GUID like identifier which contains non hexadecimal letters - guid

I've developped a business system which is connected to an external Typeform via a webhook. Until recently, every webhook request sent by the API was authentified with a token string, which I could parse to a GUID. This was really helpful for reusing it into the system.
A few days ago, the identification token format changed to something like :
which is obviously not a GUID (non hexa letters).
Is there any extended GUID format/norm that I am not aware of and which could generate this kind of string? Or is this just a random string, nothing more, nothing less?


how to create jwk key for canvas?

In canvas, in order to have an LTI app authenticate, the site admin has enter the JWK for the remote site. The format of a JWK is well defined:
First, can we use a tool like openssl, create a key, and generate a JWK from that? Currently we are writing code to do this using jose4j but it's not even clear if that is necessary.
second, Canvas is demanding optional fields like kid, alg, and use. We guessed that use should be "sig", we made up kid: "1" and guessed alg: "RS256"
Is there a place that is accessible (ie not behind IMSGlobal's paywall) that defines what this should be? Is it standard or specific to Canvas?
We meet again- been pouring over the LTI specs for months now, and am in the mood to see if I can spare others some headaches.
You may be familiar with validation schemas in which you use an SSL tool to generate a public and private key at the same time, entangled with each other. The public key is used to sign a payload, and since the payload itself is a factor in creating the signature, it cannot be intercepted and maliciously altered without invalidating it. The recipient is given the public key, used to verify that the the payload is clean.
JWK serves the same purpose as a public key. The only difference is, a developer doesn't need to email it to the recipient app's IT team in advance. The recipient of the JWT payload can retrieve it on-demand, all it needs to know is what URI to ask. That means the keys can actually be replaced by the sender without breaking any functionality.
As I mentioned elsewhere, in a bit of a rant more appropriate for this question:
This security step is akin to getting an email from your bank, and rather than click a potentially-spam link therein, you call your bank directly to make sure the email is on the level.
Now the sender's JWKS endpoint doesn't really know ahead of time who's going to reach out to it, and may want to service multiple other entities, so it may actually supply an array of public keys to cover all bases. The recipient of course only cares about the one associated with the payload it just received, so within the JWK signaure is a "kid", that can be matched up to the 'kid' in one of those array elements, affiliated with the relevant key.
How to create a JWK? Go here. Dependencies are listed at the top, and they probably use openssl under the hood.
The JWKs is a method of exchange the public keys between the tool and the platform, and to allow each side to control the rotation of their keys. The format for a JWKs is a managed ietf standard.
LTI 1.3 is based on the OIDC third-party initiation flow, which in-turn is based ontop of OAuth2. However, a full working knowledge of these specifications is not required to integrate your application with LTI 1.3. IMS curates a collection of code examples on github that might help you get started.

any client to be able to decrypt a mesage but not to create an encrypted message

I have an .Net Application and i want to this application which has some features. Depending client's domain and what features he wants i want to provide him a string which he will store it a file and will be accessible from the application.
I will create a second application which will get as parameters the domain and the features and it will produce the string.
Is there any way to encrypt this string with a key and my application (the first one mentioned) to decrypt it?
I have in mind something like private/public key but reversing the logic. I mean, to encrypt the string from my second application wit the private key and the first application to decrypt it with the public key.
The purpose is the customer to not be able to change the string so that to change the available features.
PS i have an idea to use digital signature, but i dont know if i can have the public/private keys stored at xmlstrings. I think i have seen it somewhere (exporting/importing) but i am not sure
Yes, digital signatures are the correct tool to use for this.
Storing the keys is a minor implementation detail. Typically, such keys are natively represented as binary strings, possibly in ASN.1 or a similar encoding. If you need to store the keys in some format that cannot handle arbitrary binary data, you can always e.g. base64-encode them first.

