Pivoting and subtotals are common auxiliary steps in spreadsheets and SQL.
Assume a data.table with the fields date, myCategory, revenue. Assume that you want to know the proportion of day revenue of all revenue and the proportion of day revenue within different subgroup such that
#First auxiliary variable of all revenue
totalRev = sum(revenue) #SUBGROUP OF ALL REV
#Second auxiliary variable of revenue by date, syntax wrong! How to do this?
{totalRev_date=sum(revenue), by=list(date)} #DIFFERENT SUBGROUP, by DATE's rev
#Within the subgroup by date and myCategory, we will use 1st&2nd auxiliary vars
,Revenue_prop_of_DAY=revenue/totalRev_date) ,by=list(myCategory,date)]
where we need to compute the auxiliary sums, all revenue of specific day and all revenue of whole history.
The end result should look like this:
date myCategory Revenue_prop_of_TOT Revenue_prop_of_DAY
2019-01-01 Cat1 0.002 0.2
where you see that the auxiliary variables are only help functions.
How can you pivot and compute subtotals within R data.table?
Another option using data.table::cube:
cb <- cube(DT, sum(value), by=c("date","category"), id=TRUE)
cb[grouping==0L, .(date, category,
PropByDate = V1 / cb[grouping==1L][.SD, on="date", x.V1],
PropByCategory = V1 / cb[grouping==2L][.SD, on="category", x.V1],
PropByTotal = V1 / cb[grouping==3L, V1]
date category PropByDate PropByCategory PropByTotal
1: 1 1 0.3333333 0.2500000 0.1
2: 1 2 0.6666667 0.3333333 0.2
3: 2 1 0.4285714 0.7500000 0.3
4: 2 2 0.5714286 0.6666667 0.4
DT <- data.table(date=c(1, 1, 2, 2), category=c(1, 2, 1, 2), value=1:4)
# date category value
#1: 1 1 1
#2: 1 2 2
#3: 2 1 3
#4: 2 2 4
Hopefully I'm understanding correctly what you intend but please let me know in the comments if you need a different output.
b = data.table(date = rep(seq.Date(Sys.Date()-99, Sys.Date(), "days"), each=2),
myCategory = c("a", "b"),
revenue = rnorm(100, 200))
# global total, just create a constant
totalRev = b[, sum(revenue)]
# Total revenue at myCategory and date level / total Revenue
b[, Revenue_prop_of_TOT:=sum(revenue)/totalRev, by=.(myCategory, date)]
# you can calculate totalRev_date independently
b[, totalRev_date:=sum(revenue), by=date]
# If these are all the columns you have you don't need the sum(revenue) and by calls
b[, Revenue_prop_of_DAY:=sum(revenue)/totalRev_date, by=.(myCategory, date)]
Finally I would wrap it in a function.
revenue_total <- function(b){
totalRev = b[, sum(revenue)]
b[, Revenue_prop_of_TOT:=sum(revenue)/totalRev, by=.(myCategory, date)]
b[, totalRev_date:=sum(revenue), by=date]
b[, Revenue_prop_of_DAY:=sum(revenue)/totalRev_date, by=.(myCategory, date)]
b = revenue_total(b)
Options for pivoting and subtotals in R
cube answered here
groupingsets commented by marbel here
Imagine a small dataset of xy coordinates. These points are grouped by a variable called indexR, there are 3 groups in total. All xy coordinates are in the same units. The data looks approximately like so:
# A tibble: 61 x 3
indexR x y
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 837 924
2 1 464 661
3 1 838 132
4 1 245 882
5 1 1161 604
6 1 1185 504
7 1 853 870
8 1 1048 859
9 1 1044 514
10 1 141 938
# ... with 51 more rows
The goal is to determine which 3 points, one from each group, are closest to each other, in the sense of minimizing the sum of the pairwise distances between selected points.
