Validate Accuracy of Test Data - r

I have fit my model with my training data and tested the accuracy of the model using r squared.
However, I want to test the accuracy of the model with my test data, how to do this?
My predicted value is continuous. Quite new to this so open to suggestions.
LR_swim <- lm(racetime_mins ~ event_month +gender + place +
clocktime_mins +handicap_mins +
Air_Temp_Celsius +Water_Temp_Celsius +Wave_Height_m,
data = SwimmingTrain)
family=gaussian(link = "identity")
rsq(LR_swim) #Returns- 0.9722331
#Predict Race_Time Using Test Data
pred_LR <- predict(LR_swim, SwimmingTest, type ="response")
#Add predicted Race_Times back into the test dataset.
SwimmingTest$Pred_RaceTime <- pred_LR

To start with, as already pointed out in the comments, the term accuracy is actually reserved for classification problems. What you are actually referring to is the performance of your model. And truth is, for regression problems (such as yours), there are several such performance measures available.
For good or bad, R^2 is still the standard measure in several implementations; nevertheless, it may be helpful to keep in mind what I have argued elsewhere:
the whole R-squared concept comes in fact directly from the world of statistics, where the emphasis is on interpretative models, and it has little use in machine learning contexts, where the emphasis is clearly on predictive models; at least AFAIK, and beyond some very introductory courses, I have never (I mean never...) seen a predictive modeling problem where the R-squared is used for any kind of performance assessment; neither it's an accident that popular machine learning introductions, such as Andrew Ng's Machine Learning at Coursera, do not even bother to mention it. And, as noted in the Github thread above (emphasis added):
In particular when using a test set, it's a bit unclear to me what the R^2 means.
with which I certainly concur.
There are several other performance measures that are arguably more suitable in a predictive task, such as yours; and most of them can be implemented with a simple line of R code. So, for some dummy data:
preds <- c(1.0, 2.0, 9.5)
actuals <- c(0.9, 2.1, 10.0)
the mean squared error (MSE) is simply
# [1] 0.09
while the mean absolute error (MAE), is
# [1] 0.2333333
and the root mean squared error (RMSE) is simply the square root of the MSE, i.e.:
# [1] 0.3
These measures are arguably more useful for assessing the performance on unseen data. The last two have an additional advantage of being in the same scale as your original data (not the case for MSE).


LME4-GLMER - PROBLEMS WITH ALLFIT. Mismatch between summary(allFit(model)) and summary(model)

I'm writing to ask a question about the allFit function of the lme4 package.
I have raised a GLMM, with the following structure:
MM <-glmer(y~ x1 + x2 + x3+x4 + (1 | subject)+(0+x1+x2|school), data=data, family =poisson(), offset=log(n))
I can't offer the original data, but suppose:
x1,x2,x3, x4 are the auxiliary variables.
y: response variable
subject: represents each row of the data frame
school: represents groups of rows of the data frame.
n: sample size
Therefore, I have a GLMM model, with a random intercept and two random slopes that are also correlated with each other, but without correlation with the intercept.
When I perform simulations, on some occasions, convergence warnings are given.
I have made a review of all available documentation and related questions. Specifically, looking at the latest lme4 documentation (page 16), to further investigate these warnings, I used the allFit function .
The results show me that no optimizer, or only occasionally the L-BFGS-B, gives problems, and that all the parameter estimates, both for the fixed and random effects, are practically the same.
However, I don't understand why, when these models have convergence warnings, the results I get by doing the variance-covariance matrix and the summary on the model are completely different from those returned by the summary function on the object resulting from applying allFit.
beta <- fixef(MM) differs noticeably from summary(allFit(MM))$fixef
var <$sdcor differs noticeably from summary(allFit(MM))$sdcor
Being the values ​​returned by summary(allFit) consistent with those deduced from the sample.
I have verified that when the model shows no convergence problems, the results of fixef(MM) and VarCorr(MM) exactly match those returned by summary(allFit(MM)).
I have performed the test in the latest available update '1.1.29' and in '1.1.28', and the same thing happens to me in both.
I'm sorry I can't provide the dataset, and I apologize in advance if this has already been asked, because I've searched a lot but didn't find this bug.

