fetch the stand alone database details who are part of our subscription but not under any elastic pool - azure-resource-manager

We are having databases under same resource group. Some are stand alone azure PaaS service and some are under elastic pool. the database creation is through script. We want to fetch the stand alone database details who are part of our subscription but not under any elastic pool using power shell script. Is it practically possible?
We want to fetch the stand alone database details who are part of our subscription but not under any elastic pool using power shell script. Is it practically possible?

Yes, you can. Try the script as below, it works on my side.
$sqlservers = Get-AzSqlServer
foreach($item in $sqlservers){
Get-AzSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName $item.ResourceGroupName -ServerName $item.ServerName | Where-Object {$_.SkuName -ne 'ElasticPool'}
The script above get the databases(whose resource type is Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases) in your whole subscription, if you just want to get the databases in one resource group, add the -ResourceGroupName to the first line.
$sqlservers = Get-AzSqlServer -ResourceGroupName <resource group name>
Besides, the resource type of DataWarehouse is also Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases, the script also gets them. I am not sure the database you mean includes it or not, if you don't want to get DataWarehouse , change the script like below.
$sqlservers = Get-AzSqlServer
foreach($item in $sqlservers){
Get-AzSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName $item.ResourceGroupName -ServerName $item.ServerName | Where-Object {$_.SkuName -ne 'ElasticPool' -and $_.SkuName -ne 'DataWarehouse'}


Docker: unix "who" command doesn't work inside container

I have a Docker image that has one non-root user created named builder.
The application that supposed to run inside the container uses unix who command.
For some reason it returns empty string inside the container:
builder#2dc3831c558b:~$ who
I cannot use whoami because of implementation details.
(I'm using Docker 1.6.2 on Debian Jessie)
EDIT (additional details regarding why I use "who"):
I use the command who with the parameters am i, that is who am i. This suppose to return the user who first made the login. So, for example, sudo who am i returns builder, while sudo whoami returns root.
The command who includes options like -b: time of last system boot.
Since all commands from a container translates into system calls to the kernel, that would not return anything container related, but docker-host related (ie the underlying host).
See also "Difference between who and whoami commands": whoami prints effective username of being ran whoami, which is not the same as who (printing information about users who are currently logged in).
The current workarounds listed in issue 18547 are:
The registry configuration is stored in the client, so something as simple as cat ~/.docker/config.json will give you the answer you're looking for.
docker info | grep Username should give you this information.
But that is not the same as running the command from within a container session. id -u might be closer.
By default, there is no direct loggin when a container is started by the docker daemon.
As Auzias commented, only a direct ssh connection (initiating a login session) would allow who to return anything. But with docker, this is generally not needed since docker exec (for debug purposes) exists (and spare the image maintainer to include ssh unless it is really needed).

Short Webspeed Broker Query

I am trying to create a script that informs the user about the status of the website, which uses WebSpeed. I can use wtbman to output the status of the transaction server, not a problem. But I want something that just tells us the status of the transaction server.
Is there a command that I can use to achieve that, instead of writing a program to parse the returned string for wtbman?
There's no built in approach like for instance Virtual System Tables.
Parsing the output of
wtbman -name <broker> -query
is your best bet. The output isn't very hard to decipher so you should be able to do it quite quick!
Two other commands to check are:
wtbman -name <broker> -agentdetail <pid>
This will go more into detail of a specific agent.
wtbman -name <broker> -listallprops
Lists all settings for the broker.

Checklist When IBM WebSphere Application server is running up

I have an IBM WebSphere Application Server v8.5 (WAS) installed on Linux RedHat 6.
My question: how can I check on the following by command (if exist):
Is the application server running or not?
Is the web application that deployed on it running or not?
The database connectivity (using datasource) is connected successfully or not?
The easiest and quickest to check all these things is to use web administrative console available at http://yourHost:9060/ibm/console.
If you want to use command, then:
Is the application server running or not?
You can check that issuing serverStatus command (will check all servers):
%PROFILE_ROOT%/bin/serverStatus.sh -all
or for specific server:
%PROFILE_ROOT%/bin/serverStatus.sh serverName
the output will be something like:
C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer85\profiles\AppSrv02\bin>serverstatus server1
ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file
ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the AppSrv02 profile
ADMU0500I: Retrieving server status for server1
ADMU0508I: The Application Server "server1" is STARTED
Is the web application that deployed on it running or not?
There is no direct command for this. You can use wsadmin script for that. A simple one could be like the one below, if it returns entry the application is running:
print AdminControl.completeObjectName('type=Application,name=myApplication,*')
For more details check this question How do I determine if an application is running using wsadmin?
The database connectivity (using datasource) is connected successfully or not?
There is no direct command for this. You can use wsadmin script for that also. Here is sample script:
ds = AdminConfig.getid('/DataSource:Default Datasource/')
For more details check this page Testing data source connections using wsadmin scripting
The serverStatus.sh command is s..l..o..w.. If you want an answer today then there is a file in the logs folder with the process PID:
That file contains the PID of the server process. If it is running:
ps -p pid
Then the server is up.
1. ps -ef | grep dmgr
2. ps -ef | grep <application name>
Also grep SystemOut.log for e-business and verify latest timestamp.
Log into admin console, browse to DataSource, display from all scopes, select your datasource and then click test. As long as the nodeagent is running and has been restarted at least once since the Datasource config and credentials were added, then this test should be fairly accurate.