I have attempted this by considering euclidian distances, as follows. (Credit goes to #Mouad_S, in this thread, and
#dput provided at bottom of this post
> df$dummy = 1
> df %>%
+ full_join(df, c("dummy" = "dummy")) %>%
+ full_join(df, c("dummy" = "dummy")) %>%
+ filter(indexR.x != indexR.y & indexR.x != indexR & indexR.y != indexR) %>%
+ mutate(dist =
+ ((.$x - .$x.x)^2 + (.$y- .$y.x)^2)^.5 +
+ ((.$x - .$x.y)^2 + (.$y- .$y.y)^2)^.5 +
+ ((.$x.x - .$x.y)^2 + (.$y.x- .$y.y)^2)^.5,
+ dist = round(dist, digits = 0)) %>%
+ arrange(dist) %>%
+ filter(dist == min(dist))
# A tibble: 6 x 11
indexR.x x.x y.x dummy indexR.y x.y y.y indexR x y dist
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 638 324 1 2 592 250 3 442 513 664
2 1 638 324 1 3 442 513 2 592 250 664
3 2 592 250 1 1 638 324 3 442 513 664
4 2 592 250 1 3 442 513 1 638 324 664
5 3 442 513 1 1 638 324 2 592 250 664
6 3 442 513 1 2 592 250 1 638 324 664
From this we can identify the three points closest together (minimum distance apart; enlarged on the figure below). However, the challenge comes when extending this such that indexR has 4,5 ... n groups. The problem is in finding a more practical or optimised method for making this calculation.
structure(list(indexR = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3), x = c(836.65, 464.43, 838.12, 244.68, 1160.86,
1184.52, 853.4, 1047.96, 1044.2, 141.06, 561.01, 1110.74, 123.4,
1087.24, 827.83, 100.86, 140.07, 306.5, 267.83, 1118.61, 155.04,
299.52, 543.5, 782.25, 737.1, 1132.14, 659.48, 871.78, 1035.33,
867.81, 192.94, 1167.8, 1099.59, 1097.3, 1089.78, 1166.59, 703.33,
671.64, 346.49, 440.89, 126.38, 638.24, 972.32, 1066.8, 775.68,
591.86, 818.75, 953.63, 1104.98, 1050.47, 722.43, 1022.17, 986.38,
1133.01, 914.27, 725.15, 1151.52, 786.08, 1024.83, 246.52, 441.53
), y = c(923.68, 660.97, 131.61, 882.23, 604.09, 504.05, 870.35,
858.51, 513.5, 937.7, 838.47, 482.69, 473.48, 171.78, 774.99,
792.46, 251.26, 757.95, 317.71, 401.93, 326.32, 725.89, 98.43,
414.01, 510.16, 973.61, 445.33, 504.54, 669.87, 598.75, 225.27,
789.45, 135.31, 935.51, 270.38, 241.19, 595.05, 401.25, 160.98,
778.86, 192.17, 323.76, 361.08, 444.92, 354, 249.57, 301.64,
375.75, 440.03, 428.79, 276.5, 408.84, 381.14, 459.14, 370.26,
304.05, 439.14, 339.91, 435.85, 759.42, 513.37)), class = c("tbl_df",
"tbl", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA, -61L), .Names = c("indexR",
"x", "y"))
One possibility would be to formulate the problem of identifying the closest elements, one from each group, as a mixed integer program. We could define decision variables y_i for whether each point i is selected, as well as x_{ij} for whether points i and j are both selected (x_{ij} = y_iy_j). We need to select one element from each group.
In practice, you could implement this mixed integer program using the lpSolve package (or one of the other R optimization packages).
opt.closest <- function(df) {
# Compute every pair of indices
pairs <-, 2))) %>%
mutate(G1=df$indexR[V1], G2=df$indexR[V2]) %>%
filter(G1 != G2) %>%
mutate(dist = sqrt((df$x[V1]-df$x[V2])^2+(df$y[V1]-df$y[V2])^2))
# Compute a few convenience values
n <- nrow(df)
nP <- nrow(pairs)
groups <- sort(unique(df$indexR))
nG <- length(groups)
gpairs <- combn(groups, 2)
nGP <- ncol(gpairs)
# Solve the optimization problem
obj <- c(pairs$dist, rep(0, n))
constr <- rbind(cbind(diag(nP), -outer(pairs$V1, seq_len(n), "==")),
cbind(diag(nP), -outer(pairs$V2, seq_len(n), "==")),
cbind(diag(nP), -outer(pairs$V1, seq_len(n), "==") - outer(pairs$V2, seq_len(n), "==")),
cbind(matrix(0, nG, nP), outer(groups, df$indexR, "==")),
cbind((outer(gpairs[1,], pairs$G1, "==") &
outer(gpairs[2,], pairs$G2, "==")) |
(outer(gpairs[2,], pairs$G1, "==") &
outer(gpairs[1,], pairs$G2, "==")), matrix(0, nGP, n)))
dir <- rep(c("<=", ">=", "="), c(2*nP, nP, nG+nGP))
rhs <- rep(c(0, -1, 1), c(2*nP, nP, nG+nGP))
mod <- lp("min", obj, constr, dir, rhs, all.bin=TRUE)
which(tail(mod$solution, n) == 1)
This can compute the closest 3 points, one from each cluster, in your example dataset:
# A tibble: 3 x 3
# indexR x y
# <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 1 638.24 323.76
# 2 2 591.86 249.57
# 3 3 441.53 513.37
It can also compute the best possible solution for datasets with more points and groups. Here are the runtimes for datasets with 7 groups each and 100 and 200 points:
make.dataset <- function(n, nG) {
data.frame(indexR = sample(seq_len(nG), n, replace=T), x = rnorm(n), y=rnorm(n))
df100 <- make.dataset(100, 7)
# user system elapsed
# 11.536 2.656 15.407
df200 <- make.dataset(200, 7)
# user system elapsed
# 187.363 86.454 323.167
This is far from instantaneous -- it takes 15 seconds for the 100-point, 7-group dataset and 323 seconds for the 200-point, 7-group dataset. Still, it is much quicker than iterating through all 92 million 7-tuples in the 100-point dataset or all 13.8 billion 7-tuples in the 200-point dataset. You could set a runtime limit with a solver like the one from the Rglpk package to get the best solution obtained within that limit.
You cannot afford to enumerate all possible solutions, and I don't see any obvious shortcut.
So I guess you'll have to do a branch and bound optimization approach.
First guess a reasonably good solution. Like the closest two points with different labels. Then add the nearest with a different label until you have all labels covered.
Now do some trivial optimization: for every label, try if there is some point that you can use instead of the current point to improve the result. Stop when you can't find any further improvement.
For this initial guess, compute the distances. This will give you an upper bound, which allows you to stop your search early. You can also compute a lower bound, the sum of all best two-label solutions.
Now you can try to remove points, where the nearest neighbors of each label + the lower bounds for all other labels is already worse than your initial solution. This will hopefully eliminate a lot of points.
Then you can start enumerating solutions (probably begin with the smallest labels first), but stop recursion whenever the current solution + the remaining lower bounds are larger than your best known solution (branch and bound).
You can also try sorting points e.g. by minimum distance to the remaining labels, to hopefully find better bounds fast.
I'd certainly not choose R to implement this...
you can use cross joins to have all the points combinations, calculate the total distance between all three points, then take the minimum of that.
df$id <- row.names(df) # to create ID's for the points
df2 <- merge(df, df, by = NULL ) # the first cross join
df3 <- merge(df2, df, by = NULL) # the second cross join
# eliminating rows where the points are of the same indexR
df3 <- df3[df3$indexR.x != df3$indexR.y & df3$indexR.x != df3$indexR
& df3$indexR.y != df3$indexR,]
## calculating the total distance
df3$total_distance <- ((df3$x - df3$x.x)^2 + (df3$y- df3$y.x)^2)^.5 +
((df3$x - df3$x.y)^2 + (df3$y- df3$y.y)^2)^.5 +
((df3$x.x - df3$x.y)^2 + (df3$y.x- df3$y.y)^2)^.5
## minimum distance
indexR.x x.x y.x id.x indexR.y x.y y.y id.y indexR x y id total_distance
155367 3 441.53 513.37 61 2 591.86 249.57 46 1 638.24 323.76 42 664.3373
I developed a simple algorithm to quickly solve this problem. The first step is to overlay a grid on the entire area of points. The first step is to assign each point from each group to the cell or unit square where it is located. Next we go to the lower left corner of the graph and go over one cell and up one cell. This is the starting cell. Then we define a region of interest consisting of this cell and all of its 8 neighbors. Then a test is made to determine whether or not at least one point from each of the groups is within this 9 cell region. If so then the distance from each point represented in this region from each of the groups of points to all other points from all other groups is calculated. In other words all combinations of points in this 9-cell region are used to get a total distance where paired points for distance calculation are never from the same group. From these calculations the one with the minimum distance involving a single point from each group is saved as a possible solution. Then this entire process is repeated by going over one cell to the right. Each 9-cell region is calculated as the central cell moves on to the right. This is stopped one cell from the right end. When the first row is completed the process proceeds by going up one row and starting again at the left but one cell over again. Thus the each cell has been considered when the top row is finished. The solution will be the minimum distance computed from all the tests done for each 9-cell region.