Computational speed of a complex Hierarchical GAM

I have a large dataset (3.5+ million observations) of a binary response variable that I am trying to compute a Hierarchical GAM with a global smoother with individual effects that have a Shared penalty (e.g. 'GS' in Pedersen et al. 2019). Specifically I am trying to estimate the following structure: Global > Geographic Zone (N=2) > Bioregion (N=20) > Season (N varies by bioregion). In total, I am trying to estimate 36 different nested parameters.
Here is the the code I am currently using:
modGS <- bam(
outbreak ~
te(days_diff,NDVI_mean,bs=c("tp","tp"),k=c(5,5)) +
t2(days_diff, NDVI_mean, Zone, Bioregion, Season, bs=c("tp", "tp","re","re","re"),k=c(5, 5), m=2, full=TRUE) +
family=binomial(),select = TRUE,data=dat)
My main issue is that it is taking a long time (5+ days) to construct the model. This nesting structure cannot be discretized, so I cannot compute it in parallel. Further I have tried gamm4 but I ran into memory limit issues. Here is the gamm4 code:
modGS <- gamm4(
outbreak ~
t2(days_diff,NDVI_mean,bs=c("tp","tp"),k=c(5,5)) +
t2(days_diff, NDVI_mean, Zone, Bioregion, Season, bs=c("tp", "tp","re","re","re"),k=c(5, 5), m=2, full=TRUE) +
family=binomial(),select = TRUE,data=dat)
What is the best/most computationally feasible way to run this model?
I cut down the computational time by reducing the amount of bioregion levels and randomly sampling ca. 60% of the data. This actually allow me to calculate OOB error for the model.
There is an article I read recently that has a specific section on decreasing computational time. The main things they highlight are:
Use the bam function with it's useful fREML estimation, which refactorizes the model matrix to make calculation faster. Here it seems you have already done that.
Adding the discrete = TRUE argument, which assumes only a smaller finite number of unique values for estimation.
Manipulating nthreads in this function so it runs more than one core in parallel in your computer.
As the authors caution, the second option can reduce the amount of accuracy in your estimates. I fit some large models recently doing this and found that it was not always the same as the default bam function, so its best to use this as a quick inspection rather than the full result you are looking for.

Perform a Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test

I want to perform a Shapiro-Wilk Normality Test test. My data is csv format. It looks like this:
1 -15.60
2 -21.60
3 -19.50
4 -19.10
5 -20.90
6 -20.70
7 -19.30
8 -18.30
9 -15.10
However, when I perform the test, I get:
Error in [.data.frame(x, complete.cases(x)) :
undefined columns selected
Why isnt`t R selecting the right column and how do I do that?
What does shapiro.test do?
shapiro.test tests the Null hypothesis that "the samples come from a Normal distribution" against the alternative hypothesis "the samples do not come from a Normal distribution".
How to perform shapiro.test in R?
The R help page for ?shapiro.test gives,
x - a numeric vector of data values. Missing values are allowed,
but the number of non-missing values must be between 3 and 5000.
That is, shapiro.test expects a numeric vector as input, that corresponds to the sample you would like to test and it is the only input required. Since you've a data.frame, you'll have to pass the desired column as input to the function as follows:
> shapiro.test(heisenberg$HWWIchg)
# Shapiro-Wilk normality test
# data: heisenberg$HWWIchg
# W = 0.9001, p-value = 0.2528
Interpreting results from shapiro.test:
First, I strongly suggest you read this excellent answer from Ian Fellows on testing for normality.
As shown above, the shapiro.test tests the NULL hypothesis that the samples came from a Normal distribution. This means that if your p-value <= 0.05, then you would reject the NULL hypothesis that the samples came from a Normal distribution. As Ian Fellows nicely put it, you are testing against the assumption of Normality". In other words (correct me if I am wrong), it would be much better if one tests the NULL hypothesis that the samples do not come from a Normal distribution. Why? Because, rejecting a NULL hypothesis is not the same as accepting the alternative hypothesis.
