the yaw component of that as a vector pointing from the gun as origin
Subtract the current yaw of the gun direction from that yaw component to get the yaw angle the user needs to turn to get to the target
Except I'm not quite sure how to execute that. I've been experimenting (as seen in the screenshot below), but not doing the correct operations. Any thoughts?
A more elegant and robust solution is to use the gun actor's world transform to calculate the relative rotation to the object:
Get the gun's world transform. The rotation should point in the forward vector direction. You can make a transform with its location and forward vector, but likely the component transform will work.
Use the operation InverseTransformLocation on this transform, with the target's location as other parameter. This creates a vector that is the target's location in the gun's space
Get the rotation of this vector with the RotationFromXVector operation.
This rotator contains the correct yaw, but also pitch. And it will also work when your objects are rotated in space arbitrarily, or your objects become children of even more actors.
This is how I do it:
'Find look at rotation' is a function from 'Kismet Math Library' (unreal math library). It finds world rotation for an object at Start location to point at Target location.

How to get new camera direction vector when moving an arbitrary relative angle

I am implementing a camera class and am getting stuck with some things
Let's suppose the camera is at Point (0,0,0) looking at a certain direction with its corresponding UP and RIGHT vectors.
I have a joystick control which allows you to go forward-backwards, or change orientation by moving (left-right) or (up-down), according to the above mentioned vectors.
How can I know, given the 3 vectors, which is the resulting direction vector if for instance I want to move N degrees right??
If you are talking about rotating your camera, here is how it is done: every rotation is a matrix that transforms coordinates, so all you have to do is to calculate the matrix of your rotation and then apply it to Dir, Up and Right vectors of your camera to get new ones after rotation is done.
Here is a little reading about rotation matrices (read the section of 3D rotations):

Quaternion rotation matrix unexpectedly has the opposite sense

I have some understanding problem concerning quaternions.
In order to have my world object rotate in the correct way, I need to invert their quaternion rotation while refreshing the object world matrix.
I create the object rotation with this code:
Rotation = Quaternion.RotationMatrix(
Position + new Vector3(_moveDirection.X, 0, _moveDirection.Y),
and refresh the object World matrix like this:
Object.World = Matrix.RotationQuaternion(Rotation)
* Matrix.Translation(Position);
This is not working; it makes the object rotate in the opposite way compared to what it should!
The is the way that makes my object rotate correctly:
Object.World = Matrix.RotationQuaternion(Quaternion.invert(Rotation))
* Matrix.Translation(Position);
Why do I have to invert the object rotation?
This isn't a quaternion problem so much as it is a usage and/or documentation issue with the DirectX call you're using. The transformation the call gives is the one that happens when you move the camera. If you're keeping the camera fixed and moving the world, you're swapping what's moving and what's fixed. These coordinate transformations are inverses of each other, which is why taking the inverse works for you.
You don't need to take an explicit inverse, though. Just swap the order of the first two arguments.