How to set -n (number of users ) for database server?

We have increased the -n parameter in broker/db.pf file.We restarted the server and when we check in promon its still showing the same number of users. How do we increase the -n parameter?
I know you answered this yourselves but for future users a real answer can be good. There are several ways to set parameters like -n. This answer really applies to changing all startup parameters (but not what values are "good").
How you change this value depends on how you start your database. See below.
NB 1: you should be aware of your licensing plan before changing this number and contact your sales contact if needed.
NB 2: you should be aware that changing startup parameters can affect performance etc. Test new values in a separate environment before moving them to production.
NB 3: backup all files before messing around...
Managed Database
A managed database is a database that is handled by the AdminServer. OE Management is not needed for this approach. A working installation of OE Explorer is however recommended.
The managed database is started (and stopped etc) via either the web based OE Explorer interface or the dbman command line utility.
Settings are stored in conmgr.properties under your Progress installation. You can edit this file manually (save a copy first...) or via the OE Explorer (recommended way).
You will have a line like this in the file:
maxusers=20 # -n
Edit the number to your liking with your favourite editor.
You can also change this in the OE Explorer:
Log in to OE Explorer. Default location is http://servername:9090/.
Locate and click on the database (if it's not there it's not handled by the adminserver - see below).
Select Configuration
Select Configuration (again, not "servergroup")
Click EDIT
-n (or Max users) is located in the first group of settings ("General"). See picture below.
Edit the value and don't forget to save.
Scripted Database
A scripted database is a database that started with a custom script (or also directly from command line). The actual startup could be handled by crontab, a user, the server generic startup script etc.
The OE AdminServer is not "aware" of this database. (You can make the AdminServer "a little" aware of it by running the dbagent command line utility with certain parameters. Read more about this in the manual).
You could generally divide into two ways of handling the script: with parameters in it or with parameters in a separate parameter file (often with the extension .pf).
Script with parameters in it
With this approach you store all parameters in the actual startup script.
proserve <dbname> -H <hostname> -S <serviceport> -n 10 -B 10000 -spin 10000 etc..
Script with a separate parameter file
With this approach you store the parameters in a separate file.
proserve <dbname> -pf /path/to/file/file.pf
The .pf-file can be formatted like the parameters in the command line:
-db <dbname> -H <hostname> -S <service> etc.
Or with newlines (this allows for comments in the file):
# Main database
-db <dbname>
-H <hostname>
-S <service>
You can also mix these two approaches.
OE Management and OE Explorer
OE Database Management

cloudmonkey with crontab?

i have a Cloudstack 4.2.1 here and would like my VMs to boot from time and shutdown at a scheduled time.
Hence i was thinking if i could integrate Cloudmonkey with CronTab together.
Firstly by creating a Cloudmonkey Script or API call then using crontab to run it at a specific time.
However i have problems creating a Cloudmonkey script/API call...
i haved googled and found this link
and had a result of
apiresult=cloudmonkey api stop virtualmachine id="'e10bdf21-2d5c-4277-9d8d-791b82b9e3be'"
unfortunately when i entered this command, nothing happened. If anyone could have an alternative suggestion or rather my API call command is wrong, please correct me and help
Thank you.
CloudMonkey requires some setup before it works (e.g. setting your API key).
Check [1] for the documentation for CloudMoney and follow through the Usage section to setup your environment.
Once your setup is complete and you can interact with CloudStack via CloudMonkey, you should take into account that the VM ids might change, so before you issue a command for a VM, you should first find the correct id, by listing the VMs and picking the right one.
Also, if you run into trouble, post the relevant log from CLoudStack management server (typically in /var/log/cloudstack/management/management-server.log).
[1] - https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/CloudStack+cloudmonkey+CLI
Edit: If you have a working connection via CloudMonkey to CloudStack, you need to configure CloudMonkey in the same way in your shell script. For instance when you configured CloudMonkey you probably set a host, a port and your api and secret keys. So for your scrip to work you need to provide the same configuration to CloudMonkey prior to issuing the commands. My best guess is to use the -c option and provide a config file to set all the relevant parameters (e.g. api an secret key). cloudmonkey -c CONFIG_FILE ....
Edit2: You don't actually need to re-configure cloudmonkey in your script because it will remember your config from the interactive session. I would still advise you to do it, because your script gets more reliable. I've just made an example script like this:
#! /bin/bash
result=$(cloudmonkey list users)
echo $result
> ./tmp.sh
count = 1 user: id = 678e3a24-082c-11e4-86de-acbdb2423647 account = admin accountid = 678dffe6-082c-11e4-86de-acbdb2423647 accounttype = 1 apikey = T6sDBIpytyJ4_PMgNXYi8YgjMtwTiiDjijbXNB1J78EAZq2foKhCoGKjgJnej5tMaHM0LUvejgTddkhVU63wdw created = 2014-07-10T16:19:13+0200 domain = ROOT domainid = 678dd7b4-082c-11e4-86de-acbdb2423647 email = admin#mailprovider.com firstname = Admin iscallerchilddomain = False isdefault = True lastname = User secretkey = dzOPRecI5vvEVK7Vie2D0tDsQGXunUnpIAczbXnPI3sfMwQ-upWL_bPOisEYg4C-nXi-ldQno2KVZbVR-5NmVw state = enabled username = admin
Maybe you forgot to echothe result?
