SaltStack: include only one state of a file - salt-stack

I have a sls file foo/bar.sls.
Since running all states takes too long, I would like to call only foo/bar.sls.
This is works with state.sls.
But one simple state from a different sls file (root/big.sls) is needed.
Up to now I have no clue how to do this in salt-stack. I could use "include" but this would include and execute all states from root/big.sls. That's not what I want.
Compared to python: I want to call one method of a module, not every method of this module.
How to do this with saltstack?


Is there a way to use config-default.xml globally in Oozie?

From the documentation, config-default.xml must be presented in the workflow workspace.
- /workflow.xml
- /config-default.xml
- /lib/ (*.jar;*.so)
The problem
I've created a custom Oozie action and try to add default values for retry-max and retry-interval to all the custom actions.
So my workflow.xml will look like this:
<workflow-app xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.3" name="wf-name">
<action name="custom-action" retry-max="${default_retry_max}" retry-interval="${default_retry_interval}">
config-default.xml file contains the values of default_retry_max and default_retry_interval.
What I've tried
Putting config-default.xml to every workflow workspace. This works, but the problem is there will be this file everywhere.
Setting oozie.service.LiteWorkflowStoreService.user.retry.max and oozie.service.LiteWorkflowStoreService.user.retry.inteval also works, but it would affect all action types.
I've also looked at Global Configurations, but it doesn't solve this problem.
I think there should be a way to put config-default.xml to oozie.libpath and only those workflows that use this libpath will be affected.
AFAIK, there is unfortunately no clean way to do it.
You might be interested in this recently created feature request:
The only thing that worked for me was to begin the workflow with a shell step that uses a script stored in hdfs. This script holds the centralized configuration. The script would look like this:
echo "oozie.use.system.libpath=true"
echo "hbase_zookeeper_quorum=localhost"
.. etc other system or custom variables ..
Yes, the script simply prints the variables to the stdout.
Let's say the shell step action is called "global_config". All following steps are able to get the variables using following syntax:

Flow-typed - Generate Libdef

I'm using Flow to help author a JS project. If I want to provide a libdef file to supplement it do I need to create it manually, or am I able to execute some magic command that I'm not aware of yet which will generate the lib def for me?
Something like $ flow-typed doyourmagic would be nice.
Found this
Which says:
There's two things:
If the file is owned by you (i.e. not a third party lib inside node_modules or such), then you can create a *.js.flow file next to it that documents its exports.
If the file is not owned by you (i.e. third party lib inside node_modules or such), then you can create a libdef file inside flow-typed/name-of-library.js
For .js.flow files
you write the definitions like this:
// #flow
declare module.exports: { ... }
For libdef files you write the definitions like this:
declare module "my-third-party-library" { declare module.exports: {... } }
For my question I fall into the "is owned by you" camp.
I guess I'm confused as to:
How I write these files.
How/where I publish these files to package it up for another project to reference.
Also, why do I need to create the .js.flow file manually? Can this not be magically generated? Perhaps that's the intention going forward but not implemented yet.
I found a nice guide showing how to package flow code together with the compiled code. So:
You do not have to write your own libdefs, you can use the entire flow source code. If you want a definition with only the type declarations, you can look into flow gen-flow-files, although that is still experimental and might fail.
You can package them as *.js.flow and the flow checker will automatically pick those up when you import your library.

Robot Framework: Populating parameters based off of a file?

I am attempting to mock-up a '' file to be utilized within my test cases with the Robot Framework. Inside my file it contains things like for example:
inside my test case file I have tried several times to 'import' the file via adding within Settings: Resource ../path/to/properties and etc (see directory structure below), but when I attempt to pass 'project.username' as an argument to a test it passes it as the literal string value 'project.username' and not the value 'stack overflow'. I am new to Robot, I have implemented this in other languages like Java/C#, but I fully assume that the import is preventing me from accessing my value. Any help would be greatly appreciated, unfortunately this way of driving testing isn't really referenced much online that I can find.
Dir Structure:
If I try Library ../ I get:
"Import by filename is not supported"
If I try Resource ../ I get:
"Unsupported file format .properties"
Robot framework doesn't support a ".properties" file.
One solution is to use a variable file, which lets you define variables in python. Since you want to use dot notation, one way is to create a class and define your variables as properties of the class. The variable file can then make an instance of that class as a variable, and you can use extended variable syntax to access the variables.
The advantage to using a variable file over a plain text file is that you can create variables dynamically by calling other python functions. As a simple example, you could create a variable called "now" that contains the current date, or "host" that is the hostname of the machine running the test.
import platform
class Properties(object):
username = "stackoverflow"
password = "SuperSecret!"
hostname = platform.uname()[1]
properties = Properties()
*** Settings ***
Suite Setup log running on ${properties.hostname}
*** Test Cases ***
should be equal ${properties.username} stackoverflow

