How to import reactive datasets in Rshiny? - r

i m creating a risk dashboard , the problem is that i need the data set to be reactive , i have a simple dataset composed of countries (8) , sectors and values , what i want is that my app will be able to deal with different data sets for example if we change the colnames (country becomes pays) and we change the position of the col ,the app will recognize the column as country (in reality the data set is composed of an undefined number of variables with unkown names)
for example for the country column , i thought of creating a list that contains all country names and and when the first row of a column matches with a country from that list ,the column become names country
like that the problem is solved for one variable and what about the other ones

I think that's unnecesary complexity.
I suggest you to build an script to clean your data first with those specifications and then use it as a source.
You can use pattern recognition to match columns but be sure there aren't similar columns, for example, if you have two numerical variables there's a big problem.
Via Shiny I suggest you:
fileInput to import your database
Visualizate your database using DT
Create as many textInput boxes as columns you have
Manually change colnames using dplyr::rename and the boxes
Use the transformed database in your dashboard
Other options can be made using base::grep and dplyr.


Paste name of column to other columns in R?

I have recently received an output from the online survey (ESRI Survey123), storing the each recored attribte as a new column of teh table. The survey reports characteristics of single trees located on study site: e.g. beech1, beech2, etc. For each beech, several attributes are recorded such as height, shape, etc.
This is how the output table looks like in Excel. ID simply represent the site number:
Now I wonder, how can I read those data into R to make sure that columns 1:3 belong to beech1, columns 4:6 represent beech2, etc.? I am looking for something that would paste the beech1 into names of the following columns: beech1.height, beech1.shape. But I am not sure how to do it?

Updating a File in R by adding a column/vector

Is there any way that I can update an existing .csv file by adding a column/vector that I have scraped from the web. I have a webscraper that pulls COVID-19 data and I am trying to create a file that has positive cases in columns and each column is the list of cases for a day in each county (x-axis is counties, y-axis is date). I have toyed around with many different ideas at this point and seem to have hit a roadblock. I'm fairly new to r so any ideas would be appreciated!
Packages I am Currently Using/Planning to Use:
#writing the original file
positive <- data.frame(Counties= counties_list, "06/12/2020"= positive_data)
positive[]= 0
positive = positive[-c(76),]
write.csv(positive, "C:/Users/Nathan May/Desktop/Research Files (ABI)/Covid/Data For
Shiny/Positive/Positive Data.csv")
#creating the new vector and updating the existing file with it
datap <- read.csv("C:/Users/Nathan May/Desktop/Research Files (ABI)/Covid/Data For
Shiny/Positive/Positive Data.csv")
positive_data = positive_data[-c(76),]
datap$DATE <- positive_data
NOTE: The end goal is to create a ShinyApp that displays bar charts for postives, recoveries, and deaths by day in each county. This is the data wrangling portion.
First things first, if you are going to use the tidyverse, use tibble instead of data.frame. Tibbles are the Tidyverse version of data frames.
Next, be aware of the structure of your data frame. The way you create your data.frame now (and later probably your tibble) you get a variable "Counties" and one additional variable for each day. That means that you will have to add columns as time passes (the opposite of what you described: Moving along the x axis (along columns) will move along dates while moving along the y-axis (moving along rows) will move along counties). It's possible but I think a bit unconventional. You might want to initialize your data frame with one column for each county and an additional variable called "date". Then whenever you get new data you can add a row in your dataframe instead of a column (so you're "adding a new case" instead of "adding a new variable").
To actually add the row you will have to load the data as you do in your code, create the new row (or column, if you insist) and then "glue" it to the rest of the data.
Depending on how your data looks you can create a single row dataframe using tibble_row() with the same countries as variable names as you have in your main data frame and then glue them together with add_row(datap, your_new_row). Alternatively, if you want to add the row only using position and not column names, you can have the new row as a vector and use rbind() instead of add_row.
If you persist with the "one variable per date" approach there's column equivalents (add_column and cbind) for both these functions.
Hope this helps, Cheers

Dynamic aggregation column input reference in Spotfire TERR data function

How can I make a dropdown menu that allows me to reference different columns and change the column reference of a data function in Spotfire's TERR/R?
I am creating 2D cross plots of data, using TERR data function to overlay the average profile line of the data on top of the individual profile lines. I am trying to add the ability to toggle between different normalizations. I want to be able to see data and the average of data over time normalization, pressure normalization, etc, etc. Without having to go into the data function and change the column name reference every time I want to change.
I know how to make the dropdown in the text area and reference each visualization, so those change automatically, but I still can't figure out how to make the TERR data input column to change dynamically with the dropdown menu selection so that the average line also changes.
There must be some way to simply say I want whatever is in the document property to be the "group by" column in the TERR data function to perform aggregations against. (I'm using the R package dplyr to do various simple statistical aggregations on data)
Thanks for the help!

Mixed types in Shiny datatable

So I have a Shiny App that is basically a dataframe passed to the datatable function and formatted in a specific way (see picture below).
I want to put a string where there are 99999999999% values and blank cells while I keep the rest of the cells as numeric (I need the rest of the cells to be of numeric type so as to apply a color scale formatting on them). However, because of the very nature of dataframes, it is not possible to have different types in the same columns.
The question is: Do you know a way to have strings and numeric types in the same column of a data frame? Should I make some other workaround? In this case: Any idea?

What's the easiest way to ignore one row of data when creating a histogram in R?

I have this csv with 4000+ entries and I am trying to create a histogram of one of the variables. Because of the way the data was collected, there was a possibility that if data was uncollectable for that entry, it was coded as a period (.). I still want to create a histogram and just ignore that specific entry.
What would be the best or easiest way to go about this?
I tried making it so that the histogram would only use the data for every entry except the one with the period by doing
newlist <- data1$var[1:3722]+data1$var[3724:4282]
where 3723 is the entry with the period, but R said that + is not meaningful for factors. I'm not sure if I went about this the right way, my intention was to create a vector or list or table conjoining those two subsets above into one bigger list called newlist.
Your problem is deeper that you realize. When R read in the data and saw the lone . it interpreted that column as a factor (categorical variable).
You need to either convert the factor back to a numeric variable (this is FAQ 7.10) or reread the data forcing it to read that column as numeric, if you are using read.table or one of the functions that calls read.table then you can set the colClasses argument to specify a numeric column.
Once the column of data is a numeric variable then a negative subscript or ! will work (or some functions will automatically ignore the missing value).