In case of the null hypothesis of shapiro.test, a p-value <= 0.05 would reject the null hypothesis that the samples come from normal distribution. To put it loosely, there is a rare chance that the samples came from a normal distribution. The side-effect of this hypothesis testing is that this rare chance happens very rarely. To illustrate, take for example:
x <- runif(50, min=2, max=4)
# Shapiro-Wilk normality test
# data: runif(50, min = 2, max = 4)
# W = 0.9601, p-value = 0.08995
So, this (particular) sample runif(50, min=2, max=4) comes from a normal distribution according to this test. What I am trying to say is that, there are many many cases under which the "extreme" requirements (p < 0.05) are not satisfied which leads to acceptance of "NULL hypothesis" most of the times, which might be misleading.
Another issue I'd like to quote here from #PaulHiemstra from under comments about the effects on large sample size:
An additional issue with the Shapiro-Wilk's test is that when you feed it more data, the chances of the null hypothesis being rejected becomes larger. So what happens is that for large amounts of data even very small deviations from normality can be detected, leading to rejection of the null hypothesis event though for practical purposes the data is more than normal enough.
Although he also points out that R's data size limit protects this a bit:
Luckily shapiro.test protects the user from the above described effect by limiting the data size to 5000.
If the NULL hypothesis were the opposite, meaning, the samples do not come from a normal distribution, and you get a p-value < 0.05, then you conclude that it is very rare that these samples do not come from a normal distribution (reject the NULL hypothesis). That loosely translates to: It is highly likely that the samples are normally distributed (although some statisticians may not like this way of interpreting). I believe this is what Ian Fellows also tried to explain in his post. Please correct me if I've gotten something wrong!
#PaulHiemstra also comments about practical situations (example regression) when one comes across this problem of testing for normality:
In practice, if an analysis assumes normality, e.g. lm, I would not do this Shapiro-Wilk's test, but do the analysis and look at diagnostic plots of the outcome of the analysis to judge whether any assumptions of the analysis where violated too much. For linear regression using lm this is done by looking at some of the diagnostic plots you get using plot(lm()). Statistics is not a series of steps that cough up a few numbers (hey p < 0.05!) but requires a lot of experience and skill in judging how to analysis your data correctly.
Here, I find the reply from Ian Fellows to Ben Bolker's comment under the same question already linked above equally (if not more) informative:
For linear regression,
Don't worry much about normality. The CLT takes over quickly and if you have all but the smallest sample sizes and an even remotely reasonable looking histogram you are fine.
Worry about unequal variances (heteroskedasticity). I worry about this to the point of (almost) using HCCM tests by default. A scale location plot will give some idea of whether this is broken, but not always. Also, there is no a priori reason to assume equal variances in most cases.
Outliers. A cooks distance of > 1 is reasonable cause for concern.
Those are my thoughts (FWIW).
Hope this clears things up a bit.
You are applying shapiro.test() to a data.frame instead of the column. Try the following:
You failed to specify the exact columns (data) to test for normality.
Use this instead
Set the data as a vector and then place in the function.