The reason we consider a 9-cell region and not just go cell-by-cell is that we could miss closely spaced points from different groups that are located in the corners of cells.
It's important to choose the correct cell or grid size. If the cells are too small then no possible solution will be found because none of the regions will encompass at least one point from each group. If the cells are too large then there will be many points from each group and calculation time will be excessive. Fortunately this optimal cell size can be quickly found through trial and error.
I've run this algorithm multiple times with varying number of groups and number of points in a group. For randomly scattered points in all groups I found that a 15 x 15 grid size works well for a 10 group - 400 point (40 points per group) case. That example runs in under one second.
I have two data frames, df1 has information about a publication's year, outlet name, total articles in this publication in a year, and a cumulative sum of articles over the period of time I'm studying. df2 has a random sample of article IDs, with potential values ranging from 1 to the total number of articles given by df1$cumsum.
What I need to do is to grab each article ID in df2 and identify in which publication and year it falls under, using the information contained in df1.
Here's a minimally reproducible example:
df1 <- NULL
df1$year <- c(2000:2009, 2000:2009)
df1$outlet <- c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2)
df1$article_total <- sample(1:200, 20, replace = T)
df1$cumsum <- cumsum(df1$article_total)
df1 <-
df2 <- NULL
df2$art_num <- sample(1:2102, 100, replace = T) # get random sample of article IDs for the total number of articles I have in this db
df2 <-
Ideally, I would also like to calculate an article's ID in each year. For example, in the data above, outlet 1 has 14 articles in the year 2000 and 168 in 2001 (cumsum = 183). If I have an article ID of 156, I would like to know that it is the 142th article in the year 2001 of publication 1. And so on and so forth for every article ID I have in this database.
I was thinking I should do this with a for loop, but I'm 100% lost in writing it. Here's what I began writing, but I have a feeling I'm not on the right track with it:
for i in 1:nrow(df2$art_num){
article_number <- df2$art_num[i]
if (article_number %in% df1$cumsum){ # note: cumsum should be an interval before doing this?
# get article number, year, publication in new df
# also calculate article ID in each year/publication
Thanks in advance for any help! I'm still lost with writing loops in R...
EDITED EXAMPLE as per Frank's suggestion
df1 <- NULL
df1$year <- c(2000:2002, 2000:2002)
df1$outlet <- c(1, 1, 1, 2,2,2)
df1$article_total <- sample(1:50, 6, replace = T)
df1$cumsum <- cumsum(df1$article_total)
df1 <-
df2 <- NULL
df2$art_id <- c(66, 120, 77, 156, 24)
df2 <-
Here's the output I'm looking for:
art_id outlet year article_number
1 66 1 2002 19
2 120 2 2000 35
3 77 1 2002 30
4 156 2 2001 35
5 24 1 2000 20
This example shows my ideal output in df3, which I calculated/built by hand. It has one column with the article's ID, the appropriate outlet, the year, and a new variable art_number. This is different than the article ID in that I calculated it from df1$cumsum and df3$art_id. In this example, the first row shows that the first article in my database has an ID of 66. I obtain a art_number value of 19 because this article (id = 66) is the 19th article published in the year 2002 by outlet 1. I calculated this value by looking at the article ID, locating the year and outlet based on the df1$cumsum, and then substracting the art_id value from the df1$cumsum value for the previous year. So for this specific article, I calculated df3$art_number = df3$art_id[1,1] - df1$cumsum[2,4]
I need to do this calculation for every article in my data base so I don't do this process by hand forever.
I think your data structure makes sense, though it would be easier with one additional column, for the first article in a year and outlet:
setDT(df1); setDT(df2)
df1[, art_cstart := shift(cumsum(article_total), fill=0L) + 1L]
year outlet article_total cumsum art_cstart
1: 2000 1 4 4 1
2: 2001 1 43 47 5
3: 2002 1 38 85 48
4: 2000 2 36 121 86
5: 2001 2 39 160 122
6: 2002 2 8 168 161
Now, we can do a rolling update join, "rolling" each art_id to the previous cumsum and computing each desired column:
df2[, c("outlet", "year", "art_num") := df1[df2, on=.(cumsum = art_id), roll=-Inf, .(
i.art_id - x.art_cstart + 1L
art_id outlet year art_num
1: 66 2002 1 19
2: 120 2000 2 35
3: 77 2002 1 30
4: 156 2001 2 35
5: 24 2001 1 20
How it works
x[i, on=, roll=, j] is the syntax for a join, looking up each row of i in x.