How to choose a salt value for ValidateAntiForgeryToken

The anti-forgery token accepts a salt value. Is there any security concerns regarding choosing the salt, such as
minimum length requirements
cryptographically strong
mix of alpha-numeric and other characters (like that of passwords)
Also, is the salt value viewable by the client? Looking at the source code, it seems to be prepending the salt value to the cookie.
The anti-XSRF token already contains embedded information which can uniquely identify it to a particular (user, application) pair. The 'Salt' parameter is meant to distinguish which action a particular anti-XSRF token is meant for. It isn't meant to be secret. Feel free to share it with the world. I wish we had chosen a different name for it, as the term salt is misleading. Think of it more as supplementary data. :)
We already utilize a proper cryptographic salt under the covers. For more information, see my response at runtime loading of ValidateAntiForgeryToken Salt value.
tl;dr: Don't bother with the Salt property. We're considering removing it from a future version anyway.
General: Your salt should be a secure random, unique value greater than 128 bits (for example, /dev/urandom). This should be stored in plain text in a separate table so it can be used when verifying a hash. It should not be viewable to the client.
The general idea is that you hash the users password and the salt together, and store this value.. For example:
SHA512(password || salt)
where password is the users password, salt is the randomly generated unique value and || is concatenation.
Then when the user returns you repeat the process with the supplied password and compare this with the stored hash to verify the user's identity. If you do a quick google search you will find more information on salts and their purpose.
Edit: This is incorrect in regards to MVC anti-forgery token (refer to levi's answer), and have a read of this blog. Pretend salt is a unique form name or form id (and that it is not labelled or named salt to begin with)

JSON Security

Do Pagemethods and Json have security risks?(I dont use cookies).Forexample i have a pagemethod and i am sending user id as a parameter but i dont want to show it to user.Can user get user id from pagemethod?
yes they can (see the user id). Any communication between the server and client can be seen by the user. Take a look with fiddler or firebug to see what goes on. You can treat it the same as any regular get or post request.
I know of no reason why not to use it. Without knowing any of the background I can't give a definitive answer on whether I would choose it but in general there is no reason not to use it just apply the same security you would use for HTTP get and post requests like in regular form submissions.
It has the same security risks as a regulat GET and POST, it is just another format to send the data back and forth. If you were using a regular POST, anyone would be able to see the userid just the same.
So if you don't want to have people messing up with the userid you could add some sort of encrypted string dependent on the userid to go along with it, for validation, to name one of many possible solutions.
JSON has no security by itself, It's an unencrypted data-format.
JSON can utilize FormsAuthentication security just like pages. What I usually do if I don't want the end-user to see an identifier, is to store that value (or something I can use to lookup that value) in User.Identity.Name.
The most complicated part of this approach is that the JSON may not return anything if you aren't authenticated. To work around this, I tend to include a non-authenticated page for getting JSON to tell you if the user is logged in or not.
I am hiding user id parameter in Hidden Field and just concerned that can it be changed while in that Process.Thanks all of your supports
if the userid is in a hidden form field, then it is completely exposed to anyone who views the source code in the browser. Not only can they see the userId, but they can see how you are sending it to the server.
In general, you never trust the client with sensitive data. Assume that they can always manipulate the response.
The way to securely pass messages is to give the user some session token in the form of a string. This session token should be generated with a fair amount of randomness and includes their username in the algorithm. Take a look at resources regarding md5 and salting. With this token that you give them, the assumption is now that they cannot reverse engineer the contents. Since they do not have the algorithm (it is sitting on the server side), then they cannot tamper with it. Your server will have to decrypt the session token to retrieve the userId of course.
This in itself does not mean your application is completely secure - it only fixes one of potentially many issues.

How do I prevent replay attacks?

