How can I copy rich text (with html tags)? - ngx-clipboard

I am using a rich text editor (ckEditor) in my Angular 7 app. I now want an action button to copy the text entered in that editor to the clipboard, but via ngx-clipboard the html tags are literally in the text copied. How can I have the tags applied?
I don't know how to accomplish this. ngx-clipboard is third party. I have tried other examples making a custom directive, but got stuck on that.
This is how I call ngxClipboard:
<button mat-button ngxClipboard [cbContent]="document._source.response" matTooltip="Copy response" matTooltipPosition="above"><img src=""></button>
The content on the clipboard looks like this:
<p>This is the copied text. It contains html tags</p>


GTM - CSS Element

I'm wanting to create a variable to grab the username from a landing page (assuming it's possible). In my attached examples, I'd like to grab the text "Landing_page_test".
I'm just learning CSS so I'm not able to single out just that text.
Any thoughts/suggestions would be much appreciated! enter image description here
Elements Pane of Landing Page
document.querySelector returns an element, not the text. Add .innerText
Try it out on this page: document.querySelector("a.question-hyperlink").innerText to get the name of the question.
But you probably don't want to do it as custom html tag. You probably want to do it on click. in that case, you have {{Clicked Element}} variable in GTM, of which you can also get .innerText, or get its .parentElement and further navigate DOM from the clicked element as you wish and get whatever you need.
Here's the html of the Location & Date/Time text blocks
Text Block

Concrete5: How to open TinyMCE in a modal dialog from inside the custom block?

I'd like to open TinyMCE in a modal dialog from inside the custom block I am building. I know how to implement a modal dialog but couldn't figure out a way to integrate TinyMCE inside the dialog.
What I am trying to achieve is when a text is clicked in the block add/edit popup, it should open up a dialog with TinyMCE to edit that clicked text. Anyone done this before?
This is what I am trying to achieve in add/edit forms:
<textarea name="field-name" class="text-area-value ccm-input-textarea">Some text here or empty....</textarea>
$bt = BlockType::getByHandle('myblock');
<a class="dialog-launch ccm-block-type-inner"
dialog-on-close="ccm_blockWindowAfterClose()" dialog-append-buttons="true"
dialog-modal="false" dialog-width="500"
dialog-height="500" dialog-title="<?php echo t('Add/Edit Text)?>"
href="<?php echo $th->getBlockTypeToolsURL($bt); ?>/tinymce_dialog.php?text=<?php echo $text-area-value; ?>">
Edit the above text in TinyMCE
In tinymce_dialog.php in tools folder:
<textarea name="textarea-name"
class="ccm-input-textarea advancedEditor ccm-advanced-editor">
<?php echo $_GET['text']; ?>
<div class="ccm-buttons dialog-buttons">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="ccm_blockWindowClose();"
class="ccm-button-left btn">Cancel</a>
But I am unable to pass the value of textarea into the modal dialog popup. I tried using href in the anchor tag to pass the value of textarea to a script that resides in the tools folder but that does not seem to work either.
Edit: I've also added buttons in tinymce_dialog.php (See the code above). Not sure if it's possible to pass those buttons through <a dialog-on-close="ccm_blockWindowAfterClose()" dialog-append-buttons="true".....> in the form.
Should work the same as anywhere else. First, include this line of code once in your dialog (you only need it once, regardless of how many TinyMCE's you have):
<?php Loader::element('editor_config'); ?>
Then, for each TinyMCE you want, use this:
<?php Loader::element('editor_controls'); ?>
<textarea name="your-field-name" class="ccm-advanced-editor"></textarea>
There's two ways to go about this:
As you describe in your question edits, where you load a tools file. There are a few points here:
URLs aren't great for passing text data, especially the kind of text that'd be edited in tinymce (long and formatted). With that being said, it should work. I don't see why the $_GET wouldnt' work. Make sure that the URL contains the text in the first place (you can see by looking at your developer console).
Better is to pass an ID (tinymce_dialog?id=[ID]). This is assuming that the text is saved in the DB, but it looks like you might be providing them an interface to basically "wysiwyg edit in a modal text that they're not-wyswiwyg editing already". I'm not sure if you've thought through how this will work, though. By default, they'll have to deal with a bunch of HTML tags ?
The alternative is to create the dialog out of an DOM element. Create a div hidden in the form, with CSS display: none;, save the text into it (if already initialized, tinymce has a .update() or something), and then show the hidden div (with Example 3 from When they click (SAVE), you can then (presumably) copy the data out of tinymce and put it back where it needs to go.
Note that in many cases, the tinymce initialize code only runs on page load. I think that's what Loader::element('editor_init') does. And it works by detecting the appropriate textareas (based on class name). So if the page with the editor_init is loaded before the textarea is loaded (such as how it looks now), you'll have to reinit tinymce. That's a vote for #2. In general, I suggest you go that route.

database text with html formatting, how to pull it into my page

I have content that I want to load dynamically, the problem is it has some html formatting in it. What control should i pull the text into, is there a way to pull the text into a div or a label, along with the formatting?
You can use an asp:Literal:
Code behind:
myLiteral.Text = HtmlDecode(GetTextFromDB())

Do I need to html-encode title attributes (tooltips)?

