Does Telegram API allow search user by Peer ID? - telegram

How do I make use of Telegram API (not Telegram Bot API)'s functions? I read from the official API documentation that there is a function named users.getFullUser.
How can I make use of this function to achieve my goal?
Some said I need to use raw command via MTProto, but I have no clue where to start? Is there any wrapper in PHP / Python?

You can use Madeline Proto ( for PHP and Pyrogram for Python.


Is it possible to send premium-only custom emojis with a Telegram Client?

Recently, Telegram released a new feature - Custom Emojis. They instantly became available to users, but there are no instructions on how to send them using a Telegram bot. Is it even possible within the API? And specifically on Telegraf?
This update describes methods that may be useful to you. I haven't tested them myself yet, but I think this is what is needed. I will write about the results as soon as I test it myself.

How can I add a telegram.User object to a telegram.Chat using python-telegram-bot API to build tests

I can create a User object user = telegram.User(id=123, first_name="Foo", is_bot=False) and a chat object chat = Chat(id=0, type="group"). How do I add the created user object to the group chat? There doesn't seem to be a method like chat.add_user.
This is to build tests, I assume there is a way to do it for testing purposes? I know I cannot do this in production
You can't add users to a chat via the Bot API. All available methods are listed in the official documentation at Everything not listed there can not be done with telegram bots.

Quickbooks API + Jupyter Notebook

I am creating a Jupyter Notebook ( in order to pull financial data from our current accounting software (Quickbooks Online).
I've worked through Quickbook's API explorer, but cannot find any documentation related to authorization for Quickbooks API; each request that I submit via the Jupyter Notebook is an authentication error.
I was wondering if there is a simple command (e.g quickbooks.apikey = [API KEY]) that I can use to pass my API key and authenticate properly.
NOTE: I do not need this to be a production-server so I do not think OAuth is necessary - just need to pass along my API key so that I can pull down a Report locally.
but cannot find any documentation related to authorization for Quickbooks API;
Here you go:
I was wondering if there is a simple command (e.g quickbooks.apikey = [API KEY]) that I can use to pass my API key and authenticate properly.
Authentication is via OAuth. You need to use OAuth.
NOTE: I do not need this to be a production-server so I do not think OAuth is necessary
OAuth is necessary.

Telegram client to listen for channel updates

I need a way to automate processing of messages/files sent in a Telegram channel. I've been told that is can't be done with a telegram bot since they can't join channels, nor am I the owner of the channel, so I would need to set up a client or to use regular Telegram API to be able to do that. I'm looking for guidance, suggestions, anything that could help me. The script/client will have to run on Windows (so I can't use the cli linux version).
You can try UNOFFICIAL PWRTelegram API, it can be login in use a user account, and have HTTP API like bots.
You can click here to see usages.

How to use telegram-bot to just read the message from channel?

Yes, I know I can add my bot to channel as admin and then the bot can work brilliantly.
But what I want to do is to add my bot to other channels to parse the data and do some analysis. How could this be achieved provided that I don't own those channels? Any other possible non-bot methods are welcomed to share.
I am currently using 'twx.botapi' from Python to do bot automation.