This is related to another question I asked. In summary, I have a special case of a URL where, when a form is POSTed to it, I can't rely on cookies for authentication or to maintain the user's session, but I somehow need to know who they are, and I need to know they're logged in!
I think I came up with a solution to my problem, but it needs fleshing out. Here's what I'm thinking. I create a hidden form field called "username", and place within it the user's username, encrypted. Then, when the form POSTs, even though I don't receive any cookies from the browser, I know they're logged in because I can decrypt the hidden form field and get the username.
The major security flaw I can see is replay attacks. How do I prevent someone from getting ahold of that encrypted string, and POSTing as that user? I know I can use SSL to make it harder to steal that string, and maybe I can rotate the encryption key on a regular basis to limit the amount of time that the string is good for, but I'd really like to find a bulletproof solution. Anybody have any ideas? Does the ASP.Net ViewState prevent replay? If so, how do they do it?
Edit: I'm hoping for a solution that doesn't require anything stored in a database. Application state would be okay, except that it won't survive an IIS restart or work at all in a web farm or garden scenario. I'm accepting Chris's answer, for now, because I'm not convinced it's even possible to secure this without a database. But if someone comes up with an answer that does not involve the database, I'll accept it!
If you hash in a time-stamp along with the user name and password, you can close the window for replay attacks to within a couple of seconds. I don't know if this meets your needs, but it is at least a partial solution.
There are several good answers here and putting them all together is where the answer ultimately lies:
Block-cipher encrypt (with AES-256+) and hash (with SHA-2+) all state/nonce related information that is sent to a client. Hackers with otherwise just manipulate the data, view it to learn the patterns and circumvent everything else. Remember ... it only takes one open window.
Generate a one-time random and unique nonce per request that is sent back with the POST request. This does two things: It ensures that the POST response goes with THAT request. It also allows tracking of one-time use of a given set of get/POST pairs (preventing replay).
Use timestamps to make the nonce pool manageable. Store the time-stamp in an encrypted cookie per #1 above. Throw out any requests older than the maximum response time or session for the application (e.g., an hour).
Store a "reasonably unique" digital fingerprint of the machine making the request with the encrypted time-stamp data. This will prevent another trick wherein the attacker steals the clients cookies to perform session-hijacking. This will ensure that the request is coming back not only once but from the machine (or close enough proximity to make it virtually impossible for the attacker to copy) the form was sent to.
There are ASPNET and Java/J2EE security filter based applications that do all of the above with zero coding. Managing the nonce pool for large systems (like a stock trading company, bank or high volume secure site) is not a trivial undertaking if performance is critical. Would recommend looking at those products versus trying to program this for each web-application.
If you really don't want to store any state, I think the best you can do is limit replay attacks by using timestamps and a short expiration time. For example, server sends:
{Ts, U, HMAC({Ts, U}, Ks)}
Where Ts is the timestamp, U is the username, and Ks is the server's secret key. The user sends this back to the server, and the server validates it by recomputing the HMAC on the supplied values. If it's valid, you know when it was issued, and can choose to ignore it if it's older than, say, 5 minutes.
A good resource for this type of development is The Do's and Don'ts of Client Authentication on the Web
You could use some kind of random challenge string that's used along with the username to create the hash. If you store the challenge string on the server in a database you can then ensure that it's only used once, and only for one particular user.
In one of my apps to stop 'replay' attacks I have inserted IP information into my session object. Everytime I access the session object in code I make sure to pass the Request.UserHostAddress with it and then I compare to make sure the IPs match up. If they don't, then obviously someone other than the person made this request, so I return null. It's not the best solution but it is at least one more barrier to stop replay attacks.
Can you use memory or a database to maintain any information about the user or request at all?
If so, then on request for the form, I would include a hidden form field whose contents are a randomly generated number. Save this token to in application context or some sort of store (a database, flat file, etc.) when the request is rendered. When the form is submitted, check the application context or database to see if that randomly generated number is still valid (however you define valid - maybe it can expire after X minutes). If so, remove this token from the list of "allowed tokens".
Thus any replayed requests would include this same token which is no longer considered valid on the server.
I am new to some aspects of web programming but I was reading up on this the other day. I believe you need to use a Nonce.
(Replay attacks can easily be all about an IP/MAC spoofing, plus you're challenged on dynamic IPs )
It is not just replay you are after here, in isolation it is meaningless. Just use SSL and avoid handcrafting anything..
ASP.Net ViewState is a mess, avoid it. While PKI is heavyweight and bloated, at least it works without inventing your own security 'schemes'. So if I could, I'd use it and always go for mutual authent. Server-only authentification is quite useless.
The ViewState includes security functionality. See this article about some of the build-in security features in ASP.NET . It does validation against the server machineKey in the machine.config on the server, which ensures that each postback is valid.
Further down in the article, you also see that if you want to store values in your own hidden fields, you can use the LosFormatter class to encode the value in the same way that the ViewState uses for encryption.
private string EncodeText(string text) {
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
LosFormatter formatter = new LosFormatter();
formatter.Serialize(writer, text);
return writer.ToString();
Use https... it has replay protection built in.
If you only accept each key once (say, make the key a GUID, and then check when it comes back), that would prevent replays. Of course, if the attacker responds first, then you have a new problem...
Is this WebForms or MVC? If it's MVC you could utilize the AntiForgery token. This seems like it's similar to the approach you mention except it uses basically a GUID and sets a cookie with the guid value for that post. For more on that see Steve Sanderson's blog:
Another thing, have you considered checking the referrer on the postback? This is not bulletproof but it may help.