Help me with Rigid Body Physics/Transformations

I want to instance a slider constraint, that allows a body to slide between point A and point B.
To instance the constraint, I assign the two bodies to constrain, in this case, one dynamic body constrained to the static world, think sliding door.
The third and fourth parameters are transformations, reference Frame A and reference Frame B.
To create and manipulate Transformations, the library supports Quaternions, Matrices and Euler angles.
The default slider constraint slides the body along the x-axis.
My question is:
How do I set up the two transformations, so that Body B slides along an axis given by its own origin and an additional point in space?
Naively I tried:
frameA.setOrigin(origin_of_point); //since the world itself has origin (0,0,0)
frameA.setRotation(Quaternion(directionToB, 0 rotation));
frameB.setOrigin(0,0,0); //axis goes through origin of object
However, Quaternions don't seem to work as I expected. My mathematical knowledge of them is not good, so if someone could fill me in on why this doesn't work, I'd be grateful.
What happens is that the body slides along an axis orthogonal to the direction. When I vary the rotational part in the Quaternion constructor, the body is rotated around that sliding direction.
The framework is bullet physics.
The two transformations are how the slider joint is attached at each body in respect to each body's local coordinate system.
I could also set the transformations' rotational parts through a orthogonal basis, but then I'd have to reliably construct a orthogonal basis from a single vector. I hoped quaternions would prevent this.
I'm having some limited success with the following procedure:
btTransform trafoA, trafoB;
vec3 bodyorigin(entA->getTrafo().col_t);
vec3 thisorigin(trafo.col_t);
vec3 dir=bodyorigin-thisorigin;
mat4x4 dg=dgGrammSchmidt(dir);
mat4x4 dg2=dgGrammSchmidt(-dir);
btMatrix3x3 m(
dg.col_x.x, dg.col_y.x, dg.col_z.x,
dg.col_x.y, dg.col_y.y, dg.col_z.y,
dg.col_x.z, dg.col_y.z, dg.col_z.z);
btMatrix3x3 m2(
dg2.col_x.x, dg2.col_y.x, dg2.col_z.x,
dg2.col_x.y, dg2.col_y.y, dg2.col_z.y,
dg2.col_x.z, dg2.col_y.z, dg2.col_z.z);
btSliderConstraint* sc=new btSliderConstraint(*game.worldBody, *entA->getBody(), trafoA, trafoB, true);
However, the GramSchmidt always flips some axes of the trafoB matrix and the door appears upside down or right to left.
I was hoping for a more elegant way to solve this.
I found a solution, but I'm not sure whether this will cause a singularity in the constraint solver if the top vector aligns with the sliding direction:
btTransform rbat = rba->getCenterOfMassTransform();
btVector3 up(rbat.getBasis()[0][0], rbat.getBasis()[1][0], rbat.getBasis()[2][0]);
btVector3 direction = (rbb->getWorldTransform().getOrigin() - btVector3(trafo.col_t.x, trafo.col_t.y, trafo.col_t.z)).normalize();
btScalar angle = acos(up.dot(direction));
btVector3 axis = up.cross(direction);
trafoA.setRotation(btQuaternion(axis, angle));
trafoB.setRotation(btQuaternion(axis, angle));
Is it possible you're making this way too complicated? It sounds like a simple parametric translation (x = p*A+(1-p)*B) would do it. The whole rotation / orientation thing is a red herring if your sliding-door analogy is accurate.
If, on the other hand, you're trying to constrain to an interpolation between two orientations, you'll need to set additional limits 'cause there is no unique solution in the general case.
-- MarkusQ
It would help if you could say what framework or API you're using, or copy and paste the documentation for the function you're calling. Without that kind of detail I can only guess:
Background: a quaternion represents a 3-dimensional rotation combined with a scale. (Usually you don't want the complications involved in managing the scale, so you work with unit quaternions representing rotations only.) Matrices and Euler angles are two alternative ways of representing rotations.
A frame of reference is a position plus a rotation. Think of an object placed at a position in space and then rotated to face in a particular direction.
So frame A probably needs to be the initial position and rotation of the object (when the slider is at one end), and frame B the final position and rotation of the object (when the slider is at the other end). In particular, the two rotations probably ought to be the same, since you want the object to slide rigidly.
But as I say, this is just a guess.
Update: is this Bullet Physics? It doesn't seem to have much in the way of documentation, does it?
Perhaps you are looking for slerp?
Slerp is shorthand for spherical
linear interpolation, introduced by
Ken Shoemake in the context of
quaternion interpolation for the
purpose of animating 3D rotation. It
refers to constant speed motion along
a unit radius great circle arc, given
the ends and an interpolation
parameter between 0 and 1.
At the end of the day, you still need the traditional rotational matrix to get things rotated.
Edit: So, I am still guessing, but I assume that the framework takes care of the slerping and you want the two transformations which describes begin state and the end state?
You can stack affine transformations on top of the other. Except you have to think backwards. For example, let's say the sliding door is placed at (1, 1, 1) facing east at the begin state and you want to slide it towards north by (0, 1, 0). The door would end up at (1, 1, 1) + (0, 1, 0).
For begin state, rotate the door towards east. Then on top of that you apply another translation matrix to move the door to (1, 1, 1). For end state, again, you rotate the door towards east, then you move the door to (1, 1, 1) by applying the translation matrix again. Next, you apply the translation matrix (0, 1, 0).