In this join j evaluates to a list of columns, .(...) shorthand for list(...).
Column assignment is done with (colnames) := .(...).
The assignment is to the existing table df2 instead of unnecessarily creating a new table.
For details on how data.table syntax works, see the startup messages...
> library(data.table)
data.table 1.10.4
The fastest way to learn (by data.table authors):
Documentation: ?data.table, example(data.table) and browseVignettes("data.table")
Release notes, videos and slides:
This is the code you need I think:
df3 <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 0))
colnames(df3) <- c("articleNumber", "year", "publication")
for(i in 1:nrow(df2$art_num)){
for(j in 1:nrow(df1$cumsum)) {
if ((df2$art_num[i] >= df1$cumsum[j]) && (df2$art_num[i] <= df1$cumsum[j + 1])){
# note: cumsum should be an interval before doing this? NOT REALLY SURE
# get article number, year, publication in new df
df3[i, 1] <- df2$art_num[i]
df3[i, 2] <- df1$year[j]
df3[i, 3] <- df1$outlet[j]
# also calculate article ID in each year/publication ISN'T THIS
# art_num?
I have a large (~200k rows) dataframe that is structured like this:
df <-
data.frame(c(1,1,1,1,1), c('blue','blue','blue','blue','blue'), c('m','m','m','m','m'), c(2016,2016,2016,2016,2016),c(3,4,5,6,7), c(10,20,30,40,50))
colnames(df) <- c('id', 'color', 'size', 'year', 'week','revenue')
Let's say it is currently week 7, and I want to compare the trailing 4 week average of revenue to the current week's revenue. What I would like to do is create a new column for that average when all of the identifiers match.
df_new <-
data.frame(1, 'blue', 'm', 2016,7,50, 25 )
colnames(df_new) <- c('id', 'color', 'size', 'year', 'week','revenue', 't4ave')
How can I accomplish this efficiently? Thank you for the help
good question. for loops are pretty inefficient, but since you do have to check the conditions of prior entries, this is the only solution I can think of (mind you, I'm also an intermediate at R):
for (i in 1:nrow(df))
# condition for all entries to match up
if ((i > 5) && (df$id[i] == df$id[i-1] == df$id[i-2] == df$id[i-3] == df$id[i-4])
&& (df$color[i] == df$color[i-1] == df$color[i-2] == df$color[i-3] == df$color[i-4])
&& (df$size[i] == df$size[i-1] == df$size[i-2] == df$size[i-3] == df$size[i-4])
&& (df$year[i] == df$year[i-1] == df$year[i-2] == df$year[i-3] == df$year[i-4])
&& (df$week[i] == df$week[i-1] == df$week[i-2] == df$week[i-3] == df$week[i-4]))
# avg of last 4 entries' revenues
avg <- mean(df$revenue[i-1] + df$revenue[i-2] + df$revenue[i-3] + df$revenue[i-4])
# create new variable of difference between this entry and last 4's
df$diff <- df$revenue[i] - avg
This code will probably take forever, but it should work. If this is a one time thing for when the code needs to run, then it should be okay. Otherwise, hopefully others will be able to advise.
A solution using dplyr and zoo. The idea is to group the variable that are the same, such as id, color, size, and year. Aftet that, use rollmean to calculate the rolling mean of revenue. Use na.pad = TRUE and align = "right" to make sure the calculation covers the recent weeks. Finally, use lag to "shift" the calculation results to fit your needs.
df2 <- df %>%
group_by(id, color, size, year) %>%
mutate(t4ave = rollmean(revenue, 4, na.pad = TRUE, align = "right")) %>%
mutate(t4ave = lag(t4ave))
# A tibble: 5 x 7
# Groups: id, color, size, year [1]
id color size year week revenue t4ave
<dbl> <fctr> <fctr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 blue m 2016 3 10 NA
2 1 blue m 2016 4 20 NA
3 1 blue m 2016 5 30 NA
4 1 blue m 2016 6 40 NA
5 1 blue m 2016 7 50 25
I need some help with dplyr.
I have two data frames - one huge, with several time series A,B,... in there (LargeDF), and a second one (Categories) with time intervals (left and right boundaries).
