Wordpress - Footer not appearing on product pages - wordpress

I have a footer CTA widget (Best Quality Guarantee) that is appearing on all of the pages on my site, besides the shop and product archive pages.
How do I get it to appear on these pages as well?
The code for the widget is here -
<a class="best-quality-link" href="/best-quality-flowers"><img src="/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Better.svg" alt="Best Quality Flowers" /></a>
<hr class="separator" />
You can see the Best Quality image on the bottom of this page - www.flowersforeveryone.co.za
But it doesn't appear on this page - https://flowersforeveryone.co.za/product-category/roses/

looking at your source code on the archive page it shows that better.svg is definiteley there but it looks like your lazy-loading isn't triggering and displaying it as it still has the 'lazy-hidden' class attached to it. Try disabling lazy load and see if it appears. If it does, then try play with your lazy load plugin settings and if that fails try use a different plugin.


Diazo - on error show message (when you get the content from a page)

Can we skip a diazo error and prevent page crash by replacing it with a nice message in page? Something like: Your content you want to show in this page is not created or published. Please check this section /source/homepage-content-sample-section.html.
<!-- Images slider section -->
<replace css:theme="[data-diazo='my-images-slider']"
href="homepage-content/homepage-images-slider" method="document"
css:content-children="#content-core" />
<drop css:content="#content-core [data-diazo='my-images-slider']" />
I have a page in Plone for each section in Homepage, that contains html code easy to edit. The problem is if a page is missing or private the homepage is broken.
Calling user-managed contents with href in a Diazo rule is like playing Russian roulette. If the page is not existing, there is not way to prevent the page crash.
The best approach is to call a developer-defined URL in charge of retrieving the content if it exists and that will just gently return nothing if the content does not exists.
Rapido is a very easy way to do that (you create a Rapido block which can be called like that: href="##rapido/myapp/blocks/get-content-for-my-homepage", this URL will always work, your page will never crash whatever the users have done with the content).

Infinite Scroll Wordpress Causing "Read More" Error

I'm using the Infinite Scroll Wordpress plugin and for some reason, the "Continue Reading" link is not showing correctly for all posts that are loaded using the plugin. Here is a link: http://fieldtreasuredesigns.com/. Once you scroll down far enough for more posts to load, you should notice that the "Continue Reading" link messes up. What's happening is that the actual text, "Continue Reading" is being pushed outside of the and it's just showing up as text instead of inside the link. Why does it do this?
Here's the html for a properly formatted "Continue Reading" link:
<div class="entry-content">
<p>Ok friends, let’s face it. It’s always time for coffee around here. So this week I am doing a giveaway to help you have a solid coffee time as well. It’s super easy to enter to win. Just repost the photo above on #Instagram with a shout to #fieldtreausuredesignsa and use the hashtag #fieldtreasurecoffeetimegiveaway. If </p>
<a class="more-link auto" href=http://fieldtreasuredesigns.com/field-treasure-coffee-time-giveaway/>Continue reading »</a> <div class="clr"></div>
</div><!-- .entry-content -->
And here's an example of what happens to the "Continue Reading" link for a post that was loaded when someone scrolls down to the end of the page and the Infinite Scroll plugin loads more:
<div class="entry-content">
<p>Yesterday I shared a live periscope of a little behind the scenes of our temporary shop and the last Saw Horse Desk build process for 2015. Enjoy! (Click the little play button down at the bottom if the video doesn’t automatically load.)</p>
<a class="more-link auto" href="http://fieldtreasuredesigns.com/periscope-sawhorsedesk-bth"></a>Continue reading » <div class="clr"></div>
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You text outside the anchor tag that's its happen please check archive page to fix it.
Fixed code
<div class="entry-content">
<p>Yesterday I shared a live periscope of a little behind the scenes of our temporary shop and the last Saw Horse Desk build process for 2015. Enjoy! (Click the little play button down at the bottom if the video doesn’t automatically load.)</p>
<a class="more-link auto" href="http://fieldtreasuredesigns.com/periscope-sawhorsedesk-bth">Continue reading » </a><div class="clr"></div>

