How can I publish an R Markdown Shiny Dashboard privately? - r

So for context, I have created a dashboard using Rstudio by using flexfdashboard. I is an R Markdown Shiny app with ui and source code all within the same file.
Data sources for this app are large, locally saved documents in. Txt and. Csv format, with sizes ranging from a few kilobytes to several gigabytes.
I am to present this work to my CEO but I will not have access to my current computer and so ideally would host my dashboard somewhere and simply load the dashboard in browser.
However, the datasets contain sensative customer information and so privacy or controlled access to all assets is essential, ruling out most 3rd party solutions.
Is there a simple method to achieve this that im missing, or will I have to just run it from a local machine?


Programatically transfer file to R Shiny application

I have the following situation/workflow:
The user utilizes Tool A to capture sensor data and save it to a CSV file.
The user takes the CSV and uploads it to a R Shiny Applications (using fileInput) to process it further.
I would like to get rid of the intermediate CSV and directly open the Shiny application with the data already loaded. I.e. I need a way to transfer the contents of the CSV automatically to the Shiny application.
What could work:
Tool A stores the CSV in a special location that is served by a HTTP server on a fixed endpoint.
The Shiny application requests the file from the known location on startup.
However, this still needs the intermediate CSV file, and adds complexity by introducing an additional server (or at least endpoint). Furthermore it needs additional logic if multiple users are active / multiple files are created at the same time. So it is far from ideal.
Is there any way to get the contents of the CSV directly from Tool A to the Shiny Application? E.g. by mimicking the messages the 'fileInput' widget produces?

To save data generated in a R shiny app in a .csv file in Amazon S3 bucket

I have a working R shiny app which is being hosted from our internal org Amazon AWS server. Now, Users will generate data on that Shiny app using different widgets provided there. Now, I need to save all the data generated in one session into a file that is stored in our internal Amazon S3 bucket.
The possible challenge that we are facing is how to save these data when multiple users could generate data using that Shiny App and then need to be saved and reloaded back to the Shiny app further if needed.
We just can't lose any data even if two users simultaneously add data using the Shiny App.
Please guide what could be our best approach.
I did follow the guideline provided here :
But, is there a way where we don't need to create as many .csv files as we have a number of users accessing the app.

How to convert an interactive R shiny apps webpage/output tool into a file that can be saved and shared on a desktop/network

I'm trying to keep this tool internal and a shiny apps webpage may not be private enough to display the tool. I have created a tool for my company that is meant to be private and internal. The data is very confidential, and the tool displays the data in an interactive way, allowing the user to analyze it through visualizations. I coded in R, and the output is an interactive R shiny apps tool, that becomes a shiny apps webpage. I'm looking for a way to make this tool an internal file that can be saved on a desktop and shared across a network instead of having it as a webpage with a not-as-private link. Someone mentioned to me that a .exe file could be possible. I'd appreciate any suggestions of how I should go about converting this interactive R shiny apps output into a file.
shinyApp(ui, server)

Deploy Shiny app that can read files from local computer (no possible Data-based solution)

I am trying to deploy a Shiny app on shinyapps, but it is not possible to read and write local files from the computer of the user. The idea is that every user can upload some datasets and images given a local path where this input is stored, not to have a same series of inputs for everyone stored in a ´Data´ folder.
I know there are other options to deploy shiny apps (amazon, shiny server), but I am afraid I will find the same kind of problems. Before losing too much time trying other approaches, I would like to know if there is any way to deploy a shiny app that can read these inputs given a local path and, if not, if there is an easy way to prepare an online app that can do this trasnlating from a shiny-based one. If not, I guess I will have to leave my app as a normal R package.
Thank you in advance.

R shiny concurrent file access

I am using the R shiny package to build a web interface for my executable program. The web interface provides user input and shows output.
On the server background, the R script formats user inputs and saves them to a local input file. Then R calls the system command to run the executable program.
My concern is that if multiple users run the web app at the same time, it is possible that the input file generated by the first user will be overwritten by the second user's input before it is read by the executable program.
One way to solve the conflict is to ask R to create a temporary folder and generate/run the input file under that folder for each user. But I'd like to know whether there is a better or automatic way to resolve this potential conflict with shiny. For example, if use shiny fileInputs, the uploaded files are automatically stored in a temporary folder.
Thanks for the advice.#Symbolix and #Mike Wise
I read the persistent data storage article before but I don't think it is exactly what I wanted. Maybe my understanding is not correct. I end up with creating a temporary folder and run my executable from there.