I would like to add another column to LargeDF, labeled leftBoundary, containing the appropriate boundary value, like so:
ts timestamp signal # left_boundary
1 A 0.3209338 10.43279 # 0
2 A 1.4791524 10.34295 # 1
3 A 2.6007494 10.71601 # 2
ts left right
1 A 0 1
2 A 1 2
3 A 2 3
My code I came up with is
LargeDF %>%
group_by(ts) %>%
do(myFUN(., Categories))
# calls this ...
myFUN <- function(Large, Categ) {
CategTS <- Categ %>%
filter(ts == Large[1, "ts"][[1]])
Large %>%
group_by(timestamp) %>% # this is bothering me...
mutate(left_boundary = CategTS$left[CategTS$left < timestamp
& timestamp < CategTS$right])
but it is super slow for large time series. I would really like to lose the group_by(timestamp), as they are unique within each ts anyways.
Does someone see a better solution? That would be much appreciated.
# Code for making the example data frames ...
n <- 10; series <- c("A", "B", "C")
LargeDF <- data.frame(
ts = rep(series, each = n)
, timestamp = runif(n*length(series), max = 4)
, signal = runif(n*length(series), min = 10, max = 11)
) %>% group_by(ts) %>% arrange(timestamp)
m <- 7
Categories <- data.frame(
ts = rep(series, each = m)
, left = rep(seq(1 : m) - 1, length(series))
, right = rep(seq(1 : m), length(series))
Update (data.table and my slightly modified mockup)
So, I tried the suggestions from #DavidArenburg on a quick/dirty mockup-example first, but had the problem that some timestamps were binned twice (into successive categories/intervals).
> foverlaps(d, c, type="any", by.x = c("timestamp", "timestamp2"))
left right value timestamp timestamp2
1: 0.9 1.9 0.1885459 1 1
2: 0.9 1.9 0.0542375 2 2 # binned here
3: 1.9 2.9 0.0542375 2 2 # and here as well
13: 19.9 25.9 0.4579986 20 20
I then read about minoverlap = 1L as a default and realized that a normal timestamp is >> 1.
> as.numeric(Sys.time())
[1] 1429022267
Therefore, if I shifted everything to larger values (e.g. n <- 10 in the example below), everything went fine.
left right value timestamp timestamp2
1: 9 19 0.64971126 10 10
2: 19 29 0.75994751 20 20
3: 29 99 0.98276462 30 30
9: 199 259 0.89816165 200 200
With my real data, everything went smoothly, so thanks again.
## Code for my data.table example -----
n <- 1
d <- data.table( value = runif(9),
timestamp = c(1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 18, 20)*n,
timestamp2 = c(1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 18, 20)*n)
c <- data.table(left = c(0.9, 1.9, 2.9, 9.9, 19.9, 25.9)*n,
right = c(1.9, 2.9, 9.9, 19.9, 25.9, 33.9)*n)
setkey(c, left, right)
foverlaps(d, c, type="any", by.x = c("timestamp", "timestamp2"))
Update 2 (JOIN, then FILTER, within dplyr)
I tested the suggestion from #aosmith to use the dplyr function left_join() to create one (very) large DF, then filter() this again. Very quickly, I ran into memory issues:
Error: std::bad_alloc
Probably, this approach would be a good idea for smaller tables - as the syntax is very nice (but this, again, is personal preference). I'll go for the data.table solution in this case. Thanks again for all suggestions.
dplyr isn't suitable for such operations, try data.tables foverlaps functions instead
class(LargeDF) <- "data.frame" ## Removing all the dplyr classes
setDT(LargeDF)[, `:=`(left = timestamp, right = timestamp)] # creating min and max boundaries in the large table
setkey(setDT(Categories)) # keying by all columns (necessary for `foverlaps` to work)
LargeDF[, left_boundary := foverlaps(LargeDF, Categories)$left][] # Creating left_boundary
# ts timestamp signal left right left_boundary
# 1: A 0.46771516 10.72175 0.46771516 0.46771516 0
# 2: A 0.58841492 10.35459 0.58841492 0.58841492 0
# 3: A 1.14494484 10.50301 1.14494484 1.14494484 1
# 4: A 1.18298225 10.82431 1.18298225 1.18298225 1
# 5: A 1.69822678 10.04780 1.69822678 1.69822678 1
# 6: A 1.83189609 10.75001 1.83189609 1.83189609 1
# 7: A 1.90947475 10.94715 1.90947475 1.90947475 1
# 8: A 2.73305266 10.14449 2.73305266 2.73305266 2
# 9: A 3.02371968 10.17724 3.02371968 3.02371968 3
# ...