Youtube video not opening in lightbox

Hi i am using prettyphoto media plugin in wordpress to display my youtube videos in a lightbox.
I have three, and I posted each one as different youtube video. Using prettyphoto the 1st post displays the video in lightbox. But other two don't open in the lightbox and just redirect to the youtube page.
Below one works perfectly
<a class="slid-img" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded" rel="prettyPhoto"><img src="http://code/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/video1.png" alt="video1" width="412" height="323" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-731" /></a>
Below two doesn't work with lightbox
<a class="slid-img" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4QO" rel="prettyPhoto"><img src="http://code/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/video2.png" alt="video3" width="411" height="324" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-732" /></a>
<a class="slid-img" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded" rel="prettyPhoto" ><img src="http://code/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/video1.png" alt="video2" width="412" height="323" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-731" /></a>
Can any one tell me how to make it work?
All the videos are set in slider.
Other Problem is 1st video opens in fancybox only in the first round of the slider after that video doesn't open in fancybox
Here are some basic troubleshooting steps for your situation:
Have you tried non-youtube content in your PrettyPhoto? Try some -- like images that are loaded from Wordpress. If images don't work either, you likely have an error somewhere in your javascript that is tripped when you first call PrettyPhoto. Look carefully through the javascript that is generated by the plugin -- most likely the javascript in the head of your wordpress page.
Otherwise, a likely conflict with PrettyPhoto is JetPack. If you have this plugin installed and enabled, try disabling it first.
If you don't notice anything better, try disabling all wordpress plugins except for PrettyPhoto. If it still doesn't work properly, try reverting to the default wordpress theme, like 2010.
If none of these is the problem, it could be the version of jQuery you are running. I think PrettyPhoto is compatible up to only jQuery 1.6.1.
Another thing to check is to make sure you are only loading one copy of jQuery. Look through the generated source code of your wordpress page, and see if there is more than one reference to jquery.

related to permalinks in wordpress

how i give permalinks to internal links of pages in wordpress
for example
web portal services 24/7 urgent support,
i want to display page name instead of page when user hover the internal link
I'm not sure that I understand your question, but you should first have a look here Permalinks in wordpress codex
If what you want is to simply display text on hover, the text that shows up on hover is in the html Title attribute. For example <a href="link" title="textonhover">
You can place this in the Title attribute to generate it: <?php echo get_the_title(ID) ?>

jQuery’s .load() function and WordPress

I'm currently migrating my HTML website into a WordPress theme.
My current HTML website makes full use of jQuery's .load() function, by where I change the content of the page (via a DIV), using .load() based on my side menu options selected by the user.
For example:
HTML Code:
<div id="sidebar">
<ul id="themenu" class="sf-menu sf-vertical">
<li>About Us</li>
jQuery Code:
$("#themenu li a, #subcat li a").click(function(){
var toLoadCF = $(this).attr("href")+" #contentfooter";
function loadContent() {
return false;
So using this as an HTML situation, the user clicks on the "About Us" menu option, which would basically in turn load the "about-us.html" file based on a href tag for About Us.
Now in the WordPress world, I have created a custom page template for About Us called "about-us.php" that is linked to a WP Admin dashboard page called "aboutus" (permalink), so my a href value is "url/aboutus/"
Based on this, how can I achieve the same result in WordPress to emulate my HTML coding using jQuery .load?
Please be aware that I have added all the necessary info in my header.php, index.php and sidebar.php files.
I'm just unsure how to reference the a href file, so that my about-us.php file is loaded using jQuery's .load().
I'm not too sure how to approach this from a WordPress perspective.
First off I'd go about making the site fully functional WITHOUT the javascript loading. This'll get your navigation and site layout proper before you get fancy and will also provide a fallback for crawlers and for when your JS breaks.
Next, make a subset of templates, or modify your existing templates, to react to a GET var in the URL to exclude everything but the main content area of the template. For the Ajax load you won't need things like the header, foot and sidebar.
Then I'd use jQuery to grab navigation links click events, modify the request URI to put a GET var in, and then make the request using .load().
A side benefit of this is when you turn on caching (yes, you want to run your site with caching, its wordpress, its far from "light") your Ajax requested pages will also be cached for tighter load times and less resource usage.
I assume since you've done it before that you know how to handle the jQuery action binding, request and response parsing.