setting values for ntree and mtry for random forest regression model

I'm using R package randomForest to do a regression on some biological data. My training data size is 38772 X 201.
I just wondered---what would be a good value for the number of trees ntree and the number of variable per level mtry? Is there an approximate formula to find such parameter values?
Each row in my input data is a 200 character representing the amino acid sequence, and I want to build a regression model to use such sequence in order to predict the distances between the proteins.
The default for mtry is quite sensible so there is not really a need to muck with it. There is a function tuneRF for optimizing this parameter. However, be aware that it may cause bias.
There is no optimization for the number of bootstrap replicates. I often start with ntree=501 and then plot the random forest object. This will show you the error convergence based on the OOB error. You want enough trees to stabilize the error but not so many that you over correlate the ensemble, which leads to overfit.
Here is the caveat: variable interactions stabilize at a slower rate than error so, if you have a large number of independent variables you need more replicates. I would keep the ntree an odd number so ties can be broken.
For the dimensions of you problem I would start ntree=1501. I would also recommended looking onto one of the published variable selection approaches to reduce the number of your independent variables.
The short answer is no.
The randomForest function of course has default values for both ntree and mtry. The default for mtry is often (but not always) sensible, while generally people will want to increase ntree from it's default of 500 quite a bit.
The "correct" value for ntree generally isn't much of a concern, as it will be quite apparent with a little tinkering that the predictions from the model won't change much after a certain number of trees.
You can spend (read: waste) a lot of time tinkering with things like mtry (and sampsize and maxnodes and nodesize etc.), probably to some benefit, but in my experience not a lot. However, every data set will be different. Sometimes you may see a big difference, sometimes none at all.
The caret package has a very general function train that allows you to do a simple grid search over parameter values like mtry for a wide variety of models. My only caution would be that doing this with fairly large data sets is likely to get time consuming fairly quickly, so watch out for that.
Also, somehow I forgot that the ranfomForest package itself has a tuneRF function that is specifically for searching for the "optimal" value for mtry.
Could this paper help ?
Limiting the Number of Trees in Random Forests
Abstract. The aim of this paper is to propose a simple procedure that
a priori determines a minimum number of classifiers to combine in order
to obtain a prediction accuracy level similar to the one obtained with the
combination of larger ensembles. The procedure is based on the McNemar
non-parametric test of significance. Knowing a priori the minimum
size of the classifier ensemble giving the best prediction accuracy, constitutes
a gain for time and memory costs especially for huge data bases
and real-time applications. Here we applied this procedure to four multiple
classifier systems with C4.5 decision tree (Breiman’s Bagging, Ho’s
Random subspaces, their combination we labeled ‘Bagfs’, and Breiman’s
Random forests) and five large benchmark data bases. It is worth noticing
that the proposed procedure may easily be extended to other base
learning algorithms than a decision tree as well. The experimental results
showed that it is possible to limit significantly the number of trees. We
also showed that the minimum number of trees required for obtaining
the best prediction accuracy may vary from one classifier combination
method to another
They never use more than 200 trees.
One nice trick that I use is to initially start with first taking square root of the number of predictors and plug that value for "mtry". It is usually around the same value that tunerf funtion in random forest would pick.
I use the code below to check for accuracy as I play around with ntree and mtry (change the parameters):
results_df <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 8))
colnames(results_df)[1]="No. of trees"
colnames(results_df)[2]="No. of variables"
trees = c(50,100,150,250)
variables = c(8,10,15,20)
for(i in 1:length(trees))
ntree = trees[i]
for(j in 1:length(variables))
mtry = variables[j]
dev_hit_rate = nrow(subset(class_rf, actual_values ==1&predicted_values==1))/nrow(subset(class_rf, predicted_values ==1))
dev_coverage_rate = nrow(subset(class_rf, actual_values ==1&predicted_values==1))/nrow(subset(class_rf, actual_values ==1))
auc <- performance(pred,"auc")
val_hit_rate = nrow(subset(class_rf, actual_values ==1&predicted_values==1))/nrow(subset(class_rf, predicted_values ==1))
val_coverage_rate = nrow(subset(class_rf, actual_values ==1&predicted_values==1))/nrow(subset(class_rf, actual_values ==1))
auc <- performance(pred,"auc")
results_df = rbind(results_df,c(ntree,mtry,dev_auc,dev_hit_rate,dev_coverage_rate,val_auc,val_hit_rate,val_coverage_rate))

Cox regression in MATLAB

I know there is COXPHFIT function in MATLAB to do Cox regression, but I have problems understanding how to apply it.
1) How to compare two groups of samples with survival data in days (survdays), censoring (cens) and some predictor value (x)? The groups defined by groups logical variable. Groups have different number of samples.
2) What is the baseline parameter in coxphfit? I did read the docs, but how should I choose the baseline properly?
It would be great if you know a site with good detailed examples on medical survival data. I found only the Mathworks demo that does not even mention coxphfit.
Do you know may be another 3rd party function for Cox regression?
UPDATE: The r tag added since the answer I've got is for R.
With survival analysis, the hazard function is the instantaneous death rate.
In these analyses, you are typically measuring what effect something has on this hazard function. For example, you may ask "does swallowing arsenic increase the rate at which people die?". A background hazard is the level at which people would die anyway (without swallowing arsenic, in this case).
If you read the docs for coxphfit carefully, you will notice that that function tries to calculate the baseline hazard; it is not something that you enter.
baseline The X values at which to
compute the baseline hazard.
EDIT: MATLAB's coxphfit function doesn't obviously work with grouped data. If you are happy to switch to R, then the anaylsis is a one-liner.
#Create some data
n <- 20;
dfr <- data.frame(
survdays = runif(n, 5, 15),
cens = runif(n) < .3,
x = rlnorm(n),
groups = rep(c("first", "second"), each = n / 2)
#The Cox ph analysis
summary(coxph(Surv(survdays, cens) ~ x / groups, dfr))
ANOTHER EDIT: That baseline parameter to MATLAB's coxphfit appears to be a normalising constant. R's coxph function doesn't have an equivalent parameter. I looked in Statistical Computing by Michael Crawley and it seems to suggest that the baseline hazard isn't important, since it cancels out when you calculate the likelihood of your individual dying. See Chapter 33, and p615-616 in particular. My knowledge of how the model works isn't deep enough to explain the discrepancy in the MATLAB and R implementations; perhaps you could ask on the Stack Exchange Stats Analysis site.