In my markup I am using HTML title attributes which I set by the Tooltip property of various ASP.NET controls like an asp:Label. The content of those titles come from a database and I use data binding syntax, for instance:
<asp:Label ID="PersonLabel" runat="server"
Text='<%# HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Eval("PersonShortName")) %>'
ToolTip='<%# HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Eval("PersonFullName")) %>' />
Now, tooltips seem to be displayed as plain text on Windows and in the browsers I have tested. So the HTML-encoding is not what I really want and I am inclined to remove the encoding.
Can this be dangerous in any way if the database fields may contain script tags for example? My question is basically: Is it always guaranteed that HTML-title attributes are displayed as plain text? Are they always displayed as tooltips at all, or is it possible that some browsers (or OSs) display them in another way and allow and render HTML content in the title attributes?
Looking at some of the answers it seems I didn't phrase my question well, so here are some additions:
If I have in the code snippet above a PersonShortName of "PM" in my database and as the PersonFullName a name with non-ASCII characters in it like Umlauts in "Peter Müller" the browser displays in the tooltip Peter Müller when I apply HttpUtility.HtmlEncode like in the code example - which is ugly.
I've also tested a simple HTML fragment like:
<span title="<script>alert('Evil script')</script>" >Hello</span>
The script in the title attribute didn't run in a browser with enabled Javascript (tested with Firefox), instead it was displayed in the tooltip as plain text. Therefore my guess was that title attributes are always rendered as plain text.
But as Felipe Alsacreations answered below there exist "rich tooltip plugins" which may render the title attribute as HTML. So in this case encoding is a good thing. But how can I know that?
Perhaps HttpUtility.HtmlEncode isn't the right solution and I have to filter only HTML tags but not encode simple special characters to make sure that the plain text is displayed correctly and to protect "rich HTML tooltips" at the same time. But it looks like a costly work - only for a simple tooltip.
Always sanitize output to the browser.
If a value like "><script>blabla</script> is inserted as a value for your fields, a user can essentially take over your entire site. It will probably make a mess when it comes to validation and correct code, but the script will still be run.
So to answer your question: No, it is not guaranteed that HTML-title attributes are displayed as plain text if the user knows what he/she is doing.
Beside security reasons:
Title attributes should always be plain text but certain JS plugins misuse them to display 'rich' tooltips (i.e. HTML code with bold text, emphasis, links and so on).
As for browsers and AFAIK they are displayed as plain text and tooltips, never displayed to those who use tabbed navigation (keyboard) and scren readers give to their users (blind and partially sighted people) many options, like reading the longest between link title and its text or always title or never ...
Surprisingly, still, no right answer in 5 years. The answer is: yes, you need to encode the title attribute, but not everything that is encoded in the innerText of the element.
The proper way to do it in if you do your own markup is:
string markup = string.Format("<div class='myClass' title='{0}'>{1}</div>",
The above will set both innerText and title of the div to myText, which is customary for elements that may contain long text but are constrained in width (as I believe the question implies).
The ToolTip property of a ASP.NET control will auto encode the value on output/rendering.
This means it is safe to set the tooltip to plain text as the page will sanitize the text on rendering.
Label1.ToolTip = "Some encoded text < Tag >"
Renders HTML output as:
<span title="Some encoded text < Tag >"></span>
If you need to use text that is already encoded, you can set the title attribute instead. The title attribute will not be automatically encoded on rendering:
Label1.Attributes("title") = "Some encoded text < Tag >"
Renders HTML output as:
<span title="Some encoded text < Tag >"></span>
Another point:
Who cares how the title attribute is rendered by a browser, when it is the presence of malicious strings in the source code that could present an issue?
It doesn't matter how it is displayed, the question is: how does it appear in the source code?
(As already stated, if you're pumping strings to the client, do something to sanitize those strings.)
I think there may be some confusion going on with this thread.
Firstly <asp:Label> is an ASP.NET Web Control. The Text and ToolTip attributes are "abstractions" of the inline content and 'title' attributes of an HTML tag respectively.
For these particular two properties Microsoft will perform the HTML Encoding for you automatically so if you set ToolTip="H&S<" then the <span> tag will be rendered as <span title="H&S<"...>. The same goes for the Text property.
NOTE: Not all properties perform automatic encoding (HTML or InnerContent properties for example)
If however you are generating HTML tags directly (Response.Write("<span...") for example) then you MUST http encode the text content and tooltip attributes content if:
Those values originate from a user / external unsanitised source or
If there is a possibility that the content may contain characters that should be escaped (& < > etc.)
Usually this means that it is safe to to:
Hardcoded content with no http characters:
Response.Write("<span title='Book Reference'>The art of zen</span>"); // SAFE
Hardcoded content with http characters that you manualle encode:
Response.Write("<span title='Book & Reference'>The art & zen</span>"); // SAFE
Dynamically sourced content:
Response.Write("<span title='"+sTitle+"'>"+sText+"</span>"); // UNSAFE
Response.Write("<span title='"+HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(sTitle)+"'>" +HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(sText)+"</span>"); // SAFE

How to get value (non html) from ajax html editor

Please help me to get text (non html/ not formatted) from ajax text editor in i am using vs 2008.
i am using AjaxControlToolkit.HTMLEditor
you can see same kind of at : ajax HtmlEditor
Well, the documentation on the page you linked to only shows that the HTMLEditor has a Content property, which is the html text, not the plain text. However, the editor itself, on the page, allows you to view either the rendered html, or the html code (the markup).
The editor uses an <iframe> to contain the rendered html. If you want to get the plain text (no html tags), you'll have to do it on the clientside. The <iframe> has an id. You could use something like jquery to do this:
var plainText = $("#iframeID body").text();
As long as someHiddenField is an <asp:HiddenField> control, it will contain the plain text of the editor when you post back. You just need to make sure you make the above assignment after you're done editing the HTMLEditor's content, but before you actually post back.
I answered another similar question, and my first answer might not actually get the text of the <iframe>. Try this:
var text = $("#iframeID").contents().find("body").text();