Groovy - how to delay Groovlet modification recompile check

I am new to Groovy, and I am thinking about using Groovlets (not GRAILS) to replace some Servlets. If I change a Groovlet's script file, the Groovlet re-compiles and automatically picks up the changes, including scripts referenced from the Groovlet.
This is great for development, but I imagine that groovy must perform lots of file checks to see if any of the scripts have been modified, not just on the main Groovlet, but on all referenced sub-scripts. In a production environment, I imagine this could be lots of IO on every request.
I suppose there is a way to either disable having a Groovlet check to see if scripts have been modified, or perhaps there is a type of "update delay" like FreeMarker's setTemplateUpdateDelay() which only checks for modifications after N elapsed seconds/milliseconds since the last check.
This is done in GroovyScriptEngine. It checkes for the last modification date of the source file, and if it's newer than the compiled version, it will recompile.
You can set the minimumRecompilationInterval in CompilerConfiguration. If you set that to a very high value, the checking of the source file won't be done that often.

How to get and set the default output directory in Robot Framework(Ride) in Run time

I would like to move all my output files to a custom location, to a Run directory created based on Date time during Run time. The output folder by datetime is created in the TestSetup
I have function "Process_Output_files" which will move the files to the Run folder(Run1,Run2,Run3 Folders).
I have tried using the argument-d and used the function "Process_Output_files" as suite tear down to move the output files to the respective Run directory.
But I get the following error "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process". I know this is because the Robot Framework (Ride) is currently using this.
If I dont use the -d argument, the output files are getting saved in temp folders.
My question is, Is there a way to get move the files to custom location during run time with in Robot Framework.
You can use the following syntax in RIDE (Arguments:) to create the output in newfolders dynamically
--outputdir C:/AutomationLogs/%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2% --timestampoutputs
The above syntax gives you the output in below folder:
Output: C:\AutomationLogs\20151125\output-20151125-155017.xml
Log: C:\AutomationLogs\20151125\log-20151125-155017.html
Report: C:\AutomationLogs\20151125\report-20151125-155017.html
Hope this helps :)
I understand the end result you want is to have your output files in their custom folders. If this is your desire, it can be accomplished at runtime and you won't have to move them as part of your post processing. This will not work in RIDE, unfortunately, since the folder structure is created dynamically. I have two options for you.
Option 1: Use a script to kick off your tests
RIDE is awesome, but in my humble opinion, one shouldn't be using it to run ones tests, only to build and debug ones tests. Scripts are far more powerful and flexible.
Assuming you have a test, test2.txt, you wish to run, the script you use to do this could be something like:
from time import gmtime, strftime
import os
#strftime returns string representations of a date-time tuple.
#gmtime returns the date-time tuple representing greenwich mean time
dts=strftime("%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%S", gmtime())
cmd="pybot -d Run%s test2"%(dts,)
As an aside, if you do intend to do post processing of your files using rebot, be aware you may not need to create intermediate log and report files. The output.xml files contain everything you need, so if you don't want to create superfluous files, use --log NONE --report NONE
Option 2: Use a listener to do post processing
A listener is a program you write that responds to events (x_start, x_end, etc). The close() event is akin to the teardown function and is the last thing called. So, assuming you have a function moveFiles() you simply need to create a listener class (myListener), define the close() method to call your moveFiles() function, and alert your test that it should report to a listener with the argument --listener myListener.
This option should be compatible with RIDE though I admit I have never tried to use listeners with the IDE.
At least you can write a custom run script that handles the moving of files after the test case execution. In this case the files are no longer used by pybot.